The Spirit of America is love of freedom and individual rights. Tomorrow, in America is the Fourth of July, otherwise known as Independence Day. (I love that movie!)

I know many peoples of other countries don’t particularly like Americans. But, I hope you’re able to admire our Spirit of Justice. We fight for the underdog.

Who is America?

White people were not the first inhabitants of this land. Different tribes of Native Americans were here when Columbus arrived in 1492.

By the 1760s, the thirteen British colonies contained 2.5 million people along the Atlantic Coast east of the Appalachian Mountains. These brave individuals came from Britain and France to escape the tyranny and oppression of their homelands. They wanted a better live for themselves and their families.

Our forefathers fought and gave their very lives to ensure generations to come would have the freedom of choice.

At the turn of the 20th century, America saw an influx of immigrant workers and farmers coming to America to find a better way of life. These individuals came from all over the world.

A national railroad network was completed and large-scale mines and factories were established. The Industrial Boom began. In addition, the growing pains brought problems that cause Americans to stand up and fight for individual rights once again.

Therefore, the American Spirit is one of Justice! We don’t like seeing others taken advantage of and trampled on.

Who are Americans now?

Most importantly, Americans still have the Spirit of Justice. However, we have become complacent and lazy. In addition, we have taken our eye off the ball. Our freedoms are being eroded one by one. We have been put in lockdown without clinical proof to support such a drastic move. We’re being force to take an experimental drug that has not gone through the safety protocol. Doctors and nurses are being threatened loss of livelihood if they don’t fall into line.

Following orders is no excuse for the loss of lives this experimental drug has cause. We’re seeing a modern day version the concentration camps with the lockdowns and force injections.

Meanwhile, we are like sheep being taken to the slaughter. Get your head out of the sand or the other place so many like to say!

Over the last year and half, we closed our eyes to what is really going on.  Wake up! Look around! Parental rights are taken away when a minor child is making health care decisions without parental consent. Your freedom of choice is taken away! Government bullying is rampant and out of control!

The American Spirit and the rest of the world

Durning this time of free rights eroding, we see this enslavement spreading around the world. It’s not just American rights that are taken away, but rights of all peoples! That is to say, WE THE PEOPLE of the world have to pull together and put a stop to this tyranny taking place.

Open your eyes and see what’s happening! Stand up for your rights! Take a stand for your right to make your own choices! Now is the time for ALL peoples of the world to unite! United we all stand! Divided we all fall!

Above all, remember that our forefathers gave up their very lives for us. Our modern military forces sacrifice daily for our right to choose.

I invite people from around the world to join with Americans to stand up and put a stop to the atrocities we have endured the last year and a half.


WARNING, I’m posting two songs that were sent to me yesterday. They speak the truth, but have strong language.

Toby Keith Happy Birthday America

Aaron Lewis Am I The Only One


It’s interesting that YouTube seems to have taken down the ability to share these songs. When I tried to copy these sites YouTube has not available.

Go to these men’s official sites to listen to the songs. The truth they are singing is strong. You will be glad you listened to these two songs.

Just copy and paste these sites in your search engine.