As we reunite with the Living Energy of Source, one discovers that sleep becomes easier to obtain and the body is better rested. The earth’s impact on our body is truly amazing in that your pain level is reduced, stress seems to dissipate into nothingness and longevity to one’s life may be increased.

Universal Change

Therefore, our Universe is constantly changing. It is forever expanding. The Universe is very ancient. Actually we don’t know how old the universe is and have no way to document its age. But, science is documenting that it continues to change and evolve. However, Earth is a living entity that changes and evolves as the universe continues to alter and expand.  Transformation is made on Gaia not only from man’s presence, but to our planet from the expansion and evolution of the universe.

In addition, people have transformed as well. Mankind’s philosophy has changed throughout history. Humans were once one with the Universe and All-That-Is and lived in harmony. We nurtured our Mother Earth, ever being mindful of the gift of life that she gives to us. We showed gratitude for her sustaining our existence and providing life-giving resources to us.

Then came the “Fall”. The deception is that humanity is separated from God, from Creator Source. This deception has resulted in humankind feeling separated from nature and Creator. This feeling of separation makes us feel lost, so to speak, lonely, out of touch with ourselves and no longer in contact with I AM THAT I AM. It can make us feel isolated, depressed.

Staying in Harmony

As a result of mankind no longer being in harmony with Source or nature, there is a disconnect with ourselves as well. Therefore, this disconnect has given rise to a disrespect of Creator God and nature. In other words, humans are no longer one with Gaia and this has created an environment of pollution and the raping of her resources. We have become the flesh eating virus called necrotizing fasciitis. Our assault on the earth has caused the stripping of her skin so to speak and the hemorrhaging of her internal life sustaining resources. To clarify, our home is dying and we are the murderers! We are like ticks and vampires, sucking the life out of Gaia! 

How do we live in balance with our home, planet Earth? With the animals and nature? How do we harmonize with our own species? How do we live in harmony within ourselves?  

It’s easier to let the boat float downstream, than it is to paddle upstream.  What’s that got to do with living in harmony? What does that have to do with anything?

It has everything to do with everything. We think that we have to be doing something all the time. One is inclined to think if life is not a struggle, if we are not the mighty conquers, then we are not making a contribution to mankind. We are not proving ourselves worthy and as a result you and I are not learning the lessons we came into this world to learn. Our thinking is that we must be working all the time to make the world a better place. It is in our nature to make life harder than it needs to be.  You don’t have to struggle to prove your self-worth. Life is not intended to be filled with strife and pain or hardship all the time.  It just isn’t!

Meeting basic needs

Consider this: if each one of us is worried about meeting our basic needs of food, water, shelter, as well as struggling with fear, and if one is preoccupied with survival, then how can we as individuals evolve? If we are preoccupied with trying to survive, one cannot turn our attention to knowing the unconditional love of All-That-There-Is. As our minds are preoccupied with finding solutions to the adversities of living, how can you be opened to receiving the knowledge that the Universe has to offer?  When we live in fear, then each of us stands alone in the lie of “separation”. Fear causes confusion making one paralyzed and unable to move forward. 

“As long as we don’t know adversity, how can one evolve,” you ask.  “ Where is the balance? Why do each of us have strife in our life? Why do we make everything in our lives so difficult? It seems as though one has to learn our lessons the hard way. Why is that?”

There is tremendous empowerment in facing adversity. You have two choices. One can hide from hardships or we can challenge it by seizing the opportunity. One of the most powerful acts you can do right now, is too think about how you have faced affliction. Do you shrink from the experience? Did you face it head-on? Did you overcome the catastrophes that stormed into your life? What is the lesson learned from facing the challenge?

As part of Heavenly Father’s plan, we must experience setbacks during our mortal state on this earth. Sometimes, hardship comes as the result of our own poor choices or the choices made by others affecting our life. At other times it’s just the results of circumstances in our lives. Other trials are simply a natural part of your life’s lessons to be experienced. Though they are difficult, our trials help us grow spiritually and emotionally.