
Food for thought! by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Last night, I decided I wanted to have a creamy dessert. I opened the freezer door, reached in and grabbed a package. Opening the refrigerator door, I took out a container of almond milk. Dumping the contents of the package into my blender and adding the almond milk, I began to blend the creamy dessert.

Once blended, I poured the contents into a bowl and took my seat on the couch to enjoy my treat. Tasting the first spoonful of the ingredients, I realized it didn’t taste like blueberries! The bowl was a green concoction! What happened?!

When I reached into the freezer, I had grabbed a bag of kale instead of blueberries. Laughing out loud at my mistake, I sat back down and enjoyed my Kale smoothie.

Above all, the lesson to this story is, turn on the light in the kitchen before you snatch a bag out of the freezer. Then read the label before you deposit the contents into the blender. Most important of all, have a sense of humor, laugh at yourself when you mess up!

What is kale?

Kale is a leafy, dark green vegetable and at times may have some purple coloration. It is filled with nutrients and flavor. For instance, kale belongs to the same family as broccoli, collard greens, cabbage, and cauliflower. This group of vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals. To me, kale has a mild flavor, not pungent as some greens can be.

Benefits of kale

Kale is full of vitamins and minerals, including:

  • Vitamin A
  • B vitamins
  • Vitamin C
  • All important vitamin K for blood clotting

In addition, kale is rich in, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, and phosphorus. It also supplies energy-supporting B vitamins, some plant-based omega-3 fatty acids and plant protein. It also has a good amount of fiber to help keep your bowel movements regular. Kale contains antioxidants that help prevent cell damage and may also help protect against cancer. Kale supports the immune system, heart and eye health.

For instance, kale’s rich contents aids in the health and reproduction of skin and brain cells. Kale is additional a potent source of antioxidants known to reduce inflammation, a trigger of premature aging and disease. One cup of kale is filled with 10% of the RDA recommendation of omega-3 fatty acids.

Our friend, kale furthermore, improves blood sugar, insulin and lipid levels in sufferers of type 2 diabetes.

List of the dirty dozen 2020 the downside of fruits and vegetables
  1. Strawberries
  2. Spinach
  3. Kale
  4. Nectarines
  5. Apples
  6. Grapes
  7. Peaches
  8. Cherries
  9. Pears
  10. Tomatoes
  11. Celery
  12. Potatoes

I’m a strong advocate of eating organic as much as possible. Eating clean is a choice and can be expensive. However, by eliminating junk food such as cokes, candy, potato chips, and sugary desserts, as well as tobacco products, you will see that you have the money to make healthier choices.

In other words, make sure that you clean your food products well. Rinsing is not enough. There are organic food cleaners that you can buy at your local grocery store. Using food cleaning products helps to ensure that your food is cleaner and pesticides are eliminated or at the very least reduced.

Growing your own food organically is a great alternative to buying organic foods. Many neighborhoods are having community gardens. My neighborhood is considering doing just this very thing!

How to eat kale

I like to eat vegetarian pizza. Often times, I will through a handful of kale on my pizza for extra nutrients. As of last night, I now enjoy a kale smoothie. This smoothie consist of kale blended with a small amount of almond milk. Let’s look at some other ways to eat kale.

Adding kale to your diet is easy. Mix a cup of kale into your favorite soup recipe. By adding this power packed green to your soup, you have given the recipe a boost in nutrients.

If you want to snack on something crispy, roast fresh kale in the oven.

Preheat the oven to 300 degrees

Each batch takes about 16-17 minutes to cook. Make as many batches as you want.

Prepare the kale by washing and rinsing the leaves to remove contaminates. Remove any thick/tough stems from the kale.

Next, place the kale on a cookie sheet spreading it out evenly. Drizzle with olive oil and add a touch of sea salt if you want the taste of salt.

Once baked for 16-17 minutes, take out of the oven and let the chips cool.

If you don’t want to take the time to make these chips from scratch, you can buy them pre-made.

Be brave! Add kale to all your favorite recipes! You will be pleasantly surprised!


    If you take blood-thinning medicine (such as anticoagulant or anti-platelet drugs), you may need to limit vitamin K foods. It’s well known, vitamin K can affect how these medicines work. Realize that vitamin K clots the blood.



