Do you find yourself feeling lost during this time of lockdown?  How do you find yourself if you’re feeling lost?

Setting the foundation

You feel very uncomfortable because you are in an unfamiliar situation and don’t know how to deal with the current environment. The feeling of being lost within yourself can cause one to be in an obscure state of existence.

Why people can feel lost
  1. You feel lost because you have lost connection with your heart and soul
  2. We live our lives according to how others think think we should live, not what we think
  3. Believing other people’s opinions about us are more important than our own opinion
  4. You have a distorted perspective of yourself
  5. Listening to the voice of fear about the “what ifs”, instead of seeing the “what is”

This list is short, but touches base on the main reasons why one can feel lost. Everyone feels lost at one time or another. However, feeling lost isn’t the problem. It becomes an issue when you are unable to find your way.

Finding your way

These are precarious times. Life as we have known it, is no longer the same. It will never return to the way “things were”. That’s not a bad thing to happen to the world. Change is more often is a good thing. Change gets us out of the rut!

  • Make time to go “into the closet” so to speak. Be alone. This is very different from being lonely. Listen to that voice deep inside of you.The voice giving you support and love.
  • Know yourself. Drop the opinions of others about who you are. Get to know you. It’s a journey that may take you a lifetime, but it doesn’t matter how long it takes.
  • Dump the mental and emotional garbage that other people have labeled you with. Those are their thoughts and their thoughts don’t count. Develop a healthy attitude about yourself.
  • Take action. Learn what’s important to you. Know your heart’s desire. Realize the only boundaries are the ones you put on yourself.
  • Let go! Let go of the fears, fears are an illusion that hold you back from being the best you can be.
  • Above all, live your life! Do what makes you happy! In the end, it’s the actions you take that bring joy and happiness into your life that counts. It’s the love that you experience within yourself that has meaning. Don’t get to the end of your life only to realize that you didn’t live your life! Doing things isn’t living.

In summary

No power in the universe is going to save you. Only you have that power. Liberation comes from you, no one else can liberate you. Having said this, you believe in what you identify with. Therefore, be very careful with who or what you identify with.

I once was asked to do hypnosis on a young girl who was putting too much pressure on herself to “be on the right path”. The pressure to do the right thing at all times was an enormous burden she was putting on herself. At the age of 15 years old, she was not able to enjoy life because of this self imposed weight. Anxiety had a foothold on her.

Through hypnosis, she was able to see there are many paths in life and they are all the right path. There is no such thing as only having one path to follow. In addition to learning that her choices were unlimited, she was able to see the abundance life has to offer.

Resources are not limited! There is abundance for all! For your own sake, live the life you have been given. It’s only too late when you have died. Make the choice to find yourself now!