
I’m Listening by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I listen. Yes, I listen to many people with different opinions. However, hearing what’s being said on all kinds of topics is an exercise in how open minded I am.

Therefore, I will address one topic in this article and explore how it affects our health.


Fear has two sides, just like any emotion. As a result, we think emotions are either good or bad. In reality, that’s not true. Our feelings help us to survive day to day challenges.

Let’s look at what we call the shadow side of fear first. Fear is defined as, an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

First, terror can save our life. You perceive a dangerous situation. You know, the fight or flight response. In addition, you experience the heart pounding, palms of your hands are sweaty and breathing is short in preparation to take action.

Secondly, being afraid can impair long-term memory. It can cause damage to the hippocampus. Sleep patterns change when fear is chronic. In addition, concentrating is hard and our peace of mind is nonexistent.

Fear spreads

This is the main focus of this article, fear spreading. I hear all the talk about the coming genocide for the peoples of the world. It’s brought on by the experimental drug that is injected into the masses. Yes, many will die from this clinical trial. Certainly, many will be harmed.

Society is bombard with information about Electromagnetic Fields (EMF), 5 G towers, chemtrails in the air, chemicals sprayed on the crops, genetic manipulation in foods and in people. And on it goes.

Instead of dwelling on the fear of “what might happen” think about “what is”. Unproven events in life should not cause panic. Certainly, we should not live in a state of anxiety.

Take Control of Your Feelings

Durning this time of overload in information, take a step back! Step out of the frenzy of panic! Take a deep breath and relax.

Tuesday evenings, I’m involved in a Zoom meeting with many people from diverse backgrounds. I enjoy listening to their thoughts. However, this last meeting I am surprised by the fear in the group.

The main anxiety stemmed around the experimental drug. Some of the members of the group were forced to take this injection to keep their jobs. Others have family members who have taken it and some became very ill afterwards.

I listen to their thoughts and fears, most importantly, I feel compassion for these individuals. In other words, I actually feel the fear in the air. I will continue to find ways to help alleviate their fears when I can. But, it’s up to each person to take control of the anxiety that’s building up inside of them.

Think About This

The human body is an amazing living organism. Think about how efficient it is in fighting off toxins it’s exposed to daily. It repairs and renews itself moment by moment. Your body adapts to the environment to stay in a homeostasis state of being.

There are so many variables that can go wrong. For instance, we all have cancer cells inside of us. But, for the most part, our body keeps these cells dormant. You can not avoid the hazards that are in our environment. It’s just not possible. Stop worrying about “what if”! Concentrate on “what is”.

Attitude is important! Scarlett O’Hara had it right when she said, “I’ll think about that tomorrow.” Remember, tomorrow never comes. I know, you think I’m sticking my head in the sand or somewhere else.

The point is, don’t worry about “what if”! What if usually doesn’t happen. There are certain things that you can’t change. Worry doesn’t change anything. Worrying does change you! Unfounded concern, robs you of the joy in life.

Above all, the body is designed for optional health. When we give it the right tools, it’s amazing how fast the body responds. Your body knows what it needs, you just have to listen. Use the tools of clean water to hydrate yourself and to wash the body. Eat organic foods as much as possible. Cook your own meals. When you do, you know what’s in your food and cooking can be a creative outlet.

Go outside! Be in nature. Breath fresh air. Walk, move your body! Exercise the whole body, breath deeply and get the blood circulating! Be in the moment!


Winston Churchill said, “Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision.”

Don’t react to life. Decide to live your life with courage. Stay in the moment. Choose to be happy.


Anatomy of the Heart by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I’m sure you think this article is about the physical anatomy of the heart. Sorry to disappoint you. However, this article is about the spiritual silhouette of the heart.

Therefore, we are stepping into a new realm of heart analysis.

A modern view of heart and emotions

When you hear the word heart, in relation to emotions, you think of Valentine’s Day. You think of flowery cards with romantic words. A fairy-tale or little girl’s thoughts of Prince Charming.

Our heart is the center of the physical, mental, and spiritual life of all humans. In addition, digging a little deeper, we begin to see a broader interpretation.

First, the word heart refers to the physical organ and is considered to be the center of the physical life.

Next, the heart becomes the focus for all the vital functions of the body. This also includes both intellectual and spiritual life.

The literal Hebrew translation of heart means to give attention to something, to worry about it.

Spiritual meaning of heart and head

You are what you think! You manifest into your life what you dwell on!

We think decisions are made in the brain. Wrong! Like wise, the mind is closely related to our acts of will. An act of will is a result of a conscious or even a deliberate decision. Therefore, your heart is associated with activities of the mind and the will. In addition, it’s closely connected to the feelings and affections of a person.

