
Ascension vs Evolution by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

We hear the word ‘ascension’ quite a bit in the spiritual arena. However, it’s not really all that clear what the term means. When I hear the word ascension, I visualize someone rising up in the air and going to who knows where. Like Christ did after the resurrection.


What is the definition of ascension?

ascension: the act of rising to an important position or a higher level.

Then there’s the religious definition: the ascent of Christ into heaven on the fortieth day after the Resurrection.

Next there’s the New Age concept of ascension: choosing the path to walk/work so you can ascend to a higher level of consciousness.

Therefore, ascension is not something that just ‘happens’ to us. It’s a conscious decision.

Tell me more

Remember in Star Trek the wording, “to boldly go where no man has gone before”? I believe that’s what we’re looking at with the word ascension. I think this word is one that I don’t want to use. It’s vague in its imagery. There’s not a clear concept about what’s really going on. And then, there’s the ‘holier than thou’ feeling with the word.

Ascension is a process, that sounds like a lot of work doesn’t it? For instance, one is aligning with Higher Consciousness one step at a time. Ascension is not only a spiritual process, but a physical and mental undertaking. Sounds like an enormous amount of energy is needed. This is a total transformation to enlightenment.

In addition to this transformation, one has to awaken! To awaken to the ‘truth’ is to have understanding of higher realms and having a different perspective of awarenesses. I guess we’ve been oblivious to what’s going on around us. Above all, who’s to say what the truth is? One person’s truth may not be another’s truth. That doesn’t mean one person is right and one is wrong. Think about it!

After that, you have to clear out lower energies, ground yourself and balance one’s self as well. I don’t know about you, but, this is making me tired.

I know I sound like I’m being condescending, I’m really not. However, my thoughts are, more simple. Last night, I was told life is complicated. In other words, there are things going on that we can’t understand or comprehend. There may be things going on and we may not have all the information, but it doesn’t mean it’s complicated. I guess I must be simple minded. Seeing past the illusions has always been easy for me.


Evolution has a few definitions, but one is more in line with this topic. I like the description of a pattern of movements or maneuvers. After that, my other choices are growth, development, unfolding and change to name a few.

Let me start to tie all this together for you. Ascension seems a little pompous to me. You know, the better than thou attitude. Evolution is letting life unfold to allow one to grow and learn in a natural way.

Another concept of evolution in the spiritual sense is:

Spiritual evolution is the philosophical, theological, esoteric or spiritual idea that nature and human beings evolve: either from an established cosmological pattern (ascent), or in accordance with certain pre-established potentials. (Wikipedia)

It really doesn’t have to be this complicated! To evolve, is to grow. Learning a different way of looking at things. Opening one’s mind to the possibilities!

In summary

Jesus once said to reach the kingdom of heaven, we have to become like little children. A child is pure and open to seeing the truth in the matter. A child senses beyond the logical and feels into a situation. As a result, a child is in tune with what’s going on around them. They may not have the words to describe what’s happening, but they ‘know’.

In this ‘knowing’, one is able to see clearly. Life really isn’t complicated. We make it that way by trying to read things into a situation that’s not there.

In other words, become like a child and clearly see beyond the illusions.




Time for Reflection by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I make a terrible patient! I’m down for the count, making me pause and think about my life. You see, I pulled the muscles in my right hip and can’t walk very well, it’s been over a week. My injury is not an interesting story. However, I do have plenty of time to think about life and current events. Therefore, reassessment of my life is taking place.

Thinking Can Be Dangerous!

However, on the other hand, a mind is a terrible thing to waste. I think there was a commercial on TV about that years ago. Anyway, life can surprise one at times. For instance, this global quarantine has disconnected people from the ‘rat race’ and from each other. Thinking about the effects of quarantine on one’s health is an interesting topic.

This quarantine is impacting three important areas of mental health: emotional well-being, psychological well-being and social well-being. Therefore, quarantine has left many people confined to their homes leading to unforeseen risks.

Do you know, according to one research paper, that extended quarantine causes some serious health issues?

Reading one summary paper on quarantine in The Lancet, it’s reported that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), confusion and anger are some of the psychological results.

Effects of Long-term Quarantine

Certainly, there are other stressors to take note of. The list is long, but I’ll focus on just a few key topics.

  1. Prolonged isolation can lead to depression and substance abuse
  2. Most importantly, financial loss
  3. In addition, fear of becoming infected and loss of health is a big one
  4. Included is the fear of not having enough supplies – food and money for example
  5. Next, is boredom and frustration with the interruptions in our daily lives, feeling stuck
  6. PTSD is reported four times higher in children in prolonged quarantine
Above All

You do have resources to rely on to help you through an extended quarantine. Here are a few suggestions to assist you:

First, stay active as much as possible. For instance, now is a good time to tackle some of those projects you’ve been putting off. Why not reorganize your closet? Clean the garage, throw out broken toys, clear out the clutter, just to name a few activities you can do. Make that list! Check the chores off! You’ll have a sense of accomplishment!

Exercise as much as possible. Any type of movement is good. Put on your favorite music and dance! Take a walk in your neighborhood! Moreover, you may actually meet some of your neighbors if they are outside.

A few months ago, I closed out all my social media accounts. Moreover, I’m happier since I did. I’m not exposed to the negative talk, anger and fears. In addition, my family is actually communicating more with each other.

More ideas
  • Eat your meals together as a family! If you’re single, use the good dishes! Play background music. Treat yourself as that special person you are.
  • Talk with friends and family on the phone, zoom, FaceTime. Write a letter to someone special, the old fashion way, by hand and mail it.
  • Check in with family members who are at risk for depression more often.
  • Read a light-hearted book or watch a funny movie – remember to laugh!
  • Work on a hobby – if you don’t have one, now is a good time to explore your interest.

The year 2020 is rapidly coming to an end. Plan ahead for 2021. Most importantly, current circumstances are not going to change in the next week or so. In other words, plan ahead on how your family with navigate the upcoming holidays. Therefore, traditions are evolving and transforming to reflect the times.

I know it seems like this quarantine will never end. However, this too shall pass. Nothing stays the same. Life is forever changing. Above all, remember, change is not bad. We are adapting to current times.

2020 Part 3 by Janet Lynas, Ph.D.,N.H.D.

Astrology is fascinating to me. However, I admit I know very little about it. We will not go into depth on the terminology. Nor will the ins and outs of astrology be reviewed. Instead, I am giving you a topical look at the practice of astrology.

I do know the gravitational pull from the moon does affect life here on earth. Any nurse or doctor working in obstetrics sees the results from a full moon. In other words, there are more babies born during this time of the month.

In addition, the emergency room has an influx of mental health patients. I have worked both areas during my nursing career. During my last three years with the Veterans Administration (VA), I worked in the outpatient mental health department. Our outpatient department and inpatient department were both busy during full moons. Police officers know this to be true as well!

Astrology, really?

Astrology is defined as:

the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world.

What’s the difference between astrology and astronomy?

Astrology is the study of movement and position of planets. It’s believed to have influences on events and in the lives of humans. In other words, the main difference between astronomy and astrology is, astronomy is a study of natural science and astrology is considered a pseudo-science.

Understanding what astrology entails takes dedication and commitment. Moreover, in the study of astrology, patterns between planets and relationships are observed. Many people use that knowledge as a tool to find meaning in events that happen in their lives. It falls more in the category of metaphysics, the study of that which is beyond the physical.

What can astrology tell us?

Astrology discovers our needs and may also provide us with the best ways to accomplish our goals. The belief is, astrology can predict the major happenings of the future. Astrology gives insight into the personality. It reveals the deeper part of one’s self.

Is astrology always right? There is definitely something to be said about the power of the planets! Astrology can be a very helpful tool in not only being able to understand ourselves better, but it can also shed some light on why we end up going through certain things .

Countries have their own astrological histories as well. I listen to podcast on astrology at times. In doing this, I have learned a great deal about the workings of the universe. In addition, I am amazed with the accuracy of some of these astrologers. Listening to some of the predictions forecast at the beginning of a year gives one insight on what’s coming. Going back to listen to these predictions at the end of a year, is eye opening in many cases.

Is studying astrology wrong?

I have given a lot of thought to this through the years. Childhood teachings have deep roots. Therefore, at times, it’s been a little difficult to open my mind to other teachings. We don’t have to embrace these teaching. However, I think it’s important to understand other philosophical teachings. I have a better understanding of other’s beliefs by learning all I can about their spiritual practices.

Currently two religions and two philosophies are deeply rooted in astrology systems. The Jews and Muslims both heavily practice astrology. Hindu and Buddhists are both philosophies. They too have a heavily practiced astrology system.

What do I believe about astrology? My personal beliefs are not important. What is important is that we have an open mind. Above all, it’s imperative that we understand and respect other people’s beliefs.

Close the door!

Closed minded people rob themselves of knowledge. Therefore, closed minded people are among a large group of bigots. You miss out on the richness and traditions of the people around the world.

Wars fought and lives lost because of closed minded individuals. My beliefs are not the only right ones. Neither are yours. Close the door to your mind and you’re lost to all truth!

I choose to keep my mind open to all possibilities. These teachings do not have to be incorporated into my ideology. But, understanding the perspective of other’s is important.

So, where does this leave us?

Above all, we have the choice to explore new thoughts. We have the opportunity to learn and grow. I choose to grow and learn as much as I possibly can. I hope you make the choice to open the door to knowledge.

Reach out and grab all the tools you can to make your life richer and fuller! A new year is rapidly approaching. What will you do with it? Moreover, do you move forward, or stay stuck in limited knowledge?

In conclusion

The definition of insanity is:




2020 Part 2 by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D

Each new year is anticipated with high expectations. A new decade is bringing with it even higher hopes and dreams. 2020 surprised us! Actually, it brought the world down to its knees! In addition, life as we know it, is forever more changed. However, I’m looking ahead to the possibilities of 2021.

Looking ahead to political and global changes

Life is not written in stone! Therefore, we make the decisions on how we live life. How do we make wise decisions? That’s a good question! Moreover, there are times I have no idea. But, let’s take a look at the possibilities.

First, I write this article before the elections in the U.S. Many people say this is the most important election of all times. In addition, the last election caused a bigger division in our country. Politicians are still in shock that the Americans booted many of them out of office. Americans said, “Enough!” We elected a business man to be our president. That sent shock waves throughout the Senate and House of Representatives.

I’m not writing about the politics in my country, but setting a background on the changes in my country. I’m going to say, “This election tomorrow is not the most important election of all times.” Shocking isn’t it? In addition to that statement, “This is not the end of times!” The American people survive, just as the peoples of the world are survivors.

Secondly, the global economy is changing. Moving to a global currency is underway. It most likely will take a few more years before it’s activated. However, it is happening sooner than later.

We are a one world community. Now we must learn to work together.

Change your focus

The way we live life is rapidly changing. These are the areas you need to watch as change unfolds.

First of all, how we practice medicine is changed. In other words, your doctor’s visit will be more common on telemedicine connections. Telemedicine is not a new approach to medical care. It’s used often in the mental health field. There are fewer doctors and telemedicine is used to cover a larger geographic area. Your doctor’s visit is now on a computer or iPad or TV. You will have a conversation with your doctor or healthcare provider over these devices instead of going into the provider’s office.

Therefore, healthcare now focuses more on preventive medicine. It’s easier to prevent a problem than it is to fix one. This is the way medicine should be practiced. Not on fixing a issue.

Next, robotics is currently used in surgical procedures. However, we will see this area of care expand. Robotic surgery is less invasive and recovery time is shorter.

In addition, genomics is advanced to new heights. Your genomic information is now being used to custom design your treatment.  Diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and immune illnesses are making great advances in genomics. Testing is available to determine how effective drugs will be in an individual’s treatment. Doctors will no longer have to guess which drug is working best for a patient. Swabbing the mouth for DNA is an advancement to determine which drug will work best and it will help to prevent adverse reactions to medications.

Open your mind to the possibilities

I know many people don’t like change. But, life is not stagnant, nor do we want it to be. How well you do in life is determined by how open you are to change.

Common character traits are:

  1. Open Minded People Are Curious.
  2. We Say “Yes” to opportunity.
  3. These Are Creative Individuals.
  4. They Don’t Cling to Their Opinions.
  5. Time Is Taken To Reflect.

I am an open minded person. I see all sides of an issue. This gives me an advantage. Thinking outside of the box comes easily for me. I look past the illusions to see what the future has in store for us. Therefore, insight is important to me. Being an open minded person will give you an advantage. Look around you! See the signs of change that is coming.

In Summary

2021 is bringing all kinds of possibilities. I am predicting that you are wise enough to turn difficult situations into an advantage for yourself. Keep your eyes and ears open! Stay ahead of the times by being proactive. Life is fluid! Stay flexible! Be adaptable!

In part three, I will talk about the spiritual or metaphysical energies. I am talking about the predictions being made. You will know how these signs and how they will affect you.