
I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes Part 7 by Janet Lynas Ph.D., N.H.D.


On the seventh day Glenn Clark talks about letting Christ enter into our life.  Mr. Clark has taught us how to ‘clean house’ so to speak up to this point with the seven Whatwhatsoever checks and the three Anything checks.  Once we have emptied out the selfish desires, then it is time to ask that the Christ  come into our life.  Christ can not come into our life until we invite Him in.

Jesus longs to enter in and join with us even more than we hunger for Him.  He wants to end the separation that we feel, the veil that keeps us separated is the lie that we have been told through countless generations.  In reality, we are not divided from Jesus except by our own doing.

Once we invite Christ to join with us, we then experience the electric-light power of His love, taking us into His family as a beloved brother or sister.  This beautiful expression of love lifts us to a higher plane of consciousness.  We soon learn that by surrendering to the love of Christ, if we ask for His guidance before we make a decision on anything, we will receive invaluable advice and information.

There is one thing that we must be very careful of and that is not to interfere with His action concerning the outcome of our petition.  The Christ requires our absolute trust.  Through the pathway of a peaceful mind only is He able to do His work.

Knowing that the presence of Jesus’ light has completely filled us with His very breath, and our good and most sincere desire is His desire, then is the time to contemplate the deepest wishes of the heart and know that we are able to enter into the holy of holies.  Our feet are becoming as hinds feet and tracking true to the desires of His will, our will aligns with the Savior’s will for us. (pages 39-42)


I ask that you O Lord, dwell within Me as I dwell within you.  Nourish my roots, strengthen my branches so that the fruit of your love will bloom forth and grow.  I choose you and invited you to be the caretaker of the fruit of my life.  I ask that you remain within me and that whatsoever I ask, that is in the highest good for all and you may give it to me.


Our blessed  Christ the Savior, I invite you to enter into me, to fill me completely, to take control of my life and my heart.  All that I have is yours.  I have no fear as long as you are with me.