
Eating and Living to be 100 by Janet Lynas

“When old age descends upon you, slowness of movement appears; The eyes become dim; the ears hard of hearing; Muscles become weak, every movement is difficult; And the spirit is forgetful and cannot even remember yesterday” ~Ptahhotep

Give me a break…  Our Egyptian friend Ptahhotep was a physician to the Pharaoh Izezi around 4,600 years ago.  During that time the average life expectancy was about 25 years old.  Ptahhotep, himself was older than 100 when he wrote the above description.

The sad thing is, we still believe these words 4,600 years later.  The largest growing population is the oldest old, those living to be 100 and beyond.  The majority of this population is healthy and many living independently.  What are the factors contributing to their longevity?

Ernestine Shepherd is in her 80s.

As we learned in the last posting on nutrition, the bulk of our diet should be vegetables and fruits, healthy fats, limited meats, and few grains.  Eat mindful.  Eat when you are hungry.

Here are some tips to control calories and how you eat.

  1. Slow down – Americans tend to eat fast and as a result, we eat more food than we should.  By eating slower, it gives our brain time to catch up with our mouth.  It can take up to 20 minutes for our stomach to tell our brain it’s full.  By slowing down with eating, we can save as much as 100 calories.  Sometimes, this can mean 100 calories per meal.  That is 300 calories per day saved.
  2. Use a small plate and trick the mind into thinking the plate is full.  When we use a large plate, we feel we have to fill it, meaning we are eating more calories than we need.  Fill the plate only once.  This can be another couple of hundred calories a day saved.
  3. Eat only at the table.  We can eat several hundred calories a day grazing in the pantry on cookies, chips and other junk foods.
  4. Eat only from a plate.  Eating from a bag or a shared container like a bowl of chips makes it easier to eat more calories than intended since it is harder to regulate portion control eating from a bag or shared container.
  5. Move the serving dishes.  Eating from the stove instead of having all the food on the table helps to regulate our intake.  It is easier to reach over for the serving plate in front of you than it is to get up from the table to go to the stove for another helping.
  6. Eat better desserts.   Become a dessert snob.  Eat fruits for dessert instead of desserts of cakes and pies.  Avoid the sugary desserts with ingredients higher in fats.
  7. Eat when you are truly hungry.  As a society, we have set aside certain times for meals and we eat at mealtime instead of when we are hungry.  When we eat at a set time instead of when we are hungry, we become unaccustomed to listening to our bodies and we don’t recognize true hunger sensations.  We may not be hungry, we may be thirsty instead.
  8. Eat when you eat.  In other words, mindful eating is necessary.  Don’t eat in front of the TV or while reading or talking on the phone.  You will eat more calories by mindless eating.
  9. Pay attention to the liquid calories.  Sodas, juices and speciality coffees are high in empty calories.  Drink water, teas, coffee (preferably decaffeinated) without all the added ingredients that add calories. Use natural sweeteners such as stevia.
  10. Manage cravings.  If you have waited 5 to 10 minutes after a craving has started and it’s still there, put a small amount of the food on a plate, sit at the table and eat it slowly.  Try to eat a healthy snack instead of the plate of cookies.                                                                                                                                                                                

Recipe:  wash and slice one organic apple, place the apple slices in a pan and steam until softened, plate the apple slices and sprinkle with cinnamon and ginger.  This dessert taste similar to a piece of apple pie without all the calories.                                                                                                            

Successful Aging Part 4 by Janet Lynas

It’s a funny thing about life:

If you refuse to accept anything but the best you will very often get it.                    -W. Somerset Maugham

We create our own reality by what we think about, it’s sometimes known as self-fulfilling prophecy.  It doesn’t matter what we think about, good or bad, life will reward us with what we dwell on in our thoughts.  If we believe that old people are sick, lonely, and have memory problems, then that is what we will manifest into our lives.  Our subconscious mind will see to it that we get what we believe.

Everyone talks to themselves all the time.  I once worked for a pediatrician who talked to himself.  He told me it was ok, until you started answering yourself.  I’m sure if he understood that we do answer ourselves, his conversations with himself would have been different.

In light of the power we have within to create our reality, it may be well advised to give ourselves regular pep talks.  Start each day by telling yourself, you are strong, capable, energetic, successful, smart, happy, and beautiful.  Emphasize the qualities that you want to manifest into your life.  I recently heard a woman repeat to herself, I am healthy, wealthy and wise.  The truth is we can become what we repeatedly tell ourselves we are.

