Twenty years ago, I became aware of red light therapy. (No, I’m not talking about the red light district.) This therapy is effective in skin care.

What is red light therapy?

Red light is a natural light that can penetrate deep into the skin, where the cells can absorb it. In addition, red light therapy is called a low-level laser therapy (LLLT), low-power laser therapy (LPLT), and photobiomodulation (PBM). This technology was developed in the 1990s.

How is red light therapy used?

Red light therapy treatment is used for skin regeneration. Therefore, this therapy works with the mitochondria. In addition, this stimulates the cells to repair themselves and become healthier. Therefore, this stimulation encourages healing in skin and muscle tissue.

Other uses for red light therapy are:

  1. Dementia. One small research study showed people with dementia who have regular treatment had better memory recall, slept better, and were less agitated.
  2. People with issues such as temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome (TMD) have less pain and tenderness after the light therapy.
  3. One study with both men and women who have hair loss, grew thicker hair in about 24 weeks. The control study, revealed people who didn’t have the red light didn’t have results.
  4. Another study showed that red and infrared light therapy reduced osteoarthritis pain by more than 50%.
  5. In addition, a very small study suggested the red light therapy reduced pain and inflammation with Achilles tendinitis.
  6. And of course, wrinkles and other signs of skin aging and damage showed promise with red light therapy. It also helped with acne scars, burns, and UV sun damage.
Are there risk?

No. How many treatments can say that? I couldn’t find any reports showing dangerous risk with this treatment.


Red light therapy is very promising. However, don’t expect miracles. You will see results over time. Don’t expect to see your skin smooth and tight in just a few treatments.

Health comes from the inside out. There are no creams or lotions that will give you less wrinkles. You will see less dryness with these products. However, you will not see younger looking skin, not really.

Healthy food and clean living is the key for youthfulness. Heal from the inside by feeding your cells with the nutrients needed for optimal health.