
Dimensional Shift Part 2 by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

The Creation story teaches us in Genesis 1: 6-9

6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament: and it was so.         

8 And God called the firmament Heaven.  And the evening and the morning were the second day.

9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and the dry land appear: and it was so. (NKJ)

What is the firmament? In this account, the firmament is the sky.  After the appearance of the firmament there became three separate layers forming. First, the water in the stratosphere. Second, the sky where the birds fly. Third, the water below the sky, known as the oceans and seas.

Genesis 1:20 makes this clear stating the birds will fly above the earth and over the face of the firmament. Therefore, at the original Creation, a water canopy in the stratosphere, above the sky (the firmament) was in place. After Noah’s Flood this water canopy in the stratosphere was removed. Then, the water became part of the waters from the Flood of Noah, this occurred approximately 4,400 years ago. The water canopy in the stratosphere is therefore no longer present.

Why Is This Important?

It’s important for us to understand the changes in the earth’s atmosphere before the flood and after the flood. Because, as you see, these changes affected life on earth in a way that has profoundly changed the history of the planet including how life on earth evolves and survives. 

The water layer in the stratosphere was very dissimilar in comparison to what it is today. The temperature was probably much warmer, also it had no variation of temperature over the entire planet. It created a “green house” over the entire earth. Because of the greenhouse effect from the vapor canopy in the stratosphere being in place, earth was a tropical paradise.

Perhaps, this explains why the discovery of Mammoths preserved in the permafrost in Siberia had tropical vegetation in their stomachs.  Earth was, if you will, a greenhouse, a tropical paradise beyond anything we could ever imagine.  

Today, one of the functions of the upper atmosphere is to filter out the dangerous radiation from the sun. However, blocking of the hazardous X-rays and gamma rays would most likely have been much greater before the flood. This would account for the life spans of our ancestors in the Bible being recorded as over nine hundred years old in age.


Before and After

Before the flood there would have been a richer concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the stratosphere. The water canopy in the stratosphere would have drastically increased the pressure of gases on Gaia, causing a 50% higher concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide.  This evidence is supported by experiments preformed on fossilize tree sap known as amber.

Because of the higher oxygen levels in the stratosphere, there would be higher blood oxygen levels in life on earth. The higher blood oxygen levels at that time would have contributed to extreme longevity. There would be resistance to bacterial and viral diseases. One would have greater metabolic efficiency, which would consequently greatly enhance physical ability.  

Before the flood the average lifespan was 912 years. Today, the average lifespan is between 71 years and 83 years of age. This is a large contrast in life expectancy on the planet before the flood and also including afterwards. We are dying as infants in comparison to our predecessors.

Changes in the Atmosphere

So, why is it important for us to know this information? Today we hear about the greenhouse effect and global warming, but this was the normal environment before the flood. It’s not a new phenomenon as we are led to believe. As we just learned, before the flood, the temperature over the earth was consistent.

What we have to remember is that earth’s atmosphere has gone through a number of changes including temperature fluctuation along with the composition in the last 4.5 billion years. About 3 or 4 billion years ago, a bacteria-like life form discovered photosynthesis and began to give off oxygen as a poisonous waste. Everything living at that time was poisoned causing death all over the planet. This photosynthetic prokaryotic organism emitted O2 as a waste. This is a precursor to what we now call blue-green algae. After more than a billion years of these bacteria-like things making oxygen, a life form evolved that was able to breath it. Soon after this evolution, mankind arrived.

Staying Connected

Mankind has lost touch with our Mother-Who-Nurishes-Us. We no longer hear her song as she quietly hums to us. Humans no longer feel her heartbeat because we have lost touch with her energy. Lost is the connection of oneness you and I once had with Mother Earth. As one isolates themselves inside concrete buildings, lost altogether is the attachment to Mother’s healing energy. 

When we are connected to our Mother, we sense a discomfort or agitation with the subtle changes that are occurring in her vibrational energy. Our conscious mind or our Higher-Self, is wanting to ‘understand’ and categorize what is essentially an ambiguous feeling that is happening around us right then. We knew without judgement when these energies were emerging within us.  We were able to quiet our mind, let go of judgment and fear, and listen to what Earth was saying to us. As individuals, we were able to ask how one could be of service to the conscious collective. Each of us knew what the conscious collective was and that our energies were connected to it.

Nature calls out to us asking for a reunion with her. It’s important that not only does one physically connect with our Living-Source of life, but we join on an energetic level, a soul level. When you’re stressed, have you noticed that once you venture outside into the tranquility of nature, the union with earth calms the soul, mind and body. It’s through this intimate union that one’s body, mind and soul begins to heal. When bare feet touch the ground you feel the joining of energies between yourself and earth. 


