
Why do men lose weight easier than women? by Janet Lynas, PhD., N.H.D.

It’s easier for a man to lose weight than it is for a woman. Sorry ladies, but it’s a fact. Why is it easier for men to lose weight than it is for women?


5 Reasons why it’s easier for a man to lose weight
  1. Men have more lean tissue

    Lean muscle tissue burns more calories and contributes to men having a higher metabolism than women. Men’s metabolism can burn up to 10% more calories. Why is this? Well ladies, it’s the testosterone. Yes, the hormone that makes a man more manly. Testosterone increases muscle protein synthesis and lean muscle mass. As a result more calories are burned.


  2. Men are more self-assured and take action

    Men have faster metabolisms so, men’s bodies react more efficiently to eating healthy foods. Consuming healthy foods routinely will boost metabolism and will help in weight loss. One has to burn 3,500 calories to burn 1 pound of fat.

  3. Men have less visceral fat

    Men tend to gain weight in the belly. Fat accumulation in the belly is dangerous, thus putting men at greater risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Men are more prong to certain cancers due to a high concentration of visceral fat surrounding their vital organs in the abdomen. When a man’s abdomen reduces, it’s more noticeable than with a woman’s abdomen.

  4. Men don’t stress eat like women do

    Emotional eating is when you eat for reasons other than hunger. This can result in anything from binge eating to starving oneself of needed calories to maintain health. Women are more likely to have eating disorders than men.

  5. Men are more likely to exercise to lose weight

    Men are more likely to include regular exercise in losing weight. It’s in a man’s nature to want to take action to tackle a problem. Men who exercise and diet seem to have more self-restraint and experience less hunger compared with men who followed a diet-only program.



Weight loss for men and women is like comparing apples to oranges. One can’t take the same approach for weight loss with men and women. One size does not fit all.

Men, take advantage of your unique situation to maintain your health. Remember, support the women in your life who struggle to lose the extra pounds that Mother Nature bestowed on them.

Creation Story Part 2 by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

In part one we talked about Adam and Eve’s creation, choices they had, and fall from grace. Today in part 2 we are looking at a different perspective all together. I think outside of the box. As a result, I’m not restricted in my thinking. I do my own thinking. Do you?

My mother used to tell me, “God gave you a brain, use it!” However, using my brain often gets me into trouble. I am one of ‘those’ people who think outside of the box. Thinking outside of the box is often viewed as being a ‘little off’. That’s ok. I’m don’t worry about what other people think of me. Are you ready to begin this journey on thinking outside of the box?

In the beginning

Spirit looked over the newly formed creation of planet Earth. Many creatures roamed over the earth and flew in the skies above. Yet there seemed to be something missing…

“Let us make a man in our own image.” Interesting choice of words, don’t you think? Creator Source made man.

“It’s not good for man to be alone.” Source put man to sleep. A rib is removed to create woman. (First anesthesia and surgery preformed.) Man and woman are intelligent beings. They have free will.

Fall from intimacy

Man and woman have an intimate relationship with I AM THAT I AM. Conversations are intimately deep and meaningful. Humankind and God are one in the same. As you recall, mankind is created in the likeness of Creator God. Man and woman having deep knowledge of ALL THAT THERE IS, knows what it’s like to be Spirit Most High. After all, God is connected spiritually with Adam and Eve.

Suppose just for a moment that Adam and Eve chose to experience what it would be like to grow and expand on their own. This is where eating from the Tree of Knowledge comes in.

Rather than living in paradise, the couple decided to experience life from a new reality. Hence, the experiment of life without the knowledge of Yahweh begins. Adam and Eve are expelled from the garden.

The veil is raised.

Finding the way back home

Adam and Eve find themselves in a new reality. Forgotten is the knowledge of being intimate with God. There is a veil blocking their memory of being in spiritual connection with Source. Faced with separation from Father God makes life difficult. In contrast, there now is no intimacy with God. Something is missing, but what? Furthermore, one now has to learn how to care for themself.

Adam and Eve are now looking outside of themselves for Spirit. God is up in heaven or on some other plain of existence. Because they are looking outside of themselves for God, there is a sense of something missing, but what?

Religion teaches us that Father lives in heaven. Heaven is a far off place. Mankind is separated from Yahweh. How do we find our way back home? Where and what is home?


