
Cold Water Therapy by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I am frequently amazed about information that “social influencers” put out. I’m more amazed at how people follow their advice without researching what these influencers are preaching. Furthermore, why would anyone listen to these people giving medical advice? Popular social influencers more often than not are not qualified to be giving advice on anything, especially medical advice.

In the northern hemisphere it’s winter time and time for the “polar bear plunge” into ice water. This is usually a fund raising event, but many people on social media praise the benefits of cold showers and ice baths.

Where’s the proof?

As many of my readers know, I’m all about show me the science. I was the chairperson for the Evidence Based Committee at the Veteran’s Administration for three years in my home state. The purpose of this committee was to look at research papers to determine if there was merit to claims being made in the medical field.

We are told that ice baths:

  • Help in stress management and improve mood and support relaxation
  • It helps reduce depression
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Can decrease fatigue and induce better sleep
  • Limits inflammation and speeds up recovery after an intense workout or injury
  • Increase libido
  • Helps to maintain glucose levels in the optimal range

I have researched numerous articles to find evidence of these claims. Many so called research papers were anything but true scientific research findings. In reality, evidence supporting health benefits is hard to find and is sketchy. Health benefits have NOT been established.

The Facts

Sudden immersion in water under 60 degrees Fahrenheit can actually kill a person in less than a minute. The shock of plunging into ice water that social influencers talk about suggest that it triggers the body to respond in the above mentioned areas. People who routinely swim in cold water have gone through a protocol and taken safety measures to prevent permeant harm to their bodies. They never swim in cold water alone. They have someone around in case of an emergency.

Shocking the body with cold water baths actually triggers:

  • Rapid increase in breathing
  • Rapid increase in heart rate
  • Increase in blood pressure known as the cold shock response
  • Can cause an individual to drown within seconds it the involuntary gasp reactions happens while their head is under water
  • The shock places stress on the heart causing it to work harder

Other side effects are:

  • The blood vessels in the extremities shutdown in order to protect the body’s core and vital organs
  • This causes poor circulation in the extremities causing a loss of coordination and strength
  • Leads to hypothermia faster than being out in cold air
  • Cold water reduces the body’s heat 25 times faster than air
  • Can cause confusion and increasing the risk of death due to not being able to react to remove oneself from a dangerous situation

Who should never try cold water therapy?

People who have heart disease should never try cold water therapy. It’s not even a good idea for heart patients to drink ice cold beverages. Individuals who take beta blockers, blood pressure medications to lower blood pressure and medications to reduce heart rate can throw their heart into a life threatening cardiac arrhythmia.

Other concerns include:

  1. Decreases in core body temperature that can impair the blood flow and constrict your blood vessels making it harder for the heart to circulate the blood.
  2. Can increase your risk for stroke or cardiac arrest
  3. Always talk to your health care provider before you try any extreme “so called healthy” therapy.

Final Thoughts

As far as helping the libido, really? Don’t men take a cold shower to shut down the arousal response? Speaking as a woman, a cold shower certainly would not help my libido.

I know my readers are not mindless followers of “social influencers”. Next time you see a social influencer talk about cold water baths, speak up and tell them it’s bad advice. You might even save someones life.

What happened to 2023? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Time seems to accelerate faster as we get older. Up to a point that is. My 90 year old dad is at the point where time is dragging by for him. He recently told me, “I’m just waiting.” I get it. He’s not able to live by himself anymore and his mobility is extremely limited. So, for him, he’s just waiting to transcend to the next level.

But what happened to 2023? It has been a rollercoaster ride for the last three years. It seems as though the whole world has lost its mind! All of the world leaders have certainly lost their minds. Especially in the U.S.

No, this article is not going to be a political account of the last year. But, I want to pause for a moment and reflect on the current environment. In 2023 we have seen higher death rates among all ages, especially among the 20 to 40 year olds. These high death rates are not normal. We have seen more fighting among countries that at least use to tolerate each other. The homeless rate world wide has gone up. (No, I’m not going to use politically correct terms. They change too much.) People are struggling to have enough money for the basics for food, clothing and shelter. Hunger is a real issue for people worldwide.

Mental health has deteriorated and there have been more suicides that normal. People are not as friendly as they were a few years ago. Basically, the quality of life is at stake. Gloom and doom seems to be the theme for the year.

