
Awaking Our Spiritual Connection by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

We begin the process of awaking our spiritual connection to I AM THAT I AM by activating the first chakra at the base of the spine at the coccyx.  Interestingly, these charka concepts also align with Abraham Maslow’s theory of Hierarchy of Needs. This awaking of the first chakra is our connection to the human community. It is also the first sacrament of baptism in which our innate spirit is welcomed into our human community. 

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs states that the first need is that of the physiological needs of food, water, shelter, warmth, and rest. However, to feel safe is the most basic need of all. This concept is the foundation of Maslow’s theory. These are the very basic needs that have to be met for survival. Maslow’s concept for the second step is that of safety and security. Therefore, these needs goes hand in hand with the first sacrament of our need to be baptized into the family of God.  The third step in Maslow’s ladder is love, to belong, the need to create intimate relationships and friends.

Unconditional Love

Unconditional love is truly a difficult concept for us. We understand the definition, but we can’t really understand the concept of putting it into action. Sure, we talk about loving people unconditionally, however, we really can’t quite put the concept into practice. We love them unconditionally as long as they are behaving and acting in a way that we diem as being appropriate. Once that person steps outside of society’s expectations or our own guidelines, it becomes almost impossible for us to love that person unconditionally.  

Discernment allows us the choice of wisdom. From this Divine aspect by allowing the Higher Truths and Understandings to be confirmed one way or the other as a part of the highest good for that individual’s soul.

It is at this intersection, in Maslow’s hierarchy where self-esteem needs are met. Feelings of prestige and accomplishment are developed as we mature. In addition, we seek out higher knowledge so we can make better decisions.

The third tool is the creative process of our Imagination that allows us to define our desire into a visual picture. This desire becomes an inner understanding, a feeling, that the desire is already matured. This is known as manifesting our thoughts into reality. Once we have defined what our desire is, we see the reality of this desire within our mind’s eye.  We have a clear understanding of the significance of this desire including the impact it will have on us and the world around us. Then one takes notice of the feeling we have inside of us. Once seen, this desire takes form in our imagination. The feelings of love, joy, happiness, and oneness with all begins to swell upward into our heart as this desire is seen as already being completed. 

According to Maslow, it is at this level when self-actualization matures. We begin to reach our full potential which includes creative activities. In accordance with this line of thinking, we become aware of who we are and how we fit into the universe. True self-actualization is not always accomplished in many personal lives. It’s hard for some people to see the topographical view in the overall scheme of life. Many people cannot see beyond the end of their own nose so to speak. In reality, there are very few men and women who are able to mature into self-actualization.

Maturing Spiritual Growth

To be able to move forward in our spiritual growth we are told:

“Let anyone who has an ear listen to what the Spirit is saying… 

To everyone who conquers, I will give permission to eat from the tree of life that is in the paradise of God.” (Rev. 2:7)

Until we have matured in our spiritual growth, we cannot eat from the tree of life. If we eat from the tree of life before we are ready, we will fall into the false belief of the illusion of duality. The illusion of duality is where most of us reside now.

The second stage of our growth focuses our attention on who we are as part of our community or family.  It helps us to see how we fit into this group. In this stage, one will explore who we are as a part of the family of God as well as who each of us are as an individual. We examine how one contributes to this family and to the community as a whole.

The third stage brings us to discovering who we are and how we are to express our being. This activation is within the solar plexus, where our gut feelings come from. This requires the activation of our self-esteem and self-confidence so we will be guided safely through every challenge life throws our way. It is here where we find our endurance and integrity. We must learn to put our trust in our personal relationship with God, ahead of all other influences.  

The fourth level, our heart chakra, opens our awareness to the spiritual power of love. It makes us aware of the emotions both positive and negative so we will experience the effects of these emotions and, in doing such, we will understand how to express that love.   

The verse above is telling us to find our voice by activating the fifth chakra. Father God expects us to not only find our voice, but to express our power by “speaking the Word” and believing that in doing so, we will claim and express our innate spiritual power. And in doing this, trusting it to lead us to where we are intended to be. Learn to speak your truth from the Spirit of Truth and in doing so, your voice will be heard.

Activating Higher Charka’s

The sixth chakra or our “third eye” allows us to perceive spiritual energy and possibilities. When the third eye is first opened our perception may seem weak. We are unsure of what we are seeing and may not trust in our creative power at work. Through meditation and practice, we will learn that this chakra will guide us to our commitment in our spiritual purpose. We will learn to trust the creative power at work within us.  When the third eye is opened, one can clearly see the truth in all things.

The seventh charka, our “crown” charka is where energy enters into our body directly from Source. This energy comes into our crown charka and is met by the energy coming up through our body from Mother Earth through our root charka. Imagine standing on Gaia barefoot, feeling the vibration of her energy coming into your body through your feet. As this energy is traveling up through each charka starting with the first charka, the energy from God is entering into your crown charka. This energy is going down through each charka starting at the seventh charka. These two energies meet at the fourth or “heart” charka merging together as one energy.

Imagine as these two energies are merging together, they form a spiral similar to the DNA helix. They slowly turn, in a counter clock wise direction forming a vortex that is aligned with the spinal column.  The energies from Gaia and God send power upward and downward through the spinal column activating the light of Creator God within us. 