Dimensional Shift Part 1 by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I have always known that I would be present for the second coming of Christ. The scene that plays out in my mind, however, does not match the description presented by mainstream religious groups. You know, the scene with Jesus riding in on a white horse swinging the sword of justice. Blood flows freely over the earth and millions of massacred people lay dead on blood soaked soil. The battle of Armageddon takes place with evil verses good. Everyone worldwide looks up into the sky watching the battle build to its climax. People throughout the world hold their breath in anticipation of the final outcome when all evil is finally destroyed.

Return of Jesus

I’m not even sure I believe there will be a second coming. At least, not in the way that conventional religion teaches us to believe.  We are taught that believers will be taken up in the rapture at the time of Christ’s second coming. But on examination, the word rapture does not even appear in the Bible. Some accounts state that the dead will rise from the grave. Others state that the dead will return with the Savior riding on white horses and dressed in fine lien. Each account is fiercely defended as the only truth.

Yes, I know the story of the crucifixion and the resurrection. There is controversy over this account about Christ being in the grave for three days and then ascending to be with the Father. Also, there is a great deal of argument over the time in which the Lamb of God arose. Was it on Friday before the sabbath on Saturday? Or, was it on Sunday?   

I think he is still here working in a higher dimension. My inner most feeling is that his energy is still on this planet and continues to bring healing support for Gaia. Personally, I literally feel his presences. I am surrounded by his energy while being nurtured in his love. This energy wraps around me like a warm, protective blanket. His energy nurtures me just as Gaia is nurtured.

Dimensional Changes

 However, I am here to talk with you about the dimensional changes currently taking place in our universe and how our home, called Earth, is being affected. We will explore if and how these dimensional shifts are interconnected with the second coming of Jesus. I compare the views of conventional religion to the views of metaphysical science. Then, we look at the scientific evidence on the changes taking place in our universe.  Also, I explore the effects of the Earth’s changes in vibrational frequency and how it affects individuals physically and mentally.  

Human beings are physically affected by the changes in the Earth’s vibrational energy. These physical influences are powerful modifiers on our mental and emotional well being. Mother Earth sustains our very existence.  We are intertwined one with the other. Our energies are connected to the extent that we literally cannot live without the energy of our nurturing Mother. Her “milk of life” is needed for our very survival!

The Science

Science has been monitoring our planet for many centuries and there are changes in the magnetic frequency to the planet. The orbit of the Earth has changed and as a result, the magnetic poles are changing. Science teaches us that the orbital rotation of our planet changes over tens of thousands of years.  

The orbit of Gaia is elliptical around the sun. The degree of a planet’s orbital ellipse is referred to as its eccentricity. What this means is that there are times of the year when the planet is closer to the sun than at other times. We call these times of year spring and summer. When Earth is closer to the sun, it receives more solar radiation. The point at which Mother Earth passes closest to the sun is called perihelion, and the point furthest from the sun is called aphelion. Aphelion is known as our fall and winter months.  

Why we need to know this will become apparent as the discussion continues. I know, this is heavy science stuff, but hang in there with me, it will get easier. You need the fundamental information for a basic understanding of what the shift means as far as the Earth’s orbit goes and how it affects living beings. 

As it turns out, the shape of the Earth’s orbital eccentricity varies over time from being nearly circular known as low eccentricity and mildly elliptical known as high eccentricity. It takes roughly 100,000 years for Earth to undergo a full cycle. During periods of high eccentricity, radiation exposure on Earth can accordingly fluctuate more wildly between periods of perihelion (closer to the sun) and aphelion (further away from the sun). Those fluctuations are likewise far milder during times of low eccentricity.  

Wrapping Up Part One

There are numerous sources documenting the fact that Earth’s atmosphere has had many changes over the last 4.5 billion years. In the last one hundred years, the level of carbon dioxide has risen as humans have polluted the Earth.

Before the great flood, in the story of Noah building his ark, the atmosphere on Earth was greatly contrasted compared to what it is now. 

Part two compares the atmosphere on Earth before the flood and afterwards.


The Future Is Here by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Imagine a life free of disease, pain and suffering! Hard to do isn’t it? However, the future in health care is here.

“What are you talking about?”, you ask. You see characters in the television shows and movies going to the healing beds. These beds are where people go to lay down on for treatment. Again, I hear you say, “What?”

Healing Beds

“Ok, what is a healing bed?”

Firstly, these beds are here now. The technology has been hidden from the general population for decades. These pod-like beds are designed to have healing capabilities for a wide range of diseases. “Really?”, you say.

