
The China Study Part 2 by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

In the China Study, we learn there is a difference between ‘high-quality’ protein and ‘low-quality’ protein.  The words high-quality and low-quality can be misleading in defining which protein is best for the human body.  We are taught that high-quality protein means how fast an organism grows and that it doesn’t necessarily mean the quality of ones health.  We discover that complex metabolic systems, like the human body can derive all the essential amino acids from a variety of plant proteins.

Today we look closer at the protein gap.  The protein gap stipulated that world hunger and malnutrition among children in third world countries was a result of not having enough protein to consume.  Projects were popping up all over the world to address the “protein gap”.  This was in 1976.

  • MIT worked on developing a protein-rich food supplement call INCA-PARINA.
  • Purdue University was breeding a corn to contain more lysine, which is a deficient amino acid in corn protein.
  • The U.S. government was subsidizing the production of dried milk powder to provide high-quality protein.
  • Cornell University was providing researchers to the Philippines to help develop a high-protein rice and a live-stock industry.
  • Auburn University and MIT ground up fish to produce “fish protein concentrate” to feed the world’s poor.

The battle cry was to eradicate world hunger with high-quality protein.  The United Nations, the U.S. Government Food for Peace Program and numerous universities and organizations took up the battle cry that the lack of protein was without question the most serious deficiency in the nutrition of developing countries.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations claimed that the mass population of these countries subsisted mainly on foods derived from plants often deficient in protein, resulting in poor health.  It was strongly advocated increasing the production and consumption of animal protein to feed the world.

Bruce Stillings at the University of Maryland and the U.S. Department of Commerce also promoted the consumption of animal protein even though he stated that, “there is no requirement for animal protein in the diet per se, the quantity of dietary protein from animal sources is usually accepted as being indicative of the overall protein quality of the diet.”

While this may be true, it is not the only way to obtain consistent long-term health.

In 1965, Professor Charlie Engel, at Virginia Tech was instrumental in implementing a “mothercraft” self-help project in the Philippines.  This project focused on educating the mothers of malnourished children on the right kinds of locally grown foods that could make their children well.  In this project, the preference was to develop peanut crops as the centerpiece of protein.  Peanuts are rich in protein and can be grown most anywhere.  However, there was a problem shown with the peanut crops.  They were contaminated with a fungus-produced toxin known as  aflatoxin (AF).  This toxin is shown to cause liver cancer in rats.  It is the most potent chemical carcinogen ever discovered.  

The sights of older children blinded by malnutrition being led around by younger siblings asking for handouts are common.  Children born without arms and legs was heartbreaking for these scientists.

These sights motivated the scientists to press forward in the research to resolve the problem with AF contamination in peanuts.  Peanuts are the preferred source of protein.  Two grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) were obtained.  Dr. Campbell and the other researchers conducted surveys to learn which foods had the most contamination of AF.  They discovered that the local foods with the most contamination were peanut butter and corn.  These foods had 300 times the amount of AF judged for safety in the U.S.  Whole peanuts were not as contaminated.  The moldiest nuts for peanut butter were not removed from the conveyor belt in the processing factories.  These moldy nuts were the ones used for peanut butter.

Dr. Campbell became acquainted with a prominent doctor, Dr. Jose Caedo, who was an advisor to then President Marcos.  Dr. Caedo told Dr. Campbell that there was a serious problem of liver cancer among the children in the Philippines.  Liver cancer was claiming the lives of these children before the age of ten.  The most striking information was, “Namely, the children who got liver cancer were from the best-fed families.  They consumed more protein than anyone else in the country (high quality animal protein) and they were the ones getting liver cancer!”  

How could this be?  We will take a look at this in the next posting.

The China Study by Janet Lynas Ph.D., N.H.D.

T. Colin Campbell Ph.D. is a name I want you to remember.  Dr. Campbell is the author of The China Study, a book that I recommend you read.  This book is not an easy read, but worth your time, if, you are serious about your health.  I have recommended this book through the years to my clients.  Dr. Campbell is one of the most important researchers our country has had in the area of health and nutrition.

Dean Ornish M.D. states, ” Everyone in the field of nutrition science stands on the shoulders of Dr. Campbell, who is one of the giants in the field.  This is one of the most important books about nutrition ever written – reading it may save your life.”

For 27 years, Dr. Campbell’s research was funded by the National Health Institute  for Cancer Research (NIH), the American Cancer Society and The American Institute for Cancer Research.  His team’s research was then reviewed for a second time for publication in many of the best scientific journals.

