I love doing hypnosis with children!  They are so animated and open to any possibility.  I had one six year old girl who ended up with her feet at the top of the recliner by the time the session was over and her head on the foot rest.

This six year old girl was referred to me by her therapist who had been working with her for quite some time for a condition called Trichotillomania.  This is a psychological disorder where a person pulls out their hair and often times their eyelashes and eyebrows.  The therapist and parents were not making progress with this beautiful little girl.

Both parents came in with the child on the visit.  I talked with the parents about hypnosis and the hypnotic process.  When it came time for me to start the session, the little girl told her parents that she did not want them to come into the room during the session.  With children, I give the child and the parents the option on whether or not the parent will be in the room.

Before I left my house to go to the office for the session, I grabbed two of my pendulums.  I usually do not use a pendulum for the hypnosis session, but my intuition told me to take at least one with me.

When we got into the treatment room, the little princess asked, “Do you have one of those things that you swing?”  I asked her if she meant a pendulum and she shook her head yes.  I informed her that I not only had one with me, but two.  I let her choose which one she wanted me to use.

She was easily put into a hypnotic trance.  During the session we talked about “girl power”, being a beautiful princess, fairy princesses, and that she could do anything including having beautiful hair and eyelashes and eyebrows.  I gave her a post hypnotic suggestion, as I do with all of my clients, I suggested that she would give her mother a big hug and tell her that she loves her.

She ran to her mother after the session and gave her mother a big hug and told her that she loved her.  The mother looked at me surprised and I explained that this was the post hypnotic suggestion I gave the child.  The mother asked me when would we need to schedule the next session.  I looked at this blue eyed, blond haired child and asked, “What do you think?”

This angelic child looked at me and her mother and said, “I can do anything and I don’t need to come back.”  I smiled and told mom that I would leave it up to her if she felt like she needed to schedule another appointment later.

A couple of weeks later, I saw the referring therapist in passing and asked about the child.  The therapist told me that the parents had canceled their next session because the little princess was no longer pulling out her hair or eyelashes.

Seems as though she found her “GIRL POWER”.