
How Do You Reinforce Positive Self-Talk by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I speak about self-talk often. How we talk to ourselves is so important. However, today I want to talk with you about how to anchor the positive self discussion into your subconscious mind.

By now, you should have learned that the words, I AM, are the most powerful words that can be spoken. No other words are more powerful. Furthermore, the narrative one should be having with self should be positive affirmations. If you need a review, scroll back through previous articles I have written.

Anchors Away!

Congratulations! Your conversation with self is upbeat and positive. Now what? How do we keep up the momentum?

Each night as you are going to sleep, give thanks for the opportunities you had that day. Remember, it doesn’t matter how small the opportunity is. It’s the little things that add up. You remembered where you put your keys as you were rushing out the door and didn’t have to spend time looking for them. It didn’t rain or maybe it did because rain is needed. A child was in need of help and you were there to help them. See where I’m going with this?

Express joyfulness. What happened today that made you feel joy? Did you live in the moment? Did you step out of the “ruminating” and disconnect from the one thought loop that we all get stuck in at times. For many of us, just waking up in the morning feeling rested is a big step. Notice what’s around you. Really look at your surroundings and experience the joy from being out in nature. Don’t just look around, see what’s around you.

Show gratitude for people and events that happened today. Give gratitude for the difficult moments in your life today. While we all want to have an easy path, it’s the difficult times that helps us grow. No one likes to have challenges, but these moments teach us about how strong we are.

As you start to drift off into slumber, repeat your positive affirmations to yourself. Repeating your positive self-talk durning this state of drifting off, is the perfect time to hook your new attitude into the subconscious. The conscious mind is easy to slip around during this stage. Once you get past the “gatekeeper” and move the conscious mind to the side, it’s so much easier to ground the positive thoughts.


In the morning as you’re waking up, when you are still in the dreamy stage, start the day by giving thanks for the opportunities that will come your way. Before you know it, the subconscious has anchored in the new thought process.

Repetition is the key to changing your life.

What am I grateful for today? I’m grateful that I’m able to help people. It brings me joy to see people come into the center not feeling well, but by the time they leave, they are feeling so much better.

Gratitude ~ Message from Our Board President - Unitarian Universalist ...