I’m back. It’s been a few months since I have written an article. I’ve been attending to family responsibilities. My last article was about my dad. He was on hospice for a year and passed in May. As a result, there’s been a lot for me and my sister to do. However, this experience is what’s prompting this article. My dad lived to be 90.8 years.

How Long is Long?

We’re told that humans life expectancy is on the average of 77.5 years for both men and women. Breaking it down further, men live on the average of 74.8 years, while women live 80.2 years. Those figures come from the CDC Life Expectancy page.

Who was the oldest living person in recent history? Recent history as in the last few centuries. His name was Henry Jenkins, an Englishman who was buried on 9 December 1670 and claimed to have been born in 1501, meaning he would have been 169 years old at his death. There are some inconsistencies, but let’s face it records during that time were not that good. However, there’s a lot of facts to support his claims.

The next oldest person in more recent times verified by the Guinness World Records is a Japanese man named Jiroemon Kimura (1897-2013), who lived to be 116 years old.

And the oldest person ever, a woman named Jeanne Calment (1875-1997) from France, lived over half a decade longer than that, reaching the grand old age of 122.

We have to remember that the Bible records people as living as long as well over 900 years. Eve lived to be over 800 years and had numerous children well up in later years. There’s no record of how many children she had. Remember, she and Adam were told to populate the earth.

There are several countries who have a population of people living well over 100 years old and women are reported to give birth to well into their sixties. Some of these remote areas have people living to be 150 years. A healthy 150 years.

So, Who Says We Are Limited In Aging?

Evidence on longevity shows us that humans can live many years past 100. Centurions can and do live healthy lives. I have personally known people who were over 100 who were very healthy and still working. So, why do we automatically program ourselves to self destruct in our 70s?

Part of the problem is the medical field. Doctors and nurses treat mostly the sick in their practice. I know from personal experience as a health care provider that the medical field sets people up for failure. Not deliberately, but they still do. The medical field seems to forget the population of people who do not come to a doctor’s office except on a rare occasion. I’m one of those people who do not go to the doctor routinely. (I’m not advocating skipping your doctor’s appointments. So, don’t start in on me!)

Do you know what the three leading causes of death are? 1. Heart attack, 2. Stroke and 3. Medicine.

Think about that. It is called practicing medicine after all. It’s been my experience that people do not want to take responsibility for their own health. That way if something goes wrong, it’s someone else’s fault. Doctor’s tell their patients that certain health problems can lead to an early death. As an example, telling a cancer patient that people with their kind of cancer only live so many months. Or a heart patient that people with hearth failure live a short life.

What about all the exceptions who live well beyond the expected period of time? What about all the people who heal themselves? Science gains new information daily proving that medical doctors have the information wrong!

Epigenetic’s is a branch of science that is finding just how wrong we’ve been about the human body. Scientist used to believe that the brain cells could not be regenerated. It was thought that the heart cells didn’t regenerate. Both were wrong.

I am conducting workshops this fall through my community’s local college on this topic of aging. Actually, the first workshop is for women 50 years and older. Doctors have had it wrong about menopause for years. New research has proven how wrong medicine has been. The workshop is called Getting Over Aging and I’m excited to start this workshop in September of this year.

So, I will be doing a few more articles on aging. We will break through the glass ceiling that has been held over us. Please subscribe to you will be notified when the new articles come out.

Thank you for your patience while I was absent from my blog. Some responsibilities just require a lot of attention and time.