While all of this is true, we can take a step back and regroup. I come from the thought that my glass is half full and quickly overflowing.

2024 is at the door

So, what do you want for the year 2024? How do you live in a world that’s so chaotic? I don’t live in the world so to speak. I’m fully aware of what’s going on, but I don’t let the unrest affect my inner peace.

I encourage you to take a step back, take a deep breath, close your eyes and regain your balance. Be aware of events around you, but don’t let these events take over your life.

2024 will be whatever you chose to make it. Truly! Be honest with yourself. What do you want? We are the creators of our own lives. In past articles I have talked about getting the conscious mind and the subconscious minds in alignment. Go back and read them again if you need to.

Write down what you want your life to be like. Put it aside for awhile and then look at your statements again. Fine tune it if you need to. Remember, it’s not written in stone, you can change your goals anytime. You are the creator of your life. It’s up to you to find the inner peace and balance in your life. You certainly have the control and power over your own thoughts.

Visual aids help. Make a vision board. Place it where you will see it each day. We are never too old to have a vision of what we want our lives to look like.

Remember, we might live in this world, but we don’t have to be IN this world! Think about this statement. Don’t let outside circumstances rule your life. Be an observer and encourage others when you can. Ask for help if you feel you’re getting sucked into the sludge of the world. Take an active part in your own story!

God told Moses, “I AM THAT I AM. I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE.” Embrace this declaration.

I pray that each of you find your balance in 2024. May your ship have calm waters. Looking forward to seeing you in 2024!

Black Garlic by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I learn something every day. I have an inquisitive mind. My mind can go down some interesting rabbit holes. This is one of them.

Today’s new information is that there is black garlic. Who knew?! So, what is black garlic and why is it supposed to be so nutritious?

What is black garlic and where did it come from?

The origins of black garlic is obscured. Some think that it’s origin was somewhere in Asia. It’s actually been around for centuries! Get out! Really?! Black garlic gets its uniqueness through a process called the Mallard process.

Now, I know you chefs out there know what the Mallard process is, but for those of us who are culinary newbies let me explain the Mallard process. In our defense, this process is so complex and relatively new that it has taken scientists years to figure out. So, you chefs out there don’t look down your culinary nose at the rest of us. Just be glad we are learning something new.

So, here goes; The Maillard reaction is many small, simultaneous chemical reactions that occur when proteins and sugars in and on your food are transformed by heat, producing new flavors, aromas, and colors. (https://www.seriouseats.com/what-is-maillard-reaction-cooking-science) Check out this website.

The Mallard process gives our food more complex layers of flavor. We see the Mallard effect in roasted coffee, charred steaks, and roasted vegetables. In short, the Mallard process is adding heat to food over a period of time. This process also includes adding in the right amount of moisture to draw out the incredible taste from those sugars and proteins in the food. Here’s the interesting part, it takes about nine months for this process. Talk about the ultimate crockpot! It doesn’t take the sugars and proteins that long to process, but it takes that long for the flavors to build. To learn more about the Mallard process you can go to the link above for one explanation.

Now back to the black garlic. (See what I mean about going down rabbit holes). By applying the Mallard process to the garlic, you get a change in texture and flavor. The garlic becomes softer, chewer and milder in flavor.

Health Benefits

 Black garlic does boast higher concentrations of many nutrients, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds. Garlic is mostly used for reducing blood pressure, blood glucose levels, lowering levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. There are some studies showing that the antioxidants in black garlic can help prevent colon cancers.

I’ve talked about the fact that everyone who dies a natural death dies from the same diagnosis, inflammation. Yes, inflammation. Remember, we talked about what ever the disease a person many have, the underlining cause is inflammation. So, black garlic can help reduce inflammation in the body.

Garlic and onion are consider natural antibiotics for the body in prevention of many problems. Therefore, it stands to reason that black garlic can help build the immune system and support the liver. Some research shows that black garlic can help lower markers of related to liver damage, decrease fatty deposits in the liver, and rebalance liver cell size. Keep in mind, the best way to reduce a fatty liver is to maintain a healthy weight. Even children who are overweight have fatty livers.

