I am frequently amazed about information that “social influencers” put out. I’m more amazed at how people follow their advice without researching what these influencers are preaching. Furthermore, why would anyone listen to these people giving medical advice? Popular social influencers more often than not are not qualified to be giving advice on anything, especially medical advice.

In the northern hemisphere it’s winter time and time for the “polar bear plunge” into ice water. This is usually a fund raising event, but many people on social media praise the benefits of cold showers and ice baths.

Where’s the proof?

As many of my readers know, I’m all about show me the science. I was the chairperson for the Evidence Based Committee at the Veteran’s Administration for three years in my home state. The purpose of this committee was to look at research papers to determine if there was merit to claims being made in the medical field.

We are told that ice baths:

  • Help in stress management and improve mood and support relaxation
  • It helps reduce depression
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Can decrease fatigue and induce better sleep
  • Limits inflammation and speeds up recovery after an intense workout or injury
  • Increase libido
  • Helps to maintain glucose levels in the optimal range

I have researched numerous articles to find evidence of these claims. Many so called research papers were anything but true scientific research findings. In reality, evidence supporting health benefits is hard to find and is sketchy. Health benefits have NOT been established.

The Facts

Sudden immersion in water under 60 degrees Fahrenheit can actually kill a person in less than a minute. The shock of plunging into ice water that social influencers talk about suggest that it triggers the body to respond in the above mentioned areas. People who routinely swim in cold water have gone through a protocol and taken safety measures to prevent permeant harm to their bodies. They never swim in cold water alone. They have someone around in case of an emergency.

Shocking the body with cold water baths actually triggers:

  • Rapid increase in breathing
  • Rapid increase in heart rate
  • Increase in blood pressure known as the cold shock response
  • Can cause an individual to drown within seconds it the involuntary gasp reactions happens while their head is under water
  • The shock places stress on the heart causing it to work harder

Other side effects are:

  • The blood vessels in the extremities shutdown in order to protect the body’s core and vital organs
  • This causes poor circulation in the extremities causing a loss of coordination and strength
  • Leads to hypothermia faster than being out in cold air
  • Cold water reduces the body’s heat 25 times faster than air
  • Can cause confusion and increasing the risk of death due to not being able to react to remove oneself from a dangerous situation

Who should never try cold water therapy?

People who have heart disease should never try cold water therapy. It’s not even a good idea for heart patients to drink ice cold beverages. Individuals who take beta blockers, blood pressure medications to lower blood pressure and medications to reduce heart rate can throw their heart into a life threatening cardiac arrhythmia.

Other concerns include:

  1. Decreases in core body temperature that can impair the blood flow and constrict your blood vessels making it harder for the heart to circulate the blood.
  2. Can increase your risk for stroke or cardiac arrest
  3. Always talk to your health care provider before you try any extreme “so called healthy” therapy.

Final Thoughts

As far as helping the libido, really? Don’t men take a cold shower to shut down the arousal response? Speaking as a woman, a cold shower certainly would not help my libido.

I know my readers are not mindless followers of “social influencers”. Next time you see a social influencer talk about cold water baths, speak up and tell them it’s bad advice. You might even save someones life.