
Junk DNA by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Scientist tell us we have junk DNA. I find it interesting that instead of saying, “We don’t know what this is”, science says, “We have junk DNA.”

What is junk DNA?

The definition of junk DNA is:

  1. genomic DNA that does not encode proteins, and whose function, if it has one, is not well understood.

Another term for junk DNA is non-coding DNA. Non-coding DNA is described as:

Non-coding DNA sequences are components of an organism’s DNA that do not encode protein sequences. Some non-coding DNA is transcribed into functional non-coding RNA molecules (e.g. transfer RNA, ribosomal RNA, and regulatory RNAs). Other functions of non-coding DNA include the transcriptional and translational regulation of protein-coding sequences, scaffold attachment regions, origins of DNA replication, centromeres and telomeres.

Is there a purpose for junk DNA?

The term “Junk DNA” became popular in the 1960s. A man by the name of David Comings came up with the term that is still being used today.

Fast forward to today and we find that science is still using the same term. Why? After sixty years, one would think that our protocol would be updated. We know that these non-coding areas of our DNA actually do have a purpose. The purpose may not be well understood, but there is a purpose.

Dismissing what we don’t understand

Why is it that when mankind does not understand something, the instinct is to dismiss what is not understood? Humans don’t want to acknowledge or admit that we don’t have the understanding to a subject matter. Just dismiss the topic and move on. If it’s not understood, it’s not that important.

One doesn’t want to admit that there is lack of knowledge or understanding. To admit, I don’t know, is to admit that there is a weakness. Not knowing makes us feel inadequate.

Thus, the term ‘junk DNA’. Let’s be honest and perfectly clear, there is NO junk DNA. Just because science doesn’t understand a component of our genetic make-up doesn’t mean there’s no purpose to it.

At the risk of sounding a little preachy, there is nothing within our genetic design that doesn’t have a purpose. When creation began, there was a plan, a design, and a purpose for every cell, atom, proton, and neutron. Each protein and molecule, electron, and microscopic detail in our design has a purpose.

The nature of human thinking

So, this leads me to the real reason for this article. Do you dismiss what you don’t understand as unimportant? Does it bruise your ego to admit “I don’t know”? Are you a follower or one who pushes forward to find the facts and truth in a situation? Do you look beyond the illusion that society has put forward as the absolute truth?

Individuals tend to think that if others do not hold the same belief, that their belief system is faulty. (Yes, you can read this sentence either way. That your belief system is wrong or theirs is wrong.)

However, where is it written that everyone has to think the same? Why is it that we have no tolerance towards those who think outside of the box? Consider where we would be if the visionary’s of past and current history had not had the courage to think for themselves.

Having said this, individual thinking is the true creative force. Children should be encouraged to allow their imagination to run wild! Without imagination, life would be so dull. Celebrate the differences between one another. Embrace the diversity each person brings into the mix of human life.

Change the world

Therefore, change the world by changing yourself. “I have to make a difference”, you say. Change the world and make a difference by starting with yourself. In reality, this is the only way to change the world. You are transformed and now those around you have modified their behavior to adapt to yours.

Allow your imagination to run wild! Become the person you’re intended to be! Change your thinking and change your life! Allow your true-self to escape the humdrum mindless thinking that has been imposed on us since birth.

As a child, my mother would to tell me, “God gave you a brain, use it!” I want to add to that statement, “You are what you think about.”  Where your mind dwells, so is your reality.


In conclusion, there is NO junk DNA. There is NOTHING in life that has no meaning. Just because you don’t understand a situation, doesn’t mean there’s no meaning in it. Strive to be openminded and curious about life. Remember, just because you don’t know the meaning of a circumstance, don’t dismiss it. It’s in the understanding where growth lies.




Fear Makes The World Go Round by Janet Lynas Ph.D., N.H.D.

We like to think that love makes the world go round. After all there are numerous songs about love, how love makes the heart sing, how devastating lost love is. Love is the emotion that moves us forward, that inspires us. Or is it?

Fear as the motivator

I submit to you that fear is the most important emotion in your life. It’s the one emotion that all your decisions are made from.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about! I don’t live from fear!”, I hear you say.

Hear me out with an open mind as I present my case to you. Humans live in the past. Yes, you do. The decisions you make today are based on what has happened to you in the past. The past is what is comfortable to you. It’s from this knowledge base where the sense of comfort comes.

Humans think that we have to make a difference in the world. We have to be doing something all the time. If one is not doing something, then you’re being lazy. I have to make my mark on the world!

Humankind fears failure. Fear is the strongest emotion we encounter. It’s more powerful than love. What are you afraid of? Some say, “I’m not afraid of anything!” Others may say, “I’m afraid of snakes, rats, spiders, death.”  The list of anxieties are long.

Definition of fear
an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.          
Psychology of fear

The first thing one has to know is that fear is learned. Often as children, we take on the fears of our parents and family. Later we are influenced by the discomfort of our peers. These uneasy feelings are taught to us from birth. Fear of failure being the foremost emotion in our life. Similarly, being fearful can prevent one from taking chances and achieving success.

Some of the basic forms of distress include:

  1. Death. The fear of no longer existing and not knowing what lies beyond this human experience.
  2. Loss of control. We are afraid of bodily harm and that we will have to depend on others to take care of us. Being in a situation where control is taken away from us is terrifying. Commanding control is ingrained in us.
  3. Separation. The lie that is taught from birth is that one is separated from others and the Creator. I feel this is the biggest lie that humans buy into. Separation makes me feel lonely and anxious.
  4. Loss of self. Fear of one’s integrity and being doubted by others. Shame, humiliation and lost of self-respect. If I don’t know who I am, how can I function in life?
  5. Forfeiture of what had been accomplished. People are often afraid of losing what they have achieved in life, status, monetary gains, material status, and power.

How to change your life and move away from fear

However, is it possible to move out of living in fear? What steps do I take to move out of fearful living?

  1. Learn the difference between fear and being prudent.
  2. Reframe your thinking into being excited about the unknown.
  3. Rewire the brain. Take action to view life from a new perspective. Develop self-confidence and move forward with courage.
  4. Chose taking action over security. Security is a form of fear that prevents us from trying new experiences. Security keeps us in the past.
Take control of fear

How do I take control of the fear that keeps me in the past?

  1. Be in the moment. By being active in the moment, there is no time to let your imagination run wild on what might take place.
  2. Look at the fear realistically. What is the worse thing that can happen? Is it likely to happen? Most of the time we worry about things that never take place.
  3. Learn from past experiences. Having a plan on how to deal with a past situation will help you move forward.


Above all, remember you do not have to live in the past. Now is the time to move forward in your life with courage! In other words, rewire the brain and think outside of the box!

In conclusion, you are not your past! For example, the experiences of the past are learning tools to motivate one to move in a different direction and try a new way of doing things. After that, trust in yourself to make the best decisions based on the information you have on hand at the time. Therefore, we moved into the now moment and being in the now, the brain is rewired for new experiences.

The chains that held us in the past are broken. Now, you are living in the present which is a better place to be in!