Therefore, let’s get into the technology, how these beds work and what they actually do.

For example, a med bed is similar to a MRI machine in that they scan your body as you lay on them. Moreover, the readings are received and analyze through Artificial Intelligence (AI). After that, the computer analyzes what’s going on in your body and a diagnosis is made.

Secondly, the technology proceeds to heal you based on your diagnosis.

The third thing you experience is renewed stem cells, but without costly drugs or needles or surgery, and it’s not invasive. You feel the difference in your body very quickly. In a matter of hours, you’re experiencing optimal health!

Are There Different Kinds of Healing Beds?

Yes, there are three different kinds of med beds.

The first, is a holographic bed. This bed provides diagnosis for illnesses and does the correct treatment. Therefore, this bed will treat your illness in a short time and is less invasive than current day medical treatments.

The second bed is a regeneration bed. This bed is used to replace missing arms and legs. Transplanted organs are no longer needed since this bed regenerates the needed organ. Skin graphs are a procedure of the past. The bed heals the injured skin. And as a result, you can even have those pearly white teeth instead of dentures!

The third bed is just as amazing. You lay down on this bed and your memory is restored. You have age regression! The true fountain of youth.

For example, a 70 year old woman is regressed to age 25 if she chooses. She has the ability to give birth to children again. (I love my children, but I really don’t want to experience the teen-age rebellion years again! So, I will pass on that one.) A 90 year old man is as virile as a 20 year old male. We enjoy the benefits of a youthful and healthy body!

For instance, a memory of trauma is released and PTSD is a thing of the past. There is no need for medications for depression or memory loss. Above all, imagine the pain and suffering that is alleviated! You remember everything you need to remember, no dementia!

Fact Check

The fact checkers tell you there’s no such thing. Really? Well, you can’t believe the fact checkers. They work for those who don’t want you to know there is an alternative.

Maybe the fact checkers should get their heads out of their …..

Fact is, I’m experiencing a med bed very soon. As a matter of fact, I’m sleeping on one for two nights.


The reality is, I am traveling in a few days to actually experience one of these med beds. “No way!”, you say. “Yes, indeed, I am.”

There is a plan to have healing centers all over the world. There is a humanitarian fund to help this happen. I have applied for funding to do just this very thing.


Pray for me. Yes, I want my readers to pray that I receive the funding to open a healing center in my home state. Prayer is powerful! Ask and you shall receive! I believe in that statement with all my heart! I am asking and I know I will receive.

How’s that for stepping out on a limb? I have faith that this is happening. It is happening now! Hopefully, I will be part of the development of one of the first healing center in the United States opened to the public.

One fact I know, I have been given a vision of a healing center. I have had this vision for about twenty-five years. Now, as a result, opportunities have been presented to me at quantum speed. The last 72 hours have been amazing and the opportunities are now here.

My stated intentions are:

  1. To experience one of the healing beds. But, also, participate in the healing for myself.
  2. The funding will be delivered at the right time, in the right way.
  3. Manifestation of the building this center is housed in.

Ask and you shall receive! I asked! I’m open to receiving the funds needed to birth this project! 



Do You Remember? by Janet Lynas, PhD., N.H.D.

We’re told as we age, our memory will decline. Therefore, the supplement industry for brain health is booming! So, what is the truth concerning brain health and good memory?

As you age, the brain goes through changes that can slow down your thinking. It loses volume, the cortex becomes thinner, the myelin sheath surrounding the fibers of your neurons begins to breakdown. And to make it worse, your brain receptors don’t fire as quickly!

In your mid thirties, we find that at times things we know begin to escape our recall. You try to remember a new acquaintance name, it’s on the tip of your tongue, but it escapes you.

Next, you’re told that as you enter your 40s to 50s that the reasoning skills begin to drop off. One begins to experience fading sharpness of mind and we can’t seem to think of a certain word we want to use. It’s frustrating! However, our moral compass is improved! You are better able to control outburst of emotions.

Then, in our 60s our brain begins to shrink! As a result, it’s harder to access knowledge that has been accumulated over the years. We’re told it’s harder for us to learn new things. Really?

Lastly, in our 70s and above, we can expect to lose our minds! That is to say, it’s  because of inflammation and a build-up of deposits in areas like the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for forming new memories.

Building New Neurons

People don’t make new brain cells as we age.There’s nothing you can do! It’s hopeless! Or is it?

The hippocampus actually does produce new brain cells during adulthood. This information was controversial for decades. Finally, scientist agree that the brain does make new neurons.

Scientist have learned new neurons in the hippocampus are important in certain types of learning and memory. These new neurons tend to regulate emotional processes like anxiety and depression.

