We’ve talked about the changes we face as we age and how these changes affect men.  Impotency messes with a man’s mind and self-esteem more than just about any other health problem. Men are embarrassed to talk about erectile dysfunction, ED, even with their physicians.

We talked about some of the causes of ED.  Again I want to emphasize that prescription drugs are at the top of the list of causes of ED.  Did you know that there are at least 84 prescription drugs that list ED as a side effect.  (Do not stop any of your medications without having a discussion with your doctor.)

What are some of the treatments for ED?

The most popular treatments are Viagra and Cialis.  Yes, another pill, but do you know that these drugs can actually make heart disease worse?  These drugs are dangerous if they are taken with certain cardiac medications.  They can even cause death.  Most of the men I have work with in the medical setting complain that these medications cause sever headaches.  They don’t like taking theses medications because of the side effects.

As a woman, I would not want my partner to risk his health or life with these prescriptions.  My partner’s health would be more important to me than what goes on in the bedroom.  There are other alternatives.

I never did understand the Cialis commercial on TV.  The one with two people sitting outside in antique bathtubs holding hands.  I just don’t get the connection.

What are the alternatives?

My background is in traditional medicine.  Traditional medicine is the reason I earned a Ph.D. in Natural Health.  On two occasions I had deadly serious complications from prescribed medications and nearly died. Numerous other times I have had serious complications with prescriptions.  I had to find an alternative for maintaining my health and for self preservation.

So, keeping this in mind, I will talk about safe alternatives that are known to work.  The science is behind the information.

There is a powerful trio of natural herbs that are known to help with ED.  There was a study published in the World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences talking about this power packed trio.

Researchers found that L-arginine, Pycnogenol and Red ginseng have helped most men. Research also shows that men 25 to 45 with documented ED had a 90% improvement by the 3rd month.  The first month these  men were given low dose of these herbs and saw a mild improvement.  The second month, the dose was increased and the results were 80% improvement.  By the 3rd month when the dose was once again increased, there was a 90% improvement!  No side effects!  Completely safe!

Big Pharma doesn’t want this information out because they can’t patent herbs.  Since they can’t patent herbs, they will tell you that the combination doesn’t work.

Let’s break down the herbs and take a closer look at the herbs and the science behind them.

Better blood flow means stronger performance!

L-arginine has many health benefits, but we are only going to review the effects it has on ED. The primary effect of L-arginine is its ability to form nitric oxide.  The purpose of nitric oxide is to relax the blood vessels including the ones flowing to the penis.  When nitric oxide is channeled to the penis, it becomes engorged with blood during sexual arousal.  There have been a number of studies on the effects of L-arginine confirming this.

Now, when you add in Pycnogenol you have created a powerful combination.  Pycnogenol is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.  (I have recommend Pycnogenol for clients with arthritis.  These clients saw results in movement and pain reduction when taking daily.  I have also recommended Pycnogenol for ADD.  Results have been remarkable.)

Pycnogenol, is an extract from the Martine Pine Bark tree in France.  This extract is more potent than the grape seed extract.  The whole component from the extract is needed for optimal results. Pycnogenol drastically increases the over-all blood flow, especially to the sexual organs.

Next in the mix is Red ginseng.  Red ginseng is used in Traditional Chinese medicine to increase stamina, strength and virility in men.  (Part of my training is in TCM.)   Red Ginseng has been confirmed in studies to show it can treat and prevent male sexual dysfunction.  In a double-blind study published in the Asian Journal of Andrology, 80 men with documented ED were given 1,000 mg of Red ginseng and the results were uniformly positive.  Analysis from different studies reveal that Red ginseng performs significantly better than a placebo.  The Siberian variety doesn’t contain the ginsenosides that are active and therapeutic in the other forms of Red ginseng. So, avoid the Siberian ginseng if you are wanting to improve your performance and have good results.

Safety first!

These herbs have been used for thousands of years (yes, thousands) and are proven to be safe.  If you are given a choice to improve your health in a safe way, why wouldn’t you?

For the women out there who are reading this article in hopes of helping the man in your life, these herbs are just as beneficial to you as they are for your man.

Big Pharma is good to hide and cover up the dangers of their products.  They put out false information about the effectiveness of nature’s healing powers.  They want to cover up the healing powers nature has because they can’t patent herbs and charge big fees for them.  I urge you to do your research on all medications you are taking so you are informed.