
Lectins by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

There’s a lot of talk about lectins and how bad they are for you. A lot of people have jumped on the band wagon so to speak. But, what does the research say? You knew that statement was coming! I’m all about the research.

What are lectins?

Lectins consist of carbohydrate-binding proteins. Lectins are nature’s defense for plants to ward off attacks from insects. Lectins are found in most foods, however, legumes and grains contain the largest amounts. We know that in certain cases lectins can cause digestive issues by reducing absorption of minerals and vitamins and can contribute to leaky gut disease. Lectins can also contribute to changing the environment of the gut by decreasing gut bacteria. One thought is lectins can exacerbate autoimmune diseases by increasing the inflammation throughout the body.

While all this is true, it’s not the full story. Most of the information on lectins is based on eating raw foods that contain lectins such as beans. Dried beans are what most of the controversy is about. I don’t know anyone who eats raw dried beans, do you? The other component to the claim that lectins are harmful is that one would have to eat a large amount of lectins. Most of us don’t eat large amounts of lectin containing foods in one setting.

Research facts

I’m not a big fan of the FDA, WHO and the other alphabet health agencies right. (That’s another article for another time.) However, both agencies make a good point in that preparation of the lectin containing foods is the key.

Lectins are nearly eliminated through cooking. Studies show that soaking beans in preparation for cooking reduces the amount of lectins in the beans by more than half. Then the cooking process eliminates nearly all of the lectins left in the foods. So, the cooking process destroys nearly all of the lectins in foods.

I’m not going to list the groups of foods that have the highest levels of lectins. That information is easily found. The purpose of this article is to encourage you to NOT believe everything you see on YouTube, even if the presentation is by an “expert”. Think about what is being said and do your own research.

If you eliminated all foods with lectins, you would be left with very little to eat. You would also be losing much needed vitamins and minerals from your diet. Most importantly, you will be losing a lot of pleasure in life. We need a variety of foods to stay healthy. Remember, I have told you to eat the “rainbow” in past articles. Eat foods rich in colors. Foods with rich colors contain more of the vital nutrients we need to have a healthy body.

Eat to live, don’t live to eat. Therefore, when you do eat, experience the pleasures in the taste and textures of foods.

Do you know beans and rice make a complete protein? Beans and rice are one of my favorite foods. This combination can have a large variety of combinations. I like to add salsa to my beans and rice to give it a spicy kick. Beans and rice can have as many variations as there are herbs and spices.

Whole foods are our first defense to have a healthy life. Always remember, food is medicine for our bodies. Buy the best quality of foods that you can afford. When you stop buying the junk foods, you have more money to spend on foods that nourish your body.

When we were children, our parents would tell us to stop playing with our food. I disagree! Play with your food, be creative! Enjoy life, enjoy your food, be creative, have fun!

Black Garlic by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I learn something every day. I have an inquisitive mind. My mind can go down some interesting rabbit holes. This is one of them.

Today’s new information is that there is black garlic. Who knew?! So, what is black garlic and why is it supposed to be so nutritious?

What is black garlic and where did it come from?

The origins of black garlic is obscured. Some think that it’s origin was somewhere in Asia. It’s actually been around for centuries! Get out! Really?! Black garlic gets its uniqueness through a process called the Mallard process.

Now, I know you chefs out there know what the Mallard process is, but for those of us who are culinary newbies let me explain the Mallard process. In our defense, this process is so complex and relatively new that it has taken scientists years to figure out. So, you chefs out there don’t look down your culinary nose at the rest of us. Just be glad we are learning something new.

So, here goes; The Maillard reaction is many small, simultaneous chemical reactions that occur when proteins and sugars in and on your food are transformed by heat, producing new flavors, aromas, and colors. (https://www.seriouseats.com/what-is-maillard-reaction-cooking-science) Check out this website.

