
Anger by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Anger is an emotion I don’t experience very often. However, I feel angry right now. To be honest, I’m enraged! The reason for my exasperation is related to current events. For instance, I’m upset with members of my profession.

Do no harm

Doctors and nurses take an oath to do no harm. Nurses are advocates for their patients. We take our role to protect our patients seriously. At times, that includes standing up to a doctor who is not listening to what our patient is telling them.

Therefore, as one who stands my ground to protect my patients, it infuriates me to see the harm being done to people throughout the world. As an Infection Prevention Nurse, I know a lie when I hear it. And I’ve heard a lot of lies in the last eighteen months.

Having said this, I now see bullying happening to the medical staff working in patient care. Their livelihood is being threatened to force compliance with taking an experimental drug. Current research shows that thousands of people have died from this experiment. Not only have thousands died, but hundreds of thousands are injured from this drug.

However, this article is not about the injustice being done to people worldwide. I will not get into the political aspect of current events. This article is about anger.

Anger’s two sides

We like to think that an emotion is either good or bad. In reality, it’s neither. It’s what we do with an emotion that makes it good or bad.

I do practice what I preach. So, I find I need to take a step back and examine why I’m so angry.

In my book, Guilty Prayers, I have a chapter on anger. I share a true story about how anger affects one when it gets out of control. When an emotion overwhelms an individual, their life is often put on a road to destruction. When one becomes stuck in anger, their health is affected in an adverse way.

What happens when anger is out of control

Let me be very clear, uncontrolled anger will kill you if one doesn’t recognize what is happening and deal with it.

1. One long-term physical effect of uncontrolled anger is increased anxiety, high blood pressure and headache. (I have a headache at this time. Time to have a reality check.)

2. Suppressed anger is stored in the body as tension. This rage contributes to high blood pressure. High blood pressure can lead to stroke or heart attack.

3. Studies have linked high levels of hostility to an increased risk of respiratory problems.

4. Research shows that continuous high levels of anger is directly associated with a shortened lifespan due to the impact on the body.

This is the short version of ill effects on the body. Read my book, Guilty Prayers for the details.

How to deal with anger

Recognizing that you are angry and that it isn’t resolving is the first step. You have to be honest with yourself. First, admit to yourself that you are angry and second, it’s not going away.

Strategies for anger management include regular exercise, learning relaxation techniques and in some cases counseling. Another effective tool is hypnosis.

There comes a time when it’s necessary to remove oneself from the situation that’s causing your destress. I always advised the veterans I worked with at the Veteran’s Administration to stop watching the news. Once they stopped, they reported the anger felt was dissipating.

I have to admit, I have not watched mainstream news media in over twenty years. This source of news is propaganda with little truth being reported. I do however, research current events and have found several reliable sources of information.

In this case, the source of my agitation comes from listening to colleagues who are being bullied. I’m thankful that I left allopathic medicine four years ago. It makes me feel ashamed at those who are demanding that staff put themselves in harms way. There is no clinical evidence base performance standards to support Administration’s demand to control staff in this manner. Actually, what’s being forced on all peoples breaks the Nuremberg Code. Reference my article on experimental drugs and the Nuremberg Code.

Wrapping it up

I’m mad! But, I know I’m upset and why. By admitting my anger to myself, I’m better able to move past this feeling. So, what am I doing to practice what I preach?

I find walking is a good stress reliever for me. In the last couple of weeks, I walked about 30 miles. (I told you I am upset.) However, where I live, it’s too hot to walk right now. As a result of this heat, I switched over to swimming laps in a pool.

I admit that there’s absolutely nothing I can do about the current situation. Knowing this, I turn to prayer and release what I know I have no control over. I meditate often. In practicing these techniques, I feel my frustration subsiding. Writing this article has helped a great deal in calming myself down.

So, when you feel angry and you know it’s out of control, take control of your emotions. You are not helpless and your emotions do not dictate to you.

Step back and take a long hard look at what’s going on. Then take action to control what’s going on with your feelings. If you’re not able to take control, ask for help. It’s your life.

It’s not about what life throws at you, but how you react to it.

Take control! You’ve got this!



Unresolved Grief by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I learned long ago, to tell people in my life how I feel about them. Therefore, I tell someone when I appreciate what they do for me. When I feel love for a dear friend, I tell them.

I worked hospice for a few years. As a nurse, my responsibility to my patient is to keep them comfortable and to help them express their true feelings about their impending death. I encouraged each patient to tell their loved ones how much that person means to them. However, it’s not always an easy conversation to tell someone good-bye.

