Anne Murry sings the song “May I Have This Dance” and the lyrics talk about:

Could I have this dance
for the rest of my life,
Could you be my partner
every night,
when we’re together
it feels so right,
Could I have this dance
for the rest of my life

As we age we begin to rethink our role in life and the approach we what to take.  There are counselors who specialize in helping people transition into retirement and to help us redefine who we are.  As we were starting out in life our purpose was often defined by our profession, our status in the social setting of our community, or our family name.  We identify ourselves as a store manager, nurse, doctor, builder, teacher or business executive throughout our career and then suddenly that identity changes.  Now what do we do?

Successful aging has many aspects but perhaps the most important and the most vital is having a purpose in life.  Successful agers know why they are here and have a defined reason for living.  They redefine what contribution they want to make in life.

Choosing a healthy lifestyle helps us to have the energy to enjoy life and the activities we want to pursue.  The best way to maintain a healthy lifestyle is to develop activities that you truly love to do.  People who love to jog, swim, bike, or dance will continue to do these things to maintain health.  There are many videos posted on FaceBook showing elderly couples dancing.  I was recently told by an 80 year old woman that sex is her favorite form of exercise.  (Gives me hope.)  Just because we are aging does not mean that we have to give up the things we love.

Choosing fresh fruit and vegetables over processed foods will give you the vitality to enjoy the activities that you love to do.  Develop enjoyable habits that happen to be healthy.

Those of us who have worked in the medical field tend to become jaded in our thinking on aging.  We see people who have not aged well.  We see young people who are old.  Through the years I have met more and more older people who are healthy and who are not on medications.  They maintained a healthy lifestyle in their younger years and in doing so, they will maintain an active lifestyle in their later years.

Our happiness depends on wisdom all the way. – Sophocles