    Feeling Lost? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

    Do you find yourself feeling lost during this time of lockdown?  How do you find yourself if you’re feeling lost?

    Setting the foundation

    You feel very uncomfortable because you are in an unfamiliar situation and don’t know how to deal with the current environment. The feeling of being lost within yourself can cause one to be in an obscure state of existence.

    Why people can feel lost
    1. You feel lost because you have lost connection with your heart and soul
    2. We live our lives according to how others think think we should live, not what we think
    3. Believing other people’s opinions about us are more important than our own opinion
    4. You have a distorted perspective of yourself
    5. Listening to the voice of fear about the “what ifs”, instead of seeing the “what is”

    This list is short, but touches base on the main reasons why one can feel lost. Everyone feels lost at one time or another. However, feeling lost isn’t the problem. It becomes an issue when you are unable to find your way.

    Finding your way

    These are precarious times. Life as we have known it, is no longer the same. It will never return to the way “things were”. That’s not a bad thing to happen to the world. Change is more often is a good thing. Change gets us out of the rut!

    • Make time to go “into the closet” so to speak. Be alone. This is very different from being lonely. Listen to that voice deep inside of you.The voice giving you support and love.
    • Know yourself. Drop the opinions of others about who you are. Get to know you. It’s a journey that may take you a lifetime, but it doesn’t matter how long it takes.
    • Dump the mental and emotional garbage that other people have labeled you with. Those are their thoughts and their thoughts don’t count. Develop a healthy attitude about yourself.
    • Take action. Learn what’s important to you. Know your heart’s desire. Realize the only boundaries are the ones you put on yourself.
    • Let go! Let go of the fears, fears are an illusion that hold you back from being the best you can be.
    • Above all, live your life! Do what makes you happy! In the end, it’s the actions you take that bring joy and happiness into your life that counts. It’s the love that you experience within yourself that has meaning. Don’t get to the end of your life only to realize that you didn’t live your life! Doing things isn’t living.

    In summary

    No power in the universe is going to save you. Only you have that power. Liberation comes from you, no one else can liberate you. Having said this, you believe in what you identify with. Therefore, be very careful with who or what you identify with.

    I once was asked to do hypnosis on a young girl who was putting too much pressure on herself to “be on the right path”. The pressure to do the right thing at all times was an enormous burden she was putting on herself. At the age of 15 years old, she was not able to enjoy life because of this self imposed weight. Anxiety had a foothold on her.

    Through hypnosis, she was able to see there are many paths in life and they are all the right path. There is no such thing as only having one path to follow. In addition to learning that her choices were unlimited, she was able to see the abundance life has to offer.

    Resources are not limited! There is abundance for all! For your own sake, live the life you have been given. It’s only too late when you have died. Make the choice to find yourself now!





    Fasting, Everyone Does It! by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

    I don’t care who you are you fast daily. “No I don’t you say.” Sure you do. When you go to bed at night, you’re fasting. You fast between meals. So, how does fasting affect the body. What’s the difference between the fasting that we all do and fasting for days on end?

    What is fasting?

    According to the definition of fasting: Fasting is voluntarily not eating food for varying lengths of time. Fasting is used as a medical therapy formany conditions. It is also a spiritual practice in many religions.

    People have fasted for thousands of years. Fasting is one of the oldest therapies in medicine. It restores health. 

    Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, taught us that fasting enables the body to heal itself. And Paracelsus, another great healer in the Western tradition, wrote 500 years ago that “fasting is the greatest remedy, the physician within.” Ayurvedic medicine, where my training lies, is the world’s oldest healing system, has long promoted fasting as an essential treatment.

    The principle behind fasting is quite simple. Food is temporarily stopped. This gives the systems of the body a break from the task of digestion. Fasting gives the body extra energy and the chance to heal and restore itself. During fasting, stored calories are burned and this rids the body of toxic substances stored in the tissue.

    However, we know the liver and immune system are free to detoxify and heal other parts of the body. In other words, American’s have a lousy diet. Fasting helps the body rid itself of the toxins taken in while eating and drinking. 

    What happens when we fast?

