
My Adventure Begins by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Murphy’s Law (the one where anything that can go wrong, does) is certainly in effect right now. I have been locked out of my blog for awhile, but it now looks like the issue is finally resolved.

Back to the adventure.

I slept on the stronger energy bed the first night. Being sensitive to the energies around me, I could really feel the energy the first night. To be honest about it, I didn’t sleep very well because the energy was a bit much for me. So, the second night, I slept on the bed with less energy and I slept very well.

Let’s Talk Energy

Yes, Tesla BioHealing has different levels of energy in the canisters. Each strength is geared for a different purpose. There’s the least strength for the pets. Then there’s the next level for children over five years of age. Next, you have the personal BioHealing for adults. And lastly, there are two larger sizes that can go under or next to the bed.

One thing I learned about the Tesla BioHealing Products is that your body will only take in the amount of energy from the bio-photons it needs. In other words, if you have more health issues and your body is depleted, it will take in more energy.

Having said that, if your body is in a crisis or is really depleted, you might experience symptoms of feeling a little achy, you can feel a little flu like. This is because your body is releasing the toxins and cleansing itself. These symptoms will past and become less as your body detoxifies. This detoxification is a very good thing for your body. You can move the canister farther away from you until your body acclimates and becomes less toxic.

Enough With The Info Commercial

Well, you do have to have a background to understand the basics. I know you want to know, “What did it do for you?” And the next question is, “What will it do for me?”

The answer to the second question is, “I don’t know what it will do for you.” Each person is different and the results are based on what your body needs.

As for the first question, I didn’t see much difference. I know you’re surprised to hear me say that. Especially since I’m a big supporter of the product.

Let me explain. First, I have no health issues. Secondly, I take no medications, obviously.

However, over the last 10 months that I have been using the product, I do notice several things.

Tell Me, What Difference Have You Noticed

The last ten months have been incredibly hectic to say the least. I moved five times. Yes, you read that correctly.

You see, I ended up going to work for Tesla BioHealing. I will continue the story in the next blog.

What I will tell you is that the energy from the Tesla BioHealing that I had with me each step of the way is making a difference. I will tell you how it’s making a difference in the next episode.

Nikola Tesla by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Today is Nikola Tesla’s birthday. “Ok, so what?”, I hear you say. The so what is, Tesla is the reason for so many of humankind’s advancements. “Again, so what?” This is where I pick up my on my seven month adventure.

Nikola Tesla and Energy

As I got out of my car on arrival at Milford, Delaware, I felt energy radiating from the building. I had to stop short of entering the building for a moment. I was a little lightheaded. (Yes, I know what you’re thinking… you usually are a little lightheaded. HAHA!)

However, I’m sensitive to environmental energies. (I will tell you about my visit to Sedona, AZ sometime and mediating in a vortex. Just don’t take your cell phone into a vortex.) In this case, Nikola Tesla’s research is the foundation for today’s technology and the benefits for humans.

I’m not going into all the achievements that Tesla accomplished, that’s not what this article is about. In a nutshell, if Tesla had his way, we would have free electricity.  Tesla also understood that there is energy in the air that all living things draw on to replenish the living cells. The problem with this is that we’re not able to pull enough of the bio-photons out of the environment ourselves to replenish our cells.

I encourage you to read about Nikola Tesla and his accomplishments.

New Technology with Bio-photons

Walking through the doors of Tesla BioHealing started the transformation and adventure of my life. Therefore, this is where I pickup the story.

As I walk through the doors of Tesla BioHealing, I’m greeted by the staff. They are friendly and genuine people. (I have to tell you, the children in the south grew up hearing how aggressive and rude people in the north can be. Not true in this case.)

I’m greeted by the staff with open arms and I feel at home immediately. So, my three day stay begins.

Meeting the founder of Tesla BioHealing

I’m not in the building long before Dr. James Liu comes around the corner and welcomes me. He escorts me into the meeting room and we talk for a little while. I am educated on the BioHealers and the results that people are reporting when they use the product.

Dr. Liu asks me, “What do you want?” (in relationship to the product)

I’m rather gutsy and respond, “I want a healing center in Hot Springs, Arkansas. I don’t care whose name is on the building. I want you to put it in and I want you to pay for it.” At, least I wasn’t thrown out of the building at this point.

It’s lunch time, Dr. Liu invites me to join him and the president of the company, Helen Gu, to lunch. Our conversation continues through lunch. I share my dream of wanting a healing center in Arkansas. This is a twenty plus year dream I’ve had. My vision is ahead of the technology until now.

Again, I’m asked about what I want with this healing center. I repeat my previous statement. This time Dr. Liu says “you have a deal and you’re going to run it.” We shake hands on the deal.

You know the drill, Deals are made over meals! I have my deal!

