
Life’s Journey by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I live an interesting life. Three months ago, I accepted a new job. I lived in a hotel in two different states for three months as project manager. I’m in charge of the renovation of two hotels. My next project is working on the interior of a four story gutted building.

I sold my house, gave my car to one of my daughters, and now I’m living in a third state. I moved from Arkansas to Delaware, which is rather amazing since I have never lived anywhere but Arkansas.

We hear about the “Southern Rednecks” and those “Damn Yankee’s”, but my experience has been very positive. The people in these northern states of Pennsylvania, Illinois and Delaware have welcomed me with open arms. A week ago when I moved to Milford, DE, my colleagues told me “welcome home!” That’s incredible since I only met some of them three months ago.

Cultural Impressions

We hear in the news about all the division between people. Black vs white, people from India vs everyone else and Chinese are looked down on because of the Chinese Communist Party and the virus unleashed on the world.

This “Southern Woman” is welcomed with open arms everywhere I go. Basically, everyone is striving for the same things. We all want to enjoy life. To have healthy children and to be healthy ourselves. Everyone wants to be able to pursue their dreams.

The owner of the company I’m now working for is Chinese and the president of the company is also Chinese. It has been interesting for me to develop an ear for the Chinese accent. I know my southern girl accent has been a challenge for them as well. However, we seem to be able to work through these moments without much difficulty.

Furthermore, I don’t see racism in the south, nor have I seen it in the north. So, I have to wonder, ‘why is the news media pushing this agenda?’ Most importantly, the general population isn’t listening to it. That makes me proud of my fellow citizens.

What’s next?

I want to share with you who I am working with. What could have inspired me to uproot myself and so easily move more than 1,200 miles from my home?

I’m privileged to be working for Tesla BioHealing. The projects I’m working on are Tesla MedBed centers. This technology is truly amazing. I hear and see the most incredible stories from people who have used the products. Lives are changed!

You have heard me say in the past, that as a doctor of natural health, it’s astonishing  for me to witness how fast the body can heal and repair itself when it’s given the right tools. Clean food and air, a healthy living style, a good attitude, all go a long way. Now there’s a new tool for you to use for your body to help improve itself.

I invite you to go to: TeslaBioHealing.com and read about this life changing technology.


I will share more of my life adventures with you as more opportunities unfold. Therefore, be on the look out for more stories as my new journey unfolds.

Most of all, remember, age means nothing. Most of my friends are retired. I was forced into retirement for three years after a semi truck hit me. I wish I had been able to use the Tesla BioHealing products back then. But, at that time, they were just being developed by a remarkable man. This doctor thought to himself, “There has to be a better way for me to help my patients.” Fortunately, for us all, he found the way. The future of medicine is now changed forever.


What is happening now? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

As we have learned, our earth is increasing the vibrational frequency to a higher hertz.  This change in our earth is also known as the “Shift”.  Our world is preparing to move into the fifth dimension.  Therefore, this shift will not only affect our planet, but all of our universe and the universes that are connected to ours and beyond.  Time is being altered. 

Change is necessary

As our planet and time is being altered so are we.  Our memory, our DNA, our physical and emotional bodies. Above all, our perceptions of right and wrong, and our awareness of what is possible are all changing. We experience a “Shift” in our perception of our world and of ourselves.  In addition, this change in perception is that we are disconnecting from the ways of the world to realizing who we truly are.  We are beginning to remember who we are, where we came from and our purpose on this earth.  As we remember who we are, our hearts are awakening to the fact that we all are one.  

All of us matter, we all have a contribution to make. For instance, it is this shift that will take us into the higher dimensional awareness. It will align us to the higher vibrational frequency of awareness.

The Process of Awakening

In the process of awakening and remembering who we are, we are losing many of our memories. Therefore, our reference points upon which we had built our reality on is changed.  This is happening because we cannot take negative emotions or thoughts with us into the next dimension.  In our third dimensional existence, we are living in an imbalanced world and we are to learn to bring balance into our life.

However, as we transition into the fourth dimension and beyond, we learn to be in this world but not of it.  “… for I know where I came from and where I am going.” (John 8:14)  Jesus is asking us to remember that we come from I AM THAT I AM and to remember that we will return to the time and space where Creator God resides. 

Entering the Fifth Dimension

  As earth passes away and transitions into the fifth dimension, we too have to pass away along with the earth.  As result, we have to do the will of God.  For instance, we raise our vibrational frequency to stay connected to Him at all times.  To raise our vibrational frequency we have only to ask Him to allow us to be in His light of protection and consciousness.     

So, as we enter the fifth dimension of consciousness we experience full integration with our Higher Self consciousness.  In addition, we know who we are. We think from the heart. In doing so, we can act from the wisdom of our Soul.  We are fully conscious. Connecting into the wisdom and the information available within the higher consciousness of Lord God and we know there is no separation. 

Dimensional Shift and the Effects on the Body by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Ascension is the acceleration of vibrational energy and the shift of awareness in our consciousness.  When a human being raises their vibrational energy to a higher frequency, it is known as ascension.  Having said this, many changes occur during the ascension process. Similarly, as one ascends to a higher vibrational level and expands, symptoms are noted in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. 

Additionally, as we move through the Ascension process there will be periods of time when we will notice that the energy and symptoms of this process are more intense than other times.  Therefore, symptoms may last hours, several days or even weeks.  The symptoms may be mild or intense.  After that, the symptoms are different for each person and the number of symptoms and the intensity can vary depending upon ones awareness and sensitivity.  

