
What Are The Solutions For Stronger Intimacy? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

We’ve talked about the changes we face as we age and how these changes affect men.  Impotency messes with a man’s mind and self-esteem more than just about any other health problem. Men are embarrassed to talk about erectile dysfunction, ED, even with their physicians.

We talked about some of the causes of ED.  Again I want to emphasize that prescription drugs are at the top of the list of causes of ED.  Did you know that there are at least 84 prescription drugs that list ED as a side effect.  (Do not stop any of your medications without having a discussion with your doctor.)

What are some of the treatments for ED?

The most popular treatments are Viagra and Cialis.  Yes, another pill, but do you know that these drugs can actually make heart disease worse?  These drugs are dangerous if they are taken with certain cardiac medications.  They can even cause death.  Most of the men I have work with in the medical setting complain that these medications cause sever headaches.  They don’t like taking theses medications because of the side effects.

As a woman, I would not want my partner to risk his health or life with these prescriptions.  My partner’s health would be more important to me than what goes on in the bedroom.  There are other alternatives.

I never did understand the Cialis commercial on TV.  The one with two people sitting outside in antique bathtubs holding hands.  I just don’t get the connection.

What are the alternatives?

My background is in traditional medicine.  Traditional medicine is the reason I earned a Ph.D. in Natural Health.  On two occasions I had deadly serious complications from prescribed medications and nearly died. Numerous other times I have had serious complications with prescriptions.  I had to find an alternative for maintaining my health and for self preservation.

So, keeping this in mind, I will talk about safe alternatives that are known to work.  The science is behind the information.

There is a powerful trio of natural herbs that are known to help with ED.  There was a study published in the World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences talking about this power packed trio.

Researchers found that L-arginine, Pycnogenol and Red ginseng have helped most men. Research also shows that men 25 to 45 with documented ED had a 90% improvement by the 3rd month.  The first month these  men were given low dose of these herbs and saw a mild improvement.  The second month, the dose was increased and the results were 80% improvement.  By the 3rd month when the dose was once again increased, there was a 90% improvement!  No side effects!  Completely safe!

Big Pharma doesn’t want this information out because they can’t patent herbs.  Since they can’t patent herbs, they will tell you that the combination doesn’t work.

Let’s break down the herbs and take a closer look at the herbs and the science behind them.

Better blood flow means stronger performance!

L-arginine has many health benefits, but we are only going to review the effects it has on ED. The primary effect of L-arginine is its ability to form nitric oxide.  The purpose of nitric oxide is to relax the blood vessels including the ones flowing to the penis.  When nitric oxide is channeled to the penis, it becomes engorged with blood during sexual arousal.  There have been a number of studies on the effects of L-arginine confirming this.

Now, when you add in Pycnogenol you have created a powerful combination.  Pycnogenol is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.  (I have recommend Pycnogenol for clients with arthritis.  These clients saw results in movement and pain reduction when taking daily.  I have also recommended Pycnogenol for ADD.  Results have been remarkable.)

Pycnogenol, is an extract from the Martine Pine Bark tree in France.  This extract is more potent than the grape seed extract.  The whole component from the extract is needed for optimal results. Pycnogenol drastically increases the over-all blood flow, especially to the sexual organs.

Next in the mix is Red ginseng.  Red ginseng is used in Traditional Chinese medicine to increase stamina, strength and virility in men.  (Part of my training is in TCM.)   Red Ginseng has been confirmed in studies to show it can treat and prevent male sexual dysfunction.  In a double-blind study published in the Asian Journal of Andrology, 80 men with documented ED were given 1,000 mg of Red ginseng and the results were uniformly positive.  Analysis from different studies reveal that Red ginseng performs significantly better than a placebo.  The Siberian variety doesn’t contain the ginsenosides that are active and therapeutic in the other forms of Red ginseng. So, avoid the Siberian ginseng if you are wanting to improve your performance and have good results.

Safety first!

These herbs have been used for thousands of years (yes, thousands) and are proven to be safe.  If you are given a choice to improve your health in a safe way, why wouldn’t you?

