
Listen to Yourself! by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I haven’t written an article on hypnosis in a long time. As I’ve shared with you, I’ve been traveling for the last seven months for Tesla BioHealing. I actually did hypnosis sessions while I was on the road. It seems as though people find me wherever I am. The right people, the right time and the right reason to do hypnosis.

About two weeks before I moved back to my hometown, I started getting request for hypnosis sessions. I find this really interesting since I closed my office and stopped advertising two years ago. There have been more request for hypnosis sessions since I closed my office.

Why do you want hypnosis?

This is the first question I usually ask when someone contacts me. As I have my pre-hypnosis discussion with each individual, I listen closely to what they are saying. You see, if I hear phrases like, “My spouse wants me to stop smoking, chewing tobacco” or … whatever the reason is I decline to do a hypnosis session. Why? Well, if they are only doing hypnosis to get their significant other off their back, it’s not going to work.

It doesn’t work because you’re telling yourself, “I don’t want to quit.” You’re listening to yourself. However, when I hear someone say, “I’m just ready to stop. I don’t like the process I have to go through to support this habit.”

That’s what I heard with the client in today’s session. He’s just tired of the whole process. Think about it. If you smoke or chew, you have to plan when you can make the time to do it. You have to plan to buy the product, then there’s the cost. If you work, there are only designated times you can take your smoke break. If you chew tobacco, you have to make sure you have a container to spit in. Then you have to have a way to dispose of the by-product. Think about what are you going to do with the spit, the tobacco wad, how do you dispose of it. It’s hard to find a way to dispose of the after effect. Do you put all the spit and tobacco wad in the trash? It’s not a good idea to flush it down the toilet.

Listening to when the time is right

Timing is everything! When the time is right, it’s right! I’m going to be speaking to a couple of children next week about hypnosis. One is ten and he’s interested in learning about it. I’m not sure how old his sister is. I love working with children. So, I’m looking forward to talking with them before I do a session for mom. No, she doesn’t want to let them watch the process. She has an issue she wants to work on and the children don’t need to know about it. Therefore, I will do a very short session with them to walk them through the process.

Who knows? Maybe, hypnotist in training.


Remember, I’ve told you before that hypnosis is a good tool to have in your tool bag. So, listen to yourself. When the time is right and you are listening to yourself, find a hypnotist in your area to help you reach your goals.