It’s always something isn’t it? New information comes out daily on food. We are told about all the harmful chemicals in foods and the list seems to continue to grow. Lectins and now the focus is on oxalates. In reality none of this information is new. When I was a mire child in nursing school, I learned about lectins, oxalates, arsenic, cyanide, sugar, fats and many other scary chemicals found in food.

If we eliminated all the foods that contain these chemicals there would be nothing left to eat.

Plants Defense Systems

Plants evolve over the centuries to develop defense systems. The chemicals that are developed are to keep insects and animals from eating them. Plants don’t want to be eaten. Not by insects, animals, or humans. I’m not getting into the science on plant cells and how plants develop. What I want to zero in is some of the chemicals plants develop to protect themselves and how to get around them.

The defense chemicals that plants use include tannins, saponins, isothiocyantes, lectins, oxalates, and cyanogenic glycosides that will damage your gut. These chemicals also inhibit nutrient absorption, interfere with your hormones, and make you have stinky farts!

Most of the time we are able to dispose of the toxins without any problems. At times, some people can have problems with certain plants. Oxalates can affect the kidneys and contribute to kidney stones. Oxalates are like tiny chards of glass going through the body’s organs. Sounds serious doesn’t it. In some cases it can be. Generally speaking, most of us are able to flush out these chemicals without much of a problem.

Foods High in Oxalates

Some of our most favorite foods are high in oxalates. French fries being one. Below is a list of foods high in oxalates, keep in mind however, many of these plants contain important nutrients that we need to stay healthy.

  1. Spinach – A half-cup of cooked spinach contains 755 milligrams.
  2. Soy products – A 3-ounce serving of firm tofu has 235 milligrams, while 1 cup of soy milk or yogurt can have up to 336 milligrams per serving. I tend to stay away from all soy products because of the estrogen hormones and the fact that soy beans have been adulterated by Monsanto to the point that it’s not safe.
  3. Almonds – One ounce of almonds, or about 22 nuts, contains 122 milligrams of oxalates. Most of the oxalates are found in the skin of the almond.
  4. Potatoes – A medium baked potato has 97 milligrams of oxalates per serving. Most of this content is in the potato’s skin.
  5. Beets – At 152 milligrams per cup, they’re also one of the vegetables highest in oxalates. 
  6. Navy beans – navy beans are on the high end with 76 milligrams per half-cup.
  7. Rasberries – raspberries are considered a high-oxalate food with 48 milligrams per cup.
  8. Dates – Dates are high in sugar and concentrated with oxalates with one date containing 24 milligrams. Dates should be eaten in moderation if for no other reason than the sugar content.

Foods Low in Oxalates

Fruits: bananas, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, strawberries, apples, apricots, lemons, peaches.

Vegetables: mustard greens, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, mushrooms, onions, peas, zucchini.

Grains and starches: white rice, corn flour, oat bran. Proteins: eggs, meat, fish, poultry.

Problems with High Oxalates

For people who are prone to kidney stones the above foods should be restricted or avoided all together.  When oxalate levels are high, there’s a greater chance it will bind to calcium, forming kidney stones.

Because oxalates bind to minerals they lower mineral absorption in our bodies. This includes all minerals such as copper, zinc, and calcium to name a few of these essential nutrients.

Individuals who have gut problems tend to have more difficulty in breaking down oxalates. Antibiotics decrease the good bacteria in the gut and with higher levels of oxalates, it can become a bigger problem.

So, What do we do?

Limit high level oxalate foods, like the ones listed above. See the fruits that are high in oxalates also. Eat more fruits and vegetables on the low end of the scale. Drink water to flush out the oxalates. Boiling vegetables can reduce the level of oxalates by 87% in some foods.

As with any other food, eat in moderation. It’s essential that we eat a large variety of foods to maintain optimal health.

Don’t get caught up in the YouTubers trying to draw more people to their channels. As always, do your own research.