Saying Good-bye

Often times, we don’t have the opportunity to tell our loved one good-bye. Death comes suddenly and things are left unsaid. When this happens, we have unresolved grief. The, “I wish I had said”, “I wish I had done”, “What if they didn’t know” is a strain on the one left behind. The toll affects the survivor’s health.

These thoughts keep coming to the forefront of your mind. In other words, the regret is never resolved. It’s hard to move forward in life. You are stuck and can’t get out of this loop.

Recently, I did hypnosis on a very sweet woman for unresolved grief. In addition, her life is in turmoil. She is having problems remembering things that she needs to do her job successfully. Similarly, she’s having problems navigating through day to day living.

Hypnosis for grief

During this session, I learned her intuition told her to go home. She did go home following this strong feeling she had. Walking into her apartment, she heard the shower running. She went to the bathroom finding her spouse of twenty-three years laying on the floor. Her first reaction was he had felt faint and laid down on the floor. However, she soon realized that he was gone.

Most importantly, the main issue is that they had been having problems in the relationship. However, they decided that they would work through any issues hindering them from having a supportive union.

Her significant other has been dead for three years now. She is not able to get past the consistent grief. Above all, she has no joy in life. Her life is held hostage from this depression.

As she sat down, this lovely woman told me, “You are my last hope. I’ve tried everything to work through this pain.”

The sadness and pain in her eyes told me she is not able to enjoy life. In the pre-hypnosis interview I gathered the information I need to formulate a plan to help her out of this loop of pain.

How hypnosis helped her resolve grief

This woman is easily regressed into a deep state of relaxation. I use regression techniques to put her back into the moment she realized he was gone. I find regression is a valuable tool to use in many different situations.

Durning the session, she is able to tell her loved one the things she wished she had been able to say. As she talked to her spouse, I see the strained look leaving her face. I see her smile as she listens to what he is telling her.

When the session is over, she tells me that she finally feels that the healing process can start. In addition, this sweet woman is a Reiki practitioner. She now feels that she can use her skills to help in her own healing process.


Hypnosis is a valuable tool to use when you can’t move forward. If you are not able to move ahead in life after losing a loved one, then you may want to consider hypnosis. I receive referrals from mental health therapist when they have a client who is stuck and not able to move forward in their sessions.

Hypnosis is used along with other modalities in the health care field. I see miracles often when clients come in for a session. The pain is no longer an issue. They have a new lease on life. This is rewarding for me to see the change in my clients after a hypnosis session.

Life is not about how many breathes we take. It’s about the moments that take our breath away. The moments of awesome love and joy.

If you want to experience hypnosis contact The National Guild of Hypnotist at https://ngh.net for the name of a hypnotist near you.

Spirit of a Nation by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

The Spirit of America is love of freedom and individual rights. Tomorrow, in America is the Fourth of July, otherwise known as Independence Day. (I love that movie!)

I know many peoples of other countries don’t particularly like Americans. But, I hope you’re able to admire our Spirit of Justice. We fight for the underdog.

Who is America?

White people were not the first inhabitants of this land. Different tribes of Native Americans were here when Columbus arrived in 1492.

By the 1760s, the thirteen British colonies contained 2.5 million people along the Atlantic Coast east of the Appalachian Mountains. These brave individuals came from Britain and France to escape the tyranny and oppression of their homelands. They wanted a better live for themselves and their families.

Our forefathers fought and gave their very lives to ensure generations to come would have the freedom of choice.

At the turn of the 20th century, America saw an influx of immigrant workers and farmers coming to America to find a better way of life. These individuals came from all over the world.

A national railroad network was completed and large-scale mines and factories were established. The Industrial Boom began. In addition, the growing pains brought problems that cause Americans to stand up and fight for individual rights once again.

Therefore, the American Spirit is one of Justice! We don’t like seeing others taken advantage of and trampled on.

Who are Americans now?

Most importantly, Americans still have the Spirit of Justice. However, we have become complacent and lazy. In addition, we have taken our eye off the ball. Our freedoms are being eroded one by one. We have been put in lockdown without clinical proof to support such a drastic move. We’re being force to take an experimental drug that has not gone through the safety protocol. Doctors and nurses are being threatened loss of livelihood if they don’t fall into line.

Following orders is no excuse for the loss of lives this experimental drug has cause. We’re seeing a modern day version the concentration camps with the lockdowns and force injections.