    We already know that fasting helps the body to rid itself of toxins.

    Next, the extra calories that we carry around are burned by the body. When you burn off the reserved calories, you may lose weight.

    Then, your appetite is resit. We tend to eat by the clock, not by if we are hungry or not.

    Thirdly, the affect on the brain is amazing. Often, we feel more alert when we go without food. Studies have shown that fasting twice a week may in fact decrease the risk for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative brain disease that affects memory and causes a loss in thinking and reasoning skills. Think about it this way, you’re clearing out the grim from the brain cells.

    The information on fasting and gut health is lacking to an extent. More research needs to be done. Having said this, we do know that change in the human microbiome may produce more healthy bacteria.

    Your sensitivity to insulin is changed. With healthy individuals, eating triggers the release of insulin. This is the hormone that moves glucose into the cells to be used for energy or stored for later use. Taking a break from eating causes insulin levels drop. As a result, one has improved insulin sensitivity, which is protective against diabetes.

    Do you fast longer periods of time or not?

    That’s an individual decision. Give serious consideration to how long you fast. I know people who have fasted for 40 days. However, I’m not sure this long period of fasting is beneficial.

    If you have never fasted before, I recommend to start with a one day fast. This will acquaint you with learning how your body responds to going without food. When you learn how your body reacts to being deprived of food, you begin to listen to what your body needs.

    Scaling back on food a few days before you begin your fast is recommended. It helps the body to adjust going without as much food. Which in turn, makes the transition easier on the body’s systems.

    Taking action in your health is a step in the right direction. Three days is a good start. This is usually done over the weekend.

    Be careful not to fast too frequently. Allow your body time to rebuild nutritional reserves. Two days per week is too frequent.

    Recommended fasting times for regular or occasionally to rebalance your body are one day per week and/or 3 days per month and/or 10 days yearly.

    Dangers of long fast

    The ultimate risk of fasting, of course, is death by starvation. This isn’t usually the case for people fasting for medical reasons. But, keep in mind, taking anything to an extreme is dangerous. Your body is depleted of the nutrients needed to function properly when depriving the body of nourishment.

    Even fasts for a few weeks or less can have dangerous consequences. Going without food puts two different types of stress on your heart. First, it eats into cardiac muscle for fuel. Our body does everything it can to conserve muscle during a fast, but inevitably some muscle will be sacrificed at the beginning of the fast.

    After a few days, the body switches over to using fat, but researchers have discovered that protein (muscle) utilization actually increases again, even though fat stores are still available. This protein includes the muscle in your heart. If weaken too much, heart failure will result.

    Strict water restriction is also a risk for heart failure because the body’s intracellular stores of minerals essential for cardiac function, like magnesium and potassium, are depleted.  The results of this cardiac muscle loss and mineral deprivation can be death.

    But what about getting rid of toxins?

    Another potential downside of long-term fasting is the rate of detox. Fat is your body’s storage organ for everything, this includes toxins that have accumulated over the years. You lose weight and all these toxins have to go somewhere. Toxins are removed through your bloodstream.

    This can cause a healing crisis, which can be extremely uncomfortable. These symptoms are even more pronounced when not eating, since the rate of fat burning is rapid. Often people feel nauseous, sick, or otherwise ill. You may feel like you have the flu.



    Some people simply shouldn’t practice extended fasts, period:

    • Young children are still growing rapidly and need adequate nutrition at every stage to make sure their bodies develop properly.
    • Very elderly people often don’t have the physical resources to fast safely.
    • People who are seriously ill, or people with chronic heart or kidney conditions, shouldn’t fast since their bodies may not be able to withstand the stress of fasting.
    • Women who are pregnant, or trying to get pregnant, should eat plenty of nutrient-dense food, because a well-fed state is essential for healthy reproduction.

    Above all, research fasting before you undertake going without food. Taking control of your health is recommended. No one knows your body like you do.


    In conclusion, talk with your heath care provider before starting a program of fasting.


    Living Ageless by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

    How old are you? Do you ever think about your age or do you dwell on the fact that you’re getting older? Age is just a number. The number only has meaning if you put emphasis on it.

    Be clear on this, you begin to age the moment you’re conceived! 