Black garlic also contains noticeable amounts of:

  • Vitamin C
  • B Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, and B6)
  • Folate
  • Calcium
  • Manganese
  • Magnesiem
  • Phosphorous
  • Zinc
  • Iron

Black garlic contains more antioxidants than regular garlic. It also has more of the compound S-Allylcysteine (SAC). SAC helps the body to absorb allicin. Black garlic has a greater concentration and may be more effective in helping your body absorb the benefits that allicin provides. 

Practical Experience

Through the years I would have patients coming in for their checks on blood pressure who wrecked of the garlic smell. Their blood pressure would be sky-high. They thought that garlic would control their blood pressure. In those cases, it didn’t. Now, having said that, I don’t know what the rest of their regime was to control their blood pressure. For instance, what was the rest of their diet like? Did they manage their salt intake? Most of these people did not have a healthy weight, they were obese. Did they move their bodies and exercise? Did they walk for exercise? There are many variables to take into consideration.

Don’t get me wrong now, I certainly believe that the natural approach to health is the best approach. However, what most people don’t take into consideration is embracing all the aspects of healthy living. I would have patients come into the doctor’s clinic with literally bags of supplements. They see an article or an add on TV about the health benefits of supplements and take dozens of pills.

I am not an advocate for taking large amounts of supplements. I’m just not. I feel that the best approach is getting our supplements from whole, organic grown foods as much as possible. Yes, you can get good quality foods in the grocery store if you don’t have access to a farmers market.

Supplements can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. For example, vitamins A,D,E, and K are fat soluble vitamins. This means that these vitamins are stored in the fatty tissues in the body. Too much of a good thing can cause serious problems. Most of us get enough of these vitamins in healthy meals and with a multivitamin supplement.

In conclusion

I look forward in exploring black garlic. It will be interesting to see how this tasty food can help in the overall health of people. I do believe that the natural approach is the best avenue to a healthy lifestyle. However, I also believe it’s often prudent to consult with a natural health doctor. It’s best to have an overall view on an appropriate lifestyle. Don’t listen to the commercials! The objective is to sell a product. The advisors are not going to tell you the truth. Remember, me ranting about the skin care commercial stating that their product goes 10 layers deep? How can it possibly do that when there are only 3 layers of skin? I digress.

I plan to find black garlic and give it a try. I hope you will research this food further. I know I am. You can make your own black garlic, but keep in mind it will take weeks. Instructions on how to make it is easily available online.

Use black garlic as you would regular garlic. Spread it on bread, add it to mashed potatoes or baked potatoes. The possibilities are limitless! Have fun with your food! Try something new.

Bone Strength Continued by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I talked about the causes of osteoporosis in the last article. Today, the discussion is test that need to be done to make a better treatment plan.

Testing the bone

Isn’t the bone density scan enough? Actually, no. In the last article, I eluded to the fact that bone quality is most likely the most important aspect to look at. Why is bone quality so important? So, how do we check the quality of bones?

Bone quality status is a predictor of probability of having a fracture. What test is needed? Trabecular Bone Scan score, Lateral Tubercle score and Lateral Vertebral score are commonly the main markers. However, this doesn’t give one a total picture.

Bone Markers/Formation has to be checked. What blood test are needed? C Telopeptides (CTX) measures bone resorption and N-terminal propeptide measures type 1 procollagen (P1NP). P1NP is the marker of bone formation. These are tested through blood.

Other blood test include hormonal markers such as thyroid/parathyroid, sex hormones include estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and pituitary gland.

A baseline on these test has to be done before any pharmaceutic intervention is started. Bone turn over markers are necessary before treatment is started. Some of the medications build bone density, but are not good at building bone quality. If the bone meets the density requirements and does not build good bone quality, your fracture risk remains high.

It’s important to talk with your health care provider about getting baseline test results before any treatment is started. If this is not done, one can be on a treatment protocol for two years only to discover at the end of two years that the medication prescribed didn’t work.

When is Pharmaceutical Intervention needed?

Oftentimes, physicians want to start treatment when the bone density scan shows osteopenia. (Did you know that the term osteopenia is a word radiologist came up with. They made up this word because the bone density scan was on the borderline of osteoporosis, but the scan was inconclusive.)