Meanwhile, we are like sheep being taken to the slaughter. Get your head out of the sand or the other place so many like to say!

Over the last year and half, we closed our eyes to what is really going on.  Wake up! Look around! Parental rights are taken away when a minor child is making health care decisions without parental consent. Your freedom of choice is taken away! Government bullying is rampant and out of control!

The American Spirit and the rest of the world

Durning this time of free rights eroding, we see this enslavement spreading around the world. It’s not just American rights that are taken away, but rights of all peoples! That is to say, WE THE PEOPLE of the world have to pull together and put a stop to this tyranny taking place.

Open your eyes and see what’s happening! Stand up for your rights! Take a stand for your right to make your own choices! Now is the time for ALL peoples of the world to unite! United we all stand! Divided we all fall!

Above all, remember that our forefathers gave up their very lives for us. Our modern military forces sacrifice daily for our right to choose.

I invite people from around the world to join with Americans to stand up and put a stop to the atrocities we have endured the last year and a half.


WARNING, I’m posting two songs that were sent to me yesterday. They speak the truth, but have strong language.

Toby Keith Happy Birthday America


Aaron Lewis Am I The Only One



It’s interesting that YouTube seems to have taken down the ability to share these songs. When I tried to copy these sites YouTube has not available.

Go to these men’s official sites to listen to the songs. The truth they are singing is strong. You will be glad you listened to these two songs.

Just copy and paste these sites in your search engine.






Ants on a Log, Pigs in a Blanket by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I don’t eat pork. I don’t eat catfish, crabs or lobster. Scavenger animals are off my list of foods to eat. These foods are on my forbidden list because they are not healthy foods, at least not for me.

I’m not vegetarian or vegan either. But, I don’t eat much meat. Meat has never been high on my list of foods that I like to eat. However, when I do eat, I try to eat healthy. You know that from reading my blog.

Ants on a log

I was a Girl Scout when I was growing up. One of the snacks we like to eat was called, Ants on a log. This snack was a favorite. The ingredients were celery sticks, peanut butter and raisins. Simple, easy to make, therefore, high on the list of snacks to eat.

Peanut butter is a favorite food for most children. But, it can be high in calories, 207 on average for two tablespoons. Of course, you know what’s coming next, use the organic version whenever possible.

Let’s take a look at the benefits of peanut butter. Peanuts are high in protein and “good” fats. That’s to say, it’s heart healthy.

Other benefits include:

Resource: https://www.webmd.com/diet/peanut-butter-good-for-you#1

Certain brands of peanut butter are high in saturated fats, sugar or salt. These ingredients can lead to health issues such as heart problems and hypertension.

Therefore, is there a healthier version of peanut butter on the market? Especially for those who are watching their calories. Recently, I decided to try the powered version of this childhood treat. Actually, I am surprised by the results. In other words, it’s low in calories and passed the taste test. I have to admit, I thought it would taste yucky. But, I’m surprised I like it. It’s also easy to add to smoothies such as a banana smoothie.

Try it. I think you will like it.

Pigs in a blanket

Now, I’ve already said that I don’t eat pork and pigs in a blanket are hot dogs and biscuits. Most hot dogs are made from pork. However, you can find turkey, beef or chicken versions and even plant based ones.

The turkey hot dog contains:

  • Total Carbohydrate 4.1g
  • Vitamin D 0.60mcg
  • Calcium 157.00mg
  • Iron 1.56mg

In addition, a turkey or chicken hot dog has 5.5 g of protein each. The beef hot dog contains 5 g and a pork hot dog has about 9 g. The down side of a hot dog is that it’s a processed meat. This means it’s going to be high in sodium in most cases. Having said this, the turkey hot dog has the least amount of sodium.

Therefore, the average beef hot dog contains:

  • Calories: 314
  • Fat: 18.6g
  • Sodium: 810mg
  • Carbohydrates: 24.3g
  • Fiber: 0.8g
  • Sugars: 4g
  • Protein: 11.4g

Resource: https://www.verywellfit.com/hot-dog-nutrition-facts-4135155

This includes the bun of course.

But, with pigs in a blanket one uses biscuits to wrap around the hot dog instead of using a bun.

In conclusion

Above all, remember, you can enjoy some of your childhood favorites in a healthier version. Therefore, we can splurge at times without going off the deep end. Enjoy life and remember, just use a healthier version of your childhood favorites.