    I’m an ageless person. The number of years doesn’t mean much of anything to me. Being agelessness means not buying into the idea that a number determines everything from your state of health to your attractiveness or your value. However, being ageless is a state of mind more than anything else.

    Yes, first of all, it’s important to be proactive in living a healthy lifestyle. Eating healthy is important in maintaining your body. Movement is also important. You know the drill on healthy living styles and as a result this article will not talk about that aspect.

    It’s all in the attitude!

    What is your attitude? First, are you happy? What is your outlook on life in general? Second, what kind of people do you surround yourself with? Thirdly, what thoughts does your mind dwell on? In other words, what do you tell yourself?

    Many years ago I worked for a company that specialized in wound care. Being the vice president of the company, I managed the nursing staff. In addition, to managing the nursing staff, I did marketing for the company. So, medical conventions were an important component of the company’s viability.

    Often times, to save money the nurses would share a room while working the convention. On one occasion, I shared a room with a nurse I had worked with at another company. The moment this woman opened her eyes the first words out of her mouth were, “It’s hell getting old.” Every single morning I heard theses words come out of her mouth. At the time, this lovely woman was only in her 40s!

    You can be younger at 60 than you were at 20 because you’ve changed your attitude and your lifestyle. To be ageless is to deny the rules of what it means to be this age or that age. In other words, it means quite simply, to never grow “old”. (Like Peter Pan!) This woman believed that the best days were behind her and it’s all downhill from here on out. How sad. I haven’t seen her in years. I wonder about her at times.

    Who do you keep company with?

    I know people in their teenaged years who are old! They think old and act old! There’s an 82 year old woman I know who is younger than most people half her age. Actually, her husband is 16 years younger and he has to stay on his toes to keep up with her. She’s ageless.

    In my career, I saw many men and women in their upper years (80 and above) who were very active and healthy. They take no medications, none are needed. These individuals do what they want. Hiking, tennis, golf, water skiing, nothing slows them down!

    For instance, most of my friends are many years younger than I am. One of my closest friends is the same age as two of my daughters. When one of my daughters met Lisa she said, “Oh it’s like having another daughter.” Lisa quickly corrected my daughter by saying, “No! Your mother is my best friend!” To this day, Lisa forgets that I’m the same age as her mother.

    Think young, be curious and never stop learning or growing!

    Living in the moment

    Engage life without fear in thinking you’re growing old. We are long overdue for a radical paradigm shift in our beliefs about growing older. Centenarians are the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. population. This group is increasing at the rate of about 75,000 people per year. (I have written an article on this topic already.) There are about 53,300 centenarians in the U.S. and by 2050, there will be 600,000. Yep, you read that right! Ten times as many Americans will be over 100 years old two generations from now. The same is predicted for the world population. Current estimates put the figure of total centenarians worldwide at about 450,000. Most of these centenarians are active and very healthy.

    Surround yourself with active happy people. You will be better off for it.

    More thoughts on being ageless

    Ageless living is being fearless and courageous. It means not being distracted by the petty dramas in life. You have the experience to know what’s not worth worrying about. You’ve already determined your priorities. Above all, it means establishing a new relationship towards time. You have no fear of time. Embrace where you are in life.

    During the course of my career, I asked  people over 100 how they felt about being a hundred or more, the most common answers were blessed, happy, and surprised. In other words, because they’re living agelessly, they don’t pay attention to age. It truly is just a number.

    Where the mind goes, so does the rest of your life

    Therefore, as I’ve already talked about in other articles, what one’s mind dwells on, is what you will manifest into your life. However, if you pay attention to the thoughts that are foremost in your mind, what will manifest into your existence will be so much better.

    Above all, live in the moment with a positive attitude about your life.

    In summary

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Age is not even a thought for the ageless individual. Do I practice what I preach? I certainly do!

    Being a single woman, I have many opportunities in meeting people. I was recently asked out on a date by a man young enough to be my son. When I told him this he said, “No you’re not!” I replied, “Yes, I am.” His response, “I don’t believe you. I don’t care! Let’s go out!”

    He truly thought I was his age. Just as my friend, Lisa, continues to think I’m closer to her age than her mother’s.