We may have to rewrite our self talk script if we have been giving ourselves negative talks for the last 20 to 40 years.  There is a saying, “You may not get what you want, but you’ll usually get what you expect.”  That should be incentive to expect the best that life has to offer.

Laughter is the best medicine.  Laughter has some amazing effects on our physiology.  Our lungs are fill more deeply, improving oxygen levels in the blood.  While it causes the blood pressure and pulse to increase a bit, they come down significantly for as long as an hour.  Secretions of adrenaline and cortisol, the stress hormones,  are reduced in the body.

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.  ~ Arnold Glasow

So, pay attention to your self talk, think only on those things which will bring you joy, happiness, and peace of mind.

Laugh often, laugh long, laugh hard.

Angels and Ascended Masters Visualization In Hypnosis by Janet Lynas

“Janet, can you help me? I’m in a lot of pain, I’m out of my pain medicine. I don’t see my doctor until 6:00 p.m. tonight.”

As a nurse, I know that deep surgical wounds can take months to heal and that there are painful procedures such as cleaning the infected wounds and cutting away dead tissue. I have applied wound vacs on patients to help speed the healing process. Wound vac devices are used on wounds that have large amounts of drainage and are deep wounds. These wounds have to heal from the inside out, and very rarely heal without complications. The wound vac machine is uncomfortable, noisy, bulky, and inconvenient to the individual. The client has to carry this apparatus with them where ever they go. This machine stays on the person at all times until the wound is healed. Think about having to deal first with a deep infected wound, second with pain, and third having to wear this machine for months. It is not easy for clients to deal with this situation. In some cases, these clients are also having to deal with receiving IV antibiotics at home as well.

Not long ago, I was sitting on my patio on a warm winter day enjoying the sunshine, when my neighbor came to me ask if I could help with her pain. She was out of pain medication and would not see her wound care doctor for several hours. Of course, I could, and I did help her by combining hypnosis and angel therapy.  Knowing that my neighbor is active in her ladies church group, I asked if she would like for me to invoke the Archangels Michael, Raphael and Jesus to help during this hypnosis session. Since this lovely lady had never experienced hypnosis, she was nervous and a little unsure if she should do hypnosis. She was, however, less fearful of hypnosis at the thought of having the angels being present during the session.

Once the client is induced into deep hypnosis, we take a look at the wound. I have the client talk to the wound and ask why it’s having trouble healing? My clients have always been able to have a conversation with the body and get the answers needed to promote healing.
Next Archangel Michael is called on to use his white foaming energy to wash the infection out of the wound. I have the client tell me when the wound is clean either by nodding their head or raising the index finger nearest me. After Archangel Michael has cleaned the wound, I ask Archangel Raphael to infuse his green energy into the wound to promote a faster healing. Again, I have the client let me know when this step is completed. Last, Jesus comes in to apply his golden energy light as a bandaid to hold the energy from the previous healings in place.
Once the session was over, my neighbor reported her pain was completely gone. She told me she saw the energy from each archangel and Jesus clearly. Update, she is continuing to use the tools she learned during our session and her wound is healing faster than expected and her pain is reduced and better controlled.

I Wil Lift Up Mine Eyes Part 4 by Janet Lynas

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread                                                            

Today we learn to pray for our bodies to be God’s.  Most of Jesus’ ministry was healing the body for those who came to him for help.

Glenn Clark tells a story about visiting a friend who served him some orange juice.  As the ice cubes melted the juice became richer in flavor.  The ice cubes were made from orange juice and as they melted instead of diluting the juice, they made the flavor richer.    This is what God wants to do for our bodies by filling us with Himself.  God wants to fill us with His spirit in the form of ideas, emotions, and love.  This is the bread of our life, to be filled with Creator’s Love.    We are however, the body of Christ.  If we pray with faith for an inspiration for our spirit, why shouldn’t we pray with faith for bread, for food for our bodies?  There is nothing unheavenly or unspiritual in God’s Kingdom about asking for food or money to take care of our bodies.

We must surrender all aspects of our physical bodies to our Father, all four feet so to speak, our soul, our minds, our heart, and strength. Ask three more promises by using for our daily bread.