For the women out there who are reading this article in hopes of helping the man in your life, these herbs are just as beneficial to you as they are for your man.

Big Pharma is good to hide and cover up the dangers of their products.  They put out false information about the effectiveness of nature’s healing powers.  They want to cover up the healing powers nature has because they can’t patent herbs and charge big fees for them.  I urge you to do your research on all medications you are taking so you are informed.


What Causes Male Impotence? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

In the first installment on Men’s Health we discussed changes in one’s body as we age.  We talked about the changes women go through and how women have similar problems with intimacy just as men do.  Men you are not alone.

Today I will address the most common causes of impotence, remember impotence is not just in men, but with women as well.

What Are The Most Common Causes Of Impotence?

Did you know that your medications are playing havoc with your sex life?  So can your emotions and stress.

There can be several contributing factors for impotence. These include both emotional and physical disorders. According to The Merck Manual, an estimated 50 percent of men ages 40 to 70 experience some ED at one time or another. The risk of impotence increases with age.  Note it says, risk, not that it will happen.

Taking certain medications can affect blood flow, which can lead to ED. You should never stop taking a medicine without a discussion with your doctor, even if it’s known to cause impotence.

Examples of medications known to cause impotence include:

  • alpha-adrenergic blockers, including tamsulosin (Flomax)
  • beta-blockers, such as carvedilol (Coreg) and metoprolol (Lopressor)
  • cancer chemotherapy medications, such as cimetidine (Tagamet)
  • central nervous system depressants, such as alprazolam (Xanax), diazepam (Valium), and codeine (found in various brand name drugs)
  • central nervous system stimulants, such as cocaine or amphetamines
  • diuretics, such as furosemide (Lasix) and spironolactone (Aldactone)
  • selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs (Prozac, Paxil)
  • synthetic hormones, such as leuprolide (Eligard)


Depression and anxiety also contribute to increased risk for impotence. Depression is a feeling of sadness, loss of hope, or helplessness. Fatigue related to depression can also cause impotence.

Performance anxiety can be another cause of impotence. If a man wasn’t able to achieve an erection in the past, he may fear he won’t be able to achieve an erection in the future. Men may  find that they can’t achieve an erection with a certain partner. The fear of failing again with the same partner can cause performance anxiety. You may find you are able to have full erections when masturbating or when sleeping, yet you aren’t able to maintain an erection during intercourse.

The body’s endocrine system produces hormones that regulate metabolism, sexual function, reproduction, mood, and so much more.  Diabetes is the number one endocrine system organic cause of impotence.

Diabetes affects the body’s ability to utilize the hormone insulin. One of the side effects associated with chronic diabetes is nerve damage. Other complications associated with diabetes are impaired blood flow and hormone levels.

Several neurological diseases can cause impotence.  Diseases such as dementias, Multiple Sclerous, Parkinson’s, and brain injuries to name a few illnesses.

Men who have had prostate gland surgery can also experience nerve damage that causes impotence.

And did you know long distance bicycle riders can also experience temporary impotence. The reason is because of the repeated pressure on the buttocks and genitals. This pressure can affect the function of the nerves.

Unhealthy lifestyles can contribute to impotence.  Smoking, the abuse of drugs such as amphetamines and cocaine. Men with alcoholism and alcohol abuse cannot maintain a full erection during intercourse.  Men who are obese can find it difficult to be intimate.

What Are The Percentages?

The National Institutes of Health estimates that erectile dysfunction strikes as many as 30 million men in the United States. Its prevalence does increase with age — 4 percent of men in their 50s are affected by ED, 17 percent in their 60s, and 47 percent of those over 75.

The next installment will talk about solutions.  We will look at the traditional treatment of medications and the side effects.  We will also take a look at some natural remedies that can be used.


References: https://www.healthline.com/health/erectile-dysfunction/common-causes-impotence#endocrine-diseases

Men’s Health, What Could a Woman Possibly Know About Men’s Health? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I’m starting a series on Men’s Health. What could a woman possibly know about men’s health? You’re not a man, so how can you understand what’s important to a man?

