Cow’s milk is the perfect food… for a calf.

Dr. Joseph Rosenzweig, a pediatrician I worked for early in my nursing career said, “Cow’s milk is for cows, not people.” He also said, “Mankind is the only species that drinks milk past infancy. This is why we have so many health problems.” Through the years I have learned how right he was.

Many decades ago, there was a commercial that used the slogan, “Got Milk?” The marketing campaign herald the benefits of milk. Drink milk and have strong bones! It’s the best source of calcium.

Is Milk Healthy for Humans?

We hear milk is a good source of calcium, protein, vitamins B12 and A.

Milk also provides:

  • iron
  • selenium
  • vitamin B-6
  • vitamin E
  • vitamin K
  • niacin
  • thiamin
  • riboflavin

The Dark Side of Milk

Recent research is showing that milk can create significant health issues. We’ve known for decades that milk sugar contributes to cancers. The extensive China Study (Professor T. Colin Campbell) warns against high consumption of milk protein and the links with cancers. Professor Campbell grew up on a dairy farm and agreed that cow’s milk was healthy for humans until he began his research. Professor Campbell was known as the top researcher in heart disease until his research took him down an unexpected path. Professor Campbell’s research demonstrates that cow’s milk has more harmful side effects that benefits. His book China Study takes an extensive look on the determents of cow’s milk on humans. (I read his book several years ago and it opened my eyes to the suppression that is enforced when it comes to money.) Professor Campbell published his findings about the affects milk has on the human body and its relationship to cancers. When his research was published, it went against the status-quote and this resulted in his demise. Professor Campbell fell from grace with the establishment. His funding was stopped. His reputation was destroyed by the establishment.

The Power of Marketing

Marketing is a powerful tool. People are easily persuaded by the twist marketing campaigns add to product information. One example that is popular at this time is the phrase “free shipping”. We know that this is an out and out lie. The shipping is included in the price of the product. No company is going to lose millions of dollars paying for shipping.

A second example is a lotion company stating that the product penetrates 10 layers deep into the skin. Really? How does that work since there is only three layers of skin?

Consumers are feed a steady diet of lies. Companies think that the average consumer is stupid. In some ways we are. We don’t call the companies out on false advertising. Consumers can easily boycott any company that lies about their product. But we are complacent and let it slide.

Back to the Topic!

Recent research demonstrates that milk isn’t as healthy as once thought and the dairy market is using campaign ads to increase the sale of their product.

The fact is cows graze on land which has been treated with pesticide to kill out weeds that affect the taste of milk. Fat is a solvent, which means the fat in milk products will likely bring the pesticides more freely into your body. The exception to this is certified organic milk which means the land is pesticide free.

Then there’s the lactose in the milk. Lactose is a basic sugar, like glucose, it is used as a fuel by cancer cells. (Years ago, I complained to my oncologist about the candy they had in the lobby for their cancer patients. I digress.)

Milk sugar also fuels yeast infections like candida. This has been demonstrated to lead to leaky gut syndrome, fatigue and even depression in many individuals.

Let’s not forget about the added hormones that are included in the heard’s overall care protocol. These added hormones increase the production of milk. Research has shown us for decades what the side effects of added hormones are on humans.

Wrapping it Up

New studies indicate that another consequence of drinking milk is loss in bone density. “You’re nuts!” I hear you say. Am I? Remember the deceptive marketing practices?

Drinking three or more glasses of milk a day may increase the risk of bone fractures in women. This may be due to a sugar called D-galactose in milk. Studies show even a low intake of D-galactose induces changes that resemble natural aging in animals, including shortened life span caused by oxidative stress damage, and chronic inflammation.

There are other alternatives to increase bone density. Weight bearing exercise and proper nutrition such as eliminating sugars from your diet. Calcium is found in dark leafy vegetables and many other plant based diet modifications. Beans, peas and lentils are a good source of calcium.

In recent months I’ve learned about cow’s milk causing death in infants drinking it. Infants can’t tolerate the sugars in cow milk. This is an interesting topic in itself.

Am I telling you not to drink cow milk? Or any other animal milk as far as that goes. No, I’m not telling you what to do. I am telling you to don’t believe everything that marketing campaigns tell you. Especially when it comes to your health. New facts come out all the time about our diet, lifestyles and how it affects our overall health. Be open minded. Do your own research! Stay up to date on new information concerning your health.

Consumers stay updated on the newest cell phone and other technology. Shouldn’t your health be more important than electronics?

Be your own health advocate!


BMJ 2014; 349 doi: (Published 28 October 2014)Cite this as: BMJ 2014;349:g6015

Nut Res Rev. 2018 Dec;31(2):164-178. doi: 10.1017/S095442241800001X.Epub 2018 Mar 21.

January 14, 2021 / Nutrition