So begins day one

I unload my bag from my car and I’m shown into the room where I will be staying for the next three days. In addition, I have a scan of my energy field done to establish a baseline. This will be repeated before I leave to see if there’s a difference in my energy reading.

The MedBed

There’s a lot of talk about different MedBeds and the miracles people are expected to experience. You know the stories, regrow arms and legs. Reverse aging and you are now twenty again if that’s what you want. Well this technology is not that. In reality, there’s no proof that the other technology exists.

I enter the room and there are two regular beds. However, I feel more energy coming from one bed over the other. I learn this bed has a larger power source than the other bed.

Now, for a moment I want to tell you about the product. This product is FDA registered. The foundation is laid for FDA approval and that is in the process. There is different strengths of the BioHealers. The ones in the room I’m in are the more powerful ones. I will talk about the technology later. (Having said that, I signed a Nondisclosure agreement, NDA. Not that it matters, I don’t know how the product is put together anyway.)

Oh, and of course, the disclaimer, “It’s not recommended for pregnant women and children under the age of five. You know how it is. You have to jump through a lot of hoops to get FDA approval. Tesla BioHealing is in the process of doing just that. Right now they are jumping through the hoops!

Making the choice

Obviously I choose the bed with the stronger energy. I want to get the most bang for my bucks while there. I have to tell you, you don’t have to be on the bed to reap the benefits of the generator. You just need to be within six feet of it. The closer you are, the better.

So, day one and already my life path has just changed from “hum drum” to “having fun!”

The first night sleeping on the MedBed….

We’ll talk about that next time. In the meantime,


Listen to the testimonials.



Life Changes by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Life changes. This statement has two meanings. The first is as we live our life, there are changes that take place. Jobs change, retirement, people move…

The second meaning is our life changes physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. This happens as time passes.

Ironically, both these meanings are interconnected. Therefore, you really can’t have one happen without the other happening as well.

My Life Changes

Last September, September 4, 2021, I went on a road trip. On September 7, 2021 my life changed drastically.

Having said this, it’s really an understatement. You see, on September 7, 2021 I walked into Tesla BioHealing. Little did I know how drastically my life would change. I’m sensitive to the energy in the environment and the energy around people. There are many of us who experience this.

As I got out of my car, I could feel the energy radiating from the building. It was an interesting experience.

But, I’m getting ahead of myself.

Start at the beginning please

I have been hearing about the MedBeds that are coming. These beds are able to do miraculously things. I may appear to some as being gullible, but in reality, I’m open minded. I don’t necessarily believe or disbelieve what I’m told. Therefore, I wait and see.

For instance, I started doing my own research on these MedBeds of the future. My research was extensive and took a few months. In addition to my research, I listened to what the “experts” are saying about the miracle beds.

In the end, I decided that the MedBeds of the future were just that, in the future. I decided to take matters into my own hands so to speak. I’m not waiting on “what if” or “when”. I tend to be impatient at times. However, that’s not always a bad thing, to be impatient.

In my research one product kept turning up no matter what I typed into the search engine. That is to say, I am supposed to pay attention to this company. There is no coincidence. My experience is when something keeps turning up, I’m supposed to pay attention. To clarify, I did pay attention.

I contacted this company and had a Zoom meeting with a representative. My questions were answered, but I still wasn’t convinced.

So the journey begins

Being a Natural Health Doctor, I’m always looking for something that: 1. actually works and 2. has no known side effects. I don’t recommend things to people unless I have first hand experience in using the product or technique or technology.

So, my road trip began. It was three long days of hard driving. Keep in mind, that I have not traveled much in my lifetime. I have four children that I reared and it took a lot of money just to feed, clothe, and educated them. Money for vacations and travel were not in the budget.

Road trip experiences

I saw parts of the U.S. that I have never seen before. I’m a southern born and reared woman. People in the south tend to have a slower pace in life. The further north I traveled the faster and more aggressive the energy became. Drivers in the north are very different than those in the south. Aggressive driving can be unnerving for someone who is used to other drivers letting you merge into a driving lane. Imagine, five lanes of traffic going in one direction and no one will let you merge into the other lanes so you can take your exit.

My stress level is high while driving around large cities such as Philadelphia and Boston. I have to admit that I prayed a lot when driving in Pennsylvania, Illinois and Delaware.

Thank God for GPS!

After three days of driving, I arrive at Milford, Delaware. I am relieved to have reached my destination in one piece.

The energy radiating from the building is strong and I momentarily felt a little lightheaded. The building is understated and nothing much to look at.

There’s a lot to be said for understated. I tend to be unimpressed with a lot of “fanfare”. When there’s a lot of money being put into how a building looks, I’m not impressed. That approach seems to be a waste of money to me. Yes, I agree, beautiful surroundings are nice. But, I can’t help but think that the money could be used to help people in other ways.

