
Eating Natural Foods Isn’t Always Healthy by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Beer, chicken wings and french fries are natural foods. (I don’t understand the fad with chicken wings. Very little meat, mostly fatty skin.) There is an organic version of each of these foods as well. So, I’m thinking that I need to take a look about the term ‘natural food’. Certainly, take a look from a different perspective.

Flash back 60 years ago

To clarify, I think we need to look at the combinations of natural foods. Cheese, ice cream, cheese burgers, and hot dogs all come in organic varieties as well. We don’t need to avoid these comfort foods, especially the cheese and macaroni! However, we must re-examine how we eat these foods.

Sixty to seventy years ago, our grandparents ate and drank these combinations. Yet, they were not fat. They didn’t have heart disease like we see in the general population today. So, what happened?

In the 1960s the average weight for a man between 20 to 39 years was around 166 for a man 68 inches tall or 5 feet 8 inches. Men 40-59: 176.4: 60 and older: 166.5.

Fifty years ago, the average woman was 5’3-5’4″ with a waist size of approximately 24-25″, she weighed about 120 pounds and wore a size 8.  (I remember being that size!)

Flash Forward

Today, the average American woman is 5’4″. She has a waist size of 34-35 inches and weighs between 140-150 pounds or more, with a dress size of 12-14.

The average American man today, (20 years and older) is 195.7 pounds. That’s about 30 pounds heaver.

In reality, the American women now weigh as much as a man did in 1960, 166. Dress size is 2x or more.

Therefore, according to statistics, over 70% of Americans adults are either overweight or obese. We Americans are not alone. Obesity is a world wide problem.

Results from a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey shows:

  • In 2007-2008, 33.7% of Americans were obese.
  • Between 2015-2016,  39.6% of Americans were obese.
  • Then in 2007-2008, 5.7% of Americans were severely obese.
  • And in 2015-2016, 7.7% of Americans were severely obese.
  • In all, more than two-thirds of adults in the United States are overweight or obese today.
So, what happened?

There are a lot of excuses why people are over weight. “I have large bones.” No, you don’t! Our bones are pretty much standard.

“I have a thyroid problem.” Meanwhile, about 4.6 percent of the U.S. population ages 12 and older do have hypothyroidism, most cases are mild. That’s almost 5 people out of 100. Once again, not that many people are affected.

“It’s in my genes.” (Yes, your jeans are rather snug.) But, until very recently, genetics were assumed to contribute significantly to weight gain. Your body weight was assumed to be 40-70% genetic. However, it’s now considered to be only 10% of your body weight is genetically related.

Furthermore, there are considerably more excuses. But, let’s be honest, people have become lazy. We sit on the couch and watch TV and play video games. Moreover, poor food choices are made. Food is eaten in front of the TV and we don’t listen to our appetite. There is a disconnect with our natural appetite because we eat ‘mindlessly’. Most importantly, we don’t listen to our body. It tells us it’s full and we keep stuffing food in our mouth!

Now what do we do?

Listen to your body! More importantly, pay attention to your appetite! Don’t eat in front of the TV. Pay attention to the act of eating. Stop eating before you feel full. If you’re feel full, you have over eaten.

Remember, a portion size is the palm of your hand and the thickness of a deck of cards. This is important, we have been programed that a portion is a whopper supersized! No, it’s not!

Get up and out of the house! Movement is important in so many different ways. Sixty years ago, people were more active. They ate smaller portions of food. Food was prepared in the kitchen. Not picked up going through the drive through.

Stop asking your doctor for a pill to fix your problems. Pills have side effects. Many medications add weight to your body. Above all, take responsibility for your health!


Comfort foods are a part of society today and sixty years ago. But, we need to learn to ‘eat to live’, not ‘live to eat’! 

For example, comfort foods are an occasional part of the menu. Likewise, smaller portions are imperative to maintain good health.

Next, take a walk after eating. In doing so, burn off a calorie or two. See the outdoors in person, instead of seeing it on TV. You may discover that you actually like the outdoors. Birds singing, turtles meandering along, lizards running around, they are very entertaining when you watch them in action.

We can do this! Take back your health! Get your life back! Actually live your life! Don’t let it pass you by. In the end, you don’t want to look back and realized you missed out on life. Most importantly, you don’t want to look back and realize you wasted time on sitting in front of the TV. Those video games distracted you from living a full life.

One last thought

If you’re having problems with motivation to lose weight and become more active, try hypnosis. Seek out a certified hypnotist. No, hypnosis is not done on the phone! Read my articles under the hypnosis section on weight loss.


Obesity, The China Study Part 5 by Janet Lynas Ph.D., N.H.D.

Obesity, I think, is most likely the number one health concern facing Americans today.  Everywhere you look, people are overweight.  The statistics on obesity are staggering.

What do the terms “overweight” and “obese” mean?  The standard definition of body size is the mass index or BMI.  It is the body weight relative to body height.  Most definitions of being overweight is having a BMI above 25 and being obese is a BMI of over 30.

Mr. Campbell talks about a study in his book, “The China Study”, where obese people were told to eat as much as they wanted of foods that were mostly low-fat, whole-food and plant-based.  In three weeks these people had lost an average of 17 pounds.

But what about someone who eats plant-based and whole foods and does not lose weight?  Let’s look at some possible reasons; the diet is laced with large amounts of pastas and potatoes.  These high starch foods are readily digested sugars and starches that are oftentimes very high in fat as well.  Add in sweets and pastries and you have defeated the whole purpose of eating plant-based foods for weight management.

The second reason weight loss may be escaping you is that you are sitting on the couch or in your recliner watching TV or sleeping in front of the TV.  You have to get up and move.  Take a walk around your neighborhood, you may find that you actually like your neighbors.

Third, there are certain people who have a predisposition for overweight bodies making losing weight more challenging.  While it may be more of a challenge, it is not impossible to lose weight.


First of all, forget about counting calories.  It just sets you up for failure and stresses you out.

Secondly, don’t expect to sacrifice or deprive yourself of good tasting foods.  When you are eating healthy, you are most likely eating a larger volume of food, but it will naturally be lower in calories and made up of complex carbohydrates that take more energy to burn.

Studies show that vegetarians consume the same amount or even significantly more calories than their meat-eating friends, and are still slimmer.  Part of the reason they are slimmer, is that they may be more active to help burn the calories.  Plant based foods also contain calories that are more readily used by the body and not stored in fat tissues.

So, to sum it up, as Mr. Campbell said, “The diet that helps to reduce weight in the short run needs to be the same diet that treats and maintains health in the long run.”

Hypnosis is a useful tool to help with weight loss.  Many people find it gives them the boost that they need to get the weight off and keep it off.