Recently, experts on osteoporosis are making recommendations not to go by the bone density score only. Listening to these experts talk I learned that medications are not always recommended with -2 and -3. Why? Because the bone quality test show good bone quality which means that the risk of bone fracture is not that high. I was surprised and pleased to hear these experts recommending to be slow on starting osteoporosis medications. All of them recommended a natural approach.

Natural Health Protocols

Diet is the number 1 recommendation from the experts on osteoporosis. GO FIGURE! Therefore, go grocery shopping instead of to the pharmacy! If you will recall, I have written extensively about shopping around the edges of the grocery store. Skip the prepackaged frozen meals.

I spoke on what to avoid in foods in the first article in this series. But, I will summarize the worst foods.

  1. Dairy – the more dairy products ingested the higher the fractures in osteoporosis.
  2. Red meat – increases acid forming in the body
  3. Protein – higher levels of protein equal lower bone density and calcium loss is higher
  4. Soda pop – causes phosphoric acid which leads to lower bone density
  5. Caffeine – can decrease calcium absorption in the gut
  6. Alcohol – increase fracture from osteoporosis (Look up the guidelines on what constitutes alcoholism. You will be surprise. Alcohol consumption in diagnosing alcoholism is lower than one would think.)
  7. Cigarettes – well everyone knows this one

Eliminate these items listed above and you have taken a major step in improving your health.

What should you do to support your bones and health?

  1. Make sure you have a good vitamin D level.
  2. Eat more fruits and vegetables to provide an alkaline environment in the body.
  3. Reduce the chronic inflammation in the body. Reduce the negative stress in your life. Maintain a healthy body weight. Have good quality sleep.
  4. Increase your gut health by eating foods that promote prebiotic gut health. Fermented foods such as sauerkraut contain high levels of prebiotic bacteria. The prebiotic bacteria support the probiotic bacteria in the gut.
  5. Eat more fiber in your diet. Increase your consumption of green leafy vegetables.
  6. Increase exercise! Just move! You don’t have to go to the gym, just get up off the couch and move. There are exercises that build bone strength and density.
  7. Stop the calcium supplements! They don’t work!

One last point, most people are not gluten sensitive, they are wheat sensitive. There are over 700 different antigens in wheat that cause the problems.

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity should be called non-celiac wheat sensitivity. Note that gluten free products are higher in sugar. That’s not a healthy alternative.

Ok, I just stated to stop the calcium supplements. What’s the alternative? Many foods have ample amounts of calcium and this calcium is easily absorbed. You can get a plant based supplement that is readily absorbed.


I do practice what I preach. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. My approach has been the natural approach. I just had a bone density scan done. Comparing this recent scan to the one done two years shows that my bone density has increased. I have used this protocol and will continue to follow this route.

Let me be crystal clear, I’m not totally opposed to drug treatment. But, I do agree with the experts who are proponents of going the natural route first.

Talk with your health care provider and make sure bone markers are done before you start any medications. Make sure you have all the facts before making any decision on how you chose to proceed.

Bone Strength by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Do you have strong bones? Bone strength is a concern to post menopausal women. Osteoporosis is a real concern and causes anxiety for women who are diagnosed with bone loss. However, bone density is only part of the picture. The more important question is, “How good is your bone quality?” Doctors often don’t discuss bone quality. Often, times Bone Markers are not checked. Medications are recommended and doctors often want to start medications when they are not recommended.

Bone Quantity or Bone Quality?

Most often bone quantity is the only factor that’s looked at in bone density screening. This is the marker that physicians use to recommend a treatment plan. Therefore, a decision on treatment is made based on very little information. This x-ray is often times the only test used to base a treatment plan on.

In reality, bone quality is more important than density. If the bone quality isn’t good, it makes no difference how dense the bones are. The bone may have less density, but the bone quality is good. This means that the bone is not as likely to fracture. So, let’s take a look at a better treatment plan based on other factors than just bone quantity.

Causes of Osteoporosis

Did you know that in recent years osteoporosis has been diagnosed in children and babies? Yep, it’s true. Premature babies can have osteoporosis. Shocking isn’t it? Young athletes who have had several fractures are found to have osteoporosis. Why is this? And men, don’t think you’re not included in the mix. You are!

The American diet has a lot to do with these findings. Think about what you eat. What is your teenager’s diet? I’m not going into detail on diet in this article. Read my other articles under nutrition. My point is, it doesn’t matter what age you are, diet is important in developing and maintaining a health body.

