
The Road Least Taken by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Clients come to me from all walks of life and all ages for hypnosis.  Their reasons mostly boils down to changes in behavior.  Some want to lose weight, others want to stop tobacco use, others want to deal with emotional distress.

My favorite induction to use with my clients once they are in a deep trace is “The Fork in the Road”.  One path leads upward and is a bit of a challenge, but the rewards are huge!  The other path leads downward doing the same thing and has no resistance.

The Path Known

It’s interesting that we say we want change, but in reality we want to stay on the same path that we are currently on.

“So, how’s that working for you?”  I worked the mental health unit at one of the VA outpatient clinics and occasionally the inpatient unit.  This question was most often used by the staff when a patient rejected any suggestions for self improvement.

What’s the definition of insanity?  Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.  The subconscious mind will resist change.  It’s the gatekeeper and will do just about anything to stay on the path known.  I have to be sneaky to get around the gatekeeper.  Fortunately I know how to do that.

Staying on the known path takes no effort.  I take my clients on a journey while they are in a trance.  One year down this path of non-resistance, there is a reflecting pond on the side of the path.  Take a look at your reflection in the pool.  What do you see after one year of continuing the same behavior?  As the walk is resumed and five years down this path, we come to a crystal clear lake.  Take a good look and what do you see after five years of doing the same things over and over?  What do you see after ten years of the same behavior?

It is rather depressing staying on the known path.

Travel the Unknown Path to Change

Once I have taken my client down the path of least resistance, I return them to the fork in the road.  This path leads up and is a challenge to climb.  However, the rewards are gratifying and satisfying.

I guide my client up the path for change to one year of experiencing this positive change.  Once again I have the individual stop by a reflecting pool and look at the results of having changed their approach to their issue.  It feels so good to see the positive results.  Five years out and the results are even more apparent.  The client is feeling so good about themself.  Ten years out, oh my goodness!  Change is wonderful!  The client is freed from the stress and destruction of the behavior that was needing change.

Why do we resist change?

Recently I was walking the trails at Garvan Woodland Gardens close to my house.  I often feel the need to be in nature so I can recharge my batteries so to speak.  On this particular walk, I saw a path that I had not noticed in the past.  Being the curious or nosy individual that I am, I quickly took this new path.  It was a challenging path.  Uphill and very few markers on the path to let me know I was going in the right direction.  At one point, I began to wonder if I had gotten off the path.  But, being more curious than cautious, I treaded forward and upward.

As I was walking on this path, I found myself walking next to the lake.  This particular lake I am really comfortable with because I grew up water skiing and swimming on it.  But, I had not seen this part of the lake before.  It was wild and untouched by mankind’s invasions.  This bay was calm, nurturing and tranquil.  I felt the tension inside of me relaxing.  As I began to open myself to new possibilities, I began to experience excitement welling up within me.  An excitement I had not felt for sometime.

Suddenly, the path turned into a tree lined dirt road shaded by the branches of the trees reaching out over the road.  I soon learned that this road led to the proposed homesite of the Garvan family who had donated the land for development of the gardens.  This dream of theirs was never realized.

I stopped for a moment and looked at my surroundings.  I saw all the new possibilities.  Beauty and positive growth stretched out before me.  All I had to do was continue on this unknown path.

I began to reflect on my own resistance to changes in my life.  Why am I resisting change?  I know the changes are changes for growth and in my highest good.  It was on this walk, on this unknown trail, that I decided to walk the unknown paths in life.  I want to see what life has to offer me.  I know walking the unknown path can be a bit of a challenge at times, but oh my, the rewards are boundless!



Do You Have A Dirty Mind? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Is your mind dirty?  Or should I say, “Is your brain dirty?”

Little is known about natural support of the brain and how to rid the brain of damaging toxins.  Unfortunately few doctors of allopathy medicine have little or no understanding on the natural approach to brain health.