Rather than looking on the outside for God, turn your attention to what’s inside of you. What do you mean? Pay attention to the soft voice that talks to you during quiet moments. Also, listen to your ‘gut’ feeling. Trust your intuition.

Think back to all those times when you said to yourself, “I should have trusted my gut!” So, where do you think your gut feeling comes from? Who is that small quiet voice speaking to you?

Meditating is the fastest way to get in touch with your feelings and to learn to listen to the voice inside of you. As a result of meditation, you soon learn to trust the word deep within you. Likewise, as you learn to trust the intuition instructing you, you will begin communicating with God who is in you.

Look inside to see Source

While one meditates, you become in-tune with the seed of Spirit that is with you at all times. Listen with your heart, not with the mind. God once said, “Be still and know that I am God.”

You’re never alone. Being away from Spirit is the first lie. The veil is in place making it difficult for us to remember the connection with Source.

Just for a moment, close your eyes, focus on your breathe. Breath in deeply. Release the breathe slowly. Feel you body relaxing. Also, the more relaxed you are, the easier it is to listen to the inner knowing within you.

As a result, the voice within will speak gently to you. Listen with your heart and trust that what is being spoken is the truth. How do I know if this voice is God’s? First of all, Source speaks from love. Hence, your connection with Love gives you a sense of peace.

As you sit quietly, you will soon see a tiny light activate in the center of your core. So, as this light glows brighter, the warmth of love will fill you entirely. The veil is coming down. You remember once again what it’s like to be one with Spirit.

See the truth

The truth is, God is not in heaven. Nor is He somewhere out in the universe. God is and has always been within you. Also, feel the love that comes from this source within. As a result, this love spreads and grows filling us from the bottom of our feet to the top of our head.

This love inside is God. Stand centered in the God space. Align yourself with this energy. By aligning yourself with God within, you have once again reignited the spark of recognition between you and God.

Know that standing in this energy of love, has ripped down the veil of deception. You now remember, “I’m one with Creator!” Therefore, you know the truth! Finally the truth has set you free!

Adam and Eve Story Across Cultures Part 1 by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

In the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic religious traditions, the first parents were Adam and Eve. Next there’s the story of Gikuyu and Mumbi who were the first parents of the Agikuyu from Central Kenya; they are the largest tribe in the country. Next is the Bukusu story of Mwambu, the first man. Mwambu means creator or pioneer. He was fashioned from mud by Khakaba which is what the Luhya call God. God gave him a wife named Sela.

Do you know there are about ten different stories around the world telling of the first man and woman? These stories are similar, but each has a different twist. All are considered myths. I’m not here to debate if the creation stories about man and woman are a myth or not. What I do want to take a look at is the possibility of yet another meaning to the “Garden of Eden” story.

Traditional meaning of the Garden of Eden Story

In the traditional story of the creation of mankind, we are told God made man in His likeness. I AM THAT I AM, being perfect, having unconditional love, decided at some point in the remote past that he wanted a living being to possess the same kind of wonderful existence and righteous character he had always experienced. God then decided man should have a helpmate so he would not be lonely, thus creating woman.

Spirit Most High put the first couple in a garden paradise where He provided all that the man and woman would need to live out a happy life. Man was made to look over the rest of creation and paradise to see that all went according to plan. But, what was the plan?

In the story, God told man and woman that they could have anything in the garden, only they could not eat the fruit from the Tree of Life. We all know what happens when one is given a temptation and told not to do something. That which is forbidden, will be done.

We know from the story that man and woman were banished from the garden. They were sentenced to a life of hardship and separateness from God.

Why would a loving God give man free choice and then condemn him for making a choice?

Human parents would be considered cruel and deceptive to give their children a perfect environment to live in, only to set them up for failure with a temptation. In the story about man and woman, this is exactly what happened.

Being a loving parent, we would do all we could to make sure our child succeeded. It makes no sense for our Creator to be deceptive and cruel to the first couple. What is the point of the story from the fall of grace?

Some say, the point was, that Adam and Eve were given a direct command not to eat the forbidden fruit. They had to follow the command without question. If this is true, Adam and Eve would not have had free will. They would not be given the freedom to think for themselves.

Yet on the other hand, if they were given a choice and made any choice other than what was commanded of them… You see the dilemma.

Did God know that Adam and Eve would sin?

