
Men’s Health, What Could a Woman Possibly Know About Men’s Health? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I’m starting a series on Men’s Health. What could a woman possibly know about men’s health? You’re not a man, so how can you understand what’s important to a man?

You’re right, I’m not a man. Most of what men read about in men’s health is from the male prospective.  Maybe you would like to learn about men’s health from a woman’s prospective.  Sometimes women have a deeper understanding about what’s going on with the men in their lives than the men realize.

My series will start with middle aged men and their concerns about growing older.  The top concern I hear men talking about is their sexual prowess.  I have heard horror stories about men taking more than the prescribed dosage with Viagra and Cialis.  These same men have also added Power Drinks into the mix for more energy.  This is a deadly cocktail.  You’re lucky you’re still alive!

Before I dive right into the topic of sexual prowess, I want to discuss sex from the middle aged woman’s prospective.

Men Are Not Alone In Decreased Libido

Men, you are not the only ones who are facing difficulty with sexual performance.  Women have a better understanding on decreased libido and decreased energy than you think.  We understand the affect this issue has not only on the physical aspect of having sex, but also the devastating affect on the emotional level.

Women are embarrassed about their inability to preform just as men are.  Let’s take a look at the physical changes that take place in a woman’s body and how it affects them.

  • Menopause – Did you know that some women start peri-menopause in their 30s?  Menopause is a difficult time for most women.  Hormones fluctuate causing mood swings and hot flashes.  Menopause also contributes to loss of libido in women.  This stage of life will pass.  Women are looking for natural ways to get through this stage of life instead of using the dangerous hormone replacement therapy.  Many women feel that they are less of a woman if they can’t reproduce children.  As a woman ages, she feels that she will be over looked by men for younger more vibrant women.  This is devastating for the woman.
  • Vagina Dryness – This often occurs with menopause, but stress can contribute to it as well. Vaginal dryness causes intercourse to be painful.  Even with lubrication sex can be painful.  Experiment with different lubricants to find one that works best for the two of you.
  • Sexual disfunction – Women are just as embarrassed to discuss sexual disfunction as men are.  She may not even be able to put into words why she has lost the desire to have sex.  When she says, “It’s not you, it’s me” believe her!  There are natural ways for her to increase her sexual performance and many women are talking more openly about the situation.
  • Organism Problems – There are times when women will not be able to have an organism.  It’s just as frustrating to her as it is for you when you have a problem in achieving an erection.  Sometimes the problem is physical for a women and other times it’s an emotional issue.  Either way, there is help for her.
Sexually Transmitted Disease In Middle Age

You think that you don’t have to worry about pregnancy at some point in time.  Sex should be more fun now that unwanted pregnancy is no longer a problem.  Right?  Pregnancy may not be a problem, but STD is.

I remember as a young nurse in the early 1970s seeing patients come into the doctor’s office where I worked with STDs.  I would give the prescribed injection to the patient and to all the other people they had had sex with.

Guess what?  This generation did not learn their lesson!  This is now the middle aged generation.  Did you know that STD has more than doubled among middle-aged adults and the elderly over the last decade?  Remember, this is the generation of ‘free love’.  There are several reasons why this is a problem with the middle age group.  I will not go into all the reasons in this article.

Recently one of my friends told me about a talk she had with an older woman.  This woman is going on a cruise and she is hoping to find a man to connect with in more ways than others, if you know what I mean.  My friend, had to have ‘the talk’ with this older woman about protecting herself from contracting a STD.  My friend had to talk to this older woman about being prepared by having some lubrication with her as well. The shoe’s on the other foot as a 60+ year old woman is lecturing a woman in her late 70s.  Never thought I would be hearing about a conversation like this one.

Statics on STD Among Seniors

According to the CDC, close to 2,550 cases of syphilis were reported among adults between the ages of 45 and 65 in 2010 — up from around 900 cases in 2000.

And the number of reported chlamydia cases in the age group almost tripled, from around 6,700 in 2000 to 19,600 a decade later.

Having second thoughts about sleeping around?  You should.  You still have to protect yourself.

Women are more understanding than you give them credit for.  If the woman you’re with doesn’t understand and support you, then she’s superficial and you don’t need that!

Upcoming topics

Next segment is on the causes of male sexual problems.  Did you know one of the biggest reasons in male sexual problems is the medications you are taking?  Most of the sexual problems men have are not organic in cause.

We will take a look at the most common causes of impotence and what can be done to increase your performance.  We will explore natural remedies and how this approach is safer and healthier.

Make sure you subscribe to this blog so you will not miss out on the upcoming topics.