You’re right, I’m not a man. Most of what men read about in men’s health is from the male prospective.  Maybe you would like to learn about men’s health from a woman’s prospective.  Sometimes women have a deeper understanding about what’s going on with the men in their lives than the men realize.

My series will start with middle aged men and their concerns about growing older.  The top concern I hear men talking about is their sexual prowess.  I have heard horror stories about men taking more than the prescribed dosage with Viagra and Cialis.  These same men have also added Power Drinks into the mix for more energy.  This is a deadly cocktail.  You’re lucky you’re still alive!

Before I dive right into the topic of sexual prowess, I want to discuss sex from the middle aged woman’s prospective.

Men Are Not Alone In Decreased Libido

Men, you are not the only ones who are facing difficulty with sexual performance.  Women have a better understanding on decreased libido and decreased energy than you think.  We understand the affect this issue has not only on the physical aspect of having sex, but also the devastating affect on the emotional level.

Women are embarrassed about their inability to preform just as men are.  Let’s take a look at the physical changes that take place in a woman’s body and how it affects them.

  • Menopause – Did you know that some women start peri-menopause in their 30s?  Menopause is a difficult time for most women.  Hormones fluctuate causing mood swings and hot flashes.  Menopause also contributes to loss of libido in women.  This stage of life will pass.  Women are looking for natural ways to get through this stage of life instead of using the dangerous hormone replacement therapy.  Many women feel that they are less of a woman if they can’t reproduce children.  As a woman ages, she feels that she will be over looked by men for younger more vibrant women.  This is devastating for the woman.
  • Vagina Dryness – This often occurs with menopause, but stress can contribute to it as well. Vaginal dryness causes intercourse to be painful.  Even with lubrication sex can be painful.  Experiment with different lubricants to find one that works best for the two of you.
  • Sexual disfunction – Women are just as embarrassed to discuss sexual disfunction as men are.  She may not even be able to put into words why she has lost the desire to have sex.  When she says, “It’s not you, it’s me” believe her!  There are natural ways for her to increase her sexual performance and many women are talking more openly about the situation.
  • Organism Problems – There are times when women will not be able to have an organism.  It’s just as frustrating to her as it is for you when you have a problem in achieving an erection.  Sometimes the problem is physical for a women and other times it’s an emotional issue.  Either way, there is help for her.
Sexually Transmitted Disease In Middle Age

You think that you don’t have to worry about pregnancy at some point in time.  Sex should be more fun now that unwanted pregnancy is no longer a problem.  Right?  Pregnancy may not be a problem, but STD is.

I remember as a young nurse in the early 1970s seeing patients come into the doctor’s office where I worked with STDs.  I would give the prescribed injection to the patient and to all the other people they had had sex with.

Guess what?  This generation did not learn their lesson!  This is now the middle aged generation.  Did you know that STD has more than doubled among middle-aged adults and the elderly over the last decade?  Remember, this is the generation of ‘free love’.  There are several reasons why this is a problem with the middle age group.  I will not go into all the reasons in this article.

Recently one of my friends told me about a talk she had with an older woman.  This woman is going on a cruise and she is hoping to find a man to connect with in more ways than others, if you know what I mean.  My friend, had to have ‘the talk’ with this older woman about protecting herself from contracting a STD.  My friend had to talk to this older woman about being prepared by having some lubrication with her as well. The shoe’s on the other foot as a 60+ year old woman is lecturing a woman in her late 70s.  Never thought I would be hearing about a conversation like this one.

Statics on STD Among Seniors

According to the CDC, close to 2,550 cases of syphilis were reported among adults between the ages of 45 and 65 in 2010 — up from around 900 cases in 2000.

And the number of reported chlamydia cases in the age group almost tripled, from around 6,700 in 2000 to 19,600 a decade later.

Having second thoughts about sleeping around?  You should.  You still have to protect yourself.