Dr. Campbell was instrumental in the discovery of dioxin and aflatoxin. Does dioxin ring a bell for you?  It is arguably the most toxic chemical ever found.  Remember the Vietnam War and Agent Orange?   Aflatoxin is a mold found in peanuts and corn.  Aflatoxin has been called one of the most potent carcinogens ever discovered.

For ten years Dr. Campbell worked on a project with Filipino children investigating the unusually high prevalence of liver cancer, a disease usually found in adults.  It was thought that the high consumption of aflatoxin was the cause.  In this project, he discovered the dark secret that: Children who ate the highest-protein diets were the ones most likely to get liver cancer!

Dr. Campbell grew up on a dairy farm believing that the dietary recommendations of a high protein diet was correct and that Americans had the best diet.  Dr. Campbell started his career in veterinary school and then moved into a position of research in animal nutrition.  (If you want to know what is in the future for human medicine, research animal medicine.)

Dr. Campbell was on the road to promote better health by advocating the belief that the intake of more meat, milk and eggs was the best course of action.

So, what happened in Dr. Campbell’s research that would cause medical institutions and government agencies to go out of their way to discredit him?

The defining moment for Dr. Campbell was when he was studying a research project in India that had some very provoking findings.  India researchers had studied two groups of rats.  One group was feed the cancer-causing aflatoxin with a diet composed of 20% protein, a level near American consumption of protein and the second group of rats fed the aflatoxin, but only 5% protein in the diet.  Incredibly, every animal in the 20% protein group, developed liver cancer.  The animals in the 5% protein group did not develop liver cancer.  It was a 100 to 0 score, leaving no doubt that nutrition won out over chemical carcinogens.  This was a very potent discovery.

Dr. Campbell researched the different proteins and the effect they have on the human body and discovered that the protein casein, which makes up 87% of cow’s milk protein promoted all stages of cancer.  Dr. Campbell discovered that proteins from plants made up the safest forms of protein.  Remember, Dr. Campbell grew up on a dairy farm.

This series of articles on diet and cancer will examine the popular beliefs and propaganda that we Americans have been spoon-fed through the decades.  You will be given information and the tools to make up your own minds.

Dr. Joseph Rosenzweig, a pediatrician I worked with when I started my nursing career, said, “Cows milk is for cows.  Man is the only mammal who drinks milk past infancy.  This is why humans have many of the health problems they have.”

So, does milk do a body good?  Are our medical institutions protecting the American public?  And the most important question: What are you going to do with the information once you learn the truth?


Cancer by Janet Lynas Ph.D., N.H.D.

I’m taking a brief detour from the Successful Aging series.  I will return to it for completion, but I will present a second topic at the same time.  This topic is one that hits home to most families and is controversial because it is a multibillion dollar industry.  There have been several well known Natural Health doctors who have died under mysterious circumstances in recent years, so some of us have been flying under the radar.  I by no means place my skills at the level of these doctors who have been in the front lines.  And I have to state my disclaimer at this time.

The information I am presenting is informational only.  As, always, talk with your doctor before making any decision in your health care treatment or before changing your medication protocol.

Five and a half years I ago I was diagnosed with Melanoma, a hideous and aggressive cancer.  I talked with my oncologist from the first day telling him I have a Ph.D. in Natural Health and that he would have to work with me or I would need to find another doctor.  Fortunately, he was in agreement with working with me, confiding in me that he did not agree with the total protocol for melanoma at that time.  There are new treatments for melanoma that were not available fives years ago.  I want to present information to my readers on treatments that have been proven by scientific research to be effective for cancer, but are not available to the general population.

This is one photo of a cancer cell.  It’s quite lovely to look at, but it’s effect on the body is just the opposite.  I have been in the medical field for 46 years and have seen many advancements, but I have seen many scientists discredited through the years for their discoveries of cancer treatments that have cured patients who were considered to be beyond help.  Sad, isn’t it, that money is the main driving force of the medical industry.  This statement is not a reflection on the men and women who are dedicated to helping their patients, but on a system that is not.

In the 1920s, a man by the name of Royal Rife, began to research the cause of cancer.  In 1931, he  and Dr. Arthur Kendall discovered that if certain frequency vibrations were sent into the  body, these vibrational frequencies would destroy microorganisms found to be associated with cancer.  This discovery has been  supported by repeated research of numerous highly respected scientists.  Mr. Rife believed that cancer was a kind of virus, and in order to pursue his theory, he and Dr. Kendall invented a microscope that was 8 times more powerful than those used by his contemporaries at that time.   Mr. Rife was among some of the leading edge researchers who had found a cure for cancer.  He was discredited because his discovery did “cure” cancer without side effects, without toxic drugs, without radiation, safely and instantly.  Interestingly, his treatment was approved to be used anywhere on the body and with no toxic side effects and no damage to healthy cells.