    Did we go out? Of course we did! We had a great time and as a result, we’ve been friends for a couple of years now.

    Go live your life fearlessly! Be in the moment! Enjoy the moment you’re in!

    After are, you are ageless!


    What Kind of Nut are You? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D.,N.H.D.

    Part of my nursing career, I worked in the mental health department for the Veterans Administration Medical Center. Actually, I worked with mental health patients throughout my long nursing career. I have many interesting stories from the mental health department, but this is not the kind of nuts I’m referring to. And, I’m not going into the nuts and bolts of mental health.

    Adding nuts to the diet

    Once again I ask you, “What kind of nut are you?” Are you a fan of peanuts? Walnuts? What is your preference? “Nuts are high in fats!” I hear you say. Well, there is fat and then there is fat.

    It’s necessary for you to recognize that there are four different types of dietary fats. These are saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and trans fats.

    Trans fat is found in processed food items and is detrimental to health. Trans fat should be avoided at all cost. However, the other three types of fat are perfectly safe for consumption.

    Fats provide your body with energy and are stored for energy in the body. Healthy fats also help move vitamins A, D, E and K through your bloodstream and absorb them into your body. Fat also provides insulation for body temperature regulation by filling up your body’s adipose tissue. The essential fatty acids in fats also play a role in brain development, blood clotting and managing inflammation.

    Your body isn’t able to make certain essential fatty acids. These include linoleic and linolenic acid, so your body relies on one’s diet to provide them.

    How do nuts contribute to your health?

    According to the Mayo Clinic, research has found that people who are at risk of a heart attack can cut their risk by eating a healthy diet that includes nuts.

    Research suggests that eating nuts may:

    • Lower your low-density lipoprotein (LDL or “bad”) cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which play a major role in the buildup of deposits called plaques in your arteries
    • Improve the health of the lining of your arteries
    • Lower levels of inflammation linked to heart disease
    • Reduce the risk of developing blood clots, which can lead to a heart attack and death

    While being high in fat and calories, nuts are extremely healthy. Regularly eating nuts may even help you lose weight. Nuts are high in unsaturated fats which contribute to the oxidation of fatties and thermogenesis, thus, helping the body to burn calories at a faster rate. Also, nuts are high in fiber, which can increase the feeling of satiety or feeling fuller longer. Plus, you know the end result of fiber.

    Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals that the body needs to regulate and maintain bodily functions. A variety of nutrients are required in order to produce energy and bring about nerve impulses and muscular contractions. Furthermore, micronutrients are required for maintaining bone and immune health. Nuts contain a vast range of nutrients including vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, folate, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.

    Nuts are rich in antioxidants which can boost your immune system and reduce the risk of developing diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, and cancer.

    Does it matter which nuts you eat?

    Not really. Most nuts are generally healthy. Some may have more heart-healthy nutrients than others. For example, walnuts contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.

    Almonds, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts and pecans also appear to be quite heart healthy. And peanuts which are technically not a nut, but a legume, like beans, seem to be relatively healthy. Keep in mind that cashews are also a legume.

    Don’t cancel out the heart-healthy benefits of nuts by covering them with chocolate, sugar or salt. While they may taste good covered in chocolate, it defeats the health benefits.

    Wait a minute! What about nut oils?

    Nut oils also are a good source of healthy nutrients. However, they lack the fiber found in whole nuts.

    Consider using nut oils in making your own salad dressing or in cooking. Remember, in cooking with nut oils, they respond differently to heat than do vegetable oils. Nut oils can become bitter if overheated. Use nut oils in moderation since they are high in fat and calories.

    Wrapping it up

    Don’t be like the squirrel and save your nuts for the winter! Enjoy eating nuts in moderation and see your health improve.

    Of course, I have to add the disclaimer: Ignore this article if you have a nut allergy! In that case, do not add nuts to your diet.



    Mask by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

    First and foremost, this article is not a debate on whether or not you should wear a mask. It is a discussion on the different kinds of mask. I’m discussing this article from my experience as an Infection Prevention Nurse.

    Is one mask better than another?

    Have you noticed all the ads about one mask being better than the others? One has zinc in it. Another has copper woven in. Yet, another has a vent so your glasses won’t fog up.