Women are more understanding than you give them credit for.  If the woman you’re with doesn’t understand and support you, then she’s superficial and you don’t need that!

Upcoming topics

Next segment is on the causes of male sexual problems.  Did you know one of the biggest reasons in male sexual problems is the medications you are taking?  Most of the sexual problems men have are not organic in cause.

We will take a look at the most common causes of impotence and what can be done to increase your performance.  We will explore natural remedies and how this approach is safer and healthier.

Make sure you subscribe to this blog so you will not miss out on the upcoming topics.



The Salt of the Earth by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Have you ever head of Himalayan salt? The health benefits are impressive. Did you know that you might already be using Himalayan salt? I bet you’ve heard of Pink Himalayan Salt. You may be using it already. So, what is the big ‘to do’ about Himalayan salt? Is one type of Himalayan salt better than another? I could only find two research articles on the benefits of Himalayan salt. It seems that more studies should be done.

The first was conducted at the University of Graz, Austria in 2001, and is detailed in the book Water & Salt, The Essence of Life.

The second was a double-blind placebo clinical study was conducted in 2007, in Las Vegas, Nevada. The intent was to test the body’s reaction to the ingestion of common sea salt versus the ingestion of Original Himalayan Crystal Salt. The purpose of this study was to evaluate Original Himalayan Crystal Salt as a safe and effective all-natural mineral supplement.

The conclusion of the study:

Original Himalayan Crystal Salt was shown to be a highly effective product for the normalizing of mineralization in the human body. It has also shown to be effective in helping to stabilize pH and Oxidative Stress numbers in the human body. Hydration indicators showed an average of ten percent increase over the course of this study.

Original Himalayan Crystal Salt has not demonstrated any adverse side effects or organ system involvement, contraindications, or interactions with any food or drug, allowing the product to be used for extended periods of time. The time course and strength of its effects make it a viable alternative to common sea salt.

Having said this…..

What is Pink Himalayan Salt?

Himalayan salt is a unique salt that comes from salt mines 5,000 feet below the Himalayan Mountain Range. This salt is classified as rock salt or halite, which comes from the Punjab region of Pakistan about 190 miles from the Himalayas. The salt is believed to be a product of the dried remnants of the original, primal sea. Now that’s old!

Himalayan salt is about 4 billion years old and is thought to have formed during the creation of the earth. Because of the pressure of the earth on the salt, 5,000 feet deep, the salt is considered to be 99% pure.

Himalayan salt’s colors are pink, white or red. As with other foods, the richer the color, the better the mineral content. Himalayan salt is chemically sodium chloride (NaCl), which is defined as a mineral substance. It is important in the health of humans and animals. Salt is essential for maintaining healthy functioning of the body’s cells, nerve conduction, digestion, as well as the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste products. Himalayan salt is said to have between 60 to 84 trace minerals.

What is the difference between Himalayan salt and ordinary table salt?

Himalayan salt is the more pure form of salt and the best Himalayan salt is mined by hand. On the other hand, ordinary table salt is heavily processed and the processing of the salt destroys the minerals that were in the salt. Ordinary table salt is typically 97.5 percent to 99.9 percent sodium chloride. However, a high-quality unrefined salt like Himalayan sea salt is only about 87 percent sodium chloride.

As a result of the processing with ordinary table salt, sodium is the only ingredient left. Some companies add iodine plus there are dangerous anti-clumping agents added to the salt. Many commercial table salts also undergo a bleaching process and they contain aluminum derivatives and other ingredients known to be highly toxic to human health. Remember, aluminum is believed to contribute to the different dementias.

Why would we want to add yet another toxic food to our diet?

What are the health benefits of Himalayan salt?