‘If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.’  ~ Nicola Tesla

Remember Tesla’s statement, it will be used along with statements from Einstein and other scientists in future postings and in some of the books I am currently working on for publication.

Anthony Holland who is an Associate Professor, Director of Music Technology at Skidmore College has recruited some very talented scientists to work with him on cancer and frequency treatment in cancer.   I encourage you to read Christopher Fontenot’s article and listen to Dr. Rife and Mr. Holland talk about their research.

There are other implications for the use of vibrational frequency treatment as well.  This treatment can cure “Super Bugs” as well.  As a former, Infection Prevention nurse, I know that these bacteria and viruses are just as deadly as cancer.

Resonant Frequencies and the Cure for Cancer

So, what was the outcome with my cancer treatment? I knew about Mr. Rife in the 1980s when I was doing research on cancer.  But, when I was diagnosed with melanoma five years ago,  I could not find current day practitioners who had access to this and other treatments I had studied through the years.  I am cancer free and I did not have the standard treatment for melanoma.  I have doctor’s look at my lab work, shake their heads and say, “I don’t know what you are doing, but keep doing it.”  I was released early from six month follow ups post cancer treatment.  I see an oncologist once a year now.  I had a follow up PET scan at the first of the year and it was clear of any cancer cells.

The sad thing is, not one doctor has asked me, “What did you do to treat your cancer?  What did you use along with the conventional treatment that you did agree to?  You didn’t use the conventional treatment, so how is it that your results are so good?”

I will be presenting other research and treatments in Natural Health that are effective in future postings.  In the meantime, I encourage you to take an active part in your health care.

Successful Aging Part 4 by Janet Lynas

It’s a funny thing about life:

If you refuse to accept anything but the best you will very often get it.                    -W. Somerset Maugham

We create our own reality by what we think about, it’s sometimes known as self-fulfilling prophecy.  It doesn’t matter what we think about, good or bad, life will reward us with what we dwell on in our thoughts.  If we believe that old people are sick, lonely, and have memory problems, then that is what we will manifest into our lives.  Our subconscious mind will see to it that we get what we believe.

Everyone talks to themselves all the time.  I once worked for a pediatrician who talked to himself.  He told me it was ok, until you started answering yourself.  I’m sure if he understood that we do answer ourselves, his conversations with himself would have been different.

In light of the power we have within to create our reality, it may be well advised to give ourselves regular pep talks.  Start each day by telling yourself, you are strong, capable, energetic, successful, smart, happy, and beautiful.  Emphasize the qualities that you want to manifest into your life.  I recently heard a woman repeat to herself, I am healthy, wealthy and wise.  The truth is we can become what we repeatedly tell ourselves we are.

We may have to rewrite our self talk script if we have been giving ourselves negative talks for the last 20 to 40 years.  There is a saying, “You may not get what you want, but you’ll usually get what you expect.”  That should be incentive to expect the best that life has to offer.

Laughter is the best medicine.  Laughter has some amazing effects on our physiology.  Our lungs are fill more deeply, improving oxygen levels in the blood.  While it causes the blood pressure and pulse to increase a bit, they come down significantly for as long as an hour.  Secretions of adrenaline and cortisol, the stress hormones,  are reduced in the body.

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.  ~ Arnold Glasow

So, pay attention to your self talk, think only on those things which will bring you joy, happiness, and peace of mind.

Laugh often, laugh long, laugh hard.

Successful Aging Part 3 by Janet Lynas

My dad tells me, “I’m a young man trapped in an old man’s body.”   I’m starting to realize what he is talking about.  No one grows old overnight and we don’t want to think about getting old.  Then before we know it, we are old.  How on earth did this happen?  It was only yesterday that we were in our prime.  We’re told the best way to age healthier is to start young.  Well, duh!  But what do we do now that we are no longer young?  Where do we start to make up for lost time?

Aside from the obvious, eating healthy, getting enough exercise, stop smoking, and moderation with alcohol, the most important area in staying young is your attitude.

Think about the people you like to spend time with, what characteristics do they have that attract people to them?  Hands down, these people are high energy and have a youthful attitude, always looking for adventure.  They are “fun” and fun to be around.  They don’t tend to think about age and don’t think of themselves as being old.