Ok, I am stopping at this point. I will restart the story on the next posting. But, life change begins as I enter the building.

How Do You Adjust To Turbulent Times? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I  closed out my accounts on social media a few years ago. Having said that, I wasn’t on many of them to begin with. I originally joined one of the most popular ones (I will not name it, but I’m sure you get the idea) to keep up with what was going on with my adult children. Then it seemed that the most innocent statements were deemed “not politically correct” and people were ban for stating their opinions. Somehow, this didn’t seem right to me. I thought as Americans, we have free speech. If I don’t like what someone says, I don’t have to continue to follow them. It seemed simple enough to me. Actually, I discovered that I have more contact with my children since I closed my accounts.

Fast Forward Two Years

Now, we have high inflation, gasoline prices are taking a big chunk out of the household budget, and families are having to decide if they will have enough money to buy groceries. Therefore, people are stressed and worried about if they will have a roof over their heads and food to eat.

We are told that we’re in the “end times” and there is a depression looming over the world economies. I know you think that this article is going to be a political statement. It’s not. But, I am focusing on the effects stress and fear play in our day to day lives.

We just came out of being in a “lock down” for over a year. People say, “I just want things to go back to the way it was before.” Do you? Do you really want to go back to the “fast paced lifestyle” you lived?

People argue about so may issues in the news media these days. Tension and fear are at a high level. The rate of suicides, use of illicit drugs and prescription drugs for depression are increased. Alcohol abuse is on the rise.

When I worked for the Veterans Administration, many of the veterans would come in to the mental health outpatient unit complaining about stress. I would ask them if they watched to news at night. The answer was always yes. I told them to stop watching the news at night. On their next visit, they reported that their anxiety decreased substantially. Sometimes I can be a “brat”, I would respond with, “DUH!” I have not watched mainstream news media in over 30 years. Yes, I do know what’s going on in the world.

How To Handle Stress

In my book, Guilty Prayers I have chapters talking about stress, anxiety and depression. I will not go into detail in this article on what happens when these symptoms go unchecked. Needless, to say your mental health and physical health will decline.

What I do want to focus on is what happened during the lockdown.

  1. People realized that there’s more to life than working all the time. They discovered that they could make ends meet on one job instead of two.
  2. Families sat down to enjoy having a meal together. The kids learned what it’s like to have mom and dad’s attention and to really talk durning the meal.
  3. Families values begin to change. Quality time was more important than going to all the activities that cut into family time.
  4. In my neighborhood, neighbors sat outside and visited. We got to know each other. We even had a block party! The grill is dragged out and we cooked our meal. There was laughing and music playing.
  5. We discovered what it is like to live a simpler life.

Now, once again we are bombarded with fear reporting of “gloom and doom”. Yes, times are stressful. But, do you really want to live in fear of “what if” or “what could happen”? No, I don’t recommend you bury your head in the sand. I do recommend that you turn off the news and be proactive.

Get Your House In Order

Practice the lifestyle that our grandparents did.

  1. Live below your means. In other words, don’t spend your whole paycheck as soon as you get it. Put a little back.
  2. Cut out the things that are not necessary. Don’t buy the “junk” food. Instead, buy the fresh fruits and vegetables. Better yet, read my article on the Victory Gardens.
  3. Grow your own food as much as possible. I find myself doing just that. I just moved back to my home town after traveling for the last seven months for Tesla BioHealing. The house I decided to rent has a garden that was started by the landlady.
  4. I cut my expenses. I downsized and decided I didn’t want to buy another house. I stocked my pantry with a few extra items.
  5. Plan your errands and do all the errands that are located close together. Plan your route in advanced. You will find it saves you time and gasoline.
In Summary

Yes, times are hard. Maybe changing your perspective will help. I choose not to focus on the things that can’t be change. Therefore, I think outside of the box. First, I stay aware of what’s going on without getting caught up in the fear. If you need help to see life from a different point of view, seek help from a professional. In other words, find a counselor or life coach. Surround yourself with a support group.

Buy my book, Guilty Prayers. It goes into detail about real life stories and what happened when individuals let their emotions control them. It gives practical suggestions on how to over come run away emotions. It’s on Amazon or with any book retail store.

Commune with your God or Higher Source. Prayer and meditation are helpful. Each religion teaches how to do this.

It’s Been A Long Time by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

My postings have been sporadic in the last seven months. That’s because I accepted a position with a company that required me to travel. Part of my job was to start renovations on hotels.

How does a nurse and Ph.D. in Natural Health end up doing renovations on hotels? That’s a good question. It seems as though my position as Infection Prevention nurse with the Veteran’s Administration prepared me for this task. As Infection Prevention, I worked closely with the engineers at the VA. Part of my responsibility was writing the compliance plans for outside construction companies to follow when renovation was being done on the inside of the hospital. If the plan was not followed to the letter, I had the authority and responsibility to shut the project down until they were in compliance.

