Weight loss is the number one topic in food circles. Actually, it’s the number one topic. Products for weight loss bring in billions of dollars each year. In addition, ads show people who have lost a lot of weight, sometimes over 100 pounds.

I’m curious about these products. Therefore, I read the labels on the bottles. Herbs are combined in various combinations and strengths. However, curiosity has made me test some of these products. A money back guarantee is a safe bet.


Ok, I admit, I ordered a product or two for testing. Each time I test a product, I get my money back! Really, no kidding. In other words, the product did nothing. The product is expensive, in addition, the ads make you think that you will lose the excessive weight rapidly.

These companies have a good marketing team. Marketing teams know how to put a good spin on a product. Remember, ads do not always tell the truth. They tell you what you want to hear.

Buyer be aware!

Therefore, let’s take a look at some facts.

  • You will lose weight without dieting or exercising. (Do you really believe that?)
  • You don’t have to watch your calorie intake to lose weight. (Yes, you do!)
  • This product guarantees you’ll lose weight permanently. (No one can guarantee that!)
  • To lose weight, all you have to do is follow this diet plan and take this product. (Not true.)
  • This product works for millions of people. (Oh, please! Those people lost weight because they changed their lifestyle, not because of a pill.)

Meanwhile, having said this, know that millions of people are fooled. You’re not the only one. Above all, know that there is no magic formula or pill that melts the weight off. In addition, the manufacturers are not looking out for your health. The ‘bottom line’ is their only interest.

But, on the other hand, weight loss is possible. Having said this, you have to take responsibility for your own health. Like wise, don’t blame someone else for your lack of results.

True facts

All calories are not the same! Sugar is an empty calorie. It has no nutritional value. However, calories from fats are not the same either. There are ‘good’ fats and ‘bad’ fats. Therefore, a protein calorie can increase metabolism, reduce appetite, and improve the function of weight-regulating hormones.

The fewer the calories, the better. No, that’s not true! When too few calories are taken in, the body goes into what is called ‘starvation mode’. In other words, the body thinks it’s starving and will slow metabolism to try to prevent death. Above all, you have to give your body the nutrients it needs to be healthy.

Stop lying to yourself! For instance, you’re not big boned and therefore you weight more. It’s not likely to be a thyroid problem either. Similarly, it’s hereditary doesn’t cut it either. Stop with the excuses! Yes, there are a few people who do have physical, hormonal factors, but not that many.

Bottom line

Going on a ‘diet’ is not going to work. When you say, “I’m going on a diet”, you’re telling yourself at some point you’re coming off the diet. Refer back to my article on hypnosis and weight loss.

Being healthy is not about having a skinny body. Body image is tainted by the media. Do you realize that the paintings and statues of goddesses are of woman with well rounded bodies?

However, eating a well balanced diet is what your body needs. Make friends with yourself. Stop comparing yourself with what the media tells you!

Look back on my previous article on the food pyramid. Make friends with healthy foods. Learn to eat more vegetables.

First of all, don’t get stuck in a routine of eating the same foods. For instance, we get in a rut. Food becomes boring. Be creative in meal preparation. Make meal time an event. Don’t save the good dishes for special occasions, every moment is a grand event.

Second, explore the large variety of vegetables and fruits. In addition to exploring the large choices available to us, be courageous and try something new.

However, remember to relax and enjoy life. Yes, the sugary cookies and pastries are delicious, but they are filled with empty calories. Sugar feeds cancer, not your body!

Therefore, as you change your diet, your taste buds will change. You notice that you feel better overall. After that, you will notice that your outlook on life is improved.

One feels good to be in control of their own health. Once you stop eating the foods filled with sugar, you notice that if you do eat some sugar, it makes you feel bad.

In conclusion

Healthy eating is a lifestyle choice. Similarly, as one takes control of their food choices, our confidence grows. Don’t be fooled by the ads. Turn off the TV. Go outside and connect with nature. Walk, ride a bicycle, hike, in other words, just move the body. It will thank you.

Indeed, it is your life. What kind of life do you have? What do you intend to do with you life? Get up off the couch! Turn off the computer! Stop looking at Twitter! Other people’s lives are just that. Their lives. Believe me, their life isn’t what it appears to be. Live your life to the fullest! Go cook yourself a wonderful meal. Light the candles, turn on some music and enjoy the art of creating a great meal and a great moment in time.