On the other hand, there is an abundance of people who have aged prematurely due to unhealthy lifestyles and most importantly, a negative attitude.  These people we avoid at all cost.  They are energy vampires, sucking the fun right out of life.  These people can destroy our sense of well being.  They tend to do poorly in life and usually end up in a nursing home prematurely.   Depression tends to be high among persons who have a bad attitude and they are high risk for other health issues such as; obesity, diabetes, dementia, stroke, and heart attack to name a few heath issues that are a part of having a bad attitude.

So, now what?  Ironically, the most successful people at aging are the ones who don’t give aging or death a second thought.  They tend to live in the present and look forward to the future.  They are the master’s of aging and society’s views on aging aren’t on the radar for these individuals.  As a matter of fact, they shatter society’s thinking on aging.  Many are taking classes and starting 2nd and 3rd careers at age 70 or more.  Successful agers dream and they dream big.  They look for challenges and exciting adventures, they are enthusiastic about life and what may come their way.


Successful Aging Part 2 by Janet Lynas

Anne Murry sings the song “May I Have This Dance” and the lyrics talk about:

Could I have this dance
for the rest of my life,
Could you be my partner
every night,
when we’re together
it feels so right,
Could I have this dance
for the rest of my life

As we age we begin to rethink our role in life and the approach we what to take.  There are counselors who specialize in helping people transition into retirement and to help us redefine who we are.  As we were starting out in life our purpose was often defined by our profession, our status in the social setting of our community, or our family name.  We identify ourselves as a store manager, nurse, doctor, builder, teacher or business executive throughout our career and then suddenly that identity changes.  Now what do we do?

Successful aging has many aspects but perhaps the most important and the most vital is having a purpose in life.  Successful agers know why they are here and have a defined reason for living.  They redefine what contribution they want to make in life.

Choosing a healthy lifestyle helps us to have the energy to enjoy life and the activities we want to pursue.  The best way to maintain a healthy lifestyle is to develop activities that you truly love to do.  People who love to jog, swim, bike, or dance will continue to do these things to maintain health.  There are many videos posted on FaceBook showing elderly couples dancing.  I was recently told by an 80 year old woman that sex is her favorite form of exercise.  (Gives me hope.)  Just because we are aging does not mean that we have to give up the things we love.

Choosing fresh fruit and vegetables over processed foods will give you the vitality to enjoy the activities that you love to do.  Develop enjoyable habits that happen to be healthy.

Those of us who have worked in the medical field tend to become jaded in our thinking on aging.  We see people who have not aged well.  We see young people who are old.  Through the years I have met more and more older people who are healthy and who are not on medications.  They maintained a healthy lifestyle in their younger years and in doing so, they will maintain an active lifestyle in their later years.

Our happiness depends on wisdom all the way. – Sophocles



Successful Aging by Janet Lynas

As a man thinketh, so is he, and as a man chooseth, so is he.                                             -Ralph Waldo Emerson-

Successful aging is a hot topic.   Baby Boomers have questioned just about everything since birth, so it’s expected that this generation will question the aging process.  Baby Boomers refuse to grow old quietly or gracefully and insist that there is a way of slowing down the aging process.  Is there a way to slow the aging process?

Dr. Mary O’Brien M.D. has researched this topic and has had some interesting discoveries that we will talk about in future posts.  American culture does not view the aging process kindly.  We have negative stereotypes about older people.  Other cultures tend to honor the older generations and treat them with respect.  Why is there such a difference between cultures?

One of the biggest myths about growing older is that age brings with it chronic illness and disability.  Even the very old, which is becoming a larger population, have little fictional disability and only about 5% live in nursing homes.

Another myth is that ill health keeps many older people from being productive.  However, one-third of seniors work for a living, one-third serve as volunteers in hospitals, churches and community organizations.  Seniors provide crucial assistance to sick and disabled family members, friends and neighbors.  Many are rearing grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  Did you know it would take three million full-time paid employees to provide the same level of assistance provided by seniors?

Attitude plays an important part in aging.  Words like happy, enthusiastic, dynamic, loving, and fun are descriptive words that are describing a new image of old age.

What is successful aging?  Successful aging is enjoying the maximum quality of life at any age.  The secret to successful aging is appreciation and enjoying the little things in life, simple pleasures; a beautiful flower, a walk in the woods, or the song of the birds in the early morning and late evening.