So, the journey starts

I spent six weeks in Butler, PA. The renovation there was a big challenge in that the building is over 300,000 square feet. This “grand old dame” tugged at my heartstrings the moment I walked through the doors. She has character and grace. She is also an old building with aging aliments.

I got to know this building intimately since I was the only person staying in the building at night. I had grown men tell me that they would be afraid to stay there alone at night.

However, I soon learned the sounds she made at night. The woman crying, the child running through the halls… No, I never told anyone about the night time activities. Therefore, it was no surprise to me after I left Butler, PA, to hear reports of a woman crying and a little boy running through the halls from workers who stayed late to work.

The next stop was East Dubuque, IL. This building is smaller, 75 rooms. Once again, I was the only one in the hotel at night. Unlike the 143 room facility I had just left, I found I was not as attached to this building. It has it’s share of problems as well. One morning the maintenance man sent me a text telling me the basement was flooded. You may be surprised that I didn’t get excited about this occurrence. You see, I expected it. Plumbers and electricians were there in a flash.

Next, the last stop was Milford, DE. I was at the home office for six weeks to start a buildout project on a gutted 70,000 square foot four story building.

I’m flexible!

My job title and duties changed often and I no longer paid attention to job titles because they change rapidly. One duty was to help write the submission for FDA approval for the product the company sells. I started joint ventures with developing mini-centers for the company. Research with universities are in the beginning stages as I left Milford, DE.

I learned early in life that one has to be flexible. Otherwise, life will take a toll on you.

So, where am I now? I’m back in my home state of Arkansas to set-up mini-centers for the company I’m working for. Actually, I’m in Hot Springs, my hometown.

I know you want to know who I’m working for and what I’m really doing. All in good time. Therefore, you will have to be content until I reveal what’s going on. I will give you a hint, it’s changing the face of medicine.

In conclusion

As, this journey I’m on continues to unfold, I will update you on what’s going on. In the meantime, sit back and enjoy the journey with me. I will tell you more about the adventures I encounter along the way.

It’s good to be back in the crystal grid of Arkansas and especially Hot Springs. That’s a story in itself.

Thank you my dear readers with you patience with my absence. I’m back and soon the story will begin to unfold and reveal itself.

Life’s Journey by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I live an interesting life. Three months ago, I accepted a new job. I lived in a hotel in two different states for three months as project manager. I’m in charge of the renovation of two hotels. My next project is working on the interior of a four story gutted building.

I sold my house, gave my car to one of my daughters, and now I’m living in a third state. I moved from Arkansas to Delaware, which is rather amazing since I have never lived anywhere but Arkansas.

We hear about the “Southern Rednecks” and those “Damn Yankee’s”, but my experience has been very positive. The people in these northern states of Pennsylvania, Illinois and Delaware have welcomed me with open arms. A week ago when I moved to Milford, DE, my colleagues told me “welcome home!” That’s incredible since I only met some of them three months ago.

Cultural Impressions

We hear in the news about all the division between people. Black vs white, people from India vs everyone else and Chinese are looked down on because of the Chinese Communist Party and the virus unleashed on the world.

This “Southern Woman” is welcomed with open arms everywhere I go. Basically, everyone is striving for the same things. We all want to enjoy life. To have healthy children and to be healthy ourselves. Everyone wants to be able to pursue their dreams.

The owner of the company I’m now working for is Chinese and the president of the company is also Chinese. It has been interesting for me to develop an ear for the Chinese accent. I know my southern girl accent has been a challenge for them as well. However, we seem to be able to work through these moments without much difficulty.

Furthermore, I don’t see racism in the south, nor have I seen it in the north. So, I have to wonder, ‘why is the news media pushing this agenda?’ Most importantly, the general population isn’t listening to it. That makes me proud of my fellow citizens.

What’s next?

I want to share with you who I am working with. What could have inspired me to uproot myself and so easily move more than 1,200 miles from my home?

I’m privileged to be working for Tesla BioHealing. The projects I’m working on are Tesla MedBed centers. This technology is truly amazing. I hear and see the most incredible stories from people who have used the products. Lives are changed!

You have heard me say in the past, that as a doctor of natural health, it’s astonishing  for me to witness how fast the body can heal and repair itself when it’s given the right tools. Clean food and air, a healthy living style, a good attitude, all go a long way. Now there’s a new tool for you to use for your body to help improve itself.

I invite you to go to: TeslaBioHealing.com and read about this life changing technology.


I will share more of my life adventures with you as more opportunities unfold. Therefore, be on the look out for more stories as my new journey unfolds.

