
PTSD by Janet Lynas Ph.D., N.H.D.

There’s a song, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”  I hate that song.  Clearly whoever wrote the song does not have an understanding about life’s traumas.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a good example of how erroneous that song is.  PTSD is most often thought of for people serving in the military, but in reality, people of all ages and all walks of life suffer from PTSD.  People who have been sold into human trafficking, who are raped, beaten and abused on a daily bases are one group.  Women and men who are in abusive relationships, children who are raped and beaten, nurses, doctors, police officers, firefighters, anyone working with the public safety and rescue jobs have seen devastating situations.  I once was held at gun point for two hours.

It is estimated that 70% of adults in the U.S. have experienced some type of traumatic event at least once in their lives. This equates to approximately 223.4 million people.  Up to 20% of these people go on to develop PTSD. As of today, that equates to approximately 44.7 million people who were or are struggling with PTSD.  An estimated 8% of Americans − 24.4 million people − have PTSD at any given time. That is equal to the total population of Texas.  An estimated one out of every nine women develops PTSD, making them about twice as likely as men.  http://www.ptsdunited.org/ptsd-statistics

When I interview people struggling with PTSD, I am told the same over and over:

1. I can’t sleep because when I close my eyes, I seen the horror and I live it again.

2. I don’t want to talk about it, I don’t want to go through it again by talking about it.

3. I don’t want to live.  Sometimes I feel homicidal and other times I feel suicidal.  I don’t want to be around people, not even my own family.

What tools are available to people suffering with PTSD?  Mental health professionals can provide counseling and support groups.  When I ask a client if they have pursued this avenue, they usually tell me they did and it wasn’t helpful.  PTSD sufferers tell me that the medications prescribed are not very helpful and they don’t like the side effects of the medications.

Hypnosis is a beneficial tool for individuals suffering from PTSD.  With hypnosis, one learns that by fighting and trying to resist the traumatic memories, this actually contributes to making the trauma worse.  Guidance with a skilled hypnotherapist can help the client detach from the trauma and observe the traumatic event from a different point of view and help the client realize that the event can be put into prospective and help the individual through the event.

I have worked with women who were raped and have seen first hand how beneficial hypnosis is in the recovery process.  I have seen hypnosis help people dealing with other horrific events causing PTSD.  If you are suffering from PTSD and you have tried the standard treatments with limited results, you may want to consider adding hypnosis to your tool bag to go along with your counseling.

I encourage anyone suffering from PTSD to seek help.  Life can be rebuilt and restored with the proper help and tools.  You really don’t have to deal with PTDS by yourself.


Diet and Health by Janet Lynas

“He who does not know food, how can he understand the diseases of man?”

Hippocrates, the father of medicine (460-357 B.C.)

Take a look at the chart above, really look at it.  We will talk about #3 in a later posting, but study the diseases causing death in the chart.  Can any of these diseases be prevented by diet?

More than 68% of American adults are considered overweight or obese.  The risk of obesity includes:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure or high cholesterol
  • Heart disease
  • Gallbladder or liver disease
  • Cancer of the colon, breast, prostate, liver, or kidney
  • Sleep apnea
  • Arthritis or gout

It was estimated that health care cost would run over $4 trillion for the year 2017  in the United States.  Other countries spend about one-half of what the U.S. spends per capita on health care and yet, the U.S. is consistently among the worst performers.  It is clear that the U.S. does not have the best health care in the world and we are blindly telling ourselves that we do.  Isn’t that a form of insanity, to deny the facts and believe an illusion we have been spoon-fed?

There is confusion around nutrition in the U.S.  New books on diet come out every few months and people are ready to jump on the “bandwagon” for the newest and latest diet “quick fix”.  But, where is the research behind these celebrity diets?   These fad diets are not health based and employ the worst of medicine and science.

T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. and one of our nations leading scientists in the research of diet and health states that the prescription for good health in short, is about the multiple health benefits of consuming plant-based foods and the largely unappreciated health dangers of consuming animal-based foods, including all types of meat, dairy and eggs.  Dr. Campbell grew up on a dairy farm believing that meat and dairy products were the foundation to good health.  So, to his surprise after years of research on nutrition he discovered that this was not the case.