If the mother hasn’t had a good diet during pregnancy, the baby will take what it can get from the mother’s body. We know this. However, if there’s a lack of vitamins and minerals in the mother’s diet and in her body, the baby will suffer just as much as the mother.

It’s know that lack of vitamin D, gut health, and diet are the major players in bone health.

Overview on Food

Studies show that people who drink a lot of milk have an increased risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures. Remember the commercial stating, “Milk does a body good!” Not true! This is a good marketing campaign sponsored by the dairy industry. Actually, there are no studies supporting this. We know that milk contributes to cancer because of the sugars in it. Milk is not readily absorbed by humans. Studies show that milk is not a good source of calcium. Don’t believe me, do your own research!

Eating high volumes of red meat increase acid in the body. Remember, we want the body to be more alkaline. Increased protein in the diet decreases bone density and contributes to decreased calcium in the body. Sodas increase phosphoric acid which in turn lowers bone density. And caffeine lowers calcium absorption. Drinking alcohol causes increase in fractures as well. But the biggest culprit is cigarette smoking.

I honestly don’t understand why people continue to smoke knowing what happens to the body. Especially people who have had cardiac events and cancer because of smoking. It’s my body, I’ve heard people say, but it’s my profession who’s expected to pickup the pieces when things fall apart. I digress…

We know low levels of inflammation contribute to bone loss. Just about anyone alive has chronic inflammation in the body. Actually, Inflammation is what everyone dies from. Yes it is. (Unless you die from an unexpected accident.) It does not matter what the disease is that you have, chronic Inflammation is behind each disease. Chronic inflammation is caused from many events, but, increased stress, obesity, poor gut health, not enough omega 3 fatty acids in the diet, and poor quality of sleep are the major factors.


In the next article I will talk about what test need to be done besides just the bone density study. I will talk about natural steps that can be taken to increase bone quantity and quality also.

And, in the meantime, stop taking the calcium supplements! They don’t work!

Think about what I just said in this article and do your own research. Your health is, after all, your responsibility.

I look forward in you joining me in the next article.

Concealed by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Concealed: kept secret; hidden

What have you concealed from yourself?

“Nothing.” I hear you say. Are you sure about that?

We don’t like to face certain events, issues, or characteristics about ourselves. Refusing to face what we have concealed from ourselves isn’t healthy. When one refuses to admit that there are certain things in your life or characteristics that you don’t want to exist, you are creating problems for yourself.

Healthy Mind

According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, mental health refers to a person’s emotional, social, and psychological well-being.

It’s hard to admit that there are certain events that have happened that still keep us bound and unable to move forward. So, one does what comes naturally, we conceal it. Ignoring what we don’t want to confront isn’t healthy either. Self-sabotaging has dire consequences such as depression, low self-esteem, procrastination, being ridge and having the need to be perfect, and at times self-medicating. Self-medicating can lead to more serious problems such as alcoholism or drug abuse either with legal drugs or illegal drugs.

It becomes a festering wound. Eventually, that festering wound has pus that infects the rest of the body. At some point, it becomes life-threatening.

Looking at what’s concealed

Why is it so hard for us to look at what’s concealed and deal with the issue? I think we don’t like to admit that we’re not in control. It’s easier to overlook the thorn in our life than it is to remove it.

Recently, a friend of mine told me about a neighbor. This neighbor was outside on a beautiful day washing her car. She was crying and saying, “Why am I such a failure?”

I happen to know my friend’s neighbor. This woman is always taking self improvement classes and looking to others to “fix” her. The fact that she thinks she is a failure, is creating that reality. Remember, what you think, you manifest into your life. I tell you this all the time!

It is hard to look at our short comings. It’s even harder to correct what we hide from. American culture is that of over-achieving, being strong, don’t give an inch, and most of all, never show any weaknesses. These are impossible qualities to live up too.

Bringing out the hidden

Ok, so what do you do to bring the hidden out into the light?