    Let’s talk about the N95 mask. It’s used in the medical field, so it has to be better. Not really. Not for the general public. It can is used for care of patients with tuberculosis, varicella, and measles, other infectious diseases where use of an N95 respirator or higher is recommended. When practicing extended use of N95 respirators, the maximum recommended extended use period is 8–12 hours

    N95 has to be fitted to your face. It’s quite a process to fit one properly. One size certainly does not fit all. It takes about 15 minutes to properly fit the N95.

    It is not used for general purposes in the medical field and hospital.

    N95 Respirators Not for Use by the General Public

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) does not recommend that the general public wear N95 respirators to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including coronavirus (COVID-19). Those are critical supplies that must continue to be reserved for health care workers and other medical first responders, as recommended by current CDC guidance.

    • They are tested for fluid resistance, filtration efficiency (particulate filtration efficiency and bacterial filtration efficiency), flammability and biocompatibility.
    • They should not be shared or reused.
    General N95 Respirator Precautions
    • People with chronic respiratory, cardiac, or other medical conditions that make breathing difficult should check with their health care provider before using an N95 respirator because the N95 respirator can make it more difficult for the wearer to breathe.
    • Some models have exhalation valves that can make breathing out easier and help reduce heat build-up. Note that N95 respirators with exhalation valves should not be used when sterile conditions are needed.
    • All FDA-cleared N95 respirators are labeled as “single-use,” disposable devices. If your respirator is damaged or soiled, or if breathing becomes difficult, you should remove the respirator, discard it properly, and replace it with a new one. To safely discard your N95 respirator, place it in a plastic bag and put it in the trash. Wash your hands after handling the used respirator.
    • N95 respirators are not designed for children or people with facial hair. Because a proper fit cannot be achieved on children and people with facial hair, the N95 respirator may not provide full protection.

    Surgical mask: Sometimes called a medical mask, it protects people from the wearer’s respiratory emissions. But it’s designed to protect against large droplets, splashes or sprays of bodily fluid or other type of fluid. Surgical masks are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.

    Cloth mask: A dual-layered cloth mask is sufficient to protect people in public settings. It’s unlikely you’ll be infected in public by airborne viral particles. The real threat is touching an infected surface and then putting your hand to your face: Frequent hand-washing is a sure way to avoid COVID-19 or any virus and bacterial infection.

    Mask with valves: In a healthcare setting, however, these masks are unacceptable.

    They should not be used, says the CDC, “where a sterile field must be maintained (e.g., during an invasive procedure in an operating or procedure room) because the exhalation valve allows unfiltered exhaled air to escape into the sterile field.”

    Valved masks are advertised frequently online and often look both functional and fashionable. The buyer, meanwhile, probably doesn’t know they defeat the intended purpose — to protect other people.

    These mask are designed for work in shops such as wood working or if fumes are involved in a project like stripping paint from wood.

    Waste of money

    Do not waste your money on the gimmicks in advertising mask. Once the cloth mask is washed, whatever product such as zinc is gone. There are no real studies to support mask with zinc or copper.

    Interesting observation

    I live near a state funded garden called Garven Woodland Gardens. The other day I decided to take advantage of the good weather and go for a walk. While I was waiting my turn to show my membership card, I noticed a young woman in front of me with two small children. She was wearing a mask, however, her children were not. It struck me as being interesting, she was concerned about wearing a mask for herself, but not for her children.

    I’m not going to address the topic of children wearing mask in this article. My point is, if you’re concerned about going into public without a mask, why would you take your children in public without a mask?


    My observation with the general public wearing mask is that it’s a waste of time and money. How can you say that?!!! I say this because people in general do not wear their mask properly. So why bother?

    The mask are not effective when one has facial hair, such as a beard. I see numerous people wearing the mask without covering their nose. There are gaps all around the mask and face. Ill fitting mask don’t do much to protect anyone. Oh and the one I like the best, is the mask below the chin, not covering anything.

    People often wear a mask to appear that they are following guidelines. Listening to people talk, I have come to the conclusion, that they are not convinced that a mask is really needed in this situation. I applaud people who research and think for themselves. But, I shall not add that topic to this discussion.

