
Contacting Me

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Red Light Therapy by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Twenty years ago, I became aware of red light therapy. (No, I’m not talking about the red light district.) This therapy is effective in skin care.

What is red light therapy?

Red light is a natural light that can penetrate deep into the skin, where the cells can absorb it. In addition, red light therapy is called a low-level laser therapy (LLLT), low-power laser therapy (LPLT), and photobiomodulation (PBM). This technology was developed in the 1990s.

How is red light therapy used?

Red light therapy treatment is used for skin regeneration. Therefore, this therapy works with the mitochondria. In addition, this stimulates the cells to repair themselves and become healthier. Therefore, this stimulation encourages healing in skin and muscle tissue.

Other uses for red light therapy are:

  1. Dementia. One small research study showed people with dementia who have regular treatment had better memory recall, slept better, and were less agitated.
  2. People with issues such as temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome (TMD) have less pain and tenderness after the light therapy.
  3. One study with both men and women who have hair loss, grew thicker hair in about 24 weeks. The control study, revealed people who didn’t have the red light didn’t have results.
  4. Another study showed that red and infrared light therapy reduced osteoarthritis pain by more than 50%.
  5. In addition, a very small study suggested the red light therapy reduced pain and inflammation with Achilles tendinitis.
  6. And of course, wrinkles and other signs of skin aging and damage showed promise with red light therapy. It also helped with acne scars, burns, and UV sun damage.
Are there risk?

No. How many treatments can say that? I couldn’t find any reports showing dangerous risk with this treatment.


Red light therapy is very promising. However, don’t expect miracles. You will see results over time. Don’t expect to see your skin smooth and tight in just a few treatments.

Health comes from the inside out. There are no creams or lotions that will give you less wrinkles. You will see less dryness with these products. However, you will not see younger looking skin, not really.

Healthy food and clean living is the key for youthfulness. Heal from the inside by feeding your cells with the nutrients needed for optimal health.

Building New Pathways in the Brain by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I’m right handed. I write with my right hand. My teeth are brushed with my right hand. I eat with my right hand. My left hand usually is assisting my right hand. Doing the same thing the same way, creates a rut in your brain. Yes, it’s easier to do the same thing the same way each time. However, your brain is rutted with the same pathways being used in the same way. For instance, your brain looks like a well worn road. The road is depressed from the wheels rolling over the same spot. So, how do you get off the treadmill?

Making a new pathway

I’m easily bored. Doing the same thing in the same way really has no interest for me. Therefore, I continue to research new ideas. As I try new ideas out, I learn new perspectives. Move forward in your growth daily! Make sure you learn a new skill or see life from a new point of view.

The brain resist creating new neutral pathways. I know that the brain will resist new ideas. Hypnosis works around this problem by bypassing the ‘gate keeper’. However, this article isn’t about hypnosis. This article is about expanding your brain and keeping it active.

What is a neural pathway?

For instance, instead of doing activities the same way, step off the well known path. Brush your teeth with your left hand if you’re right handed. Yes, it’s actually hard to do and it takes longer. However, the more often you change hands the easier it becomes.

Every thought you think, each feeling you have, and every action you take can either deepen the furrow in the brain or create a new one. Neural pathways are the basis for your habits of thinking, feeling, and acting. These pathways are what you believe to be true. This is why you do what you do.

How do you make a new path?

Every time you learn a new song or focus your attention on new information, you make a new pathway in the mind. In other words, how do we keep our mind alert?

