It’s hard to know what the truth is at times. One has to dig deep to get to the truth and that’s not always easy.

The CDC is a United States federal agency under the Department of Health and Human Services.

The CDC is a private corporation. The stakeholders, include the pharmaceutical and vaccine industries that profit from infectious diseases. However, the focus really isn’t on real prevention and cures for these diseases.

CDC is regarded as a leader in scientific research charged to protect the American people and to focus on keeping Americans healthy. In addition, the CDC works with the private sector to advance CDC’s mission of protecting Americans. Meanwhile, partnerships allows the agency to accomplish more by working together with other scientists and institutions.


Confused yet? There is a lot of contradiction concerning the CDC. Meanwhile, let’s see if we can unravel some of the confusion. However, just wait, it still gets more confusing.

So, the CDC works closely with the private sector. Two of the most important reasons for the public-private partnerships are to ensure health safety and to contribute to a healthy economy.

The CDC Foundation receives funding through charitable contributions and philanthropic grants from individuals. In addition, funds come from several private foundations, corporations, and universities to advance the work of the CDC. This is NOT a government-funded organization. Really?

The CDC itself is a federal agency, so it receives all of its funding from the Federal Budget. How can that be true if they accept outside monetary gifts?

This will make your head spin! It’s a lot of double talk, isn’t it?

Who are the private contributors?

It’s important to know who the largest donors to the CDC are. Why is it important? The larger the contribution, the greater the influence.

I was chairperson for the Evidence Based Practice Performance Committee (EBP) for the Veterans Administration (VA) in Northwest Arkansas, for three years. This committee looked at research papers to determine the best and most up-to-date treatments in the different areas of medicine. One of the ways we determined if the research was unbiased and accurate was by looking at the source of the grant money.

Remember a few years back, the advertising concerning how healthy wine is for the heart? On looking deeper at who funded the research, it was discovered that the wine industry was the contributor of the moneys for the study. As it turned out, it wasn’t the wine that was healthy for the heart, but a component found in the grapes. Therefore, the investigation supporting the wine theory wasn’t considered unbiased. We didn’t use this research paper in our search for EBP in heart health.

Having said this, who are the largest private contributors to the CDC? As it turns out there is the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Merck & Co., Inc., World Health Organization, several universities (no wonder tuition is so expensive), Pfizer Inc., and several foreign countries. This is just a short list. I will post links for those of you who are interested in whose influence is associated with the CDC.

How are donors a problem?

The more money a donor contributes to the CDC, the larger their influence. When a contributor gifts several million dollars to the CDC, there is considerable influence. Don’t be fooled, follow the money. The donors have self interest at heart. Yes, they do have a say in how the money is spent. In addition, they expect to influence the outcome of any study. That is to say, if I’m a pharmaceutical company granting millions of dollars in a study of which medication is the best vaccine, I would expect my vaccine to be listed at the top of the list.

Above all, how can you trust an agency who accepts money in extremely large sums to post unbiased truth? You can’t.

The CDC, World Health Organization (WHO), National Institute of Health (NIH) agencies are all compromised. I learned years ago as an Infection Prevention Nurse, I couldn’t rely on these agencies statistics. When cross referencing their statistics with other reliable sources, I would often find that the information was inflated. The numbers were often higher than what was true.

An example, the death rate on the COVID-19 in the U.S. was stated as being 3.3 million. It was misleading in that it made the overall death rate appear higher because of COVID-19. But, according to the Funeral Home Director’s website, the death rate is down by 7.7% since 2015. This website questioned the reports on the COVID-19 death rate. The Funeral Home Director’s certainly know how many people are buried buried in a given year.

These links are from the CDC website.

Click to access Fiscal-Year-2020-Gifts-from-CDC-Foundation-to-CDC.pdf

Click to access Fiscal-Year-2020-Gifts-to-CDC.pdf


My point to this article is, don’t necessarily believe what you’re being spoon-fed. Do your own research. Be informed! It’s especially imperative to be knowledgable when there is so much conflicting information being published. And most of all, dig deep! Don’t stop at the articles easily found. These articles are often to mislead you and control you with fear. When people become fearful, it’s easy to lead the masses astray. Hitler proved how easy it was.