Most of all, remember, age means nothing. Most of my friends are retired. I was forced into retirement for three years after a semi truck hit me. I wish I had been able to use the Tesla BioHealing products back then. But, at that time, they were just being developed by a remarkable man. This doctor thought to himself, “There has to be a better way for me to help my patients.” Fortunately, for us all, he found the way. The future of medicine is now changed forever.


Dimensional Shift Continues by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Science once thought the Earth’s frequency or vibrational rate was constant at 7.83 hertz. NASA started measuring our planet’s frequency and discovered that the vibration has increased to 11.2.  And at times 14 hertz and is speeding up.

NASA’s observation of Mother Earth’s vibration has also led to the discovery that our planet’s gravity field is dropping rapidly. Magnetic north is moving rather fast and the inner core is displaced from the angle of rotation. Gaia’s crust is displaced. Within our galaxy it is noted that our sun’s magnetic north and south have not been detected since 1995.  Our sun holds all of our solar system’s planets in place.


What does all this mean?

General science teaches us that the atom is 99% space and 1% energy.  This energy behaves as though it were conscious.  Our entire universe is a pulsation of conscious energy.  I find it interesting that science refers to our universe as a   “pulsation of conscious energy”. 

Each planet in our solar system has a “tone” or “ringing” that is emanated from each astral body.  Earth rings at E flat which is noted to be the lowest ring tone.  

Research has shown that this exposure of our planet’s vibrational frequency is essential to human health.  This frequency controls our mental and physical health and our circadian rhythm is synchronized. Therefore, our immune system is aided by this frequency which in turn improves our sense of well-being. 

It’s in the DNA

We are surrounded by natural frequencies, our body and our DNA communicates by using electromagnetic frequencies. Interestingly, 7.83 hertz is also our brain’s average alpha frequency in electroencephalography. Among the five main categories of brain waves, alpha waves, which are in the middle of the scale, induce relaxation. In addition, this is where we begin to tap into the wealth of creativity that lies just below our conscious awareness.  As it turns out, the source that connects resonances and brain frequencies resides in our DNA helix.  As a result, this has developed over millions of years in the Earth’s environment.  Our Alpha and Theta brain waves both border the frequency of 7.8 Hz. These brain waves are associated with insight, intuition, inspiration, meditation, relaxation, and calmness.

As the earth slows, the frequency increases.  That is to say, at the time when the earth stops its rotation and the resonant frequency reaches 13 cycles there will be a zero point in the magnetic field.  In two or three days the rotation will start again, but will be in the opposite direction.  This will cause a reversal in the magnetic fields which will affect everything in our universe.

Earth sings at E flat

It is said that E flat or 8Hz is the fundamental “heartbeat” of our planet. This heartbeat of Earth is better known as Schumann resonance. It’s named after physicist Winfried Otto Schumann, who documented it mathematically in 1952.

In 1952, German physicist Professor W. O. Schumann of the Technical University of Munich predicted that there are electromagnetic standing waves in the atmosphere. In other words, it’s within the cavity formed by the surface of the earth and the ionosphere. This came about by Schumann teaching his students about the physics of electricity. During a lesson about ball condensers, he asked his students to calculate the frequency between the inner and outer ball, the area between earth and ionosphere layer. They came up with a calculation of 10Hz.

This was confirmed in 1954 when measurements by Schumann and König detected resonances at a main frequency of 7.83 Hz. In the years following this discovery, several investigators worldwide have researched “Schumann Resonance” and a number of properties and characteristics have now been established. 

It’s all in your head

The thought waves created by the human brain range from 14Hz to 40Hz. This range only includes certain types of dendrites belonging to brain cells, predominantly within the left the rational hemisphere of the brain, which is the center of activity.  

If the two hemispheres of our brain are synchronized with each other at 8Hz, they work harmoniously with a maximum flow of information. In other words, the frequency of 8Hz seems to be the key to the full and activation potential of our brain.

The Human Consciousness Project is an international consortium of multidisciplinary scientists and physicians who have joined forces to research the nature of consciousness and its relationship with the brain. In addition, the neuronal processes that mediate and correspond to different facets of consciousness is observed.  

Lewis B. Hainsworth, an electric engineer of Western Australia, seems to have been the first to recognize the relationship between the ELF waves of the TRB, the frequencies used by our brain, and a person’s health.

Hainsworth stated, ”The frequencies of naturally occurring electromagnetic signals [i.e. ELF waves] circulating in the electrically resonant cavity bounded by the Earth and the ionosphere [the TRB], have governed or determined the evolution, or development, of the principal human brain waves.”

Hainsworth concluded that the frequencies of the human brain-waves evolved in response to the TRB’s ELF waves, and that any variation in the frequencies of the TRB would cause an instant modification of the cerebral waves, which in turn would produce changes in a living being’s behavior. 

Our brainwaves respond

Gaia’s harmonic OHM or vibration does have an affect on every living creature on earth.  Science has proven our brainwaves respond to the energy and frequency.