  1. Look at what you have hidden from yourself. Face it squarely. Stop thinking of it as a failure or weakness on your part.
  2. What caused the problem? Is this an ongoing issue that keeps reoccurring? Is it faulty self-talk?
  3. What is stopping you from moving forward? What are you afraid of?
  4. Is this obstacle a reflection on what you keep telling yourself? Or are you listening to what others are telling you? Constructive criticism is beneficial. Criticism is not. Be careful who you listen to and what they are saying.
  5. Are you afraid of success? You’d be surprised how many people are. With success comes new responsibility and expectations.

Points to consider

  1. What do you have to lose by facing the hidden? The shadow has become a part of who you are. It’s part of your identity. Change isn’t easy. We’re creatures of habit.
  2. Do you consider the concealed to be a failure? There’s really no failure. There’s learning experiences. One way of doing something may not work out. That’s fine, just try a different way.
  3. Is it time to ask for help? Help can be in the form of talking with someone you trust. Maybe, it’s time to consider talking with a mental health professional, a minister or rabbi.

Every day is a new beginning. What will you do with this new day? Remember, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. Pull yourself up by the boot straps and take charge of your life! No, it’s not easy. But anything worthwhile isn’t always easy. You can do this! The question is, “Do you want to do this?” Only you can answer that question. The only time it’s too late is when you’re dead.

You might want to consider reading my book, Guilty Prayers.

How Do You Reinforce Positive Self-Talk by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I speak about self-talk often. How we talk to ourselves is so important. However, today I want to talk with you about how to anchor the positive self discussion into your subconscious mind.

By now, you should have learned that the words, I AM, are the most powerful words that can be spoken. No other words are more powerful. Furthermore, the narrative one should be having with self should be positive affirmations. If you need a review, scroll back through previous articles I have written.

Anchors Away!

Congratulations! Your conversation with self is upbeat and positive. Now what? How do we keep up the momentum?

Each night as you are going to sleep, give thanks for the opportunities you had that day. Remember, it doesn’t matter how small the opportunity is. It’s the little things that add up. You remembered where you put your keys as you were rushing out the door and didn’t have to spend time looking for them. It didn’t rain or maybe it did because rain is needed. A child was in need of help and you were there to help them. See where I’m going with this?

Express joyfulness. What happened today that made you feel joy? Did you live in the moment? Did you step out of the “ruminating” and disconnect from the one thought loop that we all get stuck in at times. For many of us, just waking up in the morning feeling rested is a big step. Notice what’s around you. Really look at your surroundings and experience the joy from being out in nature. Don’t just look around, see what’s around you.

Show gratitude for people and events that happened today. Give gratitude for the difficult moments in your life today. While we all want to have an easy path, it’s the difficult times that helps us grow. No one likes to have challenges, but these moments teach us about how strong we are.

As you start to drift off into slumber, repeat your positive affirmations to yourself. Repeating your positive self-talk durning this state of drifting off, is the perfect time to hook your new attitude into the subconscious. The conscious mind is easy to slip around during this stage. Once you get past the “gatekeeper” and move the conscious mind to the side, it’s so much easier to ground the positive thoughts.


In the morning as you’re waking up, when you are still in the dreamy stage, start the day by giving thanks for the opportunities that will come your way. Before you know it, the subconscious has anchored in the new thought process.

Repetition is the key to changing your life.

What am I grateful for today? I’m grateful that I’m able to help people. It brings me joy to see people come into the center not feeling well, but by the time they leave, they are feeling so much better.

Gratitude ~ Message from Our Board President - Unitarian Universalist ...

Murphy Showed Up Again by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Murphy’s Law is in effect for the last few months. I’ve not been able to write a blog because I couldn’t get into my site to write. Somehow, the updates got turned off. Why would this happen? Beats me, I didn’t do it. Now that I have access to write, I see that the format is changed to the point that I am having to figure it out.

Murphy showed up in my work computer too. I discovered that the Microsoft 360 isn’t working because when the account was setup, my name is spelled wrong and the name of the company is spelled wrong as well. Therefore, I’m not able to participate in Team meetings. My boss isn’t happy about that at all.


Needless to say, this has been frustrating. Frustration causes one to react instead of responding to a situation. How do you handle frustration? What does frustration do to the body? What are the triggers that cause you to become aggravated?

Exasperation is truly personal. What frustrates me, may not irritate you. My biggest annoyance is actually computers. Or maybe I should say computer programs when they don’t work. I don’t particularly care for Microsoft programs, that’s why I have a Mac. Mostly no discontentment with my Mac. However, my job requires me to use Microsoft. Until about a year ago, I have not used Microsoft in about ten years, now I have too.

