
Life’s Journey by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I live an interesting life. Three months ago, I accepted a new job. I lived in a hotel in two different states for three months as project manager. I’m in charge of the renovation of two hotels. My next project is working on the interior of a four story gutted building.

I sold my house, gave my car to one of my daughters, and now I’m living in a third state. I moved from Arkansas to Delaware, which is rather amazing since I have never lived anywhere but Arkansas.

We hear about the “Southern Rednecks” and those “Damn Yankee’s”, but my experience has been very positive. The people in these northern states of Pennsylvania, Illinois and Delaware have welcomed me with open arms. A week ago when I moved to Milford, DE, my colleagues told me “welcome home!” That’s incredible since I only met some of them three months ago.

Cultural Impressions

We hear in the news about all the division between people. Black vs white, people from India vs everyone else and Chinese are looked down on because of the Chinese Communist Party and the virus unleashed on the world.

This “Southern Woman” is welcomed with open arms everywhere I go. Basically, everyone is striving for the same things. We all want to enjoy life. To have healthy children and to be healthy ourselves. Everyone wants to be able to pursue their dreams.

The owner of the company I’m now working for is Chinese and the president of the company is also Chinese. It has been interesting for me to develop an ear for the Chinese accent. I know my southern girl accent has been a challenge for them as well. However, we seem to be able to work through these moments without much difficulty.

Furthermore, I don’t see racism in the south, nor have I seen it in the north. So, I have to wonder, ‘why is the news media pushing this agenda?’ Most importantly, the general population isn’t listening to it. That makes me proud of my fellow citizens.

What’s next?

I want to share with you who I am working with. What could have inspired me to uproot myself and so easily move more than 1,200 miles from my home?

I’m privileged to be working for Tesla BioHealing. The projects I’m working on are Tesla MedBed centers. This technology is truly amazing. I hear and see the most incredible stories from people who have used the products. Lives are changed!

You have heard me say in the past, that as a doctor of natural health, it’s astonishing  for me to witness how fast the body can heal and repair itself when it’s given the right tools. Clean food and air, a healthy living style, a good attitude, all go a long way. Now there’s a new tool for you to use for your body to help improve itself.

I invite you to go to: TeslaBioHealing.com and read about this life changing technology.


I will share more of my life adventures with you as more opportunities unfold. Therefore, be on the look out for more stories as my new journey unfolds.

Most of all, remember, age means nothing. Most of my friends are retired. I was forced into retirement for three years after a semi truck hit me. I wish I had been able to use the Tesla BioHealing products back then. But, at that time, they were just being developed by a remarkable man. This doctor thought to himself, “There has to be a better way for me to help my patients.” Fortunately, for us all, he found the way. The future of medicine is now changed forever.


Ascension by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I hear the term ‘Ascension’ a lot these days. In the metaphysical community it’s the number one topic. I also hear the term ‘Awakened’ frequently. Today, I talk about both of these terms. Therefore, maybe some of the confusion will be cleared up for people who are new to the metaphysical realm.


The definition of ascension is:

the act of rising to an important position or a higher level
In other words, to put it simply, ascension in the spiritual sense is very similar to the Eastern concept of Enlightenment. The concept of Enlightened is found in Buddhism. (Which is a philosophy.) Enlightened simply means to have full comprehension of a situation. In Western terms, ‘the light bulb’ turned on!
Last night, I enjoyed sharing dinner and conversation with a lovely young woman. We explored this notion of rising to a higher level. For instance, we talked about the struggle she is facing. She is rejected by some family members for learning about her spiritual side. In addition, she is told that she is wrong in her beliefs.
She is told her practice in yoga is of the devil. (I know! I too think exercise is of the devil at times! Sore muscles and all…) The truth is, whenever, we try something new or unknown to others, it doesn’t set well. Family is like the subconscious mind, it/they resist anything new. How dare you veer out of our rut! Stay in the family rut! Therefore, never question the beliefs you have been taught! Keep your blindfold on!