Science has continued to study Schumann resonances and have made some interesting discoveries. 

Schumann resonances are oscillating magnetic frequencies that happen in the Earth’s electromagnetic spectrum. These frequencies are believed to be generated by electromagnetic changes that occur within the earth’s core. That in turn affects the planet’s surface, and ionosphere, including the beings living upon it. This resonance has been about the same for hundreds, if not thousands of years, but it seems to be changing. 



In the next posting we will take a look at why the changes are taking place.

The Future Is Here by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Imagine a life free of disease, pain and suffering! Hard to do isn’t it? However, the future in health care is here.

“What are you talking about?”, you ask. You see characters in the television shows and movies going to the healing beds. These beds are where people go to lay down on for treatment. Again, I hear you say, “What?”

Healing Beds

“Ok, what is a healing bed?”

Firstly, these beds are here now. The technology has been hidden from the general population for decades. These pod-like beds are designed to have healing capabilities for a wide range of diseases. “Really?”, you say.

Therefore, let’s get into the technology, how these beds work and what they actually do.

For example, a med bed is similar to a MRI machine in that they scan your body as you lay on them. Moreover, the readings are received and analyze through Artificial Intelligence (AI). After that, the computer analyzes what’s going on in your body and a diagnosis is made.

Secondly, the technology proceeds to heal you based on your diagnosis.

The third thing you experience is renewed stem cells, but without costly drugs or needles or surgery, and it’s not invasive. You feel the difference in your body very quickly. In a matter of hours, you’re experiencing optimal health!

Are There Different Kinds of Healing Beds?

Yes, there are three different kinds of med beds.

The first, is a holographic bed. This bed provides diagnosis for illnesses and does the correct treatment. Therefore, this bed will treat your illness in a short time and is less invasive than current day medical treatments.

The second bed is a regeneration bed. This bed is used to replace missing arms and legs. Transplanted organs are no longer needed since this bed regenerates the needed organ. Skin graphs are a procedure of the past. The bed heals the injured skin. And as a result, you can even have those pearly white teeth instead of dentures!

The third bed is just as amazing. You lay down on this bed and your memory is restored. You have age regression! The true fountain of youth.

For example, a 70 year old woman is regressed to age 25 if she chooses. She has the ability to give birth to children again. (I love my children, but I really don’t want to experience the teen-age rebellion years again! So, I will pass on that one.) A 90 year old man is as virile as a 20 year old male. We enjoy the benefits of a youthful and healthy body!

For instance, a memory of trauma is released and PTSD is a thing of the past. There is no need for medications for depression or memory loss. Above all, imagine the pain and suffering that is alleviated! You remember everything you need to remember, no dementia!

Fact Check

The fact checkers tell you there’s no such thing. Really? Well, you can’t believe the fact checkers. They work for those who don’t want you to know there is an alternative.

Maybe the fact checkers should get their heads out of their …..

Fact is, I’m experiencing a med bed very soon. As a matter of fact, I’m sleeping on one for two nights.


The reality is, I am traveling in a few days to actually experience one of these med beds. “No way!”, you say. “Yes, indeed, I am.”

There is a plan to have healing centers all over the world. There is a humanitarian fund to help this happen. I have applied for funding to do just this very thing.


Pray for me. Yes, I want my readers to pray that I receive the funding to open a healing center in my home state. Prayer is powerful! Ask and you shall receive! I believe in that statement with all my heart! I am asking and I know I will receive.

How’s that for stepping out on a limb? I have faith that this is happening. It is happening now! Hopefully, I will be part of the development of one of the first healing center in the United States opened to the public.

One fact I know, I have been given a vision of a healing center. I have had this vision for about twenty-five years. Now, as a result, opportunities have been presented to me at quantum speed. The last 72 hours have been amazing and the opportunities are now here.

My stated intentions are:

  1. To experience one of the healing beds. But, also, participate in the healing for myself.
  2. The funding will be delivered at the right time, in the right way.
  3. Manifestation of the building this center is housed in.

Ask and you shall receive! I asked! I’m open to receiving the funds needed to birth this project! 



Do You Remember? by Janet Lynas, PhD., N.H.D.

We’re told as we age, our memory will decline. Therefore, the supplement industry for brain health is booming! So, what is the truth concerning brain health and good memory?

As you age, the brain goes through changes that can slow down your thinking. It loses volume, the cortex becomes thinner, the myelin sheath surrounding the fibers of your neurons begins to breakdown. And to make it worse, your brain receptors don’t fire as quickly!

In your mid thirties, we find that at times things we know begin to escape our recall. You try to remember a new acquaintance name, it’s on the tip of your tongue, but it escapes you.