Glenn Clark tells us to ask for:

  1. I ask Thee, O Father, for the health and strength that will enable me to serve Thee, and never fail Thee.   “Ask and it shall be given to you…” (Matt. 7:7-8)
  2. I seek, from Thee, O Father, the money and things that will supply the resources for a creative and fruitful life.  “Ask and it shall be given to you …”(Matt. 7:7-8)
  3. Open the door, O Father, to the right work that will enable me to make my finest contribution to mankind.   “Knock, and it shall be opened unto you..(Matt.7:7-8)                                                                                                                                                           Meditation:  Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dweller in you? (I Coe. 3:16.                                                                                                           Prayer: Our Father, we know that Thou art the Bread of Life, he that cometh to Thee shall never hunger;  Thou are the Water of Life, he that believeth on Thee shall never thirst.  Make us pure channels for manifesting Thy love and Thy abundance in the daily round of life.  Amen.  (pages 29-31)                                                       

How Body Image Affects Our Diet by Janet Lynas

Our perception of ourselves can be grossly inaccurate and our observation of our body image changes as our feelings about ourselves change.  Women tend to have a more distorted body image than men, but men also have distorted body images.

Distorted body images usually start during the early teenage years.  Our society promotes the idea that one’s body must be perfect or you are not valued.  This is a tragic view with tragic outcomes.

Women report that they feel confused and lonely as they go through life changes.  As young girls, we are obsessed with how our bodies are changing compared to our friends.  If the girl is an “early bloomer” she is self conscious and thinks something is wrong with her.  If she is a “late bloomer”, then she sees herself as being unattractive and that she will always be less desirable than her peers.  If she thinks she is too thin her self-image takes a plunge and if she thinks she is to fat, then her self-esteem takes a nose dive.

Boys on the other hand have problems with self image as well.  If they are a “late bloomer”, they are often ridiculed and made to feel that they are worthless.  If they are over weight they are made to feel like they are lazy and slobs.  The athletes are the guys that everyone wants to be around.  They are the ones who are sought after not only in school, but later in life in the work force especially in areas of public relations such as sales.

I will not go into the psychological aspect in this article, but I will focus on developing a healthy attitude towards food.

The best way to help our children develop healthy attitudes about eating is to be a good example.  When shopping for food, have a conversation with your children about food choices and why some foods are better choices than others.  As an example, a banana has vitamins and minerals to help the body grow and be strong verses banana ice-cream loaded with sugar.

Encourage your children to eat the “rainbow”.  The more colors of food on a plate , the more appealing the meal is.  The more colorful the food, the higher the vitamin and mineral content, therefore, building healthier bodies.

Be mindful when eating.  Turn off the TV, put away the cell phones, and eat at the table as a family.  This in itself is a positive step in building good family relationships.  Eat mindful.  Eat when you are hungry, not because society stipulates a certain time to eat, and once you notice that your feeling of hunger is gone, stop eating.  It takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to catch up with the sensation of being full.  If you eat until you are full, then you have eaten to much and you will then feel “stuffed”.

Don’t nag your children about eating.  During growth spurts, a child will eat you out of house and home.  But when they are not in a growth spurt, they may not want to eat.  Just make sure that what they are eating is healthy.  Be mindful of eating disorders, but don’t pressure children to eat more food or to eat less food.  Take a sensible approach to eating.

Teach children skills in communication, critical thinking, help your child have a good self-image of their body, help them build self-esteem and a solid value system, and give your children the tools to deal with difficulties when they arise.  These skills will help your child in developing good nutritional habits.

Most of all, make food and meals a time of enjoyment and a time for building strong family ties.

Fun snack:  Ants on a log

Wash and clean 1 celery stick, apply peanut butter in the indention in the celery stick, place raisins on top of the peanut butter.

Successful Aging Part 3 by Janet Lynas

My dad tells me, “I’m a young man trapped in an old man’s body.”   I’m starting to realize what he is talking about.  No one grows old overnight and we don’t want to think about getting old.  Then before we know it, we are old.  How on earth did this happen?  It was only yesterday that we were in our prime.  We’re told the best way to age healthier is to start young.  Well, duh!  But what do we do now that we are no longer young?  Where do we start to make up for lost time?

Aside from the obvious, eating healthy, getting enough exercise, stop smoking, and moderation with alcohol, the most important area in staying young is your attitude.

Think about the people you like to spend time with, what characteristics do they have that attract people to them?  Hands down, these people are high energy and have a youthful attitude, always looking for adventure.  They are “fun” and fun to be around.  They don’t tend to think about age and don’t think of themselves as being old.

