Do you have strong bones? Bone strength is a concern to post menopausal women. Osteoporosis is a real concern and causes anxiety for women who are diagnosed with bone loss. However, bone density is only part of the picture. The more important question is, “How good is your bone quality?” Doctors often don’t discuss bone quality. Often, times Bone Markers are not checked. Medications are recommended and doctors often want to start medications when they are not recommended.

Bone Quantity or Bone Quality?

Most often bone quantity is the only factor that’s looked at in bone density screening. This is the marker that physicians use to recommend a treatment plan. Therefore, a decision on treatment is made based on very little information. This x-ray is often times the only test used to base a treatment plan on.

In reality, bone quality is more important than density. If the bone quality isn’t good, it makes no difference how dense the bones are. The bone may have less density, but the bone quality is good. This means that the bone is not as likely to fracture. So, let’s take a look at a better treatment plan based on other factors than just bone quantity.

Causes of Osteoporosis

Did you know that in recent years osteoporosis has been diagnosed in children and babies? Yep, it’s true. Premature babies can have osteoporosis. Shocking isn’t it? Young athletes who have had several fractures are found to have osteoporosis. Why is this? And men, don’t think you’re not included in the mix. You are!

The American diet has a lot to do with these findings. Think about what you eat. What is your teenager’s diet? I’m not going into detail on diet in this article. Read my other articles under nutrition. My point is, it doesn’t matter what age you are, diet is important in developing and maintaining a health body.

If the mother hasn’t had a good diet during pregnancy, the baby will take what it can get from the mother’s body. We know this. However, if there’s a lack of vitamins and minerals in the mother’s diet and in her body, the baby will suffer just as much as the mother.

It’s know that lack of vitamin D, gut health, and diet are the major players in bone health.

Overview on Food

Studies show that people who drink a lot of milk have an increased risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures. Remember the commercial stating, “Milk does a body good!” Not true! This is a good marketing campaign sponsored by the dairy industry. Actually, there are no studies supporting this. We know that milk contributes to cancer because of the sugars in it. Milk is not readily absorbed by humans. Studies show that milk is not a good source of calcium. Don’t believe me, do your own research!

Eating high volumes of red meat increase acid in the body. Remember, we want the body to be more alkaline. Increased protein in the diet decreases bone density and contributes to decreased calcium in the body. Sodas increase phosphoric acid which in turn lowers bone density. And caffeine lowers calcium absorption. Drinking alcohol causes increase in fractures as well. But the biggest culprit is cigarette smoking.

I honestly don’t understand why people continue to smoke knowing what happens to the body. Especially people who have had cardiac events and cancer because of smoking. It’s my body, I’ve heard people say, but it’s my profession who’s expected to pickup the pieces when things fall apart. I digress…

We know low levels of inflammation contribute to bone loss. Just about anyone alive has chronic inflammation in the body. Actually, Inflammation is what everyone dies from. Yes it is. (Unless you die from an unexpected accident.) It does not matter what the disease is that you have, chronic Inflammation is behind each disease. Chronic inflammation is caused from many events, but, increased stress, obesity, poor gut health, not enough omega 3 fatty acids in the diet, and poor quality of sleep are the major factors.


In the next article I will talk about what test need to be done besides just the bone density study. I will talk about natural steps that can be taken to increase bone quantity and quality also.

And, in the meantime, stop taking the calcium supplements! They don’t work!

Think about what I just said in this article and do your own research. Your health is, after all, your responsibility.

I look forward in you joining me in the next article.