Next, you’re told that as you enter your 40s to 50s that the reasoning skills begin to drop off. One begins to experience fading sharpness of mind and we can’t seem to think of a certain word we want to use. It’s frustrating! However, our moral compass is improved! You are better able to control outburst of emotions.

Then, in our 60s our brain begins to shrink! As a result, it’s harder to access knowledge that has been accumulated over the years. We’re told it’s harder for us to learn new things. Really?

Lastly, in our 70s and above, we can expect to lose our minds! That is to say, it’s  because of inflammation and a build-up of deposits in areas like the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for forming new memories.

Building New Neurons

People don’t make new brain cells as we age.There’s nothing you can do! It’s hopeless! Or is it?

The hippocampus actually does produce new brain cells during adulthood. This information was controversial for decades. Finally, scientist agree that the brain does make new neurons.

Scientist have learned new neurons in the hippocampus are important in certain types of learning and memory. These new neurons tend to regulate emotional processes like anxiety and depression.

Therefore, the question that arises is: Why is this handful of new neurons (about 1400/day) so important for brain function?

Having said this, new neurons in the hippocampus behave differently from old neurons. These new neurons are hyper-excitable, like a kid on a sugar high! Our mature neurons are more restrained in their reaction to a given situation.

How Do We Incorporate New Neurons?

For example, adding new neurons is like adding pieces of a puzzle. It takes time to figure out how the new pieces fit in with the old ones. As you know, the pieces have to fit together. Random placing just doesn’t work.

In other words, it’s still a mystery how these new neurons will assimilate in with the current story going one. But, somehow they find their place and work well with the existing neurons.

As a result, researchers are studying how new neurons are added into our existing brain circuits. Furthermore, this is an exciting new field of study.

How Can We Make New Neurons?

Good news! It’s not that hard! I used to have a tee-shirt that said, “I’m flexible”. I had it made when I was a trainer for new Girl Scout Leaders. It was to remind these women to expect the unexpected and to adapt. You never know what’s going to happen when you’re working with children.

Stay curious and interested in life. Be proactive and learn about many different things! Get involved in life and join in on new activities. Meet new people! You don’t know their stories and you learn from others.

That is to say, get out of your rut! Avoid the mundane! Having the same routine day in and day out makes us dull and mindless. To clarify, doing the same thing over and over does make us mindless.

My mother used to say, “God gave you a brain. Use it!” Likewise, remember the saying, “Use it or lose it!” Use your brain, create new pathways. Use your non dominate hand at times. You learn something new when you do.

On the other hand, doing the same thing over and over not only dulls the mind, but it creates a stress of boredom. Unfortunately, isolation contributes to stagnation. Make sure you stay involved with people. Get out in nature and connect with God’s creation.

Make your brain plastic! Plasticity is what scientist tell us makes our brain adaptable. Therefore, being plastic is making new neurons. It’s amazing isn’t it?

What Else Can We Do?

Activated vitamin D receptors increase nerve growth in your brain. Get a good dose of vitamin D by being outside in the sunlight. Go out before the UV rays are at their peak. Or go out late in the day as they are decreasing. You can supplement with vitamin D capsules, but remember, natural vitamin D is best.  Researchers have also located metabolic pathways for vitamin D in the hippocampus and cerebellum of the brain. These are the areas that are involved in planning, and with the processing of information. As a result, the formation of new memories are made.

Next, we know brain cells do regenerate. Dr. Fred Gage and his team at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California along with doctors at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Sweden, have proven new neurons do develop throughout life.

Other supplements can help with remembering. One area of current study is with luteolin. Luteolin is classified as a citrus bioflavonoid. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties allow luteolin to look for reactive compounds containing oxygen and nitrogen. These combined properties can cause cellular damage. Importantly, lutelolin acts as an antioxidant. Luteolin can also stimulate activation of the dopamine transporter.

Foods High In Luteolin

  1. Dark Leafy Greens (Spinach)
  2. Green Peas
  3. Summer Squash
  4. Pumpkin
  5. Brussels Sprouts
  6. Broccoli
  7. Asparagus
  8. Romaine Lettuce
  9. Carrots
  10. Pistachios

If you read my blog, you know I advocate for organic foods and getting your vitamins and minerals from heathy eating. Research the different supplements on the market for yourself. Keep in mind that natural supplements are readily available to the body for processing. If you want to add a supplement look for natural ingredients not synthetic. Look for organic ingredients. Next, research for supplements with no additives or fillers.

Closing It Out

Lastly and foremost, know that walking is one of the best if not the best exercise for brain health. However, there are other activities that promote a healthy mind.