On the other hand, there is an abundance of people who have aged prematurely due to unhealthy lifestyles and most importantly, a negative attitude.  These people we avoid at all cost.  They are energy vampires, sucking the fun right out of life.  These people can destroy our sense of well being.  They tend to do poorly in life and usually end up in a nursing home prematurely.   Depression tends to be high among persons who have a bad attitude and they are high risk for other health issues such as; obesity, diabetes, dementia, stroke, and heart attack to name a few heath issues that are a part of having a bad attitude.

So, now what?  Ironically, the most successful people at aging are the ones who don’t give aging or death a second thought.  They tend to live in the present and look forward to the future.  They are the master’s of aging and society’s views on aging aren’t on the radar for these individuals.  As a matter of fact, they shatter society’s thinking on aging.  Many are taking classes and starting 2nd and 3rd careers at age 70 or more.  Successful agers dream and they dream big.  They look for challenges and exciting adventures, they are enthusiastic about life and what may come their way.


Cell Talk and Hypnosis by Janet Lynas

This is a photo of human brain cells.  This photo shows the electrical interaction of the brain cells transmitting information to each other and then to the rest of the body.  What happens to this information when used in hypnosis to communicate with the rest of the cells in the body?

Dr. John E. Upledger, D.O., O.M.M. has done an extensive study on, “Talking to Your Cell(f)” in his book Cell Talk.  Dr. Upledger has used hypnosis in his practice to help him in diagnosing different illnesses with his patients and he has asked the affected body system what it needs to heal itself.  Dr. Upledger has addressed the relationship between cell activity and consciousness.  He has discovered how living systems form and heal themselves and that organisms actually do have minds that exist.  Dr. Upledger states that anything that causes biomechanical, physiological, biochemical, toxic and emotional stress on the cell can result in mutations that can result in cell malignancy.

So, how do we take this knowledge and apply it to hypnosis?  As, part of my pre-intake with a client wanting to address health issues, I would give them information on the body system being addressed.  I would have the client view photos of the cells in the body system that needs addressing so the client will have a clear concept of what that cell looks like and how it is supposed to function.  Next, I will have a discussion with the client during the intake about what the health issue is.  We will explore all the adverse reactions the body system is having and what the client expects the out come to be.  We will have a clear understanding that there is no limitation to what the client can accomplish using hypnosis.

I just completed a certification in hypnosis for clients who have had strokes.  Mr. Donald J. Mottin, CMI, DNGH, OB presented the program, “Rewiring The Brain Through Hypnosis” and gave considerable creditability to the presentation because he used hypnosis for himself after he had a stroke.  Mr. Motting was told by doctors that he would be wheelchair bound the rest of his life.  (Why doctors set their patients up for failure and limitations I do not understand, but I have seen this happen for 46 years as a nurse.)  Mr. Mottin was not wheelchair bound durning this presentation, but was walking on the stage during the whole presentation.  Mr. Mottin had a cane with him, but it appeared he really didn’t need in much.

Now that there is published scientific evidence that the body systems do indeed communicate with each other, why wouldn’t we use this information to maintain a youthful and healthy body?

Hypnosis should be used in conjunction with regular routine health care provided by your physician.  With the help of an experienced hypnotherapist you can accomplish much in maintaining a healthy body.

I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes Part 3 by Janet Lynas


Glenn Clark on the third day of the Lord’s Prayer looks at God’s will being done in earth as it is in heaven.  When Jesus uses the word “earth”, it is not limited to this planet we live on, but is really referring to manifestation or expression as the result of a cause.  A cause or thought has to be expressed or manifested before we can know anything about it and on the flip side, every expression or manifestation has to have a cause.  Causation is a mental act and everything that we experience is but a manifestation of our own mental states.  Earth means the whole of our outer experience and to have His will be done in Earth is to have dominion over our thoughts and adaptation to God.  How do we make our will, God’s will?

When we ask God to send the right people at the right time into our lives, we have to be open to accepting those people He sends to us.  We must keep an open mind, because at first glance, they may not seem like the right people for us.

We must be patient with what may seem like a poor idea or mistakes we sometimes make when trusting God.  We have to be more forgiving and tolerant of other people, we must also show this tolerance to ourselves.  Once the mistake is over, rectify it and put it in the past.  Take care of the business at hand.  Forgive those who have wronged you and wipe the slate clean.  God does this for us, He never does anything halfway.   We have to follow His example.

So, the first lesson I AM gives in training our ‘will’ is in making us meet Him halfway.  Once we complete the series of disciplines that Source is working on with us, then we will see that He goes all the way with us.