Jehovah knew that Adam and Eve would sin, thereby bring evil, suffering, and death into the world. However, if Spirit knew what the couple would do, then what was the point in placing them in that situation? God knew ahead of time what the results of sin are. Doesn’t that make the whole situation preordained to happen?

I AM THAT I AM tested the first couple by allowing Satan to tempt Adam and Eve. They are forced to make a choice. In doing so, every person is born with a sinful nature, causing each of us to have a tendency to sin.


If man is made in the image of God and God is without sin, how can we be born sinful? I encourage you to read the creation story you grew up hearing. In part two, I will take a completely different look at the creation story. We will explore possibly another meaning to the story.


By the way, Eve was not Adam’s first wife! Lilith was the first wife. That kind of blows the ‘no divorce’ believe out of the water, doesn’t it. That’s a different story for another time.

Who are you? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Do you know who you are? Are you sure? Where did your definition of yourself come from?

Who defined you?

Your initial self image came from your parents. They told you who you are from birth. The programing started even before the moment of birth. Then your programing came from teachers, religious leaders and other people who ebbed in and out of your life. As a teenager, your friends had a big influence on the self-identity.

How do you define who you are?

First you have to dump all the programing that was installed into you from birth. What?! Yes, you have to throw away the beliefs that others put into your mind. Next, you have to open your mind and look at who you want to be. Easy? No. Look outside of the box that was built around you. See beyond the limits you have set in place. Move past what has been taught to you.

What are you preparing for?

Look deep inside of yourself and see who you want to be. What if I don’t know what I want to become? How do I know what I really want? Becoming an individual is not that hard.

Sit quietly and listen to the little voice deep inside of you. This will include listening to your shadow side. What is the shadow side? The shadow side is what many refer to as the negative side that we deem as being bad or evil. However, the shadow side is not negative or evil. It makes us whole.

What if I can’t access my desires?

Hypnosis can help one connect within, to explore the possibilities available to each of us. Hypnosis can help us bypass the gatekeeper so to speak. While working through the subconscious, we are able to connect with ourself to expand our knowledge within our mind.

Hypnosis is a good tool to help you move outside of the programing that was instilled into you from birth. Until you define who you are how can you know who you really are? Seek out a certified hypnotist to help you seek the knowledge of self identity.

Is Your Ego Aligned? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Freud’s model of the psyche teaches us, the id is the primitive and instinctual part of the mind. It contains the sexual and aggressive drives along with hidden memories. The super-ego operates as a moral conscience. The ego is the realistic part that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego.

Ego as the bridge

It seems to me that the ego has a tough time bridging the id and super-ego into a balanced existence. What happens when the ego is out of balance? Are you even aware that your ego is no longer aligned? Self-talk becomes distorted when the ego is out of balance.

It’s important that we maintain the ego and make repairs promptly. How do you know when repairs are needed on the ego?

Signs that your ego is on the low side

When one has low self-esteem the self-talk can be rather brutal. Compassion is not something we extent to ourselves during times of low self-esteem. Self-talk becomes harsh and abusive.

I’m not going into a textbook explanation on low self-esteem, but I want you to be able to identify when you have dropped into this form of self abuse.

Some of the symptoms include: apologizing too much, reluctant to express disagreement with others, fearful of making mistakes, unable to recognize when you have done a good job, and the list goes on…

What is the conversation you have with yourself?

How could I be so stupid? I should have known what the outcome would be! I’m just a nobody who can’t do anything right!

Critical self-talk can result in physical symptoms of fatigue, depression, stomachache, headache, sleep disturbances, just to name a few of the problems.

When you continually beat yourself up you may find that your body will respond by feeling weighed down. You may become suicidal. Illness may show up as stomach ulcers, insomnia and migraines.

Remember, what you continually tell yourself will show up in your life. We believe our self-talk even when it’s not true.

Super sized ego

The know-it-all, we have all dealt with them in our life times. This individual can be like a steamroller. They roll right over you leaving all kinds of destruction in their path.

The super sized ego shows up as one who has to be right in every situation. This ego is over demanding, angry, has an inflated sense of self-worth. One becomes critical of other people seeing a distorted image of others as that person is being stupid. This ego thinks they are the only ones who have the answer in any given situation.

Physical symptoms of a super sized ego

Some of the ways this super sized ego can affect your health includes being irrational and angry most of the time. When one is angry most of the time, you may find that your blood pressure is high. You may need to take medication to control your blood pressure. Heart disease can become a problem and you’re at a higher risk for stroke.

