In part one we talked about Adam and Eve’s creation, choices they had, and fall from grace. Today in part 2 we are looking at a different perspective all together. I think outside of the box. As a result, I’m not restricted in my thinking. I do my own thinking. Do you?
My mother used to tell me, “God gave you a brain, use it!” However, using my brain often gets me into trouble. I am one of ‘those’ people who think outside of the box. Thinking outside of the box is often viewed as being a ‘little off’. That’s ok. I’m don’t worry about what other people think of me. Are you ready to begin this journey on thinking outside of the box?
In the beginning

Spirit looked over the newly formed creation of planet Earth. Many creatures roamed over the earth and flew in the skies above. Yet there seemed to be something missing…
“Let us make a man in our own image.” Interesting choice of words, don’t you think? Creator Source made man.
“It’s not good for man to be alone.” Source put man to sleep. A rib is removed to create woman. (First anesthesia and surgery preformed.) Man and woman are intelligent beings. They have free will.
Fall from intimacy
Man and woman have an intimate relationship with I AM THAT I AM. Conversations are intimately deep and meaningful. Humankind and God are one in the same. As you recall, mankind is created in the likeness of Creator God. Man and woman having deep knowledge of ALL THAT THERE IS, knows what it’s like to be Spirit Most High. After all, God is connected spiritually with Adam and Eve.
Suppose just for a moment that Adam and Eve chose to experience what it would be like to grow and expand on their own. This is where eating from the Tree of Knowledge comes in.
Rather than living in paradise, the couple decided to experience life from a new reality. Hence, the experiment of life without the knowledge of Yahweh begins. Adam and Eve are expelled from the garden.
The veil is raised.

Finding the way back home
Adam and Eve find themselves in a new reality. Forgotten is the knowledge of being intimate with God. There is a veil blocking their memory of being in spiritual connection with Source. Faced with separation from Father God makes life difficult. In contrast, there now is no intimacy with God. Something is missing, but what? Furthermore, one now has to learn how to care for themself.
Adam and Eve are now looking outside of themselves for Spirit. God is up in heaven or on some other plain of existence. Because they are looking outside of themselves for God, there is a sense of something missing, but what?
Religion teaches us that Father lives in heaven. Heaven is a far off place. Mankind is separated from Yahweh. How do we find our way back home? Where and what is home?
Rather than looking on the outside for God, turn your attention to what’s inside of you. What do you mean? Pay attention to the soft voice that talks to you during quiet moments. Also, listen to your ‘gut’ feeling. Trust your intuition.
Think back to all those times when you said to yourself, “I should have trusted my gut!” So, where do you think your gut feeling comes from? Who is that small quiet voice speaking to you?
Meditating is the fastest way to get in touch with your feelings and to learn to listen to the voice inside of you. As a result of meditation, you soon learn to trust the word deep within you. Likewise, as you learn to trust the intuition instructing you, you will begin communicating with God who is in you.
Look inside to see Source
While one meditates, you become in-tune with the seed of Spirit that is with you at all times. Listen with your heart, not with the mind. God once said, “Be still and know that I am God.”
You’re never alone. Being away from Spirit is the first lie. The veil is in place making it difficult for us to remember the connection with Source.
Just for a moment, close your eyes, focus on your breathe. Breath in deeply. Release the breathe slowly. Feel you body relaxing. Also, the more relaxed you are, the easier it is to listen to the inner knowing within you.
As a result, the voice within will speak gently to you. Listen with your heart and trust that what is being spoken is the truth. How do I know if this voice is God’s? First of all, Source speaks from love. Hence, your connection with Love gives you a sense of peace.
As you sit quietly, you will soon see a tiny light activate in the center of your core. So, as this light glows brighter, the warmth of love will fill you entirely. The veil is coming down. You remember once again what it’s like to be one with Spirit.
See the truth
The truth is, God is not in heaven. Nor is He somewhere out in the universe. God is and has always been within you. Also, feel the love that comes from this source within. As a result, this love spreads and grows filling us from the bottom of our feet to the top of our head.
This love inside is God. Stand centered in the God space. Align yourself with this energy. By aligning yourself with God within, you have once again reignited the spark of recognition between you and God.
Know that standing in this energy of love, has ripped down the veil of deception. You now remember, “I’m one with Creator!” Therefore, you know the truth! Finally the truth has set you free!