The most noted health benefits of Himalayan salt include:

  1. Himalayan salt shows an improvement in respiratory function. The Lung Institute research shows that salt is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, loosens excessive mucus and speeds up mucus clearance, removes pathogens in the air like pollen, and decreases IgE level (immune system oversensitivity).
  2. It helps to balance your body’s ph levels. When your pH has a healthy acid-to-alkaline ratio, it makes an important difference in your overall health. A proper pH helps foster your immunity, encourages good digestion and has an effect on your blood pH.
  3. Himalayan salt is beneficial in the digestion of food. The Himalayan salt stimulates the peristalsis of the digestive organs, balances the stomach acid, supports the production of digestive fluids in the liver and pancreas, regulates the metabolism and harmonizes the acid-alkaline balance.
  4. Purifies the air. Himalayan salt lamps are known to improve air quality inside your home or office. Himalayan salt lamps attract water vapors to it as well as air pollutants. The water vapor evaporates due the lamp’s heat, but the dust and allergens remain in the salt instead of getting into your body. That’s pretty cool isn’t it?
  5. Himalayan salt can enhance better sleep. But, how can that be, you say? There was research done in 1989 showing that a low-sodium diet can cause disturbed and irregular sleep patterns. Dr. Michael V. Vitiello, the director of the Sleep and Aging Research Program at the University of Washington in Seattle, keenly points out, “low levels of sodium in the blood cause blood volume to decrease, and the sympathetic nervous system becomes more active in order to compensate. That causes sleepers to wake up more often and have difficulty going back to sleep.” (Michael V. Vitiello, PhD is an internationally recognized expert in sleep, circadian rhythms and sleep disorders in aging. His NIH funded research focuses on the causes, consequences and treatments of disturbed sleep, circadian rhythms and cognition in older adults. He is the author of 450+ scientific publications.)

There are additional health benefits resulting with the use of Himalayan salt. In summary, the benefits affect every aspect of life including; aiding in balancing the water levels in the body, to the prevention of leg cramps, to heart health, and to improved libido. That’s rather sexy!

As with any salt, you don’t want to over use Himalayan salt. Keep it stored in an airtight container. The benefits are many do to the high mineral content.

There are many brands of Himalayan salt on the market. As with any product you don’t want to go the cheap route. You get what you pay for. Do your research, but in my research I found that The Spice Lab Himalayan salt is rated the best. You can get a two pound bag for around $7.55.

Enjoy the ‘salt of the earth’ and its benefits with Himalayan salt.

Pass the soda! by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I teach my clients that drinking soda pop is detrimental to their health.  Yes, even the sugar free sodas add inches to the waist line. There are numerous health risks in drinking soda.

Soda typically contains carbonated water, a sweetener, and a natural or artificial flavoring. Most sodas also contain caffeine, colorings, preservatives, and/or other additives.

A 20 ounce can of soda contains  17 teaspoons of sugar.
What Are The Health Risk?

Let’s just dive right in and get started.It’s a hot day and you reach for an ice cold soda. Is that really a good idea? Soda will dehydrate you even more than the heat. How can that be you ask? Soda has caffeine and caffeine will cause you to urinate more, thus causing more dehydration than the sweating you are doing in the heat. When the cells are dehydrated, they are not able to absorb the nutrients they need to maintain a healthy balance.Harvard did a study on over 3,000 women and the report showed that there was a two-fold risk in kidney function decline. The results of this 11 year study were:

Consumption of ≥ 2 servings per day of artificially sweetened soda is associated with a 2-fold increased odds for kidney function decline in women.Regular soda has enough sugar in it to contribute to type 2 Diabetes. The high level of sugar adds a strain on the pancreas causing the pancreas to struggle with trying to keep up with the body’s need for more insulin. Did you know that 1 to 2 servings of the sugary drink increases your risk of type 2 Diabetes by 25%? Scary isn’t it?

The average 20 ounce can of soda contains 17 teaspoons of sugar. The sugar not only contributes to diabetes, but also to tooth decay.

Ok, so I’ll drink diet free soda. Well, that’s not a good idea either. Artificial sweeteners are linked to numerous illness including cancer.

