
I’m Listening by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I listen. Yes, I listen to many people with different opinions. However, hearing what’s being said on all kinds of topics is an exercise in how open minded I am.

Therefore, I will address one topic in this article and explore how it affects our health.


Fear has two sides, just like any emotion. As a result, we think emotions are either good or bad. In reality, that’s not true. Our feelings help us to survive day to day challenges.

Let’s look at what we call the shadow side of fear first. Fear is defined as, an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

First, terror can save our life. You perceive a dangerous situation. You know, the fight or flight response. In addition, you experience the heart pounding, palms of your hands are sweaty and breathing is short in preparation to take action.

Secondly, being afraid can impair long-term memory. It can cause damage to the hippocampus. Sleep patterns change when fear is chronic. In addition, concentrating is hard and our peace of mind is nonexistent.

Fear spreads

This is the main focus of this article, fear spreading. I hear all the talk about the coming genocide for the peoples of the world. It’s brought on by the experimental drug that is injected into the masses. Yes, many will die from this clinical trial. Certainly, many will be harmed.

Society is bombard with information about Electromagnetic Fields (EMF), 5 G towers, chemtrails in the air, chemicals sprayed on the crops, genetic manipulation in foods and in people. And on it goes.

Instead of dwelling on the fear of “what might happen” think about “what is”. Unproven events in life should not cause panic. Certainly, we should not live in a state of anxiety.

Take Control of Your Feelings

Durning this time of overload in information, take a step back! Step out of the frenzy of panic! Take a deep breath and relax.

Tuesday evenings, I’m involved in a Zoom meeting with many people from diverse backgrounds. I enjoy listening to their thoughts. However, this last meeting I am surprised by the fear in the group.

The main anxiety stemmed around the experimental drug. Some of the members of the group were forced to take this injection to keep their jobs. Others have family members who have taken it and some became very ill afterwards.

I listen to their thoughts and fears, most importantly, I feel compassion for these individuals. In other words, I actually feel the fear in the air. I will continue to find ways to help alleviate their fears when I can. But, it’s up to each person to take control of the anxiety that’s building up inside of them.

Think About This

The human body is an amazing living organism. Think about how efficient it is in fighting off toxins it’s exposed to daily. It repairs and renews itself moment by moment. Your body adapts to the environment to stay in a homeostasis state of being.

There are so many variables that can go wrong. For instance, we all have cancer cells inside of us. But, for the most part, our body keeps these cells dormant. You can not avoid the hazards that are in our environment. It’s just not possible. Stop worrying about “what if”! Concentrate on “what is”.

Attitude is important! Scarlett O’Hara had it right when she said, “I’ll think about that tomorrow.” Remember, tomorrow never comes. I know, you think I’m sticking my head in the sand or somewhere else.

The point is, don’t worry about “what if”! What if usually doesn’t happen. There are certain things that you can’t change. Worry doesn’t change anything. Worrying does change you! Unfounded concern, robs you of the joy in life.

Above all, the body is designed for optional health. When we give it the right tools, it’s amazing how fast the body responds. Your body knows what it needs, you just have to listen. Use the tools of clean water to hydrate yourself and to wash the body. Eat organic foods as much as possible. Cook your own meals. When you do, you know what’s in your food and cooking can be a creative outlet.

Go outside! Be in nature. Breath fresh air. Walk, move your body! Exercise the whole body, breath deeply and get the blood circulating! Be in the moment!


Winston Churchill said, “Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision.”

Don’t react to life. Decide to live your life with courage. Stay in the moment. Choose to be happy.


Time for Reflection by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I make a terrible patient! I’m down for the count, making me pause and think about my life. You see, I pulled the muscles in my right hip and can’t walk very well, it’s been over a week. My injury is not an interesting story. However, I do have plenty of time to think about life and current events. Therefore, reassessment of my life is taking place.

Thinking Can Be Dangerous!

However, on the other hand, a mind is a terrible thing to waste. I think there was a commercial on TV about that years ago. Anyway, life can surprise one at times. For instance, this global quarantine has disconnected people from the ‘rat race’ and from each other. Thinking about the effects of quarantine on one’s health is an interesting topic.