  1. The brain’s ability to change itself constantly by creating new neural pathways and losing those which are no longer used is called neuroplasticity. The process of creating new neural pathways and losing the ones no longer needed will help the brain remain open-minded, intuitive and able to overcome biases throughout adulthood. For the brain to rewire itself it requires practice of a new behavior.  The continued practice will sufficiently challenge the brain to think in a new way.
  2. Rethinking how you do things develops the brain’s functions that are currently underutilize. This helps to maximize the brain’s performance across diverse and unfamiliar tasks. Developing an agile brain is more important than you think. Thinking outside the box, keeps our mind active and young.
  3. A recent theory developed by Stanford professor Carol Dweck suggests that most people’s brains are fixed or stagnated in a growth mindset. As we age, it seems it’s harder to learn something new. In reality, we’re resistant to change. You are surprised how easy it is to learn a new skill once you let your guard down.
  4. Remember the KISS approach. (Keep It Simple Stupid) Focus on what’s in front of you. By doing this, the act of mindfulness has both a long and short term physical benefits on the brain.
Stay young at heart and in the mind as well

Do new activities. Having said that, do them in a way that you normally won’t attempt. Life is about change, embrace change! Change isn’t bad! Without change in our life, we would become stagnate! After that, grow and learn as much as possible. Keep making new pathways!



Ascension by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I hear the term ‘Ascension’ a lot these days. In the metaphysical community it’s the number one topic. I also hear the term ‘Awakened’ frequently. Today, I talk about both of these terms. Therefore, maybe some of the confusion will be cleared up for people who are new to the metaphysical realm.


The definition of ascension is:

the act of rising to an important position or a higher level
In other words, to put it simply, ascension in the spiritual sense is very similar to the Eastern concept of Enlightenment. The concept of Enlightened is found in Buddhism. (Which is a philosophy.) Enlightened simply means to have full comprehension of a situation. In Western terms, ‘the light bulb’ turned on!
Last night, I enjoyed sharing dinner and conversation with a lovely young woman. We explored this notion of rising to a higher level. For instance, we talked about the struggle she is facing. She is rejected by some family members for learning about her spiritual side. In addition, she is told that she is wrong in her beliefs.
She is told her practice in yoga is of the devil. (I know! I too think exercise is of the devil at times! Sore muscles and all…) The truth is, whenever, we try something new or unknown to others, it doesn’t set well. Family is like the subconscious mind, it/they resist anything new. How dare you veer out of our rut! Stay in the family rut! Therefore, never question the beliefs you have been taught! Keep your blindfold on!

Awakened means:

“spiritually aware of the universe and [its] direct metaphysical connection to one’s own being and the connection it has to all life forces.”
In other words, she woke up! She came out of the deep slumber. Now, my young friend is aware of the opportunities in front of her. She sees the options clearly. Her eyes opened wide, now new thoughts have entered the mind. In addition, to this new knowledge, she is experiencing doubts. Mostly doubting herself. Once our eyes are opened to all the possibilities the universe has to offer, there’s no limit! But, when we see clearly, doubt in what we see clouds our judgment.
Why do we doubt ourselves? We question ourselves because we have stepped out of the norm of society. What one must realize is the ‘norm’ of society isn’t always right. Common beliefs in society are based on lies to control the population. Hard to believe, I know! We’re lied to! Do you know that 75 books were removed from the Bible? Yes, indeed, there were 141 books originally. However, I am told there are 777 in the original text. I have not be able to confirm that information. Anyway, books are censored. In other words, I wonder who decided these books gave too much information. Yes, I have read a few of them. Very interesting books.
My studies in religion taught me that we’re separate from God. Therefore, we’re not worthy of direct contact with our Creator. However, I read that we are made in the image of Source. Source is perfection. I AM THAT I AM is pure love.
So, in other words, I’m created in the image of the Divine. I am made from Spirit.  However, I’m not worthy to speak directly to God? That makes no sense! I know religion can’t exist without blind followers. But, no one has the right to tell you what to think!
Now that I have throughly ‘ticked’ off a few people, know I respect you have the right to any beliefs you feel comfortable with. Just don’t judge others by their thoughts.  “Judge not, lest you be judged!”
In Summary

Be very careful that you are not a snob in this process. I see those individuals who are enlightened looking down their noses. If you look down your nose at others, you’re not as ascended as you think you are.

I am exactly were I’m supposed to be at this point in my life. I know you are where you’re supposed to be in your life.

Don’t get caught in the trap of thinking, “I’m not doing enough.” Be careful of this trap.

The truth is, we change the world one person at a time. Therefore, you change yourself and you have changed the world.

Go forth in peace, love and light!