  • Exercise – just move your body! Walking, swimming, dancing, skipping! It doesn’t really matter what the movement is, just do it!
  • Diet – healthy eating is imperative! I don’t advise one diet over the other. I believe eating a big variety of vegetables and fruits is the best approach. Eat less meat and grains. If you eat grains, eat the stripped down version. Yes, whole grains are proven to affect gut health.
  • Mediation – meditation is proven to improve brain activity. It’s a great form of stress reduction and improves overall health
  • Lifestyle is important – stay involved. Be creative, be curious about life and explore new thoughts and interest in life.
  • Get enough sleep – good quality sleep helps improve not only the brain, but the entire body.
Ok Enough! In Conclusion

Above all, do your own research! When you do, you’re creating new neurons.

Therefore, you’re becoming smarter. Certainly, smarter is better. However, just have more fun in life. For example, take up a new hobby. Continue to learn and seek out new activities. But, most of all, remember life is a journey. Therefore, there are many routes you can take.

Most of all, remember to take the path least traveled!



Anger by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Anger is an emotion I don’t experience very often. However, I feel angry right now. To be honest, I’m enraged! The reason for my exasperation is related to current events. For instance, I’m upset with members of my profession.

Do no harm

Doctors and nurses take an oath to do no harm. Nurses are advocates for their patients. We take our role to protect our patients seriously. At times, that includes standing up to a doctor who is not listening to what our patient is telling them.

Therefore, as one who stands my ground to protect my patients, it infuriates me to see the harm being done to people throughout the world. As an Infection Prevention Nurse, I know a lie when I hear it. And I’ve heard a lot of lies in the last eighteen months.

Having said this, I now see bullying happening to the medical staff working in patient care. Their livelihood is being threatened to force compliance with taking an experimental drug. Current research shows that thousands of people have died from this experiment. Not only have thousands died, but hundreds of thousands are injured from this drug.

However, this article is not about the injustice being done to people worldwide. I will not get into the political aspect of current events. This article is about anger.

Anger’s two sides

We like to think that an emotion is either good or bad. In reality, it’s neither. It’s what we do with an emotion that makes it good or bad.

I do practice what I preach. So, I find I need to take a step back and examine why I’m so angry.

In my book, Guilty Prayers, I have a chapter on anger. I share a true story about how anger affects one when it gets out of control. When an emotion overwhelms an individual, their life is often put on a road to destruction. When one becomes stuck in anger, their health is affected in an adverse way.

What happens when anger is out of control

Let me be very clear, uncontrolled anger will kill you if one doesn’t recognize what is happening and deal with it.

1. One long-term physical effect of uncontrolled anger is increased anxiety, high blood pressure and headache. (I have a headache at this time. Time to have a reality check.)

2. Suppressed anger is stored in the body as tension. This rage contributes to high blood pressure. High blood pressure can lead to stroke or heart attack.

3. Studies have linked high levels of hostility to an increased risk of respiratory problems.

4. Research shows that continuous high levels of anger is directly associated with a shortened lifespan due to the impact on the body.

This is the short version of ill effects on the body. Read my book, Guilty Prayers for the details.

How to deal with anger

Recognizing that you are angry and that it isn’t resolving is the first step. You have to be honest with yourself. First, admit to yourself that you are angry and second, it’s not going away.

Strategies for anger management include regular exercise, learning relaxation techniques and in some cases counseling. Another effective tool is hypnosis.

There comes a time when it’s necessary to remove oneself from the situation that’s causing your destress. I always advised the veterans I worked with at the Veteran’s Administration to stop watching the news. Once they stopped, they reported the anger felt was dissipating.

I have to admit, I have not watched mainstream news media in over twenty years. This source of news is propaganda with little truth being reported. I do however, research current events and have found several reliable sources of information.

In this case, the source of my agitation comes from listening to colleagues who are being bullied. I’m thankful that I left allopathic medicine four years ago. It makes me feel ashamed at those who are demanding that staff put themselves in harms way. There is no clinical evidence base performance standards to support Administration’s demand to control staff in this manner. Actually, what’s being forced on all peoples breaks the Nuremberg Code. Reference my article on experimental drugs and the Nuremberg Code.

Wrapping it up

I’m mad! But, I know I’m upset and why. By admitting my anger to myself, I’m better able to move past this feeling. So, what am I doing to practice what I preach?

I find walking is a good stress reliever for me. In the last couple of weeks, I walked about 30 miles. (I told you I am upset.) However, where I live, it’s too hot to walk right now. As a result of this heat, I switched over to swimming laps in a pool.

I admit that there’s absolutely nothing I can do about the current situation. Knowing this, I turn to prayer and release what I know I have no control over. I meditate often. In practicing these techniques, I feel my frustration subsiding. Writing this article has helped a great deal in calming myself down.

So, when you feel angry and you know it’s out of control, take control of your emotions. You are not helpless and your emotions do not dictate to you.

Step back and take a long hard look at what’s going on. Then take action to control what’s going on with your feelings. If you’re not able to take control, ask for help. It’s your life.

It’s not about what life throws at you, but how you react to it.

Take control! You’ve got this!