
How Do You Adjust To Turbulent Times? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I  closed out my accounts on social media a few years ago. Having said that, I wasn’t on many of them to begin with. I originally joined one of the most popular ones (I will not name it, but I’m sure you get the idea) to keep up with what was going on with my adult children. Then it seemed that the most innocent statements were deemed “not politically correct” and people were ban for stating their opinions. Somehow, this didn’t seem right to me. I thought as Americans, we have free speech. If I don’t like what someone says, I don’t have to continue to follow them. It seemed simple enough to me. Actually, I discovered that I have more contact with my children since I closed my accounts.

Fast Forward Two Years

Now, we have high inflation, gasoline prices are taking a big chunk out of the household budget, and families are having to decide if they will have enough money to buy groceries. Therefore, people are stressed and worried about if they will have a roof over their heads and food to eat.

We are told that we’re in the “end times” and there is a depression looming over the world economies. I know you think that this article is going to be a political statement. It’s not. But, I am focusing on the effects stress and fear play in our day to day lives.

We just came out of being in a “lock down” for over a year. People say, “I just want things to go back to the way it was before.” Do you? Do you really want to go back to the “fast paced lifestyle” you lived?

People argue about so may issues in the news media these days. Tension and fear are at a high level. The rate of suicides, use of illicit drugs and prescription drugs for depression are increased. Alcohol abuse is on the rise.

When I worked for the Veterans Administration, many of the veterans would come in to the mental health outpatient unit complaining about stress. I would ask them if they watched to news at night. The answer was always yes. I told them to stop watching the news at night. On their next visit, they reported that their anxiety decreased substantially. Sometimes I can be a “brat”, I would respond with, “DUH!” I have not watched mainstream news media in over 30 years. Yes, I do know what’s going on in the world.

How To Handle Stress

In my book, Guilty Prayers I have chapters talking about stress, anxiety and depression. I will not go into detail in this article on what happens when these symptoms go unchecked. Needless, to say your mental health and physical health will decline.

What I do want to focus on is what happened during the lockdown.

  1. People realized that there’s more to life than working all the time. They discovered that they could make ends meet on one job instead of two.
  2. Families sat down to enjoy having a meal together. The kids learned what it’s like to have mom and dad’s attention and to really talk durning the meal.
  3. Families values begin to change. Quality time was more important than going to all the activities that cut into family time.
  4. In my neighborhood, neighbors sat outside and visited. We got to know each other. We even had a block party! The grill is dragged out and we cooked our meal. There was laughing and music playing.
  5. We discovered what it is like to live a simpler life.

Now, once again we are bombarded with fear reporting of “gloom and doom”. Yes, times are stressful. But, do you really want to live in fear of “what if” or “what could happen”? No, I don’t recommend you bury your head in the sand. I do recommend that you turn off the news and be proactive.

Get Your House In Order

Practice the lifestyle that our grandparents did.

  1. Live below your means. In other words, don’t spend your whole paycheck as soon as you get it. Put a little back.
  2. Cut out the things that are not necessary. Don’t buy the “junk” food. Instead, buy the fresh fruits and vegetables. Better yet, read my article on the Victory Gardens.
  3. Grow your own food as much as possible. I find myself doing just that. I just moved back to my home town after traveling for the last seven months for Tesla BioHealing. The house I decided to rent has a garden that was started by the landlady.
  4. I cut my expenses. I downsized and decided I didn’t want to buy another house. I stocked my pantry with a few extra items.
  5. Plan your errands and do all the errands that are located close together. Plan your route in advanced. You will find it saves you time and gasoline.
In Summary

Yes, times are hard. Maybe changing your perspective will help. I choose not to focus on the things that can’t be change. Therefore, I think outside of the box. First, I stay aware of what’s going on without getting caught up in the fear. If you need help to see life from a different point of view, seek help from a professional. In other words, find a counselor or life coach. Surround yourself with a support group.

Buy my book, Guilty Prayers. It goes into detail about real life stories and what happened when individuals let their emotions control them. It gives practical suggestions on how to over come run away emotions. It’s on Amazon or with any book retail store.

Commune with your God or Higher Source. Prayer and meditation are helpful. Each religion teaches how to do this.

Unresolved Grief by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I learned long ago, to tell people in my life how I feel about them. Therefore, I tell someone when I appreciate what they do for me. When I feel love for a dear friend, I tell them.

I worked hospice for a few years. As a nurse, my responsibility to my patient is to keep them comfortable and to help them express their true feelings about their impending death. I encouraged each patient to tell their loved ones how much that person means to them. However, it’s not always an easy conversation to tell someone good-bye.