This quarantine is impacting three important areas of mental health: emotional well-being, psychological well-being and social well-being. Therefore, quarantine has left many people confined to their homes leading to unforeseen risks.

Do you know, according to one research paper, that extended quarantine causes some serious health issues?

Reading one summary paper on quarantine in The Lancet, it’s reported that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), confusion and anger are some of the psychological results.

Effects of Long-term Quarantine

Certainly, there are other stressors to take note of. The list is long, but I’ll focus on just a few key topics.

  1. Prolonged isolation can lead to depression and substance abuse
  2. Most importantly, financial loss
  3. In addition, fear of becoming infected and loss of health is a big one
  4. Included is the fear of not having enough supplies – food and money for example
  5. Next, is boredom and frustration with the interruptions in our daily lives, feeling stuck
  6. PTSD is reported four times higher in children in prolonged quarantine
Above All

You do have resources to rely on to help you through an extended quarantine. Here are a few suggestions to assist you:

First, stay active as much as possible. For instance, now is a good time to tackle some of those projects you’ve been putting off. Why not reorganize your closet? Clean the garage, throw out broken toys, clear out the clutter, just to name a few activities you can do. Make that list! Check the chores off! You’ll have a sense of accomplishment!

Exercise as much as possible. Any type of movement is good. Put on your favorite music and dance! Take a walk in your neighborhood! Moreover, you may actually meet some of your neighbors if they are outside.

A few months ago, I closed out all my social media accounts. Moreover, I’m happier since I did. I’m not exposed to the negative talk, anger and fears. In addition, my family is actually communicating more with each other.

More ideas
  • Eat your meals together as a family! If you’re single, use the good dishes! Play background music. Treat yourself as that special person you are.
  • Talk with friends and family on the phone, zoom, FaceTime. Write a letter to someone special, the old fashion way, by hand and mail it.
  • Check in with family members who are at risk for depression more often.
  • Read a light-hearted book or watch a funny movie – remember to laugh!
  • Work on a hobby – if you don’t have one, now is a good time to explore your interest.

The year 2020 is rapidly coming to an end. Plan ahead for 2021. Most importantly, current circumstances are not going to change in the next week or so. In other words, plan ahead on how your family with navigate the upcoming holidays. Therefore, traditions are evolving and transforming to reflect the times.

I know it seems like this quarantine will never end. However, this too shall pass. Nothing stays the same. Life is forever changing. Above all, remember, change is not bad. We are adapting to current times.

Fear Makes The World Go Round by Janet Lynas Ph.D., N.H.D.

We like to think that love makes the world go round. After all there are numerous songs about love, how love makes the heart sing, how devastating lost love is. Love is the emotion that moves us forward, that inspires us. Or is it?

Fear as the motivator

I submit to you that fear is the most important emotion in your life. It’s the one emotion that all your decisions are made from.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about! I don’t live from fear!”, I hear you say.

Hear me out with an open mind as I present my case to you. Humans live in the past. Yes, you do. The decisions you make today are based on what has happened to you in the past. The past is what is comfortable to you. It’s from this knowledge base where the sense of comfort comes.

Humans think that we have to make a difference in the world. We have to be doing something all the time. If one is not doing something, then you’re being lazy. I have to make my mark on the world!

Humankind fears failure. Fear is the strongest emotion we encounter. It’s more powerful than love. What are you afraid of? Some say, “I’m not afraid of anything!” Others may say, “I’m afraid of snakes, rats, spiders, death.”  The list of anxieties are long.

Definition of fear
an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.          
Psychology of fear

The first thing one has to know is that fear is learned. Often as children, we take on the fears of our parents and family. Later we are influenced by the discomfort of our peers. These uneasy feelings are taught to us from birth. Fear of failure being the foremost emotion in our life. Similarly, being fearful can prevent one from taking chances and achieving success.