    1. But, diet soda will help me lose weight. Think again! A study done by the University of Texas Health Science Center found that the more diet sodas a person drinks the greater the risk for becoming over weight, 500% increase!
    2. By drinking sugary sodas and other sugar ladened drinks, you are creating a problem with your liver. Your liver will become fat resulting in a fatty liver. In a study of over 2,000 people, non-alcohol related fatty liver disease was noted with CT scans of the liver. This higher rate was noted with people who drank more than one serving of soda a day compared to people who do not drink soda.
    3. Soda increase obesity in children by 60%. Other health issues are caused by children drinking sugary drinks. Type 2 diabetes is on the increase in children as well as fatty livers.
    4. The acid in soda wears away the enamel on teeth. You will be seeing your dentist more, so you may want to make friends with him/her.
    5. Soda cans are lined with BPA. BPA is known to disrupt the endocrine. BPA is also linked to heart disease, obesity and reproductive problems. If you are having problems in conceiving a child, this could be contributing to it.
    6. The artificial coloring in sodas that give it the caramel color is linked to cancer. It is made by reacting sugars with ammonia and sulfites under high pressure and temperatures. Studies have shown a connection with the artificial coloring and  lung, liver, or thyroid cancer or leukemia in laboratory mice and rats.
    7. Caramel coloring is linked to vascular disease.
    8. Each soda you consume a day has a 20% increase in heart disease in men.
    9. Drinking more than one soda a day increases your risk for heart disease and metabolic syndrome. Your risk is increased by 48%.
    10. Sodas containing ascorbic acid and potassium benzoate can form benzene which is a known carcinogen.
    11. Sodium benzoate is used as a mold inhibitor. These chemicals have the ability to cause severe damage to DNA in the mitochondria to the point that they totally inactivate it.  Note: Some companies have phased out sodium benzoate. Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi have replaced it with another preservative, potassium benzoate. Both sodium and potassium benzoate were classified by the Food Commission in the UK as mild irritants to the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes.
    12. Some sodas contain brominated vegetable oil. BVO is also added to many sports drinks and citrus drinks. BVO is a flame retardant!
    13. Soda interferes with your metabolism. The high sugar in soda and other sugary drinks slows the metabolism causing it to be harder to burn fat and lose weight.
    14. Soda depletes calcium from your bones. The phosphoric acid is the culprit.
    15. High levels of soda consumption have been linked to asthma.


    What about sparkling water? Sparkling water can be a healthier choice than soda, but like any other drink, watch out for the artificial colorings.
    So, what can we drink?
    Water, but make sure it’s from a pure source. But, water is boring and has no flavor you say. Add a slice of organic fruit to your water.
  • Hibiscus tea – is found to be highest in antioxidants.
  • Apple Cider vinegar in water – make sure you buy Bragg’s of the Mother apple cider vinegar (any brand with of the Mother is fine). Dr. Jarivs wrote a book about the benefits of apple cider vinegar. I encourage you to read about this amazing product. Start out with a tablespoon of the vinegar in about 8 ounces of water. As you become adjusted to the taste increase the amount to 2 tablespoons. Don’t drink the vinegar straight, it can burn the esophagus. Apple cider vinegar is good for indigestion and doesn’t have the side effects of the prescription medications.  Many of these medications are under investigation.
  • White tea – has antioxidants that are good cancer prevention options.
  • Green tea – organic teas have health benefits and is rich in flavonoids.

Did you know the best way to brew tea is with the cold method? Hot water will decrease the amount of antioxidants in the tea. Also, leave the milk out. Milk has sugars that cancer feeds on plus it reduces the antioxidants in the tea.


I encourage you to learn about the different teas and the health benefits.  The benefits of organic teas are many and I could write an article on each tea.  Note that if you add lemon juice to the teas, you will be increasing the antioxidants to each cup. Green tea with lemon is a good liver detox. Start your morning off with the organic teas to give your body a boost in health benefits.

Yin, Yang and the Circle of Life by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang describes how opposite or contrary forces are actually complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world.  It also defines how they give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another.