So get to the point! What is this article really about? It’s about frustration. Ok, I’ll get to the point. Identify what your stresses are. First of all, vexation isn’t either good or bad. It’s what you do about it.

What Happens When You Let Disappointment Get Out Of Control

Anger is one of the most common reaction. Think about the physical symptoms you experienced when you got mad. Your heart pounds, blood pressure goes up, brain fog is experienced, and one begins to overthink the situation. Some of us may experience loss of confidence and give up. If these emotions go unchecked, one might become depressed. That’s certainly not good. Any emotion that goes unchecked can affect one’s health.

Once this emotion becomes bitterness, then you’re in an area that you don’t want to be in. Again, are you reacting to the situation or responding to it? If you’re reacting, you stand the chance of damaging relationships with the people you really don’t want to alienate. Anxiety quickly takes over if we’re not careful.

So, What Do We Do?

I found myself quickly becoming frustrated this week as I’ve spent most of the week dealing with the company computer. This morning was especially challenging. What did I do? Once I realized I was rapidly spiraling down into wanting to throw my computer out the window, I sat back in my desk chair. Then I decided my plan of action. You see, I wasn’t able to get our IT guy to understand what I was trying to explain to him about the problem with installing Teams. Actually, he was the one who setup the account, wrongly I would like to point out. It’s not about who’s right, it’s about being told I need to learn to use a computer. But, I digress…

My plan of action was to go see my new friend at the Geek Squad. When he saw me walking in, he just had the look of “Oh God! What now?” I’ve been in three times within the last week, so he knew why I was there. Actually, he’s the one who discovered the problem, but he’s not able to fix it. My companies IT guy has to “fix” it.

As I walked up to his desk, I said, “I’m not able to get my IT guy to listen to what I’m saying. He’s being a smart a– and I’m not happy about this. I need you to write an email to him. I will pull up the email and I need you to talk with him, one IT guy to the other. I’m not using the right language.”

Therefore, my new ‘friend’ wrote the email. The ball is now in the other court. I copied my boss and the head of HR on the email. You see, I’m in trouble because I need to do some training, I have to have Teams installed to do it. It seems that the general consensus with the company is that I am computer illiterate. I might not be the sharpest tack in the computer box, but I’m not the dullest either.

Coming To The Point

Sometimes, we have to ask other people for help. There’s no shame in asking for help. Furthermore, we have to realize that we don’t have to go through life dealing with “Murphy” alone. So, when Murphy ‘gets your goat’, step back and take a deep breath. Look at the situation from a different perspective. Your mental health is important. So is your physical health. Take care of yourself.

Remember, Me First! You have to take care of yourself, before you can help others. You know, like the airplane instructions, “put the oxygen mask on yourself first, then help the person next to you”.

The holidays are stressful, daily life is stressful. A strong person knows when to ask for help. No shame in that. So, now you have some tools to kick Murphy out the door. Take a deep breath and know you are not alone.

When It Gets Tough by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

“When it gets tough, the tough get going.” This is a popular saying in the U.S. It certainly applies now. Times are difficult not only in the U.S., but worldwide. Having said this, I’m not focusing on the political implications. Instead, I want to focus on what we can do.

It’s time to move out of the feminine energy!

As you know, the feminine energy is about “planting the seeds” and nurturing the idea that is planted. The masculine energy is all about taking action. It’s time to take action!

The peoples of the world find ourselves in the pot on the stove, like the frog who’s slowly getting cooked. For those of you who do not know the story of the frog in the pot getting slowly cook I will share that story with you.

The story is this; a frog is put into a pot of water on the stove. The heat is turned on. It’s on a low setting. The water warms up slowly. As the water begins to warm up, the heat is turned up gradually. Before the frog realizes what’s happening, the water is boiling and the frog is cooked.

Therefore, we are like the frog! We are cooked! To our astonishment, we find ourselves in hot water and have no idea how we got there or what to do.

The time now is to take action! It’s time to weed the garden. Pull out the weeds that suddenly showed up.

What action do we take?

First, recognize that the way of life that you thought you knew is gone. That’s a harsh statement, I know. But, life for people all over the world is different and there’s no going back. Furthermore, I don’t want to return to the way life was before.