Know yourself! Listen to your body as it talks to you. Yes, indeed, your body does talk to you. Are you listening? In other words, are you paying attention to what your heart is saying?

The Spiritual Heart connects the mind, body and spirit. It’s the bridge connecting us to ourselves.

How do we open the gate?

For instance, one way to open the door to your Higher Self is to practice meditation or prayer. Next, physical exercise such as QiGong and Yoga develops concentration. Then, there is the emotional response we have to art or music. Connect to nature and feel the pulsing of the Earth. All of these activities connect us to our Higher Self.

Develop relationships with friends and family. The love we feel for those closest to us is important.

However, the strongest connection in being one with Spirit is to know yourself! If you really want to know yourself, just ask, “What do I need to know?” It’s not hard.

The trick is in listening to the answer. Trust what you hear. For instance, if what you hear, is condemnation, it’s not from Source. Source speaks to us through love and compassion.

What happens when you don’t listen?

In my book, Guilty Prayers, the stories are about real people and what happened to them when they let emotions get out of control. The physical toll taken on the body was difficult for them. Their health was in jeopardy in some cases.

For example, I have a client who had a heart attack about four years ago. This client had no vessel blockage at the time of their heart attack. No real physical reason for the event. However, there is damage to the heart.

As, this client was talking with me, I realized that they had placed a block around their heart. Putting this barrier around the heart, blocked the connection between the emotions they feel in life. Oftentimes, we think we are protecting ourselves when we don’t want to acknowledge what we feel. Instead, we are doing a great deal of harm to ourself. (Mr. Spock was wrong about not feeling emotions! Being a Vulcan isn’t a good idea.)

I suggested to my client that they needed to teardown the wall that is surrounding their heart. When one does not listen to their own truth, the body will react in a way to get your attention.

One may find that they have problems with the throat when not speaking their truth. The voice can be weak when as they talk. It can have a gravelly sound or hoarseness. But, once the individual speaks the truth from within, these systems clear up.

This client stated to me, “If I say what I feel, it will make it true!”

Sorry, my friend, but when you feel it, it’s already made true. My client, didn’t remove the barrier from the heart. As a result, they had a second heart attack. This time, the heart literally blocked a vessel. It will be interesting to see if this client removes the wall.

In conclusion

Each of us have a choice. We can either listen to our Higher Self as we are being talked to or not. Just remember, there are consequences when we don’t listen.

Take it from one who was slow to act on what the heart was telling me. Listen and act promptly. In doing so, I could have avoided dealing with melanoma on my leg. It took melanoma on my leg to get me to take the first step to move out of a situation I knew I should have left years before.

Listen to your heart as it speaks to you. If you don’t, your body will start yelling!

The mind knows nothing! However, the heart knows everything! Listen!



Experimental Drugs by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

History is repeating itself. The world thinks what Hitler did, could never happen again.  However, it is!

Nuremberg Code (1947) brief history

The Nuremberg trials were a series of trials held between 1945 and 1949. Durning these trials, the Allies prosecuted German military leaders, political officials, industrialists, and financiers for crimes they had committed during World War II. Therefore, the result was incarceration and sentencing of many of Germany’s perpetrators of crimes against humanity including acts associated with the holocaust.

Nuremberg defendants were divided into groups according to their wartime activities and positions. There were the medical trials, which was a prosecution of doctors and other medical officials for the hideous experiments that maimed and murdered countless concentration-camp inmates and POWs.

Nuremberg Medical Trials

The Nuremberg Code was written in 1947 during the trial in Nuremberg, Germany. These doctors conducted medical experiments on more than 7,000 concentration camp prisoners during World War II.

This article is a discussion of the experimental drugs used on WWII prisoners. In addition, I want to correlate what happened in the past and what is happening today.

Inmates were used to test immunization compounds and antibodies for the prevention and treatment of contagious diseases. These diseases included malaria, typhus, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, yellow fever, and infectious hepatitis.

Physicians at Ravensbrück conducted experiments in bone-grafting. Newly developed sulfa (sulfanilamide) drugs were tested on prisoners without safety protocols. At Natzweiler and Sachsenhausen, prisoners were exposed  to phosgene and mustard gas in order to test possible antidotes.

Additional gruesome experiments meant to further Nazi racial goals included  a series of sterilization. Scientist tested a number of methods in an effort to develop an efficient and inexpensive procedure for the mass sterilization. 

These people were not given a choice! They had horridness experiments forced on them!

Fast forward to today

We, the people of the world, are being experimented on this very moment. The Covid-19 is not about the virus, it’s about the drugs.