  • See that your intention is right and God will look after the result.
  • Glenn Clark tells us to say out loud 20 times: I will to will the WILL of God.  Repeating it 20 times helps it to vibrate into the subconscious mind.  The first will is the man will, the third is the God will, and the second is the will-in-action.
  • Once the first and last wills come into perfect alignment, they will bring forth that will which manifests itself in action.

This resolution, when made with clear intent, will set you on high places if your feet are as the hind’s.


Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass (Ps. 37:5).

Prayer:  (from St. Ignatius Loyola)

Take, O Lord, and receive my entire liberty, my memory, my understanding, and my whole will.  All that I am, all that I have, Thou hast given me, and I will give it back again to Thee to be disposed of according to Thy good pleasure.  Give me only Thy love and Thy grace; with Thee I am rich enough, nor do I ask for aught besides.

Eating To Stay Youthful by Janet Lynas

Which is better for you to eat?  Butter or margarine?  If you said margarine you are wrong.  Margarine was developed to fatten up turkeys, but the turkeys started to die from the margarine.  Instead of discontinuing use of the product, it was relabeled and marketed to the public for human consumption as a healthy alternative to butter.  Margarine is one molecule away from plastic. The food pyramid for 2018 shows that grains should be the base of our food consumption, then, fruits and vegetables, milk, meat and beans, with a tiny amount of oils.

The New Food Pyramid

The U.S. Department of Agriculture released a new food pyramid, which breaks food categories into a spectrum to emphasize variety. Exercise was introduced as a component of the food pyramid, and 12 individualized intake profiles were added.

The New Food Pyramid

Looks confusing doesn’t it.  In fact, the food pyramid is not only confusing, it is wrong. So, what are we to do?  How do we know what is best for our bodies to eat?

Vegetables and fruits should be the mainstay of our diet.  Healthy fats are needed to promote energy and weight maintenance.  Healthy fats are: avocados, whole eggs, nuts, fatty fish, chia seeds, olive oil, and coconuts and coconut oil.

Organic meats should be eaten as much as possible over commercial meat distribution.  These animals are grass feed and not feed corn and other grains that they can not digest properly.

Grains should be use sparingly and corn should be avoided because it is not digested easily by the body.  The body has a harder time digesting grains and many people have allergies to grains causing digestive problems.

Avocados are among the best sources of potassium in the diet, even containing 40% more potassium than bananas, a typical high potassium food.  They are an excellent source of potassium and fiber, and have been shown to have major benefits for cardiovascular health.

Whole eggs are among the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. Despite being high in fat and cholesterol, they are incredibly nutritious and healthy.  Studies show that eggs do not affect cholesterol in the blood.  Eggs are full of protein and help in weight reduction. The best eggs are omega-3 enriched or pastured. Don’t throw away the yolk, that’s where almost all the nutrients are found.  If you can afford free range chicken eggs you are much better off.

Fatty fish includes salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines and herring. These fish are loaded with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, high quality proteins and all sorts of important nutrients.  Remember that fresh wild fish are healthier than farm grown fish.  Farm grown fish are feed grain pellets.

Nuts are loaded with healthy fats, protein, vitamin E and magnesium, and are among the best sources of plant-based protein. Studies show that nuts have many health benefits.

Chia seeds are very high in healthy fats, especially an omega-3 fatty acid called ALA. They are also loaded with fiber and minerals, and have numerous health benefits.

Extra virgin olive oil contains vitamins E and K, and is loaded with powerful antioxidants.

Coconuts are very high in medium-chain fatty acids, which are metabolized differently than other fats. They can reduce appetite, increase fat burning and provide numerous health benefits.

Did you notice that I left out milk products?  I once worked with a pediatrician who said, “Cows milk is for cows and man is the only mammal who drinks milk after infancy and this is why humans have so many digestive problems.”  He is 100% correct in his statement.  Yogurt does not have the probiotic benefit that the advertising agencies would like for you to believe they do.  Cancers grown on sugar and milk is good at feeding cancers.

To stay healthier and younger feeling, eat as much fresh foods as possible.  When you shop for food, buy from your local farmers market when you can.  At the grocery store, remember to shop around the outside edges of the store in the fresh produce sections.  Stay away from the processed foods.

Black Beans and Yellow Rice

Beans and rice make a complete protein.  Use yellow rice or wild rice in your menus.  White rice has had the nutritional value stripped from it.  Try salsa with your beans and rice, it’s delicious!