The Mallard process gives our food more complex layers of flavor. We see the Mallard effect in roasted coffee, charred steaks, and roasted vegetables. In short, the Mallard process is adding heat to food over a period of time. This process also includes adding in the right amount of moisture to draw out the incredible taste from those sugars and proteins in the food. Here’s the interesting part, it takes about nine months for this process. Talk about the ultimate crockpot! It doesn’t take the sugars and proteins that long to process, but it takes that long for the flavors to build. To learn more about the Mallard process you can go to the link above for one explanation.

Now back to the black garlic. (See what I mean about going down rabbit holes). By applying the Mallard process to the garlic, you get a change in texture and flavor. The garlic becomes softer, chewer and milder in flavor.

Health Benefits

 Black garlic does boast higher concentrations of many nutrients, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds. Garlic is mostly used for reducing blood pressure, blood glucose levels, lowering levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. There are some studies showing that the antioxidants in black garlic can help prevent colon cancers.

I’ve talked about the fact that everyone who dies a natural death dies from the same diagnosis, inflammation. Yes, inflammation. Remember, we talked about what ever the disease a person many have, the underlining cause is inflammation. So, black garlic can help reduce inflammation in the body.

Garlic and onion are consider natural antibiotics for the body in prevention of many problems. Therefore, it stands to reason that black garlic can help build the immune system and support the liver. Some research shows that black garlic can help lower markers of related to liver damage, decrease fatty deposits in the liver, and rebalance liver cell size. Keep in mind, the best way to reduce a fatty liver is to maintain a healthy weight. Even children who are overweight have fatty livers.

Black garlic also contains noticeable amounts of:

  • Vitamin C
  • B Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, and B6)
  • Folate
  • Calcium
  • Manganese
  • Magnesiem
  • Phosphorous
  • Zinc
  • Iron

Black garlic contains more antioxidants than regular garlic. It also has more of the compound S-Allylcysteine (SAC). SAC helps the body to absorb allicin. Black garlic has a greater concentration and may be more effective in helping your body absorb the benefits that allicin provides. 

Practical Experience

Through the years I would have patients coming in for their checks on blood pressure who wrecked of the garlic smell. Their blood pressure would be sky-high. They thought that garlic would control their blood pressure. In those cases, it didn’t. Now, having said that, I don’t know what the rest of their regime was to control their blood pressure. For instance, what was the rest of their diet like? Did they manage their salt intake? Most of these people did not have a healthy weight, they were obese. Did they move their bodies and exercise? Did they walk for exercise? There are many variables to take into consideration.

Don’t get me wrong now, I certainly believe that the natural approach to health is the best approach. However, what most people don’t take into consideration is embracing all the aspects of healthy living. I would have patients come into the doctor’s clinic with literally bags of supplements. They see an article or an add on TV about the health benefits of supplements and take dozens of pills.

I am not an advocate for taking large amounts of supplements. I’m just not. I feel that the best approach is getting our supplements from whole, organic grown foods as much as possible. Yes, you can get good quality foods in the grocery store if you don’t have access to a farmers market.

Supplements can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. For example, vitamins A,D,E, and K are fat soluble vitamins. This means that these vitamins are stored in the fatty tissues in the body. Too much of a good thing can cause serious problems. Most of us get enough of these vitamins in healthy meals and with a multivitamin supplement.

In conclusion

I look forward in exploring black garlic. It will be interesting to see how this tasty food can help in the overall health of people. I do believe that the natural approach is the best avenue to a healthy lifestyle. However, I also believe it’s often prudent to consult with a natural health doctor. It’s best to have an overall view on an appropriate lifestyle. Don’t listen to the commercials! The objective is to sell a product. The advisors are not going to tell you the truth. Remember, me ranting about the skin care commercial stating that their product goes 10 layers deep? How can it possibly do that when there are only 3 layers of skin? I digress.

I plan to find black garlic and give it a try. I hope you will research this food further. I know I am. You can make your own black garlic, but keep in mind it will take weeks. Instructions on how to make it is easily available online.

Use black garlic as you would regular garlic. Spread it on bread, add it to mashed potatoes or baked potatoes. The possibilities are limitless! Have fun with your food! Try something new.