Pleasure doesn’t exist unless we are conscious of it.  We all create our own reality.  Mindfulness is how we create our reality.  In the next posting we will take a look at mindfulness.

Flu is here by Janet Lynas

Once again flu season is here.  Let’s take a look at what can be done to help prevent you from getting the flu.  There are many thoughts on whether or not one should take the flu vaccine, I will not comment on this topic, it is a personal decision.  Here are some steps that you can take to help prevent the flu and some suggestions to less the effects of the flu should you come down with it.

Symptoms of flu include fever, runny or stuffy nose, congestion in the sinus, body aches, a sore throat with cough, and tiredness.

Most flu viruses can live one to two days on nonporous surfaces, and 8 to 12 hours on porous surfaces. A 2006 study found that avian influenza seemed particularly hardy, surviving as long as six days on some surfaces.

The very basic, wash your hands!  Or as the LAVA soap commercial from years back used to say, “Wash your hands Roger!”  As a former Infection Prevention nurse, I know that the easiest and most effective form of disease prevention is to wash your hands.

The second basic step to disease prevention is to cover your mouth when you cough.  Cough into a tissue or the bend of your arm to help prevent spreading illnesses that are carried through the air.

The next step is to keep hard surfaces wiped down with a natural antiviral disinfect product. There are several brands on the market that are effective.  If you want to try something different then I suggest these products:

Eucalyptus is a natural disinfectant that has antiviral and antibacterial properties.  Eucalyptus is used to treat sinusitis, headaches, throat infections, flu, colds, tight coughs, asthma, fever, and bronchitis.

Lemon is a natural disinfectant that also has positive effects on your lymphatic, digestive, circulatory, and immune systems. It is also very good for your skin because of the antioxidant properties. Just add a few drops of this citrus fruit in water and spray it to make the air pure.

Pineapple is a natural disinfectant that is able to enhance medical antibiotics. It is known to be an astringent and an antiseptic. It also decreases the urine’s acidity, pneumonia abscess, worm parasite abscess, digestive disorders, bronchitis, kidney stones, menstrual irregularities, kidney infections, sore throats, and exhaustion.

Colloidal silver is a very powerful antibacterial agent that helps you live healthier.  Many pathogenic microorganisms cannot tolerate silver.  (I have used colloidal silver for many years.  You can order the silver rods and make your own.)

Vinegar: You could make use of this natural disinfectant that you can use with other essential oils like eucalyptus and tea tree oils and use as toilet spray or cleanser. Just label the bottles you place them in.

The fourth step is to shower before you go to bed at night.  Going to bed at night without taking a shower is inviting all the germs you have come in contact with during the day to sleep with you.  While you are sleeping your body goes through a circadian cycle and anything that is on your skin during this cycle is quickly absorbed into the body.  Think about what you come in contact with during your daily routine, surfaces like door knobs, gas pumps, shopping cart handles and hand rails just to name a few have been swabbed to see what will grow from them.

The ten yuckiest surfaces:

  1. Playgrounds
  2. Bus rails/armrests
  3. Public bathrooms
  4. Shopping cart handles
  5. Escalator handrails
  6. Chair armrests
  7. Vending machine buttons
  8. Shared pens
  9. Public telephones
  10. Elevator buttons

What are the most common germs found on theses surfaces?  Along with testing the samples for the presence of protein (which is a general indicator of hygiene) and fecal matter, the researchers measured levels of three biochemical markers that could contain illness-causing substances. These included:

  • Hemoglobin: Indicates the presence of blood
  • Alpha-amylase: Indicates the presence of mucus, saliva and/or urine
  • Urea: Indicates the presence of urine

The main pathogenic bacteria which are more likely to be found on the hands are Staphylococcus, Corynebacteria, Streptococcus, E coli, Myobacteria, and Haemophilus, all in different concentrations. These bacteria are also found in other parts of the body like nose, eyes, mouth, gut and vagina, though the rate of incidence might vary.

So, what do you do if you get the flu?  Stay hydrated.  One can become dehydrated especially if vomiting or diarrhea is also experienced. In these cases it is important to keep well hydrated so that the nasal and throat passages are kept moist. Water is of course, the ideal candidate in this situation, but can also be accompanied by fruit juices.  Pedialyte is good to keep electrolytes balanced.  This works for adults and children.

Inhaling moist air also eases nasal congestion and abates discomfort associated with a sore throat. One effective strategy is to take a hot shower inhaling steam or to use a steam vaporizer or a humidifier. Headaches and sinus pain that so often accompany the flu can be soothed by applying a warm compress.

