Once again flu season is here. Let’s take a look at what can be done to help prevent you from getting the flu. There are many thoughts on whether or not one should take the flu vaccine, I will not comment on this topic, it is a personal decision. Here are some steps that you can take to help prevent the flu and some suggestions to less the effects of the flu should you come down with it.
Symptoms of flu include fever, runny or stuffy nose, congestion in the sinus, body aches, a sore throat with cough, and tiredness.
Most flu viruses can live one to two days on nonporous surfaces, and 8 to 12 hours on porous surfaces. A 2006 study found that avian influenza seemed particularly hardy, surviving as long as six days on some surfaces.
The very basic, wash your hands! Or as the LAVA soap commercial from years back used to say, “Wash your hands Roger!” As a former Infection Prevention nurse, I know that the easiest and most effective form of disease prevention is to wash your hands.
The second basic step to disease prevention is to cover your mouth when you cough. Cough into a tissue or the bend of your arm to help prevent spreading illnesses that are carried through the air.
The next step is to keep hard surfaces wiped down with a natural antiviral disinfect product. There are several brands on the market that are effective. If you want to try something different then I suggest these products:
Eucalyptus is a natural disinfectant that has antiviral and antibacterial properties. Eucalyptus is used to treat sinusitis, headaches, throat infections, flu, colds, tight coughs, asthma, fever, and bronchitis.
Lemon is a natural disinfectant that also has positive effects on your lymphatic, digestive, circulatory, and immune systems. It is also very good for your skin because of the antioxidant properties. Just add a few drops of this citrus fruit in water and spray it to make the air pure.
Pineapple is a natural disinfectant that is able to enhance medical antibiotics. It is known to be an astringent and an antiseptic. It also decreases the urine’s acidity, pneumonia abscess, worm parasite abscess, digestive disorders, bronchitis, kidney stones, menstrual irregularities, kidney infections, sore throats, and exhaustion.
Colloidal silver is a very powerful antibacterial agent that helps you live healthier. Many pathogenic microorganisms cannot tolerate silver. (I have used colloidal silver for many years. You can order the silver rods and make your own.)
Vinegar: You could make use of this natural disinfectant that you can use with other essential oils like eucalyptus and tea tree oils and use as toilet spray or cleanser. Just label the bottles you place them in.
The fourth step is to shower before you go to bed at night. Going to bed at night without taking a shower is inviting all the germs you have come in contact with during the day to sleep with you. While you are sleeping your body goes through a circadian cycle and anything that is on your skin during this cycle is quickly absorbed into the body. Think about what you come in contact with during your daily routine, surfaces like door knobs, gas pumps, shopping cart handles and hand rails just to name a few have been swabbed to see what will grow from them.
The ten yuckiest surfaces:
- Playgrounds
- Bus rails/armrests
- Public bathrooms
- Shopping cart handles
- Escalator handrails
- Chair armrests
- Vending machine buttons
- Shared pens
- Public telephones
- Elevator buttons
What are the most common germs found on theses surfaces? Along with testing the samples for the presence of protein (which is a general indicator of hygiene) and fecal matter, the researchers measured levels of three biochemical markers that could contain illness-causing substances. These included:
- Hemoglobin: Indicates the presence of blood
- Alpha-amylase: Indicates the presence of mucus, saliva and/or urine
- Urea: Indicates the presence of urine
The main pathogenic bacteria which are more likely to be found on the hands are Staphylococcus, Corynebacteria, Streptococcus, E coli, Myobacteria, and Haemophilus, all in different concentrations. These bacteria are also found in other parts of the body like nose, eyes, mouth, gut and vagina, though the rate of incidence might vary.
So, what do you do if you get the flu? Stay hydrated. One can become dehydrated especially if vomiting or diarrhea is also experienced. In these cases it is important to keep well hydrated so that the nasal and throat passages are kept moist. Water is of course, the ideal candidate in this situation, but can also be accompanied by fruit juices. Pedialyte is good to keep electrolytes balanced. This works for adults and children.
Inhaling moist air also eases nasal congestion and abates discomfort associated with a sore throat. One effective strategy is to take a hot shower inhaling steam or to use a steam vaporizer or a humidifier. Headaches and sinus pain that so often accompany the flu can be soothed by applying a warm compress.
Gargling with salt water helps get rid of the thick phlegm that collects at the back of the throat. To get relief from post nasal drip and its associated stuffiness, individuals can also try nasal irrigation. This is typically done with the help of a neti pot or a saline squeeze bottle. Avoid milk products since they cause mucus.
Honey is a natural immune booster and is known to be very helpful in reducing the symptoms associated with the flu. Natural honey has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that can speed up the recovery process for getting over flu symptoms. Ginger and garlic are noted for their healing properties. Get plenty of rest.
Watch for these signs of an emergency when you have the flu:
- Difficulty breathing
- Shortness of breath
- Chest pain or severe abdominal pain
- Confusion
- Sudden dizziness
- Severe vomiting and or diarrhea
Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic preparation marketed to relieve influenza-like symptoms. I have noted that stores are sold out of this product. I asked about the shortage and was told that the manufacture has not been able to keep up with the demand. I’m happy that people are turning to the natural products. Vitamin C, Zinc, and Echinacea are good to support the immune system. Remember do not take vitamin C if you are on an antibiotic, the vitamin C can interfere with or destroy the antibiotic.
So, “Wash your hands Roger!”, and stay well. This is a good time to avoid crowds as well. Good health.
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