Toxins That Target The Brain

Toxins in our environment are the leading cause of neurological illnesses. We do have a built in monitoring system that has the purpose of protecting our brain.  This system is designed to eliminate these toxins from our vulnerable brain.  However, the regretful reality is that we do live in a toxic environment.  Your brain has been saturated with them on a daily basis.  With this exposure over time, the effects begin to rob us of our memories and is slowly killing us.  To top it off, there is no stopping this exposure in the near future.  Evidence on the effects of toxins robbing our brains of precious health continues to stack up.

Current Alzheimer’s Research journal published a recent study on the devastating effects on the cellular level.  Research reviewed the available data connecting environmental toxins to Alzheimer’s.  The review indicated the terrifying path these toxins take.  Toxins alter the metabolic pathways associated with the development and progression of dementias.

Studies have confirmed the root cause of the frightening disease!  If this is true, why has this not gone viral throughout the news media.  Money!  Industries who are developing the toxins we are exposed to have a high stake in keeping this information out of the media.  Not only are toxins destroying the environment and our brains, but heavy metals are also contributing to these neurological diseases.

The Heavy Metal Mayhem

You’ve seen the commercials on television about mayhem (produced by an insurance company).  Imagine the mayhem caused by mercury, aluminum and copper on the brain.  The big three heavy metals lead to neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques.  Did you know that the mercury level in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients is at least three times higher than the rest of the population?

Where are we getting mercury?  Mercury is found in certain seafoods and fish, such as tuna.  These high levels of mercury are taken in when we eat seafoods and fish that are contaminated with it.  This is why pregnant women are told to avoid seafoods.

What you may not realize, is that you are being exposed to high levels of coal-burning toxins in industries burning coal.  A staggering 48 tons of mercury is pumped into our air every year.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that we ingest 7-9 mg of aluminum daily.  Aluminum is found in antiperspirants, cooking utensils, some medications and vaccines.

Now add to that the growing concern of copper.  High levels of copper destroy essential detoxifying nutrients such as vitamin C, the B vitamins and zinc.  Birth control drugs can increase the level of copper.  You might want to rethink wearing that copper bracelet or jewelry. The copper is absorbed through the skin.

You can ask your physician to test you for heavy metals with a blood test.

What Is The Key To Beating Alzheimer’s?

Did you know that your brain has a natural way of protecting itself from the onslaught of heavy metals and other toxins?  The amino acid glutathione is referred to as the master antioxidant.  Glutathione is produced and regenerated in a process called methylation.  Methylation is responsible for immune system function, brain chemical production, organ protection and detoxification.

This is what happens when the process works according to plan.  However, if the body is overloaded with toxins and heavy metals, the system fails to protect the body and brain.

The good news is that once you eliminate the toxins and heavy metals from you body, you can start to rebuild the support system your body needs.  One piece to the puzzle is a prescription for Cerefolin NAC.  This prescription only medication is pricy and insurance will not pay for it.  Your physician may not write a prescription for the drug either.

You can combine natural ingredients by adding glutathione, vitamin B vitamins, NAC, alpha lipoid acid, zinc, and selenium.  These ingredients will help to protect your brain cells and the rest of the nerve cells throughout your body.

If you are planning on doing a detoxification of any kind, remember that you may feel worse before you feel better.  As the body is releasing these toxins, you may experience what is called a “healing crisis”.  What this means is that as your body is releasing the toxins, you may feel “flu” like until the toxins are flushed out of your body.  A healing crisis response during detox is a good sign.  This will pass in a few days.


First step is to eliminate the toxins from your home as much as possible.  Read labels.  Buy products without aluminum in them.  Don’t cook with aluminum cook wear.

Second step is to eliminate foods that may have toxins such as certain seafoods and fish.  Eat organic as much as possible.

Give your body the supplements it needs for support.

We can not eliminate all the exposure from toxins, but by eliminating as much as we can, we are on the right road to health.


Part Two on Preventive Treatment for Alzheimer’s by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

In the last installment, we looked at the first five steps to eliminate Alzheimer’s. Today we will look at the next five steps toward better health.

As always, DO NOT STOP TREATMENT without consultation with your provider.