Each charka is now opened for us to receive activation of our “oneness” with All That IS. The duality of separation is now dissolved and we are ready to eat from the fruit of the “Tree of Life”.  We truly are one with I AM THAT I AM, I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE.   

The seventh chakra activation takes us into awakening our spiritual connection to Spirit. We find that the door is opened and that the heaven within is shown to us. This completes our spiritual awakening, our purification. The barriers are now busted down between us and our connection to God.

We know that the number seven has significance spiritual importance. It represents spiritual awareness.  Seven signifies mental perfection, healing, completion, music and attainment of high spirituality. The number seven may also refer to the seven deadly sins, the seven days of the week, or seven chakras. Alternatively, the number seven indicates uniqueness and eccentricity.

We have to be transformed and purified to develop our spiritual intelligence. Whenever we do not develop our spiritual intelligence, we will not have full understanding on how to transform into the next dimension. If we do not grow into understanding, all we have is information. Information that one will not comprehend nor understand how to use.  


Spiritual growth is determined on where you are in life and if you’re ready to evolve. Growth is essential for one to mature.

Dimensional Shift Continued by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

We humans have lost touch with the miracles surrounding us. Life is abundant, yet we no longer cherish or respect this precious gift. What will it take to wake us up from this destructive illusion of self indulgence? 

We have already discussed that the earth’s natural electromagnetic field has a frequency measured as about 7.8 HZ or Hertz. There is also monitoring of other normally occurring changes in the universe. All are interconnected. When one aspect of the universe is affected, so is our galaxy affected. After all, it is all one energy. 

At the same time, we are learning more about just how much we’re joined to not only this sphere we call home, but to the universe as well. The natural rhythms maintain our health. Yet, we are losing our lifeline to this vibrational nourishment. Humankind is on the verge of letting go of the lifeline Gaia has offered us. If we let go, we will perish, fading away into nothingness. Life as once was will be gone. I’m not sure we will be able to find our way back to our life source if we do let go.

Before the invention of electricity, the human population lived in harmony with the earth. Always connecting with her daily and seasonal cycles for our own natural cycle of life. 


As we learn to meditate and calm our brain chatter, one’s brain begins to emit alpha frequencies of 7 to 9 Hz. When you’re in a relaxed state it’s then that the brain is in the same frequency of vibration as the energy field of the earth. Then we are living closer to nature. And the more our energy field is in synchronicity with the energy field of the earth, the closer we are to the Creator of All. As a result, we experience more balance in our lives and better health. The feeling of wellness grows stronger as we become more balanced with nature.

The term ‘grounding or earthing’ is often used in conversations to describe being in connection with the vibration of the planet. Walking barefoot on the ground or sitting on the ground connects us to Mother Earth. The most straightforward way to ground one’s self is to simply make contact with the ground on either the dirt or concrete, which is also conductive. You don’t necessarily have to be barefoot, but you do need to have on shoes with leather soles for the earth’s vibration to penetrate into your feet. 

Traditionally shoes were made of leather, which actually conducts electrons and therefore maintains a conductive contact between the Earth and your feet. However, modern day shoes with rubber and plastics soles are electrical insulators and therefore block the beneficial flow of electrons from Earth Mother to your body.

Staying Connected

Swimming in a large body of water is another way to consume mass amounts of positive earth energy. This is why doctors in past centuries recommended to patients who were in need of healing from serious health conditions go to the sea or ocean. Sitting on the beach near a large body of water exposes the human body to the ions needed for healing.

There is no negative consequence to grounding or earthing.  Being in communion with the earth provides the opportunity to benefit one’s overall health and well-being.

Being in balance with the energy of All-There-Is brings many health benefits such as less anxiety, better sleep, reduced pain, and overall improved health. Walking in nature helps to expand the lungs with fresh air as we breathe in deeply during our hike. Circulation of the blood brings in more oxygen which in turn helps to clear the cobwebs from the mind.

Through the years several scientific experiments have suggested that when humans ground with the earth it creates a symbiotic relationship. As the energy is transferred between humans and Mother Earth, a communication takes place between the two. This is very likely why we feel enlivened and experience healing when we are one with the planet.

Scientists believe that the magnetic field of our planet can have a kind of “psychic transference” or “psychic information” network connecting to humans. The Schumann Resonance has been linked to diverse psychic and enhanced creativity. Notice the next time you are out in nature how much your senses become heightened. Some of us will be aware that we are picking up on sounds that were not previously heard. Intuition becomes stronger the longer we’re in nature feeling the natural harmonies vibrating around us.

Being Connected

Research shows everything alive responds to the subtlest changes in the magnetic and electromagnetic fields surrounding it. It appears we are creating an environment that is out of tune with nature itself. Technology has provided conveniences, but in doing so has created interference with the natural vibrational frequencies caused by the super accelerator inventions of modern day life.

There has been an increase in the number of people suffering from autoimmune diseases and other chronic conditions. Losing touch with the earth and no longer being nourished by our land has contributed to an increase of:

  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Lupus
  • Inflammatory bowel disorders
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Chronic headache
  • Irritability 

We are a bioelectrical being living on an electrical planet. Our body operates electrically. All of your cells transmit multiple frequencies that maintain your heart, immune system, muscles, and nervous system.

The truth is, we have become disconnected from our source of life. We’re ungrounded and we are literally no longer in touch with the Earth. Is this disconnection a major contributing factor in the increase of the illnesses noted above?