
Anxiety is Learned by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D

People think anxiety is hereditary. It’s not. Anxiety is learned. But, my mother or father have anxiety and I inherited from them! No, you learned it from them.


Anxiety is defined as: a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.

However, I hear you say, “Science says anxiety is genetic.” Let’s look at the facts.

In addition, to my theory that anxiety is learned, science admits they are not 100% sure what causes the disorder. We know worry is a feeling and not a mental illness. Apprehension is caused by the way we learn to live in unhealthy ways. Learned fear makes us react more fearful and stressful in certain situations.

Genes are turned on and off by the way we behave and react to our environment. Therefore, our destiny is not carved in stone. It’s true our behavior greatly influences what our genes do in certain situations, but our genes do not control our feelings.

Yes, studies show the risk of anxiety tends to run in families. But, the role of genetic influence versus the influence of the family environment remains unclear.

Which came first? The egg or the chicken?

Having said this, the same is said with anxiety. We know the brain is rewired and new circuit pathways are forged when new information is being learned. In addition, to the new electrical pathways being built, our genes react to daily stressors.

Each system of the body is connected to the other. Therefore, when one system becomes out of balance, the rest of the body is out of balance. We are a well oiled living machine. One system joined to the other and all working in tandem.

Hypnosis and Anxiety

I do hypnosis on individuals struggling with fear. I educate my clients on the background of apprehension. During the interview with my client, we talk about the concerns they have and when the fears began.

My client is regressed back to the root cause of their struggle with being anxious. More times than not, the root cause is not when or even what they think caused the uneasy feelings.

Often times, my clients are surprised to learn what actually triggered the edginess in their life. The main theme I see with my customers is lack of self-esteem. Low self-esteem and not being confident in one’s abilities to navigate through life is a recurring theme.

I’m sneaky, as are all hypnotist. However, I know how to sneak around the gatekeeper of the mind. The mind does not like change. It will do everything in its power to stay in the rut it creates.

Through hypnosis, I give the client the tools they need to break free of worry. Now with the new found skills, they are therefore able to move forward with confidence. Hence, there is a newfound freedom.

In conclusion

My reward in working with clients is seeing the freedom they have acquired after a hypnosis session. Clients come to the session stressed and anxious. I see them leave relaxed and confident.

There is no better reward for me than to see a client leave after a session with a smile on their face.

Hypnosis is a safe tool for you to use in gaining the freedom you need to live a healthier life. Many of my clients work in the medical field. Once these clients have experienced hypnosis, they refer patients to me. Hypnosis is a good tool to use along with mental health counseling. Counselors refer their patients to me when there is an impasse in counseling sessions.

Give yourself permission to use hypnosis as a tool for good mental and physical health.

For more information on anxiety and other emotional issues order my book Guilty Prayers. See the section on announcements for details on the book. You can order it from Amazon, Kindle, or any book distributor.