
Getting Over Aging part 3 by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

How do you talk to yourself? What are you telling yourself? Do you realize that what you say to yourself in a consistent manner is what you are manifesting into your life?

What are the two most powerful words you can utter? I AM.  The words that follow afterwards are very important! Choose your words carefully. There are two other phrases that are just as powerful. I KNOW and I CAN.

Many years ago I had a nurse who worked for me who is a good example of what you say is what you bring into your life. Every morning her first words were, “It’s hell getting older.” Those words and the meaning where with her all day. She acted much older than she was. She missed out on so much living.

If you keep saying, “I AM sick.” Then you’re going to be sick. I AM weak. Then you are weak. I AM old. Then you are old. Chronological age has nothing to do with the thought of being old.

Children say, “I can’t do it.” We tell them, “Can’t never could.” Aren’t we doing the same thing to ourselves?

Many people have made a choice on when they will die. One of the young men in my neighborhood said, “I will probably die from a heart attack while I’m still young.” He will do just that if he continues in that line of thinking.

Pay attention to your words and choose them wisely. 

Self Image

How you see yourself is important.

It’s important to have a sense of humor. Don’t take yourself so seriously.  Yes, our boobs deflate and drop. Gravity does take over. Stop comparing yourself to others! We tell our children not to do that. Why are we doing it?

This goes back to self talk. What do you tell yourself when you look into the mirror and see the changes your body has made? Do you appreciate the obstacles you have gone through durning the ages?

I was told about a experience that a professional photographer had when doing a glamor shot for a woman. This woman had sexy glamor shots made for her husband’s birthday. The photographer air brushed out the cellulite on the woman’s thighs and did touch ups on her face.

Later the husband came by and asked, “Why did you do the airbrushing? The cellulite on my wife’s thighs reminds me of all the dinners we cooked together and the celebrations we have had. The wrinkles around her eyes represent the times of struggles and laughter we have had through the years together.”

The photographer told me that she would never do any airbrushing again. She had removed memories that the husband cherished. 

Look around you! How may perfect bodies do you see? Age has nothing to do with body image.

Strengthen your self-image and realize that you are good enough just as you are. Embrace the way our body looks now. Appreciate how your body has been there to support you through the years.


I have written on these topics before in my blog. Having said this, I feel repetition is important as we look at this from a different perspective. Women tend to beat themselves up over nothing. We have to be reminded that even as we aging self-talk and self-image are even more important. So, ladies, STOP THE NEGATIVE SELF-TALK! STOP JUDGING YOUR LOOKS AS YOU AGE!

Age gives us wisdom and grace.

Memorial Day by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Today is Memorial Day in the U.S. It’s also my birthday. It was a memorable day for my mother, that’s for certain! Having said this, I want to indulge myself and share some thoughts with you.

Birthday Thoughts

A man contacted me recently about some health issues. As a Natural Health Doctor, I ask a lot of questions. After all, I have to know the whole story to consult with a client. One of the questions I asked him is, “How old are you?” He didn’t want to talk about that. His answer was to tell me that he was under a certain decade.

I informed this man that in his case, being older was a plus. A younger man wouldn’t have faired very well in the same circumstances. I also told him that the Centurion age group is the fastest growing group worldwide. Furthermore, most are very healthy.

You think that women are more secretive about their ages than men. However, that’s not the case. In American culture, youth is looked upon as being the ultimate stage in life. I have no idea why we Americans think that! Youth has no wisdom or life experiences. In other words, the only thing youth has going for it, is being clueless. Other cultures have it right when they value age and wisdom over youth.


There are certain times that we tend to reflect on life. Birthdays are one of those times. So, today I’m reflection on my life. Therefore, I’m sure you’re thinking, ‘she’s reflecting on her past and her youth.’ Sorry to disappoint you, but, no. I’m not thinking about the past. It’s over with.

My thoughts are on today, this moment in time. Similarly, I’m thinking about the opportunities that have come my way in the last couple of weeks.

I may have the chance to work with women and children who were involved in Human Trafficking. I hope it works out. Therefore, I truly believe that hypnosis can help them. I have women as clients who have been raped, held hostage and had attempted murder towards them. These women come in with sadness, stress and fear on their faces. They leave feeling that the weight of the world has been lifted off their shoulders. Hypnosis is a great tool to add to your box.

Consequently, men have been raped more often than you think! Sadly to say, in America, the military is the biggest culprit. As a result, young boys are sought out as well by pedophiles.

Yesterday, I received a request to participate in a book signing in September of this year. My talk is on my book, Guilty Prayers and I will autograph the books being sold. How cool is that!


Life is to be lived to the fullest. I didn’t come to this life for it to be mediocre! In other words, live your live! Stay in the moment. There are no, could’ve, should’ve or would’ve. To live life to the fullest, you don’t have to travel outside of your own backyard. Remember, Dorothy learned that when she returned from Oz!

Therefore, age is just a number. As far as the Universe is concerned, there is no time. Time isn’t important. I know! You’re saying, “I have to get to work on time!” That’s not what I’m talking about at all. I think you know that.

For instance, take your watch off. Stop looking at the clock on your phone or computer. As a result, after you get over the stress of not watching time, you begin to relax. That’s to say, you begin to live your life as it’s intended.

Actually, your internal clock will take over. I know what time it is without looking at the clock. When I do look at a clock, I’m very close to the literal time on the watch.

Wrapping Things Up

In conclusion, celebrate your life! Life is what you make of it! In addition, you’re not a number! You are unique! There’s only one of you in the whole Universe. How amazing is that!

It’s my birthday! Therefore, I’m indulging myself today. I’m eating a chocolate chip cookie or two!

Oh, I know, you want to know how old I am? I’m not really sure. However, it’s somewhere between being a handful and being a free spirit. In other words, I’m unique and I love this time in my life! I love this moment in time! I march at my own beat!


Successful Aging by Janet Lynas

As a man thinketh, so is he, and as a man chooseth, so is he.                                             -Ralph Waldo Emerson-

Successful aging is a hot topic.   Baby Boomers have questioned just about everything since birth, so it’s expected that this generation will question the aging process.  Baby Boomers refuse to grow old quietly or gracefully and insist that there is a way of slowing down the aging process.  Is there a way to slow the aging process?

Dr. Mary O’Brien M.D. has researched this topic and has had some interesting discoveries that we will talk about in future posts.  American culture does not view the aging process kindly.  We have negative stereotypes about older people.  Other cultures tend to honor the older generations and treat them with respect.  Why is there such a difference between cultures?

One of the biggest myths about growing older is that age brings with it chronic illness and disability.  Even the very old, which is becoming a larger population, have little fictional disability and only about 5% live in nursing homes.

Another myth is that ill health keeps many older people from being productive.  However, one-third of seniors work for a living, one-third serve as volunteers in hospitals, churches and community organizations.  Seniors provide crucial assistance to sick and disabled family members, friends and neighbors.  Many are rearing grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  Did you know it would take three million full-time paid employees to provide the same level of assistance provided by seniors?

Attitude plays an important part in aging.  Words like happy, enthusiastic, dynamic, loving, and fun are descriptive words that are describing a new image of old age.

What is successful aging?  Successful aging is enjoying the maximum quality of life at any age.  The secret to successful aging is appreciation and enjoying the little things in life, simple pleasures; a beautiful flower, a walk in the woods, or the song of the birds in the early morning and late evening.

Pleasure doesn’t exist unless we are conscious of it.  We all create our own reality.  Mindfulness is how we create our reality.  In the next posting we will take a look at mindfulness.