    So, now you have the information about mask. Use the information as you see fit.

    We’re hard wired to believe it’s kind of hard to trust someone wearing a mask. Maybe that’s why there are so many cranky people out in public these days. Look at the eyes in this photo. Can you tell if these people are happy or not?

    Hand Washing 101 by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

    You’ve been told to sing “Happy Birthday” while you wash your hands. By the time you finish the song, your hands will be clean.

    You can sing several rounds of Happy Birthday and your hands will likely still not be clean! It’s not how long you wash your hands, but how well you wash your hands that counts.

    Hand washing from an Infection Prevention Nurse’s View

    Durning my nursing career, one of the areas I worked was as an Infection Prevention Nurse for the Veteran’s Administration Medical Center (VA). Yes, I took extra epidemiology classes and was tested to see how much I knew. I tracked all the lab results from the hospital and all the outpatient clinics in our vison. I investigated each lab report that showed one of our veterans had an infection. It was necessary for me to make sure that the infection was not acquired during a hospital stay. I would review a couple hundred reports daily.

    Once a year the VA would have a health fair for the employees. Early on the staff learned to dread coming to my station. You see, they had to wash their hands. “What’s the big deal you ask?”

    Steps to hand washing per nursing protocol

    Wet your hands with running water — either warm or cold. Apply liquid, bar or powder soap to a cupped hand. Lather well. Rub your hands, palm to palm, vigorously for at least 20 seconds. Remember to scrub all surfaces, including the backs of your hands, wrists, between your fingers and under your fingernails. Rinse well.

    Wash your hands after going to the bathroom with soap and water. Hand sanitizer is not recommended. Anytime you come in direct contact with an individual make sure your hands are cleaned. Having said this, wash your hands anytime they become soiled.

    That doesn’t sound too hard does it? Are you sure about this?

    Let’s talk alcohol
    Do hand sanitizers really kill 99.99 percent of germs?
    Manufacturers of hand sanitizers claim that the sanitizers kill 99.9 percent of germs. Since you naturally use hand sanitizers to cleanse your hands, the assumption is that 99.9 percent of harmful germs are killed by the sanitizers. Research studies suggest that this is not the case.
    Remember, manufactures don’t always tell the truth in marketing campaigns. I see this daily on commercials. Many of the claims made on commercials are just lies. A cough does not spread 20 feet as one sales pitch claims. Or the hand lotion campaign that says the lotion will penetrate 10 layers deep. Really? When did humans acquire 10 layers of skin. Don’t get me started on ads!
    Glo Germ: the dreaded hand washing tool

    As I stated earlier, the staff at the VA dreaded coming to my station for the employee health fair. The first time a nurse or doctor would come to my Infection Prevention station, they would be rather cocky. We all know how to wash our hands. So, they thought.

    There’s a very effective teaching tool I would use call Glo Germ. Yes, you got it. When this gel was applied to the hands, I would shine an ultra-violet light on the individual’s hands. This liquid or gel contains the plastic simulated germs, and the lamp illuminates them to test the effectiveness of your (and your workers’) hand washing skills. Lord help you if you have dry cracked hands! Shocking isn’t it? This is what the hands look like after applying the gel.

    Afterwards, one’s hands were washed and the surfaces appeared clean. However, the ultra-violet light tells a different story. The discovery of the remaining germs will cast a new light on your cleaning effectiveness.

    Once the hands were washed and dried, I would again shine the ultra-violet light on the freshly washed hands. Surprise, surprise, traces of simulated germs were still on the surface of the nurse or doctor’s hands! Often times, the medical staff would have to wash their hands 2-3 times to remove the gel.


    This what the hands looked like after washing the Glo Germ off. It shows that this individual had to rewash their hands.


    Above all, remember, it’s not how long you wash your hands, but how well you wash your hands.

    The Empty Spot by Janet Lynas, PhD., N.H.D.

    “I just bought the cutest pair of shoes! However, I really don’t need them since I already have 75 pairs of shoes. But, they are so cute!”

    “My new camera just came in! It has many features that are really cool! I may not use some of the features, but what the heck?”

    “I just got my credit card statement. My toys amount to $20,000.00 in debt!”