I’m not going to lecture you on the dangers of the American diet, some of the evidence is listed above.  What I will tell you after 46 years in the medical field is that Americans are lazy.  Yes, lazy, we want a quick fix and we don’t want to have to work at improving our health.  We want someone else to fix it for us, that way if it fails, it’s their fault, not ours.

What I am going to do is to give you the tools to improve your health.  It will not be an overnight “quick fix”.  You did not get in the shape you are in overnight, it was a process.  Regaining your health is a process.  Even when presented with the facts on nutrition and health, some of you will still continue down the path of destruction.  That is your choice and I feel no obligation to try to change your thinking.  I do feel an obligation to help those of you who do want to turn your health around and the health of your family.

Did you know that:

Obesity is the most prevalent nutritional disorder among children and adolescents in the United States. Approximately 21-24% of American children and adolescents are overweight, and another 16-18% is obese; the prevalence of obesity is highest among specific ethnic groups.

We are passing along our deplorable health care practices to our children and grandchildren.  Is that what we really want, to set our children and grandchildren up for failure and for a lifetime of health issues?  A lifetime of diseases and early death?

I realize that people decide what to eat based on a number of reasons, health care consideration being only one factor.  I would venture to say that the most popular reason for eating a particular food is taste, especially if it is sweet.  We live to eat, not eat to live.

The benefits of a plant-based diet are far more diverse and impressive that any drug or surgery used in medical practice.  Remember #3 on the above list?   There is impressive evidence now that exists to show that advanced heart disease, relatively advanced cancers of certain types, diabetes, heart disease and a few other degenerative disease can be reversed by diet.  Eating the right way not only prevents disease but also generates health and a sense of well-being, both physically and mentally.

So, what are you going to do?  Continue down the path of destruction or the path to better health?  Some of the tools we will be talking about in this section and the sections on Hypnosis, Natural Health and even Spirituality will be tied together and you can chose the tools you want to use.

Until the next posting under nutrition, I want you to take the time to think about what you want to do about your health.  I mean to sit down and really think.

This is the first step.  Make a decision on what you want to do about your health and the health of your family.  You are, after all, the one who is setting the example. 

I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes Part 6 by Janet Lynas


Glenn Clark ask us to consider temptations of the future.  He ask that we not look at the negative situations that can lead us into destruction, but to look at the positive side that can lead us away from the snares of life.

He ask us to make a list of past temptations and to think about the situations that created a problem for us.  After we make the list of temptations examine them, think about them and then burn them.  The act of burning them gives us an opportunity to bring all “four feet” into alignment in getting rid of the situations that can lure us away from our path.  We need to have a crystal clear idea of the roots of sin in the deepest recesses of our subconscious mind to protect us from future transgressions.

Glenn Clark ask us to “Look steadily at the good, not at the bad, at the things you want, not at the things of which you want to get rid of.”  Once we have looked at the negative aspects of our lives and cleaned out the festering wound that is caused by these transgressions, then it is time to look only at the good that we want in our lives.  This helps in convincing the subconscious that we are sincere.

The second way of convincing the subconscious is persistence.  By being consistent in our thinking on the positive and using statements such as, “I will to do the will of God,” this will convince the subconscious that we believe and mean what we say.

Glenn Clark urges us to put on the whole armor of God.  Clothed in the armor of truth and righteousness, very little can penetrate us.  Wearing sandals of peace, our feet are protected from the rocky path that could cause us to stumble and fall.

The helmet of salvation is the grace of God Himself surrounding our thoughts, our subconscious and conscious thoughts, and holding our hearts and minds in Jesus, so nothing can hurt us.  God’s sword of the spirit, which is His word will enable us to grow in grace, strength and power to help protect us and others.


Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them; for the Lord thy God, He it is that doth go with thee; He will not fail thee; He will not forsake thee (Deut. 31:6).


