
Sugar & Spice & Nothing Nice! by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Remember the children’s poem about little boys being made of snails and puppy dog tails? Then little girls are sugar and spice and everything nice. Yes, sugar is sweet and taste nice! However, sugar is not necessarily nice to your body. But, I hear you say, “The body needs sugar to function properly.” You are correct! Therefore, I’m giving you a new tool, the truth about sugar.

Sugar is Sugar. Right?

I bet you don’t know there are ten different kinds of sugar. Take a look at these different sugars and keep your mind open.

  • Granulated Sugar: is refined, white, or table sugar, granulated sugar it’s the most common type of sugar and is used everyday.
  • Caster Sugar: a common baking ingredient used in the U.K and Australia, caster sugar is a white, refined sugar popularly.
  • Confectioners’ Sugar: known as powdered sugar, confectioners’ sugar is the type of sugar that is finely grounded into a powdered form. Confectioners’ sugar has the ability to dissolve easily which is why it is ideal for frostings and icings.
  • Pearl Sugar: is produced by breaking big blocks of regular sugar and is hard.  It’s used for baking purposes such as sprinkling crushed pearl sugar on top of pastries.
  • Cane Sugar: is produced solely from sugarcane and comes from either sugar beets or sugarcane.
  • Demerara Sugar: demerara sugar is light brown, minimally refined, and produced from the crystallization of cane juice. The cane juice is crystallized, then the particles achieve caramel color and are known as demerara sugar. Demerara sugar is commonly produced in countries like Hawaii, India, and Mexico.
  • Turbinado Sugar: often referred to as raw sugar, turbinado sugar is naturally grown and possesses a caramel flavor. However, the FDA states that turbinado sugar isn’t raw because raw sugar is never intended for consumption as it contains contaminants like sand and other impurities. Therefore, turbinado sugar is refined mechanically which makes it a type of processed sugar.
  • Muscovado sugar: a deep brown, unrefined cane sugar that contains organic molasses.The molasses present in muscovado offer antioxidants like gallic acid and polyphenols. These antioxidants prevent cells from damage by eliminating free radicals.
  • Brown sugar: produced when white sugar is mixed and flavored with molasses. In light brown sugar, the quantity of molasses is less giving it a light brown color to it.
  • Dark brown sugar: comes in its darker version having more molasses added to it.
Our Body Knows The Difference Between Sugars. Correct?

Not really. There is two main kinds of sugar, monosaccharides and disaccharides. Monosaccharides or single sugar molecules include fructose, galactose, and glucose. This sugar takes the fast track into the bloodstream. Hence, the sugar rush!

Disaccharides are two single molecules linked together. This is known as glucose and fructose. These get broken down by the liver into single glucose molecules before entering the bloodstream. As a result, they raise your blood sugar a little more slowly. It’s known as, slow and steady.

Therefore, while the nutritional value of a peach is totally different from a piece of chocolate cake, your body can’t tell the difference between a molecule of fructose, glucose, sucrose, or any other sugar molecule. Our body will digest them all the same way.

But, What About Fruit and Vegetable Sugars?

I’m glad you asked! We just determined that your body doesn’t know the difference between sugars. So, why worry about it? I agree, we shouldn’t worry! Worry stresses the body and mind! However, having knowledge helps us make better choices.

Glucose is the primary fuel to generate energy. We need glucose for the body’s cells to carry out metabolic and biological functions. Glucose is essential for the brain, red blood cells and muscle cells during exercise.

Fruits and vegetables are a great source of providing beneficial glucose. What do you mean beneficial glucose?

Fruits and vegetables are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and healthy sugars. When you include vegetables and fruits in your diet, you are likely to have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases.

Processed sugars provide no health benefits. In addition, they provide empty calories! Glucose from fruits and vegetables not only provides the glucose our body needs to function properly, but adds vitamins and minerals. Fiber is found in these foods as well. We know the importance of fiber in the body!

Time to wrap it up!

As, you’ve just learned, the body does need glucose to maintain health. However, the source of the sugar is important. Remember, moderation in everything! Don’t over do it on the fruits and vegetables high in natural sugar. No, I’m not going to list the foods naturally high in sugars. You need to take an active role in your health. You can research which foods need to be eaten in small amounts.

In conclusion, enjoy the holidays and family gatherings. Instead of reaching for the fourth chocolate chip cook, grab a handful of grapes.


What? There are 36 Deficiencies Contribute to Alzheimer’s? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D.,N.H.D.

Do you know that we all die from the same disease?  Yes, we really do!  The root cause of all illness is inflammation.  Dementias are inflamed brains.  In this article, I will talk about some of the most common deficiencies contributing to dementia.

Dr. Dale Bredesen is a researcher on Alzheimer’s disease explains how each deficiency fits together in creating memory problems.  Below will be a link on Dr. Dale Bredesen if you want to do further reading on his research.