    Spending out of control

    Often times people find themselves compulsive buying. The closets are filled with gadgets and clothes that are not used or worn. Before they know it, the spending is out of control. How did this happen? Debt is mounted up to the size of a mountain.

    However, we find spending and buying doesn’t satisfy us. The more we buy and spend, the more stressed one becomes from the accumulation of debt.

    Eating disorders

    “I’ve gained 5 more pounds! What’s going on? I don’t eat that much!”

    “I binge eat and then I throw up what I ate to keep from gaining weight.”

    “I’m refusing to eat! I’m not going to gain weight!”

    The empty spot

    How does over spending and eating disorders have anything in common? For instance, one has to do with money and the other with food. There is no common connection between the two!

    But, there is a common ground. In addition, I will not only show you the commonality between them, but I will show you the root cause.

    Psychologist have long known that when people overspend or have an eating disorder, they are trying to fill up an empty space within. What is this empty space? Above all, what causes it?

    Emotional emptiness

    Mankind is not good at recognizing our emotions. It’s hard to admit to oneself that there is a ‘lacking’ within. For instance, we don’t always realize that there is a feeling of meaningless in our life. To admit that there is an unoccupied space within us, would be admitting that there is something wrong in our existence.

    If there is a feeling of disconnect, then something has to be wrong with me. I’m unworthy and unimportant to others. I feel alone and my life is pointless.

    In addition to feeling lonely and unimportant, one doesn’t know how to deal with these feelings. So, subconsciously you begin to try to fill the emptiness with things. If I buy those shoes, I will feel better about myself. That high powered camera will give me new opportunities. It doesn’t matter that in reality, we have no idea about photographic techniques.

    The same applies to eating disorders. When you overeat, the need is to fill up that vacant space within. If binge eating is the problem, one is wanting to fill up the space and throw out the space at the same time. In addition, the anorexic is trying to kill or starve the pointless sensation they feel on the inside.

    What is the emptiness?

    Psychology tells us that the vacancy within has many different causes. While this is true, the root cause can be traced to loneliness.

    Loneliness is defined as sadness because one has no friends or company. In addition, it also means the quality of being unfrequented and remote; isolation. Remember, isolation doesn’t have to be in the geographical remoteness.

    Loneliness is an emotionally painful sensation. Often it’s associated with an unwanted feeling of not being connected to others or a lack of intimacy.

    Keep in mind that one can be lonely in a crowded room. When you do not feel a part of the group or connected emotionally to others, it does not matter if you’re with other individuals or not.

    Signs of loneliness
    1. You Have Been Shopping A Lot
    2. Binge-Watching
    3. You’re Not Feeling Rested
    4. One Takes A Lot Of Long, Hot Showers And Baths
    5. You Sleep A Lot Or Not Well At All
    6. We Feel Symptoms Of Depression Coming On
    What can you do about being lonely?
    1. Realize That Loneliness Is Actually A Feeling.
    2. Realize That You Are Not Alone. Other People Feel The Same Way.
    3. Get Involved In Some Activities.
    4. Get A Pet. Remember, That Pet Takes Work. Be Responsible.
    5. Find A Support Group.
    6. Call Or Get Together With Those You Know. Reach OUt.
    7. Be In The Present Moment.
    8. Be Kind To Yourself and Others.

    Why have I written about loneliness? These are difficult times. In addition, one finds that the quarantine we find ourselves in right now is hard to deal with. Not only have we been mandated to be in quarantine, but society is experiencing prolonged isolation. We have become a faceless community by being forced to wear mask when in public. (I’m not debating the right or wrong of wearing mask.)

    The psychological implications are many during this time of isolation. Subconsciously, we don’t have the sense of trust when we’re not able to see the faces of the people being interacted with. Depression and suicide is more of a problem.

    In addition, when an infant can’t see the faces of the people caring for them, they smile less and they don’t interact as much.

    In conclusion, recognizing the emptiness within gives you better insight into your emotional make-up. Deal with the vacancy deep within and you will have a better outlook on life.

    Remember, this too shall pass!

    Check out my book, Guilty Prayers by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D. For more information on my book look under the announcement section.