In step six, we are looking at Nerve Growth Factor. There are numerous ads for supplements to improve brain health… It can put your brain into overload with all the ads! When brain cells are healthy and regenerated your memory will be improved. Which supplements really work? Where is the research behind the statements?

Part of my training in Natural Health includes Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Naturopathic, and Homeopathic approaches. As a natural healthcare practitioner, I always look for proven modalities.

Step Six Supplement Treatments

There are several supplements that have been used by Indians medicinally for generations.  One in Loin’s Mane (Hericium Erinaceous), mushroom extract, Bacopa Monnieri and citicoline. Research has shown that Lion’s Mane is a type of mushroom containing two types of Nerve Growth Function.  There have been multiple studies showing positive results in brain function.

A trial study has shown that Bacopa is successful in improving the ability to maintain attention focus and verbal recall.

Citicoline is a chemical naturally found in the the brain.  This chemical is needed to increase the production of phosphatidylcholine which is very important for brain function.

Step Seven Supplement Treatment

Science has long ago shown that as the level of mitochondria regulation decrease, so does brain function.  As, the mitochondria dysfunction, there is a decline for the brain to function properly and as a result your memory will decline.

Supplements that have been effective include; PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone) and CoQ10.  There is an accumulation of amyloid in the brain as Alzheimer’s progresses. PQQ has been shown to reduce the amount of amyloid in the brain from forming.  Laboratory experiments have shown that CoQ10 helped mice in improving memory and learning capabilities.  It is recommended that both PQQ and CoQ10 be taken daily.

Step Eight Supplement Treatment

Being a “couch potato” is not healthy for your body or your brain.  Physical exercise stimulates the circulation throughout your body, making cells and tissue healthier.  When circulation is stimulated the level of oxygen in the bloodstream is increased in turn, making tissues and cells healthier.  Learn a new dance and go dancing to exercise.  Dancing is more fun than running around a track.

Exercise your brain with word puzzles and learning new things such as a new language.  (I know, learning a new language can be a challenge.  I botch English!)  Be brave and try something you may have wanted to do, but never got around to it.  Learn to play a musical instrument!

A good multivitamin is recommended for overall health.

Step Nine Nocturnal Oxygenation

What is nocturnal oxygenation?  Nocturnal oxygenation is how much oxygen is getting to your brain at night.  The most common disturbance with nocturnal oxygenation is sleep apnea.  If you find that you are waking up gasping for air during sleep or being tired in the morning, you may want to talk with your health care provider about having a sleep study.  If your partner complains of excessive snoring or tells you that you stop breathing while you are asleep, a sleep study may be in order.


Step Ten Detoxing Heavy Metals

Research, autopsy results specifically, show that heavy metals in the environment are linked to Alzheimer’s.  How do you detox your body?  Chelation therapy is one method of removing heavy metals from the body.  This is an IV treatment that should be done by a trained practitioner.  This IV solution is usually a mixture of vitamins and minerals.  It is effective in removing the heavy metals from the body.  Seek out a medically trained practitioner who does the treatment in a clinical setting.





What? There are 36 Deficiencies Contribute to Alzheimer’s? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D.,N.H.D.

Do you know that we all die from the same disease?  Yes, we really do!  The root cause of all illness is inflammation.  Dementias are inflamed brains.  In this article, I will talk about some of the most common deficiencies contributing to dementia.

Dr. Dale Bredesen is a researcher on Alzheimer’s disease explains how each deficiency fits together in creating memory problems.  Below will be a link on Dr. Dale Bredesen if you want to do further reading on his research.

What are some of the deficiencies contributing to Alzheimer’s?

Research has shown that individuals who are experiencing memory problems should be tested by having blood drawn to determine such markers as Vitamin D level, Insulin level, hormone level, and the use of DHA (omega-3 fatty acids) to improve any faulty connections in the brain activity.

In Dr. Bredesen’s research it was noted that the individual subjects improved once they were on an individual combination therapy.  The study was a very small study of 10 subjects, so this study should be replicated for further validation.  Within a few months nine of the participants were showing improvement with their cognitive level.  Six of the subjects who were struggling to remain employed, had shown significant improvement in their ability to preform their job duties.  Some of the participants showed improvement and returned to a normal level. There was only one subject who did not show improvement.  This subject was in the final stages of Alzheimer’s.