Symptoms of Ascension

Ascension signs and symptoms include:

1. You have a “knowing” that something is happening or changing. Therefore, you “know” that something is about to happen or to come, yet you don’t know what or when. 

2. You can have stomach or digestive issues that you would not normally have.  

3. Changes in body temperature either being cold or hot are noted. 

4. Symptoms of cold or flu will appear and then disappear without exacerbation. 

5. Sinus and allergy symptoms are escalated and you may notice smells that are strange to you coming out of nowhere. 

6. A change in vision and perception is seen and sensations such as mist or smoke, flashes of lights, seeing shadows, color changes, sparkles and swirling energy is noted.

Oh, the ears!

7. However, you may notice changes in hearing; high pitched sounds, ringing in the ears, tonal changes with frequency changes, buzzing, or whooshing sounds.

8. You may notice a change in diet.  Foods that you once liked are no longer tolerable or you may find that you are having craving. You may have a weight change that is unexplained.

9. Your sleep patterns may change and you may go from periods of sleeping too much to having insomnia, waking up at odd times during the night especially around 3 in the morning. You may feel restless and not know why.

10. You may be having more day dreams, visions, flashes of insight and creativity.

11. You may experience waves of heat or hot flashes especially over the chakra areas.  You may have night sweats or chills.

12. You can have generalized aches and pains and body soreness that have no explanation.

13. You possibly experience increased static electricity in the body with the shocks from touching an object or another person.  One may have unexplained muscle twitches and spasms. You see electrical devices malfunction in your presence.

14. You may find that you are dropping objects or you are clumsier than you would normally be.  You may have vertigo or feel ungrounded.

15. You may have a sudden burst of energy or having panic attacks, scattered thoughts or confusion, and increased mental energy.  

16. You may experience unusual vibrations or tingling sensations in or around the chakra areas.

17. Mood swings from crying to laughter to anger for no apparent reason.

18. You may experience periods of increased heart rate with no explanation or unusual sensations in the heart chakra area.

And there’s more:

19. You may have skin reactions such as rashes, hives, or tingling sensations or itching that come and go.

20. There may be changes in hair and nail growth, they may grow faster than normal and the texture and color may change.

21. Moreover, you may feel drawn to nature or quieter surroundings or to be alone.

22. There may be an increase in synchronistic events such as seeing recurrent numbers or phrases.

23. Subsequently, you may have a strong urge to change locations, jobs, friends, or marriage status.

24. Therefore, physical reality may seem unreal at times like a dream state and the dream state may seem more like reality.

25. You may find that you are having issues with your voice or speech and may notice more internal dialog with yourself.

We’re not done yet!

26. Also, you feel detached from the world around you.  In addition, you may feel invisible.

27. Likewise, you feel as though you no longer know who you are and are driven to find your true self. There may be a longing to go Home, yet you don’t know where home is.

28. You may have a deep sense that,“something” is going to happen or that you are running out of time.

29. Likewise, you may have moments where you feel that you are receiving channeled information, or experience automatic writing.

30. You may have spacey thoughts, feeling detached, sudden periods of confusion, forgetting things and in a dream-like trance.

31. Above all, time may seem as though it is speeding up or slowing down.  You may lose track of time.

32. After that, you may start to see auras around people, animals, plants, and nonliving objects. You may have sensitivity to light or your vision may become blurry.

33. In other words, one can experience telepathy with people or animals whom you are close with and you may have flashes of increased intuition or insight.

34. Above all, there may be an insight that you have a Divine purpose to fill that there is a specific mission you are to reach.

 35. During, dreamtime one can become bizarre, prophetic, and dream like visions may increase.

36. As a result, you feel that you are not alone and that there are unseen presences with you.  You may feel angels, spirits or messengers and guides with you. 

Resolutions or Intentions for 2022 by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

New Years resolutions are common practice in the U.S. Maybe setting intentions is a better idea. What’s the difference?


To make a resolution means that your focus is on making a firm decision to do or not to do something.

What is your focus on? Have you decided not to do something? When you think about what you don’t want, that’s what you attract into your life.

Or, are you focused on doing something different to improve your life. You make a decision to eat healthy. Yes, it’s positive thinking, however, it means that you were not eating healthy before. Your thoughts are still on what you don’t want.

So, you think you’re moving from one way of life into another. But, are you? In other words, you’re still focused on what makes you unhappy, what you don’t want.

Both are centered around change. Therefore, your focus is on what you don’t have in your life or what you don’t want.

With a resolution, you’re trying to break a habit. To break a habit is very difficult. It’s difficult to change the patterns in ones living style.

Remember, what you think on is what you manifest into your life.


Intention is a thing intended; an aim or plan.

Think about setting an intention instead of resolutions. To set an intention is to have an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions.

Do you see the difference? One is focused on fixing or changing. The other is making a plan and taking action.

A new perspective

Change your thinking and you change your life! I challenge you to set intentions in 2022. Setting intentions, is looking at the possibilities. In addition, we are taking steps to manifest the life we intend to live. In other words, seize the opportunities that are in front of you.


There is no limit in the possibilities. For instance, I have changed my life radically! Above all, I followed my intuition! A dream I have nourished for over twenty years is now a reality. Having set this intention years ago, means that I allowed it to unfold naturally.

Most importantly, live your dreams! After that, you experience the life you intended to live.

I challenge you to look at New Years resolutions from a different angle. Be proactive in creating your reality!