Gargling with salt water helps get rid of the thick phlegm that collects at the back of the throat.  To get relief from post nasal drip and its associated stuffiness, individuals can also try nasal irrigation. This is typically done with the help of a neti pot or a saline squeeze bottle.  Avoid milk products since they cause mucus.

Honey is a natural immune booster and is known to be very helpful in reducing the symptoms associated with the flu. Natural honey has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that can speed up the recovery process for getting over flu symptoms.  Ginger and garlic are noted for their healing properties.  Get plenty of rest. 

Watch for these signs of an emergency when you have the flu:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain or severe abdominal pain
  • Confusion
  • Sudden dizziness
  • Severe vomiting and or diarrhea

Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic preparation marketed to relieve influenza-like symptoms.  I have noted that stores are sold out of this product.  I asked about the shortage and was told that the manufacture has not been able to keep up with the demand.  I’m happy that people are turning to the natural products.  Vitamin C, Zinc, and Echinacea are good to support the immune system. Remember do not take vitamin C if you are on an antibiotic, the vitamin C can interfere with or destroy the antibiotic.

So, “Wash your hands Roger!”, and stay well.  This is a good time to avoid crowds as well.  Good health.


Sickness is not just an isolated event, nor an unfortunate brush with nature.  It is a form of communication – the language of the organs – through which nature, society and culture speak simultaneously.  The individual body should be seen as the most immediate, the proximate terrain where social truths and social contradiction are played out, as well as a locus of personal resistance, creativity and change.     Nancy Schemer-Hughes and Margaret M Lock  University of California, Berkley & McGill University

Were our health is concerned, we are concerned with the quality of life as much as we are with the length of life.  A true definition of health may be somewhat elusive, but I guess the closest definition is;  an awareness that not only because of, but sometimes in spite of, our circumstances we are well.

Naturopathy prefers to work alongside symptoms, using them to guide treatments which will raise the health status of the person.  Our well-being is influenced by many factors such as, personal, social, educational, and economic.  We must regard any system of care as more than a part of a complicated picture of health were therapies and personal circumstances interact.

Naturopathy is low-tech, low-cost and the treatments are collaborative with a joint responsibility which is ultimately assumed by the patient.  It is individualized and “one treatment does not fit all” so to speak.

Naturopathy is scientific, examining every aspect of disorder as the result of an understandable cause or more often several causes.  It has a mystical aspect, but not in the direct application of treatment.  It manifest itself from the way the treatment is complemented by the unknowable, immeasurable healing force of life within all life.

So, when and why did society decide to turn over our health to a system that relies on pharmaceuticals and make health care providers responsible for our wellness?  Why did we as a society decide to make our wellness the responsibility of someone other than our own self?

Did you notice in the quote in the above phrase – communication – the language of organs?  Yes, our mind and body are connected – we will see this more and more as we advance in learning about how our body communicates with us.

Hang in there with me, we will get to the areas of interest to most of society – cancer, weight loss, depression, diabetes….  But first we need to have a background on the different modalities.


Ayurveda Medicine

Ayurveda is not only a science, but religion and philosophy.  The word religion is used to note the beliefs and disciplines toward a state of being in which openings of perception to all areas of life may enter.

Ayurveda is based on the Samkhya philosophy of creation.  Samkhya means “truth” and “to know”.  I ask that you open your mind and heart toward the philosophy of Samkhya because it is intimately connected to Ayurveda.

Ayurveda is the science of daily living based on this system of knowledge that evolved from the practical, philosophical and religious illumination that is rooted in the understanding of the creation.

Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine that is widely practiced in India.  The word Ayurveda is a Sanskrit term meaning “science of life”.  Ayurveda was first recorded in the Vedas, which is the world’s oldest literature dating back more than 5,000 years.

Ayurveda teaches that man is a microcosm and he is a universe within himself. According to the teachings of Ayurveda, each individual has four biological and spiritual instincts: religious, financial,  procreative and the instinct toward freedom.  It is a medical-metaphysical healing life-science and the mother of all healing practices.  Ayurveda is designed to promote happiness, health, the knowledge of self-healing,  and creative growth.

See where I’m going with this – Mind/Body Connection approach to health and wellness?  I will tie each category together with each posting.

So, this is a very short introduction to Ayurveda medicine.  Remember, the saying, “And the truth shall set you free”?  This is the first step in that direction.

Do you think that Western “Allopathy” medicine is the only approach to health and wellness?