What are some of the steps to eliminate Alzheimer’s?
  1. Reduce Inflammation and stabilize glucose levels in the bloodstream. People with Type 2 Diabetes have a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s since high levels of glucose in the blood are commonly known as one of the main causes of Alzheimer’s.  The treatment is diet.  A diet low in grains, simple carbohydrates, and sugars on the low glycemic index are recommended for this step.  Instead of processed foods, you should eat fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, and lean meats.  I recommend that meat be on the occasional list.  Don’t eat within 3 hours of bed time.  Your body needs this fasting time to balance the hormones such as insulin production and to eliminate waste and toxins from the body.  Try to eat as much organic foods as you can. So, are there supplements that are recommended? DHA or omega – 3 fatty acid, EPA,(eicosapentaenoic acid) which is also an omega – 3 fatty acid, and curcumin. Curcumin is naturally found in turmeric.  This supplement helps to reduce amyloid plaques in the brain which enables better brain function.

    Other treatment is good oral care.  Poor dental care can lead to inflammation of the gums and teeth.  In turn this causes the inflammatory response through the body.

  2. Optimize Hormone levels.  The aging process contributes to changes in the production of hormone levels. (I will not recommend hormone treatments. This is between you and your physician.  However, I encourage you to research the natural protocols on hormone replacement.)  The most common hormonal problems are related to the thyroid and decreasing estrogen production.  Research showed it’s not necessary to have hormone replacement therapy to restore cognitive function.  Treatment for hormone level starts with a simple blood test.  You have to know what your levels are before you can know how to treat them.  Reduce stress!  As you already know, stress can cause heart disease, anxiety, stroke… you get the picture.  Learn stress reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation, exercise such as going for a walk in nature. Supplements recommended are vitamin D3, ashwagandha which helps to prevent beta-amyloid plaques from forming in the brain.
  3. Antioxidants. Research has shown the importance of antioxidants when it comes to fats oxidizing in the brain and the strong correlation with Alzheimer’s.  Increase your vitamin C and beta-carotene in reducing fat oxidization in the brain.  As in step one, the same diet recommendations are made.  Also, spinach, kale, oranges and foods high in beta-carotene and vitamin C.  Organic blueberries are rich in these vitamins. Supplements recommended are tocotrienols and tocopherols which are forms of vitamin E, selenium, vitamin C, N-Acetyl cysteine and alpha-lipoic acid.
  4. Optimize Gut health.  Researchers have discovered a link between the number of healthy flora in the gut and brain function.  Gut health is essential for overall health.  The diet recommended is the same as in step one.  Grains are hard to digest and are hard on gut flora.  Reduce the grains in your diet.  Supplements recommended are a good probiotic (make sure it has live flora).  Probiotics break down the glutamate which is known to produce gamma-amino butyric acid otherwise known as GABA.  GABA is a neurotransmitter in the brain.  When there is a decline in GABA, there is a decline in brain function.  So, probiotics are essential in ensuring healthy levels of GABA.
  5. Fats. I am talking about healthy fats to absorb fat soluble vitamins.  These healthy fats are needed to keep our brain in good working order. Healthy fats include olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds, and olives.  These fats help produce acetylcholine which is vital in learning and concentration and memory.  Once again, the diet remains the same as already suggested. Along with DHA and EPA one should add MCT oil which is derived from coconuts.  As far as fats go, if the table says partially hydrogenated, this means trans-fat.  Leave it on the shelf!

In the next article, I will address the next five steps in brain health.  Take this time to really look at your diet.  It’s up to you if you want to improve brain health or not.

Through the years, I have seen more patients than not just wanting the doctor to give them a pill to “fix” the problem.  Patients often would ask the physician to increase the dose of their medication to control glucose levels, instead of improving their diet.

I ask you… Are you going to continue being lazy? Or, are you going to take responsibility for your own health?


resource: https://www.foundmyfitness.com/episodes/dale-bredesen