Awakened means:

“spiritually aware of the universe and [its] direct metaphysical connection to one’s own being and the connection it has to all life forces.”
In other words, she woke up! She came out of the deep slumber. Now, my young friend is aware of the opportunities in front of her. She sees the options clearly. Her eyes opened wide, now new thoughts have entered the mind. In addition, to this new knowledge, she is experiencing doubts. Mostly doubting herself. Once our eyes are opened to all the possibilities the universe has to offer, there’s no limit! But, when we see clearly, doubt in what we see clouds our judgment.
Why do we doubt ourselves? We question ourselves because we have stepped out of the norm of society. What one must realize is the ‘norm’ of society isn’t always right. Common beliefs in society are based on lies to control the population. Hard to believe, I know! We’re lied to! Do you know that 75 books were removed from the Bible? Yes, indeed, there were 141 books originally. However, I am told there are 777 in the original text. I have not be able to confirm that information. Anyway, books are censored. In other words, I wonder who decided these books gave too much information. Yes, I have read a few of them. Very interesting books.
My studies in religion taught me that we’re separate from God. Therefore, we’re not worthy of direct contact with our Creator. However, I read that we are made in the image of Source. Source is perfection. I AM THAT I AM is pure love.
So, in other words, I’m created in the image of the Divine. I am made from Spirit.  However, I’m not worthy to speak directly to God? That makes no sense! I know religion can’t exist without blind followers. But, no one has the right to tell you what to think!
Now that I have throughly ‘ticked’ off a few people, know I respect you have the right to any beliefs you feel comfortable with. Just don’t judge others by their thoughts.  “Judge not, lest you be judged!”
In Summary

Be very careful that you are not a snob in this process. I see those individuals who are enlightened looking down their noses. If you look down your nose at others, you’re not as ascended as you think you are.

I am exactly were I’m supposed to be at this point in my life. I know you are where you’re supposed to be in your life.

Don’t get caught in the trap of thinking, “I’m not doing enough.” Be careful of this trap.

The truth is, we change the world one person at a time. Therefore, you change yourself and you have changed the world.

Go forth in peace, love and light!

Are you using GPS? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Today is January 1, 2020. Many people are making new year resolutions today. Are you one who likes to make resolutions for the new year?

Challenge for 2020

I challenge you to move away from the typical new year goal setting. Most of the declarations we make are superficial. Why bother with those? I challenge you to get to know yourself this year and in the new decade we have just entered. How do you do that? Why bother?

We’re on a journey in life. When one starts out on a journey, especially one that has not been traveled before, we often depend on GPS to show us the way. Have you turned on your internal GPS? How does one do that?

“I’m old,” you say, “Why bother at this point in my life?” Well, you’re still alive aren’t you? It’s never too late to take a look at where you’ve been and where you would like to go.

I wish I had had the opportunity to get to know myself and what my life journey was early in life. Instead, I had to go through the “school of hard knocks”. Had I been able to go within and explore what my life purpose was, at an early age, I would have been lightyears ahead in life.

Just because one is mature in age, doesn’t mean you can’t review where you’ve been and where you would like to go from this point forward. It’s never too late to turn on your personal GPS.

Turning on your GPS

Hypnosis is a great tool to use to see your roadmap. Hypnosis, so to speak, is your internal GPS. If you are a young person, hypnosis can help you find your life’s purpose. Hypnosis can show you what direction you want to proceed. Deep within you know what your life goals are, hypnosis can unlock the answers for you.

Imagine how great it will be to know what your purpose in life is without constantly asking, “Who am I? What am I supposed to do in life?” Hypnosis will help you bypass the frustration of always seeking the answers.

Deep within our subconscious mind, we have the answers to the questions we’re constantly asking ourselves. It doesn’t matter what age you are, it’s time to learn what your path in life is. Even if you’ve spent your adult life on one path, what are you going to do with your life in the next phase? It’s ok to change paths!

Are you nearing the end of your life cycle? It’s important to be able to clearly see the contribution you make in this life time. Sometimes, we can’t see the trees for the forest. Through hypnosis you will be able to remember many lessons you experienced in life.

What now?

I hope you will accept this challenge. Live your life with purpose. Know who you are. Know where you’ve been and where you going!