What are some of the deficiencies contributing to Alzheimer’s?

Research has shown that individuals who are experiencing memory problems should be tested by having blood drawn to determine such markers as Vitamin D level, Insulin level, hormone level, and the use of DHA (omega-3 fatty acids) to improve any faulty connections in the brain activity.

In Dr. Bredesen’s research it was noted that the individual subjects improved once they were on an individual combination therapy.  The study was a very small study of 10 subjects, so this study should be replicated for further validation.  Within a few months nine of the participants were showing improvement with their cognitive level.  Six of the subjects who were struggling to remain employed, had shown significant improvement in their ability to preform their job duties.  Some of the participants showed improvement and returned to a normal level. There was only one subject who did not show improvement.  This subject was in the final stages of Alzheimer’s.

What are some of the steps to eliminate Alzheimer’s?
  1. Reduce Inflammation and stabilize glucose levels in the bloodstream. People with Type 2 Diabetes have a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s since high levels of glucose in the blood are commonly known as one of the main causes of Alzheimer’s.  The treatment is diet.  A diet low in grains, simple carbohydrates, and sugars on the low glycemic index are recommended for this step.  Instead of processed foods, you should eat fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, and lean meats.  I recommend that meat be on the occasional list.  Don’t eat within 3 hours of bed time.  Your body needs this fasting time to balance the hormones such as insulin production and to eliminate waste and toxins from the body.  Try to eat as much organic foods as you can. So, are there supplements that are recommended? DHA or omega – 3 fatty acid, EPA,(eicosapentaenoic acid) which is also an omega – 3 fatty acid, and curcumin. Curcumin is naturally found in turmeric.  This supplement helps to reduce amyloid plaques in the brain which enables better brain function.

    Other treatment is good oral care.  Poor dental care can lead to inflammation of the gums and teeth.  In turn this causes the inflammatory response through the body.

  2. Optimize Hormone levels.  The aging process contributes to changes in the production of hormone levels. (I will not recommend hormone treatments. This is between you and your physician.  However, I encourage you to research the natural protocols on hormone replacement.)  The most common hormonal problems are related to the thyroid and decreasing estrogen production.  Research showed it’s not necessary to have hormone replacement therapy to restore cognitive function.  Treatment for hormone level starts with a simple blood test.  You have to know what your levels are before you can know how to treat them.  Reduce stress!  As you already know, stress can cause heart disease, anxiety, stroke… you get the picture.  Learn stress reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation, exercise such as going for a walk in nature. Supplements recommended are vitamin D3, ashwagandha which helps to prevent beta-amyloid plaques from forming in the brain.
  3. Antioxidants. Research has shown the importance of antioxidants when it comes to fats oxidizing in the brain and the strong correlation with Alzheimer’s.  Increase your vitamin C and beta-carotene in reducing fat oxidization in the brain.  As in step one, the same diet recommendations are made.  Also, spinach, kale, oranges and foods high in beta-carotene and vitamin C.  Organic blueberries are rich in these vitamins. Supplements recommended are tocotrienols and tocopherols which are forms of vitamin E, selenium, vitamin C, N-Acetyl cysteine and alpha-lipoic acid.
  4. Optimize Gut health.  Researchers have discovered a link between the number of healthy flora in the gut and brain function.  Gut health is essential for overall health.  The diet recommended is the same as in step one.  Grains are hard to digest and are hard on gut flora.  Reduce the grains in your diet.  Supplements recommended are a good probiotic (make sure it has live flora).  Probiotics break down the glutamate which is known to produce gamma-amino butyric acid otherwise known as GABA.  GABA is a neurotransmitter in the brain.  When there is a decline in GABA, there is a decline in brain function.  So, probiotics are essential in ensuring healthy levels of GABA.
  5. Fats. I am talking about healthy fats to absorb fat soluble vitamins.  These healthy fats are needed to keep our brain in good working order. Healthy fats include olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds, and olives.  These fats help produce acetylcholine which is vital in learning and concentration and memory.  Once again, the diet remains the same as already suggested. Along with DHA and EPA one should add MCT oil which is derived from coconuts.  As far as fats go, if the table says partially hydrogenated, this means trans-fat.  Leave it on the shelf!

In the next article, I will address the next five steps in brain health.  Take this time to really look at your diet.  It’s up to you if you want to improve brain health or not.

Through the years, I have seen more patients than not just wanting the doctor to give them a pill to “fix” the problem.  Patients often would ask the physician to increase the dose of their medication to control glucose levels, instead of improving their diet.

I ask you… Are you going to continue being lazy? Or, are you going to take responsibility for your own health?


resource: https://www.foundmyfitness.com/episodes/dale-bredesen