The U.S. citizens are focused on trivial things. Getting ahead in life with no regards on what the effect is on other family members. Parents are absent in the lives of their children. The children are growing up without a real connection to their parents.

Let me ask you, Do you know your children? Do you really know them as individuals? How well do you really know your spouse or significant other? When was the last time you had a real conversation with your family? I’m talking about a meaningful conversation.

Above all, did you listen to what they said? Or where you thinking about what you wanted to say instead. Listening is an art. Listen to what someone is saying. Really listen to their words without judgement. Stop thinking ahead on what you think they are going to say and listen to what they are saying.

Clear communication is the first step.

Next, look objectively at what is. Oftentimes, we don’t want to acknowledge the truth. It’s difficult to admit that we’re wrong. It’s just human nature to want to be right.

However, we are good at deceiving ourselves. At times, we are like the deer in the headlights. (Another U.S. saying. Deer get blinded by the headlights on a car and freeze up.) Stop deceiving yourself! See things as they are now.

So, what’s next?

It’s time to wake up and deal with life as it is now.  Or as my grandmother used to say, “You made your bed sleep in it.”

We know that there’s shortages in food, in getting supplies and so on… I’m not going to go over the list of what you already know.

Citizens around the world have the same concerns. Will I have the money to buy gasoline for my car to get to work? Is there going to be enough money to buy food? Can I pay the rent/mortgage? And how will I pay the rising cost in the utilities? Yes, everything is going up in prices.

Having said all this, how do we survive?

First, get to know your neighbors. That’s a concept most Americans don’t understand. We don’t have the “sitting on the front porch in the evenings visiting with our neighbors.” Most people don’t know who their neighbors are, much less visit with them. Your neighbors will be your first line of defense if you get to know each other. Otherwise, you will be out on your own. That’s not going to be a comfortable place to be.

Secondly, it starts in your community. Get involved, know what’s going on in your community. Study what the issues are in your community. Get to know your local leaders. Get up off your backside and get involved!

Thirdly, know your state representatives. Know what the real issues are. Don’t assume you know. Know what’s really going on in the background. Remember, these people work for you, you don’t work for them! If they are not doing the job you elected them to do, fire them! Vote them out of office.


Most importantly, take action to plan ahead. You know there’s going to be shortages. Stock up on food and supplies. As the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts learn, “Be prepared.”

Do not get caught up in the fear that’s presenting itself around the world. Fear will defeat you every time if you don’t recognize it for what it is. It’s a tactic to control the masses.

Times are tough and the tough need to get going! Be prepared, have a plan. Humankind is resilient! The world has been through difficult times before and survived. We will survive again. To survive, we have to be alert and work together.

United we stand. Divided we fall.

People from around the world have to put aside the assumed differences and pull together. No one is coming to save us. We have to save ourselves.

We change the world one person at a time. And it starts with you.

Tesla BioHealing Center by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Tesla BioHealing is now the proud owner of property on Central Avenue in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Hot Springs is the first to have a Tesla BioHealing Center of this kind. This center is unique in and of itself. Tesla BioHealing has other centers in other parts of the nation, but the Hot Springs center is different.

The center is nestled between downtown Hot Springs and Oaklawn Race Track. I learned this week that our neighbor buildings are going through a renovation process as well. Exciting news!

Tell Us About It!

Obviously there are areas where one can sit to soak in the Tesla BioHealing energy. As you already know from reading the previous articles the body takes in what it needs. The innate knowledge of the body is amazing. Just like “Goldie Locks”, the body takes in “just right” the amount of energy it needs.

Next, this center plans to have a medicinal Tea Room featuring teas that will help support the body’s ability to replenish the cells.

Imagine having the gift of bio-photon energy that supports your body’s ability to replenish the cells. Incredible!!!


The plan is to have the center open in November 2022. However, this lovely building needs a little TLC before she’s ready to receive guest. As you noticed from the photo, she’s now Pepto-Bismol pink. YES, the color will be changed. She may stand out with this color, but I believe she will look better with a more toned down shade.

As the renovation progresses, I will keep you posted. You will see the transformation as it takes place.


Why Hot Springs, AR? I’m glad you asked. I will talk about that in the next segment.