Are you honest with yourself about what your heart’s truest desires are?  Do you know what your desires really are?

Glenn Clark in his book, I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes, talks about if we are being true to our own nature.  When we ask Divine Spirit for a desire, are we asking Him for that which is true to our own nature?  Do we really want what we ask for?  Sometimes we ask for something without really thinking through our request.  Are you willing to do your part in manifesting this heart’s desire?

We have to be aware of the things we ask for.  We have to make sure that our request is an honest request, that it is true to our nature.  Once you are positively certain that what you have asked for is really what you want, then you can confidently make your petition known to God.  With prayer, more than half the job is done when we are confident that we truly and honestly desire what we have asked for.

The soul’s sincere desires are prophecies of what we truly should have, or should be, or should possess.  We have to be true to our own honest desires.  If we ask ourselves one question, “is it honest?” and if it is honest and true to our nature, we the have the right to pray for it. Pages 58-60

Most of us are not honest with ourselves about what is best for us and  certainly have no idea about what we truly want.  In today’s society, it’s a hurry up and wait situation.  We have our noses stuck in our cell phones checking our email or social media or in someone else’s business.  We are on overload and overwhelmed with all the information that is thrown at us on a daily bases and at times on a minute to minute bases.

BE STILL!!! LISTEN TO WHAT YOUR HEART IS TELLING YOU!!!  We will not know what our honest desire is until we are still and listen to what Spirit Most High is whispering into our heart.


Father, what is honest?  How can we be true to ourselves?  How do we know what is our heart’s truest desire?  God, rip down the veil of confusion and let your light of illumination shine through making clear to us what we need to know.  Let your light of truth filter into every dark corner clearing out all doubt.  Help us to become as hind’s feet and to know the honest truth in all things.  Thank you for your love.  Amen.