A working definition: Yin/Yang: Two halves that together complete the wholeness.  When something is whole, it’s unchanging and complete. Once something is split into two halves it upsets the equilibrium of wholeness. Both yin/yang halves are seeking to reconnect with each other as they try to form a new balance with each other.

The word Yin comes out to mean “shady side” and Yang “sunny side”.

The Yin and Yang of Male and Female

There are two opposing sides of this Chinese philosophy. While yang is male, yin is female the concept has a deeper meaning. Flowing through each of us is yin and yang, male and female within us which is why balancing them is considered important. Besides being associated with femaleness, yin also involves Earth, darkness, passiveness, and cold.

Yang is the male energy in action.  Fiery action moving into the Yang is considered to be light or enlightened.

Yang, standing on the left side, is white while the quiet yin, on the right side, is black. This symbol depicts the opposite sides of these two energies.

The Cycle of Life

Our world is in a constant state of change. Movement through distinct cycles can be fast or slow, each having an opposite and equal value:

  • Dark and light
  • Cold and hot
  • Birth and death
  • Sun and moon

The rules of life became evident and proves that the theory of opposites must exist in order to create a whole. Yin is considered the essence of female energy while yang is male energy.

This represents the opposing qualities of the two energies. Note that within each curved half is another very small circle. These tiny inner circles are the opposite color and matches the opposite half. The tiny dot represents that each side is dependent upon the other for its existence. The smaller circle also shows transformation as it’s realized from the co-existence and dependency upon each other. This sign is perfect to illustrate how everything is connected. The symbol signifies nothing is solitary in life. Each person, animal, plant, element and depends upon the others for its existence. Nothing can in and of it self can exist alone.

Eastern Understanding on Life

Ancient Chinese and modern day Chinese understand that the world is in a constant state of change.  Yet in this change, it moves through distinct cycles, each having an opposite and equal value:

  • Night and day
  • Cold and hot
  • Birth and death
  • Sun and moon

By examining this world of fixed cycles, we see that the theory of opposites must exist in order to create the whole.

The yin/yang of life becomes the ultimate divine circle:

  • Night turns into day and then day turns back into night
  • Birth ends in death and death ends in rebirth
Universal Cycles

Within the universe and everything in it, there is a constant cycle. In this infinite cycle, one force dominates and as that cycle fades, it is then replaced by the opposing force. Examples illustrating the yin yang philosophy include:

  • Life and death
  • Heaven and earth
  • Male and female
  • Black and white
  • Night and day
  • Health and sickness
  • Poverty and wealth
  • Cycles of the seasons
  • Positive and negative
There are several good websites on yin/yang.  For more detailed insight on yin/yang visit:
Application of Yin/Yang in Life

I have given considerable thought to the yin/yang of life.  There is no right or wrong, good or bad, light or dark, strong or weak, within this philosophy of life.  Life is not black and white, or clear cut.  It takes both the yin and yang to complete us.

Look deep within yourself to see the heart’s desire and to recognize new ideas.  You have to realize that it takes both the male and female to see these desires come to light.

Each of us have male and female.  Once we identify a heart’s desire, we need to plant the immature seed within the yin/feminine.  Growing within this rich dark soil is where the seed is anchored while it’s nourished and protected.  The yin/feminine holds the seed as it matures, just as the female holds the fetus within her womb as it grows and develops.

Once the seed is ready to break through the ground and reach for the light, then it is ready for the strong action of the yang/male energy.  With the strength of the yang/male energy, we see our heart’s desire become a reality.

Within each of us, we have a “shadow side” and an “enlightened side”.  We tend to want to ignore our “shadow side”.  It’s hard to admit that there is an aspect to our psyche that’s on the dark side, in which we could do harm to others.  What we have to realize is that we need this “dark side” to be complete.  This side gives us the strength we need in times of “life or death” situations.  One would not be able to protect themselves or their loved ones in a crisis without the strength of the “darkness” each of us cares within.

Embrace both the yin and yang of your personality.  It is within this realm of life that we become whole and are able to function in life.  Within this sacred space we become whole.