Our Heavenly Father, with you by our side, we will have no fear, for we trust in You and You Alone.  You are a protector of Love, the provider of every good and perfect gift.  We abide within your eternal love and stand strong as a citadel, and no evil can reach us without first passing through You, and transforming our adversaries in the process.  Hold us close to Your Heart, accept our gratitude and our adoration and our love.  Amen.

The China Study by Janet Lynas Ph.D., N.H.D.

T. Colin Campbell Ph.D. is a name I want you to remember.  Dr. Campbell is the author of The China Study, a book that I recommend you read.  This book is not an easy read, but worth your time, if, you are serious about your health.  I have recommended this book through the years to my clients.  Dr. Campbell is one of the most important researchers our country has had in the area of health and nutrition.

Dean Ornish M.D. states, ” Everyone in the field of nutrition science stands on the shoulders of Dr. Campbell, who is one of the giants in the field.  This is one of the most important books about nutrition ever written – reading it may save your life.”

For 27 years, Dr. Campbell’s research was funded by the National Health Institute  for Cancer Research (NIH), the American Cancer Society and The American Institute for Cancer Research.  His team’s research was then reviewed for a second time for publication in many of the best scientific journals.

Dr. Campbell was instrumental in the discovery of dioxin and aflatoxin. Does dioxin ring a bell for you?  It is arguably the most toxic chemical ever found.  Remember the Vietnam War and Agent Orange?   Aflatoxin is a mold found in peanuts and corn.  Aflatoxin has been called one of the most potent carcinogens ever discovered.

For ten years Dr. Campbell worked on a project with Filipino children investigating the unusually high prevalence of liver cancer, a disease usually found in adults.  It was thought that the high consumption of aflatoxin was the cause.  In this project, he discovered the dark secret that: Children who ate the highest-protein diets were the ones most likely to get liver cancer!

Dr. Campbell grew up on a dairy farm believing that the dietary recommendations of a high protein diet was correct and that Americans had the best diet.  Dr. Campbell started his career in veterinary school and then moved into a position of research in animal nutrition.  (If you want to know what is in the future for human medicine, research animal medicine.)

Dr. Campbell was on the road to promote better health by advocating the belief that the intake of more meat, milk and eggs was the best course of action.

So, what happened in Dr. Campbell’s research that would cause medical institutions and government agencies to go out of their way to discredit him?

The defining moment for Dr. Campbell was when he was studying a research project in India that had some very provoking findings.  India researchers had studied two groups of rats.  One group was feed the cancer-causing aflatoxin with a diet composed of 20% protein, a level near American consumption of protein and the second group of rats fed the aflatoxin, but only 5% protein in the diet.  Incredibly, every animal in the 20% protein group, developed liver cancer.  The animals in the 5% protein group did not develop liver cancer.  It was a 100 to 0 score, leaving no doubt that nutrition won out over chemical carcinogens.  This was a very potent discovery.

Dr. Campbell researched the different proteins and the effect they have on the human body and discovered that the protein casein, which makes up 87% of cow’s milk protein promoted all stages of cancer.  Dr. Campbell discovered that proteins from plants made up the safest forms of protein.  Remember, Dr. Campbell grew up on a dairy farm.

This series of articles on diet and cancer will examine the popular beliefs and propaganda that we Americans have been spoon-fed through the decades.  You will be given information and the tools to make up your own minds.

Dr. Joseph Rosenzweig, a pediatrician I worked with when I started my nursing career, said, “Cows milk is for cows.  Man is the only mammal who drinks milk past infancy.  This is why humans have many of the health problems they have.”

So, does milk do a body good?  Are our medical institutions protecting the American public?  And the most important question: What are you going to do with the information once you learn the truth?


Cancer by Janet Lynas Ph.D., N.H.D.

I’m taking a brief detour from the Successful Aging series.  I will return to it for completion, but I will present a second topic at the same time.  This topic is one that hits home to most families and is controversial because it is a multibillion dollar industry.  There have been several well known Natural Health doctors who have died under mysterious circumstances in recent years, so some of us have been flying under the radar.  I by no means place my skills at the level of these doctors who have been in the front lines.  And I have to state my disclaimer at this time.