The super sized ego can have sleep disturbances and experience depression just like the ego with low self-esteem.

How do we align the ego?

Pay attention to your self-talk. Once you recognize that you’re being overly critical either of yourself or others, it’s time for maintenance. How does one align their ego?

Once you have recognized that your ego is out of alignment, pay attention to your inner dialogue you’re having with yourself. Try to identify the trigger point that brought you out of alignment. Was it brought on because of over doing and not taking time for yourself? Have you not taken the time to nurture yourself?

Once you realize that you’re out of alignment with your ego, schedule time for yourself. Take a walk in nature. When we are in nature, we are able to reconnect with Mother Earth. It’s important for us to feel the frequency of the earth’s vibrational hum. All living creatures are in need to feel the earth’s vibrations to stay healthy.

Take time to quieten the mind. Turn off all the noise around you such as the TV, radio, computers… Disconnect from the distractions of social media. Meditate even if it’s only for a few minutes. Be in the moment. The past is over and the future is yet to be written. In reality, now is all that we have.

Self-talk for healing

Every thought is a prayer. It is. What your mind dwells on is what you will attract into your life. Our thoughts will magnify our reality.

Nurture yourself. Show compassion to yourself. Cut yourself some slack. Make it a point to think about the good things that happened in your day. Look in the mirror and just smile at yourself. Be honest about how hard it is to allow yourself to love you. Self love is not being conceded.

It’s important for you to say, “I don’t know how to show compassion to me. I want to love myself, but I don’t know how to start.”

Start by just smiling at yourself. That’s all one needs to do. As you smile more at you, it will become easier to see the positive side that’s been hidden away. Allow the positive thoughts to surface. It’s ok to say, “I did a good job on that project.”

Everyone has attributes that are positive. Everyday list at least ten positive things about yourself. Each day it will become easier. It’s ok to say, “I love myself.” It’s not only ok, but necessary for good mental and emotional health.


If you are struggling with emotions of anger, bitterness, guilt, depression get my book:

Guilty Prayers by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D. on Amazon or Kindle.

Guilty Prayers: Do you struggle with guilt, depression, anger? Read the stories of people who did and how they overcame the obstacles.


Are you using GPS? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Today is January 1, 2020. Many people are making new year resolutions today. Are you one who likes to make resolutions for the new year?

Challenge for 2020

I challenge you to move away from the typical new year goal setting. Most of the declarations we make are superficial. Why bother with those? I challenge you to get to know yourself this year and in the new decade we have just entered. How do you do that? Why bother?

We’re on a journey in life. When one starts out on a journey, especially one that has not been traveled before, we often depend on GPS to show us the way. Have you turned on your internal GPS? How does one do that?

“I’m old,” you say, “Why bother at this point in my life?” Well, you’re still alive aren’t you? It’s never too late to take a look at where you’ve been and where you would like to go.

I wish I had had the opportunity to get to know myself and what my life journey was early in life. Instead, I had to go through the “school of hard knocks”. Had I been able to go within and explore what my life purpose was, at an early age, I would have been lightyears ahead in life.

Just because one is mature in age, doesn’t mean you can’t review where you’ve been and where you would like to go from this point forward. It’s never too late to turn on your personal GPS.

Turning on your GPS

Hypnosis is a great tool to use to see your roadmap. Hypnosis, so to speak, is your internal GPS. If you are a young person, hypnosis can help you find your life’s purpose. Hypnosis can show you what direction you want to proceed. Deep within you know what your life goals are, hypnosis can unlock the answers for you.

Imagine how great it will be to know what your purpose in life is without constantly asking, “Who am I? What am I supposed to do in life?” Hypnosis will help you bypass the frustration of always seeking the answers.

Deep within our subconscious mind, we have the answers to the questions we’re constantly asking ourselves. It doesn’t matter what age you are, it’s time to learn what your path in life is. Even if you’ve spent your adult life on one path, what are you going to do with your life in the next phase? It’s ok to change paths!

Are you nearing the end of your life cycle? It’s important to be able to clearly see the contribution you make in this life time. Sometimes, we can’t see the trees for the forest. Through hypnosis you will be able to remember many lessons you experienced in life.

What now?

I hope you will accept this challenge. Live your life with purpose. Know who you are. Know where you’ve been and where you going!