  1. This is an experimental drug. Not a vaccine.
  2. These experimental drugs have not gone through the safety protocol.
  3. The experimental drugs are not approved by the FDA.
  4. To date, there has been no effective vaccine for the Corona Viruses
  5. The pharmaceutical companies are not held liable for the harm this experiment is causing on people.

There is no denying that Covid-19 is one of several strains of Corona virus that affects humans. In addition, it enveloped the entire globe within a few short months. In December, 2019, the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) picked up on a Wuhan media statement about “viral pneumonia”.  So it began.

We are expected to believe Covid-19 is one of the deadliest viruses to date. Also, the world is told that safe drugs like Hydroxychloroquine don’t work. In actuality, it’s safe and effective in treating patients with early onset of Covid-19. It is proven to be effective in preventing infection from the Corona virus.

Facts about survival rates

According to the CDC, survival rates with Covid-19 without treatment is:

  • Age 0-19: 99.997%
  • Age 20-49: 99.98%
  • Age 50-69: 99.5%
  • Age 70+: 94.6%

With survival rates being this high, you must ask yourself, “Why would I want to take an experimental drug?”

Another question one must ask, “Why is the government involved with medical decisions?” “Why are our doctors being threatened that they will lose their medical license if they don’t fall in line?”

Nurses and other health care providers are being told they will lose their jobs if they don’t take the injection. Students are told they can not come to school without taking the injection.

Are these employers willing to take on the liability risk if an employee is harmed by taking the injection? Are the schools prepared to be sued if a child is disabled from the injection? These institutions did threatened loss of livelihood and denial of admission to schools, which opens them up for lawsuits.

More facts
  • Covid antibody tests have been found to be up to 50% inaccurate, yet the CDC instructs attending physicians to list ANYONE WHO DIES FOR ANY REASON, but is presumed to have Covid-19-like symptoms or positive test results, as a Covid-19 death.
  • It has been verified that reported Covid-19 death numbers are being grossly over-reported by as much as 50%.
  • The Covid-19 mortality rate is dropping precipitously, currently at between 0.015% and 0.025%, lock step with influenza.99% of Covid-19-related deaths occur in the extreme elderly and in those with at least three (3) co-morbidities.
  • The CDC has discovered that just of 6% of all Covid-19 “attributed” deaths are actually caused directly and entirely by the virus.

These facts are from American’s Frontline Doctors.



In Conclusion

To date, the governments of the world are trying to mandate that every human have this experimental drug. These governments are saying that children as young as 12 years old can decide to take the experimental drug without parental consent.

Are you willing to allow a governmental official dictate to you on what’s best for you? When did we lose our choice to decide what’s best for us and our families?

Around 800 people under the age of 30 have developed an inflammation of the heart muscle called myocarditis. This can lead to heart failure.

Children’s and pregnant women’s protocol are more stringent on vaccine safety than the general population. However, these two groups are now being included in the experiment.

New evidence is coming out daily about the lie the world has been told about this “plandemic”. New evidence about how this experimental drug is a higher risk to certain ethnic groups has come out. Concerns about sterilization in the reproductive age group is coming to the surface.

Because you are now part of a global “clinical trial”, your medical records are open to the pharmaceutical companies. Long-term health issues will be devastating to the people of the world.

Thousands of people have died from this experimental drug!

As a nurse of 47 years, it was my duty to be an advocate for my patients. As a citizen of the world, it’s my responsibility to speak the truth in matters of health care.

Don’t take my word for any of this information! Do your own research! But, know, you will have to dig for the truth. It’s out there.

I had to give a lot of thought before writing this article. But, it came down to the fact that I can no longer sit on the sidelines and keep quiet. I try to stay away from politics. However, politics has invaded my world as a health care provider.



The Nuremberg Code (1947)

Permissible Medical Experiments

The great weight of the evidence before us to effect that certain types of medical experiments on human beings, when kept within reasonably well-defined bounds, conform to the ethics of the medical profession generally. The protagonists of the practice of human experimentation justify their views on the basis that such experiments yield results for the good of society that are unprocurable by other methods or means of study. All agree, however, that certain basic principles must be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts:

  1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

    The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

  2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
  3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results justify the performance of the experiment.
  4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
  5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
  6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
  7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability or death.
  8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
  9. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.
  10. During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.

For more information see Nuremberg Doctor’s Trial, BMJ 1996;313(7070):1445-75.



Most of all, pray that you will be led to the truth before it’s too late!

Remember, divided we fall! United we stand! We must unite and demand that the truth be revealed!

Eyes, Ears, Tongue by Janet Lynas, Ph.D.,N.H.D.