Saying Good-bye

Often times, we don’t have the opportunity to tell our loved one good-bye. Death comes suddenly and things are left unsaid. When this happens, we have unresolved grief. The, “I wish I had said”, “I wish I had done”, “What if they didn’t know” is a strain on the one left behind. The toll affects the survivor’s health.

These thoughts keep coming to the forefront of your mind. In other words, the regret is never resolved. It’s hard to move forward in life. You are stuck and can’t get out of this loop.

Recently, I did hypnosis on a very sweet woman for unresolved grief. In addition, her life is in turmoil. She is having problems remembering things that she needs to do her job successfully. Similarly, she’s having problems navigating through day to day living.

Hypnosis for grief

During this session, I learned her intuition told her to go home. She did go home following this strong feeling she had. Walking into her apartment, she heard the shower running. She went to the bathroom finding her spouse of twenty-three years laying on the floor. Her first reaction was he had felt faint and laid down on the floor. However, she soon realized that he was gone.

Most importantly, the main issue is that they had been having problems in the relationship. However, they decided that they would work through any issues hindering them from having a supportive union.

Her significant other has been dead for three years now. She is not able to get past the consistent grief. Above all, she has no joy in life. Her life is held hostage from this depression.

As she sat down, this lovely woman told me, “You are my last hope. I’ve tried everything to work through this pain.”

The sadness and pain in her eyes told me she is not able to enjoy life. In the pre-hypnosis interview I gathered the information I need to formulate a plan to help her out of this loop of pain.

How hypnosis helped her resolve grief

This woman is easily regressed into a deep state of relaxation. I use regression techniques to put her back into the moment she realized he was gone. I find regression is a valuable tool to use in many different situations.

Durning the session, she is able to tell her loved one the things she wished she had been able to say. As she talked to her spouse, I see the strained look leaving her face. I see her smile as she listens to what he is telling her.

When the session is over, she tells me that she finally feels that the healing process can start. In addition, this sweet woman is a Reiki practitioner. She now feels that she can use her skills to help in her own healing process.


Hypnosis is a valuable tool to use when you can’t move forward. If you are not able to move ahead in life after losing a loved one, then you may want to consider hypnosis. I receive referrals from mental health therapist when they have a client who is stuck and not able to move forward in their sessions.

Hypnosis is used along with other modalities in the health care field. I see miracles often when clients come in for a session. The pain is no longer an issue. They have a new lease on life. This is rewarding for me to see the change in my clients after a hypnosis session.

Life is not about how many breathes we take. It’s about the moments that take our breath away. The moments of awesome love and joy.

If you want to experience hypnosis contact The National Guild of Hypnotist at https://ngh.net for the name of a hypnotist near you.

Is Your Ego Aligned? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Freud’s model of the psyche teaches us, the id is the primitive and instinctual part of the mind. It contains the sexual and aggressive drives along with hidden memories. The super-ego operates as a moral conscience. The ego is the realistic part that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego.

Ego as the bridge

It seems to me that the ego has a tough time bridging the id and super-ego into a balanced existence. What happens when the ego is out of balance? Are you even aware that your ego is no longer aligned? Self-talk becomes distorted when the ego is out of balance.

It’s important that we maintain the ego and make repairs promptly. How do you know when repairs are needed on the ego?

Signs that your ego is on the low side

When one has low self-esteem the self-talk can be rather brutal. Compassion is not something we extent to ourselves during times of low self-esteem. Self-talk becomes harsh and abusive.

I’m not going into a textbook explanation on low self-esteem, but I want you to be able to identify when you have dropped into this form of self abuse.

Some of the symptoms include: apologizing too much, reluctant to express disagreement with others, fearful of making mistakes, unable to recognize when you have done a good job, and the list goes on…

What is the conversation you have with yourself?

How could I be so stupid? I should have known what the outcome would be! I’m just a nobody who can’t do anything right!

Critical self-talk can result in physical symptoms of fatigue, depression, stomachache, headache, sleep disturbances, just to name a few of the problems.

When you continually beat yourself up you may find that your body will respond by feeling weighed down. You may become suicidal. Illness may show up as stomach ulcers, insomnia and migraines.

Remember, what you continually tell yourself will show up in your life. We believe our self-talk even when it’s not true.

Super sized ego

The know-it-all, we have all dealt with them in our life times. This individual can be like a steamroller. They roll right over you leaving all kinds of destruction in their path.