Some of the basic forms of distress include:

  1. Death. The fear of no longer existing and not knowing what lies beyond this human experience.
  2. Loss of control. We are afraid of bodily harm and that we will have to depend on others to take care of us. Being in a situation where control is taken away from us is terrifying. Commanding control is ingrained in us.
  3. Separation. The lie that is taught from birth is that one is separated from others and the Creator. I feel this is the biggest lie that humans buy into. Separation makes me feel lonely and anxious.
  4. Loss of self. Fear of one’s integrity and being doubted by others. Shame, humiliation and lost of self-respect. If I don’t know who I am, how can I function in life?
  5. Forfeiture of what had been accomplished. People are often afraid of losing what they have achieved in life, status, monetary gains, material status, and power.

How to change your life and move away from fear

However, is it possible to move out of living in fear? What steps do I take to move out of fearful living?

  1. Learn the difference between fear and being prudent.
  2. Reframe your thinking into being excited about the unknown.
  3. Rewire the brain. Take action to view life from a new perspective. Develop self-confidence and move forward with courage.
  4. Chose taking action over security. Security is a form of fear that prevents us from trying new experiences. Security keeps us in the past.
Take control of fear

How do I take control of the fear that keeps me in the past?

  1. Be in the moment. By being active in the moment, there is no time to let your imagination run wild on what might take place.
  2. Look at the fear realistically. What is the worse thing that can happen? Is it likely to happen? Most of the time we worry about things that never take place.
  3. Learn from past experiences. Having a plan on how to deal with a past situation will help you move forward.


Above all, remember you do not have to live in the past. Now is the time to move forward in your life with courage! In other words, rewire the brain and think outside of the box!

In conclusion, you are not your past! For example, the experiences of the past are learning tools to motivate one to move in a different direction and try a new way of doing things. After that, trust in yourself to make the best decisions based on the information you have on hand at the time. Therefore, we moved into the now moment and being in the now, the brain is rewired for new experiences.

The chains that held us in the past are broken. Now, you are living in the present which is a better place to be in!

Hypnosis for Anxiety with a Teenager by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I find it disturbing to see what appears to be an epidemic of anxiety rearing its ugly head in our society.  I am even more troubled by the increase in children suffering from anxiousness.

Hypnosis and Teenagers

Recently I had a beautiful 15 year old girl come to me for a session of hypnosis for anxiety, PTSD, stress, and Trichotillomania.  What in the world is Trichotillomania?! The short definition is one who pulls out their own hair, eyelashes or eyebrows while experiencing stressful situations.

This young woman is skilled at soccer.  She’s skilled enough to play on the soccer team for Harvard or Yell.  She’s looking at both colleges for a soccer scholarship.  While she was in the seventh grade she began to experience physical symptoms of sever fatigue and wanted to sleep a lot.  Her coach at the time told her how worthless she was as a soccer player and she would not amount to anything.  As it turned this young athlete was severely anemic.  Thus the PTSD being brought on by a coach hounding this teenager and telling her how she would never amount to anything.

The Hypnosis Session

During the hypnosis session, we addressed all the issues this brave young athlete wanted to address with success.  We also took a look at her “path” in life that she wanted to know about.  This teenage girl wants to know what will happen at all times.  Many of us feel that way.  The fear of the unknown on our life’s journey often causes anxiety for many people. As I guided her along the path, we stopped at each curve and turn in the road for her to examine what was around each corner.  As she rounded each corner, she saw an obstacle in the road.  She was able to overcome each challenge on the path to her surprise.

Post Hypnosis Discussion

After the session, this brave young woman felt more in control of her confidence and felt more calm and relaxed.  The challenges she saw along her path are in reality the battles she faces on a daily bases.  She learned that she can indeed face the trials and tribulations that we all face and do it with confidence.

The Gift

The tools given to this determined teenager during her hypnosis session are tools that she will be able to use for the rest of her life.  Imagine the confirmation she now has in her ability to handle what surprises might come her way.  We talked about the fact that there is no way one can always know what will happen in our life.  If we knew everything that was going to happen before it happened, life would become very boring.  We would miss out on the pleasures of discovering new delightful events in life.

This bright teenager now has what she needs to face life’s unknown’s and she has the confidence in knowing that she has the tools she needs to succeed in life.