What do your eyes, ears and tongue tell about you? Actually, a lot! As a Natural Health Doctor, I can tell a great deal about someone’s health.

“Really?”, I hear you saying.

“Yes, indeed!”

What do your eyes have to tell me?

There’s a branch of alternative health called iridology.

The first explicit description of iridological principles are found in Chiromatica Medica. This famous work was published in 1665 and reprinted in 1670 and 1691 by Philippus Meyeus.  Philip Meyen von Coburg to be precise.

Having said this, iridology was first popularized in 1881 by Dr. Ignatz Von Peczley in his book Discoveries in the Field of Natural Science and Medicine, where he published the first iridology chart.

Ignaz Von Peczely is known as the founding father of iridology. This Hungarian 19th-century physician noticed a break in the rings of an owl’s eye, as he was helping the bird who had a broken wing. It’s an intriguing story, I encourage to read about it.

But, it took Americans decades later to implement Dr. Von Peczely’s discovery.

Iridology became better known in North America in the 1950s. Dr. Bernard Jensen promoted iridology when he began giving classes using his own iridology methods. Dr. Jensen, being a natural health advocate, studied the effects of toxins on the body. Dr. Jensen insisted on the use of natural foods as detoxifiers.

Iridology practitioners examine the iris to determine possible problems with the rest of the body.

Therefore, you can use iridology to improve your overall health by taking special care of those organs and systems your iridology reading deems vulnerable. For instance, when I look at the eye of one of my clients, I can often see fatty deposits. This tells me that the cholesterol can be high in this individual. Also, a yellow tint to the white of the eye, is a good indication of a liver problem.

The ears can so more than hear

“Let me nibble on your ear, my dear!” Oftentimes, this is the only time someone else will notice your earlobes. That is of course, unless you have new earrings and your friends are jealous!

On the serious side now, If you have a line splitting the earlobe in two is also known as “Frank’s Sign”. It’s named after the doctor who identified a problem with this crease in the earlobe.

An eight-year study of 1,000 people done about 30 years ago found that people with at least one earlobe crease were more likely to die from heart disease. Of those individuals with earlobe creases, 74 percent had coronary heart disease as compared to 26 percent of people without coronary heart disease.

But, before you run to the mirror, stop! Learn more about the earlobe first. What do the other lines in the earlobe mean?

So, you have a vertical crease in your lobe, it’s a sign that your ear has poor blood supply. You will want to take a look at your arterial blood flow. Your arteries could be aging prematurely. The crease does not mean you will have a heart attack. However, it does mean that you’re at risk and need to follow-up with your physician.

In addition, oddly shaped ears often indicate kidney health. Skin tags and fleshy growths also are an indication of kidney disease.

Let me see your tongue

Is your tongue pink? Does it have a yellow coating? White spots?

Tongue diagnosis is observing the tongue size, shape, contour, surface, margins, and color to assess the present health. My tongue is pale, what does that mean? Paleness, indicates an anemic condition or lack of blood in the body. Yellow-colored tongue indicates excess bile in gallbladder or liver disorder.

White spots on the tongue are an indication of “thrush” especially in children. However, in adults, it indicates several different possibilities.

Leukoplakia is an overgrowth of cells in the mouth. These white patches are often due to irritation or the use of tobacco products. Leukoplakia often is a precursor to oral cancer.

My tongue is “black and hairy”!

On the other hand, it’s not uncommon. It’s due to the papillae growing extremely long. These hair-like projections harbor bacteria, resulting in the black, hairy appearance. Likewise, this condition is often the consequence of poor oral hygiene, diabetes or receiving antibiotic or chemotherapy treatment.

You see a hammer-shaped tongue indicating the spleen, stomach, and kidneys need attention. In some cases a mis-shaped tongue is linked to mental illness.  Your tongue is swollen on both sides, this is an indication your liver and gallbladder are distressed. The tongue is swollen between the tip and center of the surface, you may have lung or spleen issues.

In Conclusion

You are responsible for your own health! Take charge and pay attention to what your body is telling you!

Above all, listen to what your health care practitioner is telling you! It’s frustrating for health care practitioners to make recommendations to clients when the client isn’t going to follow them.

Your health is just that, yours. You are the only one who is in charge of your health. Either, follow the recommendations of your provider, or don’t waste their time.

Individuals want someone else to be responsible for their health. It doesn’t work that way. When I have clients who keep returning with the same problems because they don’t follow recommendations, I only have one thing to say to them,

“How’s what you’re doing, working for you?”

It’s your life. Your life is your responsibility! So, what are you going to do?





Skinny As A Beanpole by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

A reader recently asked me, “When are you going to write an article on how to gain weight?”  Yes, you know who you are, so here’s your article.

While I have written about eating disorders, I realized I really haven’t written an article on how to gain weight. I hear many readers saying, “Give me a break! I should be so lucky!”

Think about this for a minute, people who are underweight also have self-image issues. It’s hard to find clothes that fit properly. When you have to buy your clothes in the junior department, it’s difficult to look stylish. Being underweight, in some cases, makes one look sickly. Yes, I used the word sickly.


Causes of being underweight
  1. Genetics is a factor: One or both parents are very thin. More likely than not you will be as well.
  2. Psychological issues: Stress can certainly kill an appetite just as easily overeating. Other psychological issues are related to eating disorders.
  3. Medications: Medications affect your appetite by causing nausea or killing the desire to eat.
  4. Long term illnesses: Illness affects the body’s ability to absorb and store nutrients and calories.
Health risk of being thin
  1. Immune system: If your body isn’t able to absorb and store nutrients and calories, you immune system is compromised.
  2. Heart disease: Yep, people who are thin may find that their body fat is displaced to deep tissues. These tissues are liver and heart to start with. Heart failure happens because there’s not enough blood being pumped into the heart. Also, being underweight can lead to a condition called arrhythmia. This is an irregular heart beat.
  3. A big concern for women is hair loss. Lack of nutrients causes hair loss.
  4. Amenorrhea: Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation. This is because being underweight could disrupt the menstrual cycle among women. Being underweight can lead to sexual problems.

The list is long and frankly a downer. I’m not dwelling on the side effects of being skinny. Therefore, this article is about how to gain weight.

Healthy ways to gain weight

The most common response to weight gain is, just eat more calories. However, that’s easier said than done. And, it’s not helpful. I will now talk about what you can do to gain weight.

The first thing that you do not do is add empty calories. You know, the junk food. Instead, add healthy oils such as olive oil or coconut oil to your diet. Do you know that one tablespoon of olive oil contains, 119 calories? Dip you dinner roll in flavored olive oil.

Then coconut oil, avocado oil along with the nut oils have 120 to 124 calories per tablespoon. These are healthy oils. By adding them to your salad, you have added a lot of flavor too. Then with the salad dressing, you can have a salad worth about 500-600 big bonus points!

By adding a tablespoon of these healthy oils to your diet daily, you have added 360 calories. Drizzle these oils over your grilled chicken or pasta. They add flavor as well as calories. You can add these oils to any of your foods, just use your imagination.  Think about drizzling them over your baked fish. Yum!

Then there’s healthy grains. Read labels. Buy multigrain bread that’s high in calories. For instance, with some of these multigrain breads one slice can be as much as 210 calories. So, your sandwich starts out with 420 calories before you start building it.

Remember, by adding 500 calories per day, you will be able to gain one pound per week. One pound of body weight is equal to 3,500 calories per week. Along with increasing your calories to gain weight, you should also increase your level of exercise in order to increase lean muscle mass. Lifting weights is a good start to bulk up.

How to calculate body weight

Take your body weight in pounds and multiply it by 10. This gives you the minimum calories needed to sustain your weight. For example, a 150-pound person needs approximately 1,500 calories to maintain metabolic activity and weight. You consume 10 calories per pound a day. So, to add weight to your body, you need another 500 calories per day. If one is 6′ and over, 150 pounds is on the slender side. When you add 500 calories per day, you have added 3,500 for the week. Gain the weight slower and you will be better able to maintain it.

Ok let’s talk food

What do you like to eat? Pasta? Cook your pasta and add the sauce you like to it. Then, add a tablespoon or two of your favorite healthy oil to it. You just increases that dish’s calorie count by 120 to 240. No extra volume of food to eat, yet you have the extra calories.

When you chose high calorie bread to make a sandwich that helps, but what about adding avocado slices to that sandwich. One avocado contains 234 calories. Not only have you added more flavor to an otherwise boring sandwich, but more calories.

Let’s not forget the desserts! Try slicing up a banana (130 calories) in a bowl. Add blueberries about 1 cup and you have about 100 more calories. Try adding some dates (100 per date) to bulk up the calories.  You see, the calories add up in a hurry. But, the best part is, you have a power house of vitamins and minerals to support your health.

You like milkshakes you say? Try mixing your ice cream with a nutritional supplement drink. Many of those little drinks have as much as 250 calories. It’s ok to have a chocolate chip cookie every now and then to go with that milkshake.

Most of all, don’t stress over your slender size. Concentrate on being healthy. Self-esteem doesn’t come from how you look. Self-esteem comes from what you think of your self. If you have low self-esteem, you may want to consider seeking professional help.