
When It Gets Tough by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

“When it gets tough, the tough get going.” This is a popular saying in the U.S. It certainly applies now. Times are difficult not only in the U.S., but worldwide. Having said this, I’m not focusing on the political implications. Instead, I want to focus on what we can do.

It’s time to move out of the feminine energy!

As you know, the feminine energy is about “planting the seeds” and nurturing the idea that is planted. The masculine energy is all about taking action. It’s time to take action!

The peoples of the world find ourselves in the pot on the stove, like the frog who’s slowly getting cooked. For those of you who do not know the story of the frog in the pot getting slowly cook I will share that story with you.

The story is this; a frog is put into a pot of water on the stove. The heat is turned on. It’s on a low setting. The water warms up slowly. As the water begins to warm up, the heat is turned up gradually. Before the frog realizes what’s happening, the water is boiling and the frog is cooked.

Therefore, we are like the frog! We are cooked! To our astonishment, we find ourselves in hot water and have no idea how we got there or what to do.

The time now is to take action! It’s time to weed the garden. Pull out the weeds that suddenly showed up.

What action do we take?

First, recognize that the way of life that you thought you knew is gone. That’s a harsh statement, I know. But, life for people all over the world is different and there’s no going back. Furthermore, I don’t want to return to the way life was before.

The U.S. citizens are focused on trivial things. Getting ahead in life with no regards on what the effect is on other family members. Parents are absent in the lives of their children. The children are growing up without a real connection to their parents.

Let me ask you, Do you know your children? Do you really know them as individuals? How well do you really know your spouse or significant other? When was the last time you had a real conversation with your family? I’m talking about a meaningful conversation.

Above all, did you listen to what they said? Or where you thinking about what you wanted to say instead. Listening is an art. Listen to what someone is saying. Really listen to their words without judgement. Stop thinking ahead on what you think they are going to say and listen to what they are saying.

Clear communication is the first step.

Next, look objectively at what is. Oftentimes, we don’t want to acknowledge the truth. It’s difficult to admit that we’re wrong. It’s just human nature to want to be right.

However, we are good at deceiving ourselves. At times, we are like the deer in the headlights. (Another U.S. saying. Deer get blinded by the headlights on a car and freeze up.) Stop deceiving yourself! See things as they are now.

So, what’s next?

It’s time to wake up and deal with life as it is now.  Or as my grandmother used to say, “You made your bed sleep in it.”

We know that there’s shortages in food, in getting supplies and so on… I’m not going to go over the list of what you already know.

Citizens around the world have the same concerns. Will I have the money to buy gasoline for my car to get to work? Is there going to be enough money to buy food? Can I pay the rent/mortgage? And how will I pay the rising cost in the utilities? Yes, everything is going up in prices.

Having said all this, how do we survive?

First, get to know your neighbors. That’s a concept most Americans don’t understand. We don’t have the “sitting on the front porch in the evenings visiting with our neighbors.” Most people don’t know who their neighbors are, much less visit with them. Your neighbors will be your first line of defense if you get to know each other. Otherwise, you will be out on your own. That’s not going to be a comfortable place to be.

Secondly, it starts in your community. Get involved, know what’s going on in your community. Study what the issues are in your community. Get to know your local leaders. Get up off your backside and get involved!

Thirdly, know your state representatives. Know what the real issues are. Don’t assume you know. Know what’s really going on in the background. Remember, these people work for you, you don’t work for them! If they are not doing the job you elected them to do, fire them! Vote them out of office.


Most importantly, take action to plan ahead. You know there’s going to be shortages. Stock up on food and supplies. As the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts learn, “Be prepared.”

Do not get caught up in the fear that’s presenting itself around the world. Fear will defeat you every time if you don’t recognize it for what it is. It’s a tactic to control the masses.

Times are tough and the tough need to get going! Be prepared, have a plan. Humankind is resilient! The world has been through difficult times before and survived. We will survive again. To survive, we have to be alert and work together.

United we stand. Divided we fall.

People from around the world have to put aside the assumed differences and pull together. No one is coming to save us. We have to save ourselves.

We change the world one person at a time. And it starts with you.