The information I am presenting is informational only.  As, always, talk with your doctor before making any decision in your health care treatment or before changing your medication protocol.

Five and a half years I ago I was diagnosed with Melanoma, a hideous and aggressive cancer.  I talked with my oncologist from the first day telling him I have a Ph.D. in Natural Health and that he would have to work with me or I would need to find another doctor.  Fortunately, he was in agreement with working with me, confiding in me that he did not agree with the total protocol for melanoma at that time.  There are new treatments for melanoma that were not available fives years ago.  I want to present information to my readers on treatments that have been proven by scientific research to be effective for cancer, but are not available to the general population.

This is one photo of a cancer cell.  It’s quite lovely to look at, but it’s effect on the body is just the opposite.  I have been in the medical field for 46 years and have seen many advancements, but I have seen many scientists discredited through the years for their discoveries of cancer treatments that have cured patients who were considered to be beyond help.  Sad, isn’t it, that money is the main driving force of the medical industry.  This statement is not a reflection on the men and women who are dedicated to helping their patients, but on a system that is not.

In the 1920s, a man by the name of Royal Rife, began to research the cause of cancer.  In 1931, he  and Dr. Arthur Kendall discovered that if certain frequency vibrations were sent into the  body, these vibrational frequencies would destroy microorganisms found to be associated with cancer.  This discovery has been  supported by repeated research of numerous highly respected scientists.  Mr. Rife believed that cancer was a kind of virus, and in order to pursue his theory, he and Dr. Kendall invented a microscope that was 8 times more powerful than those used by his contemporaries at that time.   Mr. Rife was among some of the leading edge researchers who had found a cure for cancer.  He was discredited because his discovery did “cure” cancer without side effects, without toxic drugs, without radiation, safely and instantly.  Interestingly, his treatment was approved to be used anywhere on the body and with no toxic side effects and no damage to healthy cells.

‘If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.’  ~ Nicola Tesla

Remember Tesla’s statement, it will be used along with statements from Einstein and other scientists in future postings and in some of the books I am currently working on for publication.

Anthony Holland who is an Associate Professor, Director of Music Technology at Skidmore College has recruited some very talented scientists to work with him on cancer and frequency treatment in cancer.   I encourage you to read Christopher Fontenot’s article and listen to Dr. Rife and Mr. Holland talk about their research.

There are other implications for the use of vibrational frequency treatment as well.  This treatment can cure “Super Bugs” as well.  As a former, Infection Prevention nurse, I know that these bacteria and viruses are just as deadly as cancer.

Resonant Frequencies and the Cure for Cancer

So, what was the outcome with my cancer treatment? I knew about Mr. Rife in the 1980s when I was doing research on cancer.  But, when I was diagnosed with melanoma five years ago,  I could not find current day practitioners who had access to this and other treatments I had studied through the years.  I am cancer free and I did not have the standard treatment for melanoma.  I have doctor’s look at my lab work, shake their heads and say, “I don’t know what you are doing, but keep doing it.”  I was released early from six month follow ups post cancer treatment.  I see an oncologist once a year now.  I had a follow up PET scan at the first of the year and it was clear of any cancer cells.

The sad thing is, not one doctor has asked me, “What did you do to treat your cancer?  What did you use along with the conventional treatment that you did agree to?  You didn’t use the conventional treatment, so how is it that your results are so good?”

I will be presenting other research and treatments in Natural Health that are effective in future postings.  In the meantime, I encourage you to take an active part in your health care.

Hypnosis and Children by Janet Lynas Ph.D., N.H.D.

I love doing hypnosis with children!  They are so animated and open to any possibility.  I had one six year old girl who ended up with her feet at the top of the recliner by the time the session was over and her head on the foot rest.

This six year old girl was referred to me by her therapist who had been working with her for quite some time for a condition called Trichotillomania.  This is a psychological disorder where a person pulls out their hair and often times their eyelashes and eyebrows.  The therapist and parents were not making progress with this beautiful little girl.

Both parents came in with the child on the visit.  I talked with the parents about hypnosis and the hypnotic process.  When it came time for me to start the session, the little girl told her parents that she did not want them to come into the room during the session.  With children, I give the child and the parents the option on whether or not the parent will be in the room.