Therefore, the question that arises is: Why is this handful of new neurons (about 1400/day) so important for brain function?

Having said this, new neurons in the hippocampus behave differently from old neurons. These new neurons are hyper-excitable, like a kid on a sugar high! Our mature neurons are more restrained in their reaction to a given situation.

How Do We Incorporate New Neurons?

For example, adding new neurons is like adding pieces of a puzzle. It takes time to figure out how the new pieces fit in with the old ones. As you know, the pieces have to fit together. Random placing just doesn’t work.

In other words, it’s still a mystery how these new neurons will assimilate in with the current story going one. But, somehow they find their place and work well with the existing neurons.

As a result, researchers are studying how new neurons are added into our existing brain circuits. Furthermore, this is an exciting new field of study.

How Can We Make New Neurons?

Good news! It’s not that hard! I used to have a tee-shirt that said, “I’m flexible”. I had it made when I was a trainer for new Girl Scout Leaders. It was to remind these women to expect the unexpected and to adapt. You never know what’s going to happen when you’re working with children.

Stay curious and interested in life. Be proactive and learn about many different things! Get involved in life and join in on new activities. Meet new people! You don’t know their stories and you learn from others.

That is to say, get out of your rut! Avoid the mundane! Having the same routine day in and day out makes us dull and mindless. To clarify, doing the same thing over and over does make us mindless.

My mother used to say, “God gave you a brain. Use it!” Likewise, remember the saying, “Use it or lose it!” Use your brain, create new pathways. Use your non dominate hand at times. You learn something new when you do.

On the other hand, doing the same thing over and over not only dulls the mind, but it creates a stress of boredom. Unfortunately, isolation contributes to stagnation. Make sure you stay involved with people. Get out in nature and connect with God’s creation.

Make your brain plastic! Plasticity is what scientist tell us makes our brain adaptable. Therefore, being plastic is making new neurons. It’s amazing isn’t it?

What Else Can We Do?

Activated vitamin D receptors increase nerve growth in your brain. Get a good dose of vitamin D by being outside in the sunlight. Go out before the UV rays are at their peak. Or go out late in the day as they are decreasing. You can supplement with vitamin D capsules, but remember, natural vitamin D is best.  Researchers have also located metabolic pathways for vitamin D in the hippocampus and cerebellum of the brain. These are the areas that are involved in planning, and with the processing of information. As a result, the formation of new memories are made.

Next, we know brain cells do regenerate. Dr. Fred Gage and his team at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California along with doctors at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Sweden, have proven new neurons do develop throughout life.

Other supplements can help with remembering. One area of current study is with luteolin. Luteolin is classified as a citrus bioflavonoid. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties allow luteolin to look for reactive compounds containing oxygen and nitrogen. These combined properties can cause cellular damage. Importantly, lutelolin acts as an antioxidant. Luteolin can also stimulate activation of the dopamine transporter.

Foods High In Luteolin

  1. Dark Leafy Greens (Spinach)
  2. Green Peas
  3. Summer Squash
  4. Pumpkin
  5. Brussels Sprouts
  6. Broccoli
  7. Asparagus
  8. Romaine Lettuce
  9. Carrots
  10. Pistachios

If you read my blog, you know I advocate for organic foods and getting your vitamins and minerals from heathy eating. Research the different supplements on the market for yourself. Keep in mind that natural supplements are readily available to the body for processing. If you want to add a supplement look for natural ingredients not synthetic. Look for organic ingredients. Next, research for supplements with no additives or fillers.

Closing It Out

Lastly and foremost, know that walking is one of the best if not the best exercise for brain health. However, there are other activities that promote a healthy mind.

  • Exercise – just move your body! Walking, swimming, dancing, skipping! It doesn’t really matter what the movement is, just do it!
  • Diet – healthy eating is imperative! I don’t advise one diet over the other. I believe eating a big variety of vegetables and fruits is the best approach. Eat less meat and grains. If you eat grains, eat the stripped down version. Yes, whole grains are proven to affect gut health.
  • Mediation – meditation is proven to improve brain activity. It’s a great form of stress reduction and improves overall health
  • Lifestyle is important – stay involved. Be creative, be curious about life and explore new thoughts and interest in life.
  • Get enough sleep – good quality sleep helps improve not only the brain, but the entire body.
Ok Enough! In Conclusion

Above all, do your own research! When you do, you’re creating new neurons.

Therefore, you’re becoming smarter. Certainly, smarter is better. However, just have more fun in life. For example, take up a new hobby. Continue to learn and seek out new activities. But, most of all, remember life is a journey. Therefore, there are many routes you can take.

Most of all, remember to take the path least traveled!