We hear the words, “stay grounded” quite often.  What does that really mean?   I am grounded, is a term used in metaphysical circles that tells us we are connected to the earth.  Is that what we really want to do?

Definition of Grounding

A spiritual definition tells us, the term grounding refers to having your personal spiritual energy connected to the energy of the earth.  We are often told to imagine our energy penetrating deep into the earth.  The instructions are, imagine your energy being like that of the roots of a tree, reaching deep into the earth to hold us in alignment with Mother Earth’s energy.

Another definition, is the disciplinary action a parent takes with a definite child.

Being Grounded in Mother Earth

I have given a great deal of thought to this concept of being grounded into the earth.  In recent weeks with all the energy changes going on in the universe, I have found that my personal spiritual energy has changed.

The transition was a difficult one for me.  I struggled with physical symptoms of headache, nausea, change in the frequency in the pitch of ringing in my ears, and at times a little dizziness.  All I wanted to do was sleep.  It actually turned out to be a three week process of ascension for me that was draining at times.  I went into a hermit mode and allowed the growth to progress at its own pace.  Once I disconnected from social media, I rested.

Throughout this process I thought about staying grounded to the earth’s energy.  My vibrational frequency has changed.  I feel lighter in my energy field and I quite like it.  My innate abilities have expanded and grown.  Understanding how my abilities have changed is an interesting development as well.  I will not go into detail on my personal growth in this posting.  My vibration reached a higher frequency.  I am longer tied to the earth.

What is the alternative?

Earthing took on a new meaning for me.  I am able to move forward in my growth and development as a spiritual being when I’m not anchored.  One can be connected to Gaia without extending spiritual roots deep into the planet’s energy.   Above all, it’s being balanced within ourselves that’s the most important thing one needs to remember.

As you ascend to higher vibrational levels, your energy requirements will change.  Also, as your energy becomes lighter, the vibration frequency becomes faster.  I found that as I have ascended in my personal growth, I no longer want to be grounded into Gaia.  I don’t want to be stuck in one place and stagnant.  I like reaching for the higher vibrational frequencies.

As you ascend in your development, you may find that you no longer want to be grounded as well.