Before I left my house to go to the office for the session, I grabbed two of my pendulums.  I usually do not use a pendulum for the hypnosis session, but my intuition told me to take at least one with me.

When we got into the treatment room, the little princess asked, “Do you have one of those things that you swing?”  I asked her if she meant a pendulum and she shook her head yes.  I informed her that I not only had one with me, but two.  I let her choose which one she wanted me to use.

She was easily put into a hypnotic trance.  During the session we talked about “girl power”, being a beautiful princess, fairy princesses, and that she could do anything including having beautiful hair and eyelashes and eyebrows.  I gave her a post hypnotic suggestion, as I do with all of my clients, I suggested that she would give her mother a big hug and tell her that she loves her.

She ran to her mother after the session and gave her mother a big hug and told her that she loved her.  The mother looked at me surprised and I explained that this was the post hypnotic suggestion I gave the child.  The mother asked me when would we need to schedule the next session.  I looked at this blue eyed, blond haired child and asked, “What do you think?”

This angelic child looked at me and her mother and said, “I can do anything and I don’t need to come back.”  I smiled and told mom that I would leave it up to her if she felt like she needed to schedule another appointment later.

A couple of weeks later, I saw the referring therapist in passing and asked about the child.  The therapist told me that the parents had canceled their next session because the little princess was no longer pulling out her hair or eyelashes.

Seems as though she found her “GIRL POWER”.

I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes Part 5 by Janet Lynas Ph.D., N.H.D.


Forgiveness isn’t always easy.  Sometimes is seems impossible to forgive someone who has hurt us deeply.  Our heart has been broken and we are expected to forgive the person who hurt us, that doesn’t seem fair, especially when they have no regrets about their actions.  But, what about the times you hurt someone?  Did you have remorse?  Did you as forgiveness?  Did you think, “They deserved it because of the way they acted towards me.”  We have all hurt others whether or not we meant to.  We don’t want to see our “shadow side”, the side of us that is considered sinful.  It’s painful to realize that we have a dark side.


Think about that statement.  Are our feet like hind’s feet?  No, our feet have failed to track true.  If we have cause injustice to anyone, we have done an injustice to God.  If we have lied to just one person, then we have lied to God.  If we have hated just one person, then we have hated our Father.  How can Creator God forgive us, if we can’t or will not forgive others?  We have to forgive others before He can forgive us.

Jesus tells us that, “For if you forgive men their trespasses , your Heavenly Father will also forgive you.”

How do we go about seeing our “shadow side” and having reconciliation with it?  Take out a piece of paper, make a list of the qualities you have in the shadows that you don’t want to admit to having, even to yourself.  Try to make the list as complete as possible.  This list is just between you and Father God.  Be honest, absolutely honest with yourself.  Once your list is complete, look over it very carefully.  As, you look at each fault, see the side of that emotion or action that is the opposite.  Behind greed is generosity, behind anger is love.  Once you have completed this task, take the piece of paper and burn it.  Release the shadow side to God and ask Father to forgive you.  As the paper burns with the list of transgressions you have listed, you are being forgiven and released from these burdens.  From the ashes, rises a brand-new self which you so eagerly wish to become.

When we are sick, we lie on the bed and rest and wait for our body to begin to heal.  The blood cleanses our body of the impurities, draws away the pus from the injured and infected tissues and restores them.  The blood has the power to rebuild tissues that have been destroyed.  Next the blood has the power of controlling the development of any part of the body, a power that reaches into the future.

The power of blood means the power of love! If blood can bring recovery to the body, love has the power to redeem the wounds of the personality.  Love can make the wounded personality whole again, until it becomes a child of God.  Open your heart to absolute trust in this cleansing of the personality as Father forgives you.


Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool (Isa. 1:18).


Father God, we thank you that You are a God of unlimited compassion, willing and able to grant to us far more than we ask of you.  Blot out all our transgressions, clean us of all iniquity, redeem our hungry, thirsting souls.  Hold us in Your love forever.  Amen    (pages 31 – 35)