The super sized ego shows up as one who has to be right in every situation. This ego is over demanding, angry, has an inflated sense of self-worth. One becomes critical of other people seeing a distorted image of others as that person is being stupid. This ego thinks they are the only ones who have the answer in any given situation.

Physical symptoms of a super sized ego

Some of the ways this super sized ego can affect your health includes being irrational and angry most of the time. When one is angry most of the time, you may find that your blood pressure is high. You may need to take medication to control your blood pressure. Heart disease can become a problem and you’re at a higher risk for stroke.

The super sized ego can have sleep disturbances and experience depression just like the ego with low self-esteem.

How do we align the ego?

Pay attention to your self-talk. Once you recognize that you’re being overly critical either of yourself or others, it’s time for maintenance. How does one align their ego?

Once you have recognized that your ego is out of alignment, pay attention to your inner dialogue you’re having with yourself. Try to identify the trigger point that brought you out of alignment. Was it brought on because of over doing and not taking time for yourself? Have you not taken the time to nurture yourself?

Once you realize that you’re out of alignment with your ego, schedule time for yourself. Take a walk in nature. When we are in nature, we are able to reconnect with Mother Earth. It’s important for us to feel the frequency of the earth’s vibrational hum. All living creatures are in need to feel the earth’s vibrations to stay healthy.

Take time to quieten the mind. Turn off all the noise around you such as the TV, radio, computers… Disconnect from the distractions of social media. Meditate even if it’s only for a few minutes. Be in the moment. The past is over and the future is yet to be written. In reality, now is all that we have.

Self-talk for healing

Every thought is a prayer. It is. What your mind dwells on is what you will attract into your life. Our thoughts will magnify our reality.

Nurture yourself. Show compassion to yourself. Cut yourself some slack. Make it a point to think about the good things that happened in your day. Look in the mirror and just smile at yourself. Be honest about how hard it is to allow yourself to love you. Self love is not being conceded.

It’s important for you to say, “I don’t know how to show compassion to me. I want to love myself, but I don’t know how to start.”

Start by just smiling at yourself. That’s all one needs to do. As you smile more at you, it will become easier to see the positive side that’s been hidden away. Allow the positive thoughts to surface. It’s ok to say, “I did a good job on that project.”

Everyone has attributes that are positive. Everyday list at least ten positive things about yourself. Each day it will become easier. It’s ok to say, “I love myself.” It’s not only ok, but necessary for good mental and emotional health.


If you are struggling with emotions of anger, bitterness, guilt, depression get my book:

Guilty Prayers by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D. on Amazon or Kindle.

Guilty Prayers: Do you struggle with guilt, depression, anger? Read the stories of people who did and how they overcame the obstacles.


Guilty Prayers book launched!

My book Guilty Prayers was launched this morning 8/15/2019.

You can purchase your copy on Amazon books or Kindle Books or ask your local book store to order it for you.

Guilty Prayers by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

This is a mental health self-help book.  My pray is that you will find blessing in the pages of this book.  Read the true stories of individuals who struggled with guilt, depression, anxiety and more.  Read what happened when their emotions got out of hand and what they did to work through these emotions and more! Order your book today!

What is Bacopa Extract? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I have recently found a product line that actually measures up to my standards on quality and living up to the promises they make.  That in itself is no easy feat for a company to do as far as I’m concerned.

One of the products that I have been using is their coffee.  This is not ordinary coffee by any means.  This coffee has health benefits that I have not found in other coffee products.

Focused Ingredient

I want to focus on is one ingredient in this coffee.  The ingredient is called Bacopa extract which comes from the Bacopa monnieri plant.  This herb has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries.  The common English name is “water hyssop”.


Bacopa extract is most often used for memory enhancing.  Numerous clinical studies have determined that people who were given 125mg of Bacopa extract for 12 to 16 weeks showed memory improvement.  Studies also showed improvement in reduction of anxiety and depression in elderly test subjects.

Conclusion of the studies

The conclusion of the researchers was that Bacopa extract yielded significant improvement in mental control, logical memory and paired associated learning during the 12-week drug therapy.  It is efficacious in subjects with age-associated memory impairment.  Researchers found that  Bacopa monnieri is a potentially safe herb to enhance cognitive performance in the aging process and support of cognitive activity.

The side effects experienced by some test subjects were limited to gastrointestinal difficulties such as increased stool frequency, abdominal cramps, and nausea, none of which was proved to be significantly debilitation.  A few listed dry mouth and muscle fatigue.

Overall, research reported that Bacopa extract is safe and appears to be effective toward improving memory.

Enjoy your cup of coffee!

You can contact me through my email for more information on this healthy coffee.