I listen. Yes, I listen to many people with different opinions. However, hearing what’s being said on all kinds of topics is an exercise in how open minded I am.

Therefore, I will address one topic in this article and explore how it affects our health.


Fear has two sides, just like any emotion. As a result, we think emotions are either good or bad. In reality, that’s not true. Our feelings help us to survive day to day challenges.

Let’s look at what we call the shadow side of fear first. Fear is defined as, an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

First, terror can save our life. You perceive a dangerous situation. You know, the fight or flight response. In addition, you experience the heart pounding, palms of your hands are sweaty and breathing is short in preparation to take action.

Secondly, being afraid can impair long-term memory. It can cause damage to the hippocampus. Sleep patterns change when fear is chronic. In addition, concentrating is hard and our peace of mind is nonexistent.

Fear spreads

This is the main focus of this article, fear spreading. I hear all the talk about the coming genocide for the peoples of the world. It’s brought on by the experimental drug that is injected into the masses. Yes, many will die from this clinical trial. Certainly, many will be harmed.

Society is bombard with information about Electromagnetic Fields (EMF), 5 G towers, chemtrails in the air, chemicals sprayed on the crops, genetic manipulation in foods and in people. And on it goes.

Instead of dwelling on the fear of “what might happen” think about “what is”. Unproven events in life should not cause panic. Certainly, we should not live in a state of anxiety.

Take Control of Your Feelings

Durning this time of overload in information, take a step back! Step out of the frenzy of panic! Take a deep breath and relax.

Tuesday evenings, I’m involved in a Zoom meeting with many people from diverse backgrounds. I enjoy listening to their thoughts. However, this last meeting I am surprised by the fear in the group.

The main anxiety stemmed around the experimental drug. Some of the members of the group were forced to take this injection to keep their jobs. Others have family members who have taken it and some became very ill afterwards.

I listen to their thoughts and fears, most importantly, I feel compassion for these individuals. In other words, I actually feel the fear in the air. I will continue to find ways to help alleviate their fears when I can. But, it’s up to each person to take control of the anxiety that’s building up inside of them.

Think About This

The human body is an amazing living organism. Think about how efficient it is in fighting off toxins it’s exposed to daily. It repairs and renews itself moment by moment. Your body adapts to the environment to stay in a homeostasis state of being.

There are so many variables that can go wrong. For instance, we all have cancer cells inside of us. But, for the most part, our body keeps these cells dormant. You can not avoid the hazards that are in our environment. It’s just not possible. Stop worrying about “what if”! Concentrate on “what is”.

Attitude is important! Scarlett O’Hara had it right when she said, “I’ll think about that tomorrow.” Remember, tomorrow never comes. I know, you think I’m sticking my head in the sand or somewhere else.

The point is, don’t worry about “what if”! What if usually doesn’t happen. There are certain things that you can’t change. Worry doesn’t change anything. Worrying does change you! Unfounded concern, robs you of the joy in life.

Above all, the body is designed for optional health. When we give it the right tools, it’s amazing how fast the body responds. Your body knows what it needs, you just have to listen. Use the tools of clean water to hydrate yourself and to wash the body. Eat organic foods as much as possible. Cook your own meals. When you do, you know what’s in your food and cooking can be a creative outlet.

Go outside! Be in nature. Breath fresh air. Walk, move your body! Exercise the whole body, breath deeply and get the blood circulating! Be in the moment!


Winston Churchill said, “Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision.”

Don’t react to life. Decide to live your life with courage. Stay in the moment. Choose to be happy.