
What happened to 2023? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Time seems to accelerate faster as we get older. Up to a point that is. My 90 year old dad is at the point where time is dragging by for him. He recently told me, “I’m just waiting.” I get it. He’s not able to live by himself anymore and his mobility is extremely limited. So, for him, he’s just waiting to transcend to the next level.

But what happened to 2023? It has been a rollercoaster ride for the last three years. It seems as though the whole world has lost its mind! All of the world leaders have certainly lost their minds. Especially in the U.S.

No, this article is not going to be a political account of the last year. But, I want to pause for a moment and reflect on the current environment. In 2023 we have seen higher death rates among all ages, especially among the 20 to 40 year olds. These high death rates are not normal. We have seen more fighting among countries that at least use to tolerate each other. The homeless rate world wide has gone up. (No, I’m not going to use politically correct terms. They change too much.) People are struggling to have enough money for the basics for food, clothing and shelter. Hunger is a real issue for people worldwide.

Mental health has deteriorated and there have been more suicides that normal. People are not as friendly as they were a few years ago. Basically, the quality of life is at stake. Gloom and doom seems to be the theme for the year.

While all of this is true, we can take a step back and regroup. I come from the thought that my glass is half full and quickly overflowing.

2024 is at the door

So, what do you want for the year 2024? How do you live in a world that’s so chaotic? I don’t live in the world so to speak. I’m fully aware of what’s going on, but I don’t let the unrest affect my inner peace.

I encourage you to take a step back, take a deep breath, close your eyes and regain your balance. Be aware of events around you, but don’t let these events take over your life.

2024 will be whatever you chose to make it. Truly! Be honest with yourself. What do you want? We are the creators of our own lives. In past articles I have talked about getting the conscious mind and the subconscious minds in alignment. Go back and read them again if you need to.

Write down what you want your life to be like. Put it aside for awhile and then look at your statements again. Fine tune it if you need to. Remember, it’s not written in stone, you can change your goals anytime. You are the creator of your life. It’s up to you to find the inner peace and balance in your life. You certainly have the control and power over your own thoughts.

Visual aids help. Make a vision board. Place it where you will see it each day. We are never too old to have a vision of what we want our lives to look like.

Remember, we might live in this world, but we don’t have to be IN this world! Think about this statement. Don’t let outside circumstances rule your life. Be an observer and encourage others when you can. Ask for help if you feel you’re getting sucked into the sludge of the world. Take an active part in your own story!

God told Moses, “I AM THAT I AM. I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE.” Embrace this declaration.

I pray that each of you find your balance in 2024. May your ship have calm waters. Looking forward to seeing you in 2024!

Lectins by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

There’s a lot of talk about lectins and how bad they are for you. A lot of people have jumped on the band wagon so to speak. But, what does the research say? You knew that statement was coming! I’m all about the research.

What are lectins?

Lectins consist of carbohydrate-binding proteins. Lectins are nature’s defense for plants to ward off attacks from insects. Lectins are found in most foods, however, legumes and grains contain the largest amounts. We know that in certain cases lectins can cause digestive issues by reducing absorption of minerals and vitamins and can contribute to leaky gut disease. Lectins can also contribute to changing the environment of the gut by decreasing gut bacteria. One thought is lectins can exacerbate autoimmune diseases by increasing the inflammation throughout the body.

While all this is true, it’s not the full story. Most of the information on lectins is based on eating raw foods that contain lectins such as beans. Dried beans are what most of the controversy is about. I don’t know anyone who eats raw dried beans, do you? The other component to the claim that lectins are harmful is that one would have to eat a large amount of lectins. Most of us don’t eat large amounts of lectin containing foods in one setting.

Research facts

I’m not a big fan of the FDA, WHO and the other alphabet health agencies right. (That’s another article for another time.) However, both agencies make a good point in that preparation of the lectin containing foods is the key.

Lectins are nearly eliminated through cooking. Studies show that soaking beans in preparation for cooking reduces the amount of lectins in the beans by more than half. Then the cooking process eliminates nearly all of the lectins left in the foods. So, the cooking process destroys nearly all of the lectins in foods.

I’m not going to list the groups of foods that have the highest levels of lectins. That information is easily found. The purpose of this article is to encourage you to NOT believe everything you see on YouTube, even if the presentation is by an “expert”. Think about what is being said and do your own research.

If you eliminated all foods with lectins, you would be left with very little to eat. You would also be losing much needed vitamins and minerals from your diet. Most importantly, you will be losing a lot of pleasure in life. We need a variety of foods to stay healthy. Remember, I have told you to eat the “rainbow” in past articles. Eat foods rich in colors. Foods with rich colors contain more of the vital nutrients we need to have a healthy body.

Eat to live, don’t live to eat. Therefore, when you do eat, experience the pleasures in the taste and textures of foods.

Do you know beans and rice make a complete protein? Beans and rice are one of my favorite foods. This combination can have a large variety of combinations. I like to add salsa to my beans and rice to give it a spicy kick. Beans and rice can have as many variations as there are herbs and spices.

Whole foods are our first defense to have a healthy life. Always remember, food is medicine for our bodies. Buy the best quality of foods that you can afford. When you stop buying the junk foods, you have more money to spend on foods that nourish your body.

When we were children, our parents would tell us to stop playing with our food. I disagree! Play